Differences From Artifact [cd26d0aadd]:
- File gc_lang/fr/dictionnaire/thesaurus/thes_fr.idx — part of check-in [8e027f2791] at 2017-06-03 20:31:56 on branch trunk — [fr] mise à jour des dictionnaires + recompilation des données (user: olr, size: 646193) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
- File gc_lang/fr/oxt/Dictionnaires/dictionaries/thes_fr.idx — part of check-in [8e027f2791] at 2017-06-03 20:31:56 on branch trunk — [fr] mise à jour des dictionnaires + recompilation des données (user: olr, size: 646193) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
To Artifact [5e863033d2]:
- File gc_lang/fr/oxt/Dictionnaires/dictionaries/thes_fr.idx — part of check-in [4c57a4f8ce] at 2019-06-26 23:06:06 on branch trunk — [fr] update thésaurus (user: olr, size: 647628) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
more than 10,000 changes