#### GRAMMAR CHECKING ENGINE PLUGIN: Parsing functions for French language
from . import cregex as cr
def g_morphVC (dToken, sPattern, sNegPattern=""):
nEnd = dToken["sValue"].rfind("-")
if "-t-" in dToken["sValue"]:
nEnd = nEnd - 2
return g_morph(dToken, sPattern, sNegPattern, 0, nEnd, False)
def rewriteSubject (s1, s2):
"rewrite complex subject: <s1> a prn/patr/npr (M[12P]) followed by “et” and <s2>"
if s2 == "lui":
return "ils"
if s2 == "moi":
return "nous"
if s2 == "toi":
return "vous"
if s2 == "nous":
return "nous"
if s2 == "vous":
return "vous"
if s2 == "eux":
return "ils"
if s2 == "elle" or s2 == "elles":
if cr.mbNprMasNotFem(_oSpellChecker.getMorph(s1)):
return "ils"
# si épicène, indéterminable, mais OSEF, le féminin l’emporte
return "elles"
return s1 + " et " + s2
def apposition (sWord1, sWord2):
"returns True if nom + nom (no agreement required)"
return len(sWord2) < 2 and cr.mbNomNotAdj(_oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord2)) and cr.mbPpasNomNotAdj(_oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord1))
def isAmbiguousNAV (sWord):
"words which are nom|adj and verb are ambiguous (except être and avoir)"
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord)
if not cr.mbNomAdj(lMorph) or sWord == "est":
return False
if cr.mbVconj(lMorph) and not cr.mbMG(lMorph):
return True
return False
def isAmbiguousAndWrong (sWord1, sWord2, sReqMorphNA, sReqMorphConj):
"use it if <sWord1> won’t be a verb; <sWord2> is assumed to be True via isAmbiguousNAV"
a2 = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord2)
if not a2:
return False
if cr.checkConjVerb(a2, sReqMorphConj):
# verb word2 is ok
return False
a1 = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord1)
if not a1:
return False
if cr.checkAgreement(a1, a2) and (cr.mbAdj(a2) or cr.mbAdj(a1)):
return False
return True
def isVeryAmbiguousAndWrong (sWord1, sWord2, sReqMorphNA, sReqMorphConj, bLastHopeCond):
"use it if <sWord1> can be also a verb; <sWord2> is assumed to be True via isAmbiguousNAV"
a2 = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord2)
if not a2:
return False
if cr.checkConjVerb(a2, sReqMorphConj):
# verb word2 is ok
return False
a1 = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord1)
if not a1:
return False
if cr.checkAgreement(a1, a2) and (cr.mbAdj(a2) or cr.mbAdjNb(a1)):
return False
# now, we know there no agreement, and conjugation is also wrong
if cr.isNomAdj(a1):
return True
#if cr.isNomAdjVerb(a1): # considered True
if bLastHopeCond:
return True
return False
def checkAgreement (sWord1, sWord2):
"check agreement between <sWord1> and <sWord1>"
a2 = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord2)
if not a2:
return True
a1 = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord1)
if not a1:
return True
return cr.checkAgreement(a1, a2)
_zUnitSpecial = re.compile("[µ/⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹Ωℓ·]")
_zUnitNumbers = re.compile("[0-9]")
def mbUnit (s):
"returns True it can be a measurement unit"
if _zUnitSpecial.search(s):
return True
if 1 < len(s) < 16 and s[0:1].islower() and (not s[1:].islower() or _zUnitNumbers.search(s)):
return True
return False
#### Syntagmes
_zEndOfNG1 = re.compile(" *$| +(?:, +|)(?:n(?:’|e |o(?:u?s|tre) )|l(?:’|e(?:urs?|s|) |a )|j(?:’|e )|m(?:’|es? |a |on )|t(?:’|es? |a |u )|s(?:’|es? |a )|c(?:’|e(?:t|tte|s|) )|ç(?:a |’)|ils? |vo(?:u?s|tre) )")
_zEndOfNG2 = re.compile(r" +(\w[\w-]+)")
_zEndOfNG3 = re.compile(r" *, +(\w[\w-]+)")
def isEndOfNG (dDA, s, iOffset):
"returns True if next word doesn’t belong to a noun group"
if _zEndOfNG1.match(s):
return True
m = _zEndOfNG2.match(s)
if m and morphex(dDA, (iOffset+m.start(1), m.group(1)), ":[VR]", ":[NAQP]"):
return True
m = _zEndOfNG3.match(s)
if m and not morph(dDA, (iOffset+m.start(1), m.group(1)), ":[NA]", False):
return True
return False
_zNextIsNotCOD1 = re.compile(" *,")
_zNextIsNotCOD2 = re.compile(" +(?:[mtsnj](e +|’)|[nv]ous |tu |ils? |elles? )")
_zNextIsNotCOD3 = re.compile(r" +([a-zéèî][\w-]+)")
def isNextNotCOD (dDA, s, iOffset):
"returns True if next word is not a COD"
if _zNextIsNotCOD1.match(s) or _zNextIsNotCOD2.match(s):
return True
m = _zNextIsNotCOD3.match(s)
if m and morphex(dDA, (iOffset+m.start(1), m.group(1)), ":[123][sp]", ":[DM]"):
return True
return False
_zNextIsVerb1 = re.compile(" +[nmts](?:e |’)")
_zNextIsVerb2 = re.compile(r" +(\w[\w-]+)")
def isNextVerb (dDA, s, iOffset):
"returns True if next word is a verb"
if _zNextIsVerb1.match(s):
return True
m = _zNextIsVerb2.match(s)
if m and morph(dDA, (iOffset+m.start(1), m.group(1)), ":[123][sp]", False):
return True
return False
#### Exceptions
aREGULARPLURAL = frozenset(["abricot", "amarante", "aubergine", "acajou", "anthracite", "brique", "caca", "café", \
"carotte", "cerise", "chataigne", "corail", "citron", "crème", "grave", "groseille", \
"jonquille", "marron", "olive", "pervenche", "prune", "sable"])
aSHOULDBEVERB = frozenset(["aller", "manger"])