@@ -810,25 +810,20 @@ sErr += 'premier caractère un espace dans <' + self.lemma + '>' if re.search(r"\s$", self.lemma): sErr += 'espace en fin de lemme' if re.match(r"v[0123]", self.po) and not re.match(r"[eas_][ix_][tx_][nx_][pqreuvx_][mx_][ex_z][ax_z]\b", self.po[2:]): sErr += 'verbe inconnu: ' + self.po - if (re.match(r"S[*.]", self.flags) and re.search("[sxz]$", self.lemma)) or (re.match(r"X[*.]", self.flags) and not re.search("[ul]$", self.lemma)): + if (re.match(r"S[.]", self.flags) and re.search("[sxz]$", self.lemma)) or (re.match(r"X[.]", self.flags) and not re.search("[ul]$", self.lemma)): sErr += 'drapeau inutile' if self.iz == '' and re.match(r"[SXAI](?!=)", self.flags) and self.po: sErr += '[is] vide' if re.match(r"pl|sg|inv", self.iz): sErr += '[is] incomplet' if re.match(r"[FW]", self.flags) and re.search(r"epi|mas|fem|inv|sg|pl", self.iz): sErr += '[is] incohérent' - if re.match(r".\*", self.flags) and re.match(r"[bcdfgjklmnpqrstvwxz]", self.lemma): - sErr += 'drapeau pour lemme commençant par une voyelle' if re.search(r"pl|sg|inv", self.iz) and re.match(r"[SXAIFW](?!=)", self.flags): sErr += '[is] incohérent' - if re.search(r"nom|adj", self.po) and re.match(r"(?i)[aâàäáeéèêëiîïíìoôöóòuûüúù]", self.lemma) and re.match("[SFWXAI][.]", self.flags) \ - and "pel" not in self.lx: - sErr += 'le drapeau derait finir avec *' if self.iz.endswith(("mas", "fem", "epi")) and (not self.flags or not self.flags.startswith(("S", "X", "F", "W", "A", "I", "U"))): sErr += '[is] incomplet' if self.flags.startswith(("a", "b", "c", "d")) and not self.lemma.endswith("er"): sErr += "drapeau pour verbe du 1ᵉʳ groupe sur un lemme non conforme" if self.flags.startswith("f") and not self.lemma.endswith(("ir", "ïr")):