Grammalecte  Artifact [edd4f4bf7e]

Artifact edd4f4bf7e3a3efd2fc47ea6aec8194909548e399b7324fe077ad378876c2645:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Grammalecte CLI (command line interface)

import sys
import os.path
import argparse
import json
import re
import traceback

import grammalecte
import grammalecte.text as txt
import as tf
from grammalecte.graphspell.echo import echo

_EXAMPLE = "Quoi ? Racontes ! Racontes-moi ! Bon sangg, parles ! Oui. Il y a des menteur partout. " \
           "Je suit sidéré par la brutales arrogance de cette homme-là. Quelle salopard ! Un escrocs de la pire espece. " \
           "Quant sera t’il châtiés pour ses mensonge ?             Merde ! J’en aie marre."

_HELP = """
Analysis commands:
    any_text                            grammar checking
    ?word1 [word2] ...                  words analysis
    !word                               spelling suggestion
    >word                               draw path of word in the word graph
    =[filter1][=[filter2]]              show entries which fit to filters (filter1 for word, filter2 for morphology)
    $some_text                         show sentences and tokens of text

Other commands:
    /help                       /h      show this text
    /lopt                       /lo     list options
    /lrules [pattern]           /lr     list rules
    /o+ option1 [option2] ...           activate grammar checking options
    /o- option1 [option2] ...           deactivate grammar checking options
    /r+ rule1 [rule2] ...               reactivate grammar checking rule
    /r- rule1 [rule2] ...               deactivate grammar checking rule
    /textformatter              /tf     switch on/off the text formatter
    /debug                      /d      switch on/off the debug mode
    /quit                       /q      exit

def _getText (sInputText):
    sText = input(sInputText)
    if sText == "*":
        return _EXAMPLE
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        # Apparently, the console transforms «’» in «'».
        # So we reverse it to avoid many useless warnings.
        sText = sText.replace("'", "’")
    return sText

def readFile (spf):
    "generator: returns file line by line"
    if os.path.isfile(spf):
        with open(spf, "r", encoding="utf-8") as hSrc:
            for sLine in hSrc:
                yield sLine
        print("# Error: file <" + spf + "> not found.")

def generateParagraphFromFile (spf, bConcatLines=False):
    "generator: returns text by tuple of (iParagraph, sParagraph, lLineSet)"
    if not bConcatLines:
        for iParagraph, sLine in enumerate(readFile(spf), 1):
            yield iParagraph, sLine, None
        lLine = []
        iParagraph = 1
        for iLine, sLine in enumerate(readFile(spf), 1):
            if sLine.strip():
                lLine.append((iLine, sLine))
            elif lLine:
                sText, lLineSet = txt.createParagraphWithLines(lLine)
                yield iParagraph, sText, lLineSet
                lLine = []
            iParagraph += 1
        if lLine:
            sText, lLineSet = txt.createParagraphWithLines(lLine)
            yield iParagraph, sText, lLineSet

def output (sText, hDst=None):
    "write in the console or in a file if <hDst> not null"
    if not hDst:
        echo(sText, end="")

def loadDictionary (spf):
    "returns the dictionary as a dictionary object"
    if os.path.isfile(spf):
        sJSON = open(spf, "r", encoding="utf-8").read()
            oJSON = json.loads(sJSON)
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            print("# Error. File <" + spf + " is not a valid JSON file.")
            return None
        return oJSON
    print("# Error: file <" + spf + "> not found.")
    return None

def getCommand ():
    while True:
        print("COMMANDS: [N]ext paragraph  [Q]uit.")
        print("          [Error number]>[suggestion number]")
        print("          [Error number] (apply first suggestion)")
        print("          [Error number]=[replacement]")
        sCommand = input("        ? ")
        if sCommand == "q" or sCommand == "Q" or sCommand == "n" or sCommand == "N":
            return sCommand
        elif re.match("^([0-9]+)(>[0-9]*|=.*|)$", sCommand):
            m = re.match("^([0-9]+)(>[0-9]*|=.*|)$", sCommand)
            nError = int( - 1
            cAction =[0:1] or ">"
            if cAction == ">":
                vSugg = int([1:]) - 1  if  else 0
                vSugg =[1:]
            return (nError, cAction, vSugg)

