Grammalecte  Artifact [07415c625f]

Artifact 07415c625fff2320751f79df23fe440b3a4f67392eee8ebc74f893b0c24d2377:

Wiki page [Grammalecte] by olr on 2017-05-21 11:37:08.
D 2017-05-21T11:37:08.150
L Grammalecte
P 4f245fd9868b6f854375d6d221df4e5596e0c90571bbba6c35a7b8095986b623
U olr
W 549
# How-to clone this repository:

1. `fossil clone -uv grammalecte.fossil`

2. `fossil open grammalecte.fossil`

3. `cd gc_lang/fr/dictionnaire/lexique/corpus_data`

4. `fossil uv export stats_frwiki.txt stats_frwiki.txt`

5. `fossil uv export stats_frwikisource.txt stats_frwikisource.txt`

6. `fossil uv export stats_google_ngram_1.txt stats_google_ngram_1.txt`

7 `fossil uv export stats_litterature.txt stats_litterature.txt`

8. *then, return to the main folder and type:*

9. ` fr -b -d -js`

Z 97f13342f79235181cf10e62aa40086e