#! /usr/bin/env node
// -*- js -*-
// Gramma-Cli
// Grammalect client pour node
/* jshint esversion:6, -W097 */
/* jslint esversion:6 */
/* global require, console */
Doc :
const argCmd = require("../lib/minimist.js")(process.argv.slice(2));
const { performance } = require("perf_hooks");
//Initialisation des messages
const msgStart = "\x1b[31mBienvenu sur Grammalecte pour NodeJS!!!\x1b[0m\n";
const msgPrompt = "\x1b[36mGrammaJS\x1b[33m>\x1b[0m ";
const msgSuite = "\x1b[33m…\x1b[0m ";
const msgEnd = "\x1b[31m\x1b[5m\x1b[5mBye bye!\x1b[0m";
var repJson = false;
var repPerf = false;
var sBufferConsole = "";
var sCmdToExec = "";
var sText = "";
var cmdAction = {
help: {
short: "",
description: "Affiche les informations que vous lisez ;)",
execute: ""
perf: {
short: "",
description: "(on/off) Permet d'afficher le temps d'exécution des commandes.",
execute: ""
json: {
short: "",
description: "(on/off) Réponse en format format json.",
execute: ""
exit: {
short: "",
description: "Client intéractif: Permet de le quitter.",
execute: ""
text: {
short: "",
description: "Client / Server: Définir un texte pour plusieurs actions.",
execute: ""
gceoption: {
short: "",
description: "Défini une option a utilisé par le correcteur de grammaire.",
execute: ""
format: {
short: "",
description: "Permet de mettre en forme le texte.",
execute: "formatText"
check: {
short: "",
description: "Vérifie la grammaire et l'orthographe d'un texte.",
execute: "verifParagraph"
lexique: {
short: "",
description: "Affiche le lexique du texte.",
execute: "lexique"
spell: {
short: "",
description: "Vérifie l'existence d'un mot.",
execute: "spell"
suggest: {
short: "",
description: "Suggestion des orthographes possible d'un mot.",
execute: "suggest"
morph: {
short: "",
description: "Affiche les informations pour un mot.",
execute: "morph"
lemma: {
short: "",
description: "Donne le lemme d'un mot.",
execute: "lemma"
var cmdOne = ["json", "perf", "help", "exit"];
var cmdMulti = ["text", "format", "check", "lexique", "spell", "suggest", "morph", "lemma"];
var cmdAll = [...cmdOne, ...cmdMulti];
function getArgVal(aArg, lArgOk) {
for (let eArgOk of lArgOk) {
if (typeof aArg[eArgOk] !== "undefined") {
return aArg[eArgOk];
return false;
function getArg(aArg, lArgOk) {
for (let eArgOk of lArgOk) {
if (typeof aArg[eArgOk] !== "undefined") {
return true;
return false;
function toBool(aStr) {
return aStr === "true" || aStr === "on";
function isBool(aStr) {
if (typeof aStr === "boolean" || typeof aStr === "undefined") {
return true;
aStr = aStr.toLowerCase();
return aStr === "true" || aStr === "on" || aStr === "false" || aStr === "off" || aStr === "";
function toTitle(aStr) {
return aStr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + aStr.slice(1);
function repToText(oRep) {
let repText = "";
for (const action of ["Json", "Perf", "GceOption"]) {
if (action in oRep) {
repText += toTitle(action) + " " + oRep[action];
for (const action of ["morph", "lemma"]) {
if (action in oRep) {
if (oRep[action] == "NoText") {
repText += "\n" + toTitle(action) + ": Pas de texte à vérifier.";
} else {
if (oRep[action].length == 0) {
repText += "\nAuncun " + toTitle(action) + " existant pour: " + oRep.text;
} else {
let ascii = "├";
let numRep = 0;
repText += "\n" + toTitle(action) + " possible de: " + oRep.text;
for (let reponse of oRep[action]) {
if (numRep == oRep[action].length) {
ascii = "└";
repText += "\n " + ascii + " " + reponse;
if ("spell" in oRep) {
if (oRep.spell == "NoText") {
repText += "\nSpell: Pas de texte à vérifier.";
} else {
repText += "\nLe mot " + (oRep.spell || oRep.text) + " " + (oRep.spell ? "existe" : "innexistant");
if ("format" in oRep) {
if (oRep.spell == "NoText") {
repText += "\nPas de texte à formatter.";
} else {
repText += "\nMise en forme:\n" + (oRep.format || oRep.text);
if ("suggest" in oRep) {
if (oRep.suggest == "NoText") {
repText += "\nSuggest : Pas de texte à vérifier.";
} else {