def main ():
    "launch the CLI (command line interface)"
    xParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    xParser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) [on Windows, -f is similar to -ff]", type=str)
    xParser.add_argument("-ff", "--file_to_file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) and create a result file (*.res.txt)", type=str)
    xParser.add_argument("-iff", "--interactive_file_to_file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) and create a result file (*.res.txt)", type=str)
    xParser.add_argument("-owe", "--only_when_errors", help="display results only when there are errors", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-j", "--json", help="generate list of errors in JSON (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-cl", "--concat_lines", help="concatenate lines not separated by an empty paragraph (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-tf", "--textformatter", help="auto-format text according to typographical rules (not with option --concat_lines)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-tfo", "--textformatteronly", help="auto-format text and disable grammar checking (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-ctx", "--context", help="return errors with context (only with option --json)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-wss", "--with_spell_sugg", help="add suggestions for spelling errors (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-pdi", "--personal_dict", help="load personnal dictionary (JSON file)", type=str)
    xParser.add_argument("-w", "--width", help="width in characters (40 < width < 200; default: 100)", type=int, choices=range(40,201,10), default=100)
    xParser.add_argument("-lo", "--list_options", help="list options", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-lr", "--list_rules", nargs="?", help="list rules [regex pattern as filter]", const="*")
    xParser.add_argument("-sug", "--suggest", help="get suggestions list for given word", type=str)
    xParser.add_argument("-on", "--opt_on", nargs="+", help="activate options")
    xParser.add_argument("-off", "--opt_off", nargs="+", help="deactivate options")
    xParser.add_argument("-roff", "--rule_off", nargs="+", help="deactivate rules")
    xParser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="debugging mode (only in interactive mode)", action="store_true")
    xArgs = xParser.parse_args()

    oSpellChecker = grammalecte.getSpellChecker()
    oLexicographer = grammalecte.getLexicographer()
    if xArgs.personal_dict:
        oJSON = loadDictionary(xArgs.personal_dict)
        if oJSON:

    if not xArgs.json:
        echo("Python v" + sys.version)
        echo("Grammalecte v{}".format(grammalecte.version))

    # list options or rules
    if xArgs.list_options or xArgs.list_rules:
        if xArgs.list_options:
        if xArgs.list_rules:
            grammalecte.displayRules(None  if xArgs.list_rules == "*"  else xArgs.list_rules)

    # spell suggestions
    if xArgs.suggest:
        for lSugg in oSpellChecker.suggest(xArgs.suggest):
            if xArgs.json:
                sText = json.dumps({ "aSuggestions": lSugg }, ensure_ascii=False)
                sText = "Suggestions : " + " | ".join(lSugg)

    # disable options
    if not xArgs.json:
        xArgs.context = False
    if xArgs.concat_lines:
        xArgs.textformatter = False

    # grammar options
    grammalecte.gc_options.setOptions({"html": True, "latex": True})
    if xArgs.opt_on:
        grammalecte.gc_options.setOptions({ opt:True  for opt in xArgs.opt_on })
    if xArgs.opt_off:
        grammalecte.gc_options.setOptions({ opt:False  for opt in xArgs.opt_off })

