Grammar checking functions
# generated code, do not edit
# template: <gc_core/py/lang_core/gc_functions.py>
# variables generated in <compile_rules.py>
import re
from . import gc_options
from ..graphspell.echo import echo
_sAppContext = "Python" # what software is running
_oSpellChecker = None
def load (sContext, oSpellChecker):
global _sAppContext
global _oSpellChecker
_sAppContext = sContext
_oSpellChecker = oSpellChecker
#### common functions
def option (sOpt):
"return True if option <sOpt> is active"
return gc_options.dOptions.get(sOpt, False)
#### Functions to get text outside pattern scope
# warning: check compile_rules.py to understand how it works
_zNextWord = re.compile(r" +(\w[\w-]*)")
_zPrevWord = re.compile(r"(\w[\w-]*) +$")
def nextword (s, iStart, n):
"get the nth word of the input string or empty string"
m = re.match("(?: +[\\w%-]+){" + str(n-1) + "} +([\\w%-]+)", s[iStart:])
if not m:
return None
return (iStart+m.start(1), m.group(1))
def prevword (s, iEnd, n):
"get the (-)nth word of the input string or empty string"
m = re.search("([\\w%-]+) +(?:[\\w%-]+ +){" + str(n-1) + "}$", s[:iEnd])
if not m:
return None
return (m.start(1), m.group(1))
def nextword1 (s, iStart):
"get next word (optimization)"
m = _zNextWord.match(s[iStart:])
if not m:
return None
return (iStart+m.start(1), m.group(1))
def prevword1 (s, iEnd):
"get previous word (optimization)"
m = _zPrevWord.search(s[:iEnd])
if not m:
return None
return (m.start(1), m.group(1))
def look (s, sPattern, sNegPattern=None):
"seek sPattern in s (before/after/fulltext), if sNegPattern not in s"
if sNegPattern and re.search(sNegPattern, s):
return False
if re.search(sPattern, s):
return True
return False
def look_chk1 (dTokenPos, s, nOffset, sPattern, sPatternGroup1, sNegPatternGroup1=""):
"returns True if s has pattern sPattern and m.group(1) has pattern sPatternGroup1"
m = re.search(sPattern, s)
if not m:
return False
sWord = m.group(1)
nPos = m.start(1) + nOffset
except IndexError:
return False
return morph(dTokenPos, (nPos, sWord), sPatternGroup1, sNegPatternGroup1)
#### Analyse groups for regex rules
def info (dTokenPos, tWord):
"for debugging: retrieve info of word"
if not tWord:
echo("> nothing to find")
return True
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(tWord[1])
if not lMorph:
echo("> not in dictionary")
return True
echo("TOKENS:", dTokenPos)
if tWord[0] in dTokenPos and "lMorph" in dTokenPos[tWord[0]]:
echo("DA: " + str(dTokenPos[tWord[0]]["lMorph"]))
echo("FSA: " + str(lMorph))
return True
def morph (dTokenPos, tWord, sPattern, sNegPattern="", bNoWord=False):
"analyse a tuple (position, word), returns True if not sNegPattern in word morphologies and sPattern in word morphologies (disambiguation on)"
if not tWord:
return bNoWord
lMorph = dTokenPos[tWord[0]]["lMorph"] if tWord[0] in dTokenPos and "lMorph" in dTokenPos[tWord[0]] else _oSpellChecker.getMorph(tWord[1])
if not lMorph:
return False
# check negative condition
if sNegPattern:
if sNegPattern == "*":
# all morph must match sPattern
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
return all(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
zNegPattern = re.compile(sNegPattern)
if any(zNegPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph):
return False
# search sPattern
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
return any(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
def analyse (sWord, sPattern, sNegPattern=""):
"analyse a word, returns True if not sNegPattern in word morphologies and sPattern in word morphologies (disambiguation off)"
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord)
if not lMorph:
return False
# check negative condition
if sNegPattern:
if sNegPattern == "*":
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
return all(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
zNegPattern = re.compile(sNegPattern)
if any(zNegPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph):
return False
# search sPattern
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
return any(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
#### Analyse tokens for graph rules
def g_value (dToken, sValues, nLeft=None, nRight=None):
"test if <dToken['sValue']> is in sValues (each value should be separated with |)"
sValue = "|"+dToken["sValue"]+"|" if nLeft is None else "|"+dToken["sValue"][slice(nLeft, nRight)]+"|"
if sValue in sValues:
return True
if dToken["sValue"][0:2].istitle(): # we test only 2 first chars, to make valid words such as "Laissez-les", "Passe-partout".
if sValue.lower() in sValues:
return True
elif dToken["sValue"].isupper():
#if sValue.lower() in sValues:
# return True
sValue = "|"+sValue[1:].capitalize()
if sValue in sValues:
return True
sValue = sValue.lower()
if sValue in sValues:
return True
return False
def g_morph (dToken, sPattern, sNegPattern="", nLeft=None, nRight=None, bMemorizeMorph=True):
"analyse a token, return True if <sNegPattern> not in morphologies and <sPattern> in morphologies"
if "lMorph" in dToken:
lMorph = dToken["lMorph"]
if nLeft is not None:
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"][slice(nLeft, nRight)])
if bMemorizeMorph:
dToken["lMorph"] = lMorph
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"])
if not lMorph:
return False
# check negative condition
if sNegPattern:
if sNegPattern == "*":
# all morph must match sPattern
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
return all(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
zNegPattern = re.compile(sNegPattern)
if any(zNegPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph):
return False
# search sPattern
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
return any(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
def g_morph0 (dToken, sPattern, sNegPattern="", nLeft=None, nRight=None, bMemorizeMorph=True):
"analyse a token, return True if <sNegPattern> not in morphologies and <sPattern> in morphologies (disambiguation off)"
if nLeft is not None:
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"][slice(nLeft, nRight)])
if bMemorizeMorph:
dToken["lMorph"] = lMorph
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"])
if not lMorph:
return False
# check negative condition
if sNegPattern:
if sNegPattern == "*":
# all morph must match sPattern
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
return all(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
zNegPattern = re.compile(sNegPattern)
if any(zNegPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph):
return False
# search sPattern
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
return any(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
def g_morph2 (dToken1, dToken2, cMerger, sPattern, sNegPattern="", bSetMorph=True):
"merge two token values, return True if <sNegPattern> not in morphologies and <sPattern> in morphologies (disambiguation off)"
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken1["sValue"] + cMerger + dToken2["sValue"])
if not lMorph:
return False
# check negative condition
if sNegPattern:
if sNegPattern == "*":
# all morph must match sPattern
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
bResult = all(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
if bResult and bSetMorph:
dToken1["lMorph"] = lMorph
return bResult
zNegPattern = re.compile(sNegPattern)
if any(zNegPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph):
return False
# search sPattern
zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
bResult = any(zPattern.search(sMorph) for sMorph