//let numgroup = 0;
if (oRep.suggest.length == 0) {
repText += "\nAucune suggestion possible pour: " + oRep.text;
} else {
repText += "\nSuggestion possible de: " + oRep.text;
let ascii = "├";
let numRep = 0;
for (let reponse of oRep.suggest) {
if (numRep == oRep.suggest.length) {
ascii = "└";
repText += "\n " + ascii + " " + reponse;
if ("lexique" in oRep) {
if (oRep.lexique == "NoText") {
repText += "\nLexique: Pas de texte à vérifier.";
} else {
repText += "\nLexique:";
for (let reponse of oRep.lexique) {
repText += "\n" + reponse.sValue;
let ascii = "├";
let numRep = 0;
for (let label of reponse.aLabel) {
if (numRep == reponse.aLabel.length) {
ascii = "└";
repText += "\n " + ascii + " " + label;
if ("check" in oRep) {
if (oRep.check == "NoText") {
repText += "\nCheck: Pas de texte à vérifier.";
} else {
let ascii1, ascii1a, numRep1, ascii2, numRep2, replength;
ascii1 = "├";
ascii1a = "│";
numRep1 = 0;
replength = Object.keys(oRep.check.lGrammarErrors).length;
if (replength == 0) {
repText += "\nPas de faute de grammaire";
} else {
repText += "\nFaute(s) de grammaire";
for (let gramma of oRep.check.lGrammarErrors) {
if (numRep1 == replength) {
ascii1 = "└";
ascii1a = " ";
repText += "\n " + ascii1 + " " + gramma.nStart + "->" + gramma.nEnd + " " + gramma.sMessage;
ascii2 = "├";
numRep2 = 0;
for (let suggestion of gramma.aSuggestions) {
if (numRep2 == gramma.aSuggestions.length) {
ascii2 = "└";
repText += "\n " + ascii1a + " " + ascii2 + ' "' + suggestion + '"';
ascii1 = "├";
ascii1a = "│";
numRep1 = 0;
replength = Object.keys(oRep.check.lSpellingErrors).length;
if (replength == 0) {
repText += "\nPas de faute d'orthographe";
} else {
repText += "\nFaute(s) d'orthographe";
for (let ortho of oRep.check.lSpellingErrors) {
if (numRep1 == replength) {
ascii1 = "└";
ascii1a = " ";
repText += "\n " + ascii1 + " " + ortho.nStart + "->" + ortho.nEnd + " " + ortho.sValue;
ascii2 = "├";
numRep2 = 0;
for (let suggestion of ortho.aSuggestions) {
if (numRep2 == ortho.aSuggestions.length) {
ascii2 = "└";
repText += "\n " + ascii1a + " " + ascii2 + ' "' + suggestion + '"';
if ("help" in oRep) {
let colorNum = 31;
for (const action of oRep.help) {
//Uniquement pour le fun on met de la couleur ;)
colorNum = colorNum + 2;
} else {
if (oRep.time) {
repText += "\nExécuté en: " + oRep.time + " ms";
return repText.trim("\n");
function actionToExec(aArg) {
let repAction = {};
let tStart, tEnd;
if (!isBool(aArg.text)) {
sText = aArg.text;
repAction["text"] = sText;
if (getArg(aArg, ["json"])) {
repJson = getArgVal(aArg, ["json"]);
repAction["Json"] = repJson ? "ON" : "OFF";
if (getArg(aArg, ["perf"])) {
repPerf = getArgVal(aArg, ["perf"]);
repAction["Perf"] = repPerf ? "ON" : "OFF";
if (repPerf) {
tStart = performance.now();
if (getArg(aArg, ["gceoption"])) {
let sOpt = sText.split(" ");
if (sOpt[0] == "reset") {
repAction["GceOption"] = "reset";
} else {
let bOptVal = toBool(sOpt[1]);
oGrammarChecker.setGceOption(sOpt[0], bOptVal);
repAction["GceOption"] = sOpt[0] + " " + (bOptVal ? "ON" : "OFF");
for (const action in aArg) {
if (cmdAction[action] && cmdAction[action].execute !== "") {
if (!isBool(aArg[action]) && aArg[action] !== "") {
repAction.text = aArg[action];
sText = repAction.text;
if (!isBool(repAction.text)) {
repAction[action] = oGrammarChecker[cmdAction[action].execute](repAction.text);
} else {
repAction[action] = "NoText";
if (getArg(aArg, ["help"])) {
repAction["help"] = [];
repAction["help"].push("================================== Aide: ==================================");
repAction["help"].push("Il y a trois modes de fonctionnement: client / client intératif / serveur.");
repAction["help"].push(" * le client intéractif: «gramma-cli -i».");
repAction["help"].push(" * pour le client exemple: «gramma-cli --command \"mot/texte\"».");
repAction["help"].push(" * le serveur se lance avec la commande «gramma-cli --server --port 8085».");
repAction["help"].push("========================= Les commandes/arguments: ========================");
for (const action in cmdAction) {
repAction["help"].push(action.padEnd(15, ' ') + ': ' + cmdAction[action].description);
repAction["help"].push("================================== Note: ==================================");
repAction["help"].push("En mode client: les arguments sont de la forme «--argument» !");
repAction["help"].push("En mode client intéractif: pour les commandes concernant un texte, vous");
repAction["help"].push(" pouvez taper la commande puis entrer (pour saisir le texte) pour ");
repAction["help"].push(" terminer la saisie du texte et exécuter la commande taper /\"commande\"");
if (repPerf) {
tEnd = performance.now();
//On ajoute l"information au résultat
repAction["time"] = (Math.round((tEnd - tStart) * 1000) / 1000).toString();
if (repJson) {
return JSON.stringify(repAction);
} else {
return repToText(repAction);
function argToExec(aCommand, aText, rl, resetCmd = true){
let execAct = {};
aCommand = aCommand.toLowerCase();
if (!isBool(aText)) {
execAct["text"] = aText;
execAct[aCommand] = true;
} else {
execAct[aCommand] = toBool(aText);
//sBufferConsole = "";
if (resetCmd){
sCmdToExec = "";
if (typeof(rl) !== "undefined"){
function completer(line) {
var hits = cmdAll.filter(function(c) {
if (c.indexOf(line) == 0) {
return c;
return [hits && hits.length ? hits : cmdAll, line];
if (process.argv.length <= 2) {
} else {
//var GrammarChecker = require("./api.js");
var GrammarChecker = require("grammalecte");
var oGrammarChecker = new GrammarChecker.GrammarChecker(
["Grammalecte", "Graphspell", "TextFormatter", "Lexicographer", "Tokenizer"],
if (argCmd.server) {
var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");
var querystring = require("querystring");
var collectRequestData = function(aRequest, aResponse, callback) {
let sBody = "";
aRequest.on("data", chunk => {
sBody += chunk.toString();
aRequest.on("end", () => {
let oParams = querystring.parse(sBody);
//console.log(oParams /*, page*/);
callback(querystring.parse(sBody), aResponse);
var reponseRequest = function(aParms, aResponse) {
aResponse.setHeader("access-control-allow-origin", "*");
aResponse.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" });
aParms["json"] = true; //Forcage de la réponse en json
var server = http.createServer(function(aRequest, aResponse) {
var sPage = url.parse(aRequest.url).pathname;
if (sPage !== "/") {
aResponse.writeHead(404, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" });
aResponse.write("Error 404");
} else {
if (aRequest.method === "POST") {
collectRequestData(aRequest, aResponse, reponseRequest);
} else {
let oParams = querystring.parse(url.parse(aRequest.url).query);
reponseRequest(oParams, aResponse);
server.listen(argCmd.port || 2212);
console.log("Server started on" + (argCmd.port || 2212) + "/");
} else if (getArg(argCmd, ["i", "interactive"])) {
const readline = require("readline");
const rl = readline.createInterface({
crlfDelay: Infinity,
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
completer: completer,
prompt: msgPrompt
//console.log( process.stdin.isTTY );
rl.on("line", sBuffer => {
if (sBuffer == "exit") {
let lg = sBuffer.toLowerCase().trim();
let bSpace = lg.indexOf(" ") > -1;
if (!bSpace) {
if (cmdOne.indexOf(lg) > -1){
argToExec(lg, sBuffer, rl, true);
} else if (cmdAll.indexOf(lg) > -1) {
sBufferConsole = "";
sCmdToExec = lg;
//Prompt simple pour distinguer que c"est une suite d"une commande
} else if (lg.slice(1) == sCmdToExec) {
argToExec(sCmdToExec, sBufferConsole, rl, true);
} else if (cmdAll.indexOf(lg.slice(0, lg.length - 1)) > -1) {
argToExec(lg.slice(0, lg.length - 1), sBufferConsole, rl, true);
} else if (lg == "") {
sBufferConsole += "\n";
} else if (sCmdToExec == "") {
let regRep = /(.*?) (.*)/gm.exec(sBuffer);
if (regRep && regRep.length == 3) {
argToExec(regRep[1], regRep[2]);
} else {
sBufferConsole += sBuffer + "\n";
}).on("close", () => {
} else {