    # disable grammar rules
    if xArgs.rule_off:
        for sRule in xArgs.rule_off:

    if xArgs.file or xArgs.file_to_file:
        # file processing
        sFile = xArgs.file or xArgs.file_to_file
        hDst = open(sFile[:sFile.rfind(".")]+".res.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n")  if xArgs.file_to_file or sys.platform == "win32"  else None
        bComma = False
        if xArgs.json:
            output('{ "grammalecte": "'+grammalecte.version+'", "lang": "'+grammalecte.lang+'", "data" : [\n', hDst)
        for i, sText, lLineSet in generateParagraphFromFile(sFile, xArgs.concat_lines):
            if xArgs.textformatter or xArgs.textformatteronly:
                sText = tf.formatText(sText)
            if xArgs.textformatteronly:
                output(sText, hDst)
            if xArgs.json:
                sText = grammalecte.getParagraphErrorsAsJSON(i, sText, bContext=xArgs.context, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, \
                                                                bSpellSugg=xArgs.with_spell_sugg, bReturnText=xArgs.textformatter, lLineSet=lLineSet)
                sText, _ = grammalecte.getParagraphWithErrors(sText, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, bSpellSugg=xArgs.with_spell_sugg, nWidth=xArgs.width)
            if sText:
                if xArgs.json and bComma:
                    output(",\n", hDst)
                output(sText, hDst)
                bComma = True
            if hDst:
                echo("§ %d\r" % i, end="", flush=True)
        if xArgs.json:
            output("\n]}\n", hDst)
    elif xArgs.interactive_file_to_file:
        # file processing: interactive mode
        sFile = xArgs.interactive_file_to_file
        hDst = open(sFile[:sFile.rfind(".")]+".res.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n")
        for i, sText, lLineSet in generateParagraphFromFile(sFile, xArgs.concat_lines):
            if xArgs.textformatter:
                sText = tf.formatText(sText)
            while True:
                sResult, lErrors = grammalecte.getParagraphWithErrors(sText, bEmptyIfNoErrors=False, bSpellSugg=True, nWidth=xArgs.width)
                print("\n\n============================== Paragraph " + str(i) + " ==============================\n")
                vCommand = getCommand()
                if vCommand == "q":
                    # quit
                elif vCommand == "n":
                    # next paragraph
                    nError, cAction, vSugg = vCommand
                    if 0 <= nError <= len(lErrors) - 1:
                        dErr = lErrors[nError]
                        if cAction == ">"  and  0 <= vSugg <= len(dErr["aSuggestions"]) - 1:
                            sSugg = dErr["aSuggestions"][vSugg]
                            sText = sText[0:dErr["nStart"]] + sSugg + sText[dErr["nEnd"]:]
                        elif cAction == "=":
                            sText = sText[0:dErr["nStart"]] + vSugg + sText[dErr["nEnd"]:]
                            print("Error. Action not possible.")
                        print("Error. This error doesn’t exist.")
        # pseudo-console
        sInputText = "\n~==========~ Enter your text [/h /q] ~==========~\n"
        sText = _getText(sInputText)
        while True:
            if sText.startswith("?"):
                for sWord in sText[1:].strip().split():
                    if sWord:
                        echo("* " + sWord)
                        for sMorph in oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord):
                            echo("  {:<32} {}".format(sMorph, oLexicographer.formatTags(sMorph)))
            elif sText.startswith("!"):
                for sWord in sText[1:].strip().split():
                    if sWord:
                        for lSugg in oSpellChecker.suggest(sWord):
                            echo(" | ".join(lSugg))
            elif sText.startswith(">"):
            elif sText.startswith("="):
                sSearch = sText[1:].strip()
                if "=" in sSearch:
                    nCut = sSearch.find("=")
                    sFlexPattern = sSearch[0:nCut]
                    sTagsPattern = sSearch[nCut+1:]
                    sFlexPattern = sSearch
                    sTagsPattern = ""
                for aRes in, sTagsPattern):
                    echo("{:<30} {:<30} {}".format(*aRes))
            elif sText.startswith("/o+ "):
                grammalecte.gc_options.setOptions({ opt:True  for opt in sText[3:].strip().split()  if opt in grammalecte.gc_options.dOptions })
            elif sText.startswith("/o- "):
                grammalecte.gc_options.setOptions({ opt:False  for opt in sText[3:].strip().split()  if opt in grammalecte.gc_options.dOptions })
            elif sText.startswith("/r- "):
                for sRule in sText[3:].strip().split():
            elif sText.startswith("/r+ "):
                for sRule in sText[3:].strip().split():
            elif sText in ("/debug", "/d"):
                xArgs.debug = not xArgs.debug
                echo("debug mode on"  if xArgs.debug  else "debug mode off")
            elif sText in ("/textformatter", "/tf"):
                xArgs.textformatter = not xArgs.textformatter
                echo("textformatter on"  if xArgs.textformatter  else "textformatter off")
            elif sText in ("/help", "/h"):
            elif sText in ("/lopt", "/lo"):
            elif sText.startswith("/lr"):
                sText = sText.strip()
                sFilter = sText[sText.find(" "):].strip()  if " " in sText  else None
            elif sText in ("/quit", "/q"):
            elif sText.startswith("/rl"):
                # reload (todo)
            elif sText.startswith("$"):
                for sParagraph in txt.getParagraph(sText[1:]):
                    if xArgs.textformatter:
                        sParagraph = tf.formatText(sParagraph)
                    lParagraphErrors, lSentences = grammalecte.parse(sParagraph, bDebug=xArgs.debug, bFullInfo=True)
                    echo(txt.getReadableErrors(lParagraphErrors, xArgs.width))
                    for dSentence in lSentences:
                        echo("   <" + dSentence["sSentence"]+">")
                        for dToken in dSentence["lToken"]:
                            echo("    {0[nStart]:>3}:{0[nEnd]:<3} {1} {0[sType]:<14} {2} {0[sValue]:<16} {3:<10}   {4}".format(dToken, \
                                                                                                            "×" if dToken.get("bToRemove", False) else " ",
                                                                                                            "!" if dToken["sType"] == "WORD" and not dToken.get("bValidToken", False) else " ",
                                                                                                            " ".join(dToken.get("lMorph", "")), \
                                                                                                            "·".join(dToken.get("aTags", "")) ) )
                        echo(txt.getReadableErrors(dSentence["lGrammarErrors"], xArgs.width))
                for sParagraph in txt.getParagraph(sText):
                    if xArgs.textformatter:
                        sParagraph = tf.formatText(sParagraph)
                    sRes, _ = grammalecte.getParagraphWithErrors(sParagraph, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, nWidth=xArgs.width, bDebug=xArgs.debug)
                    if sRes:
                        echo("\n" + sRes)
                        echo("\nNo error found.")
            sText = _getText(sInputText)

if __name__ == '__main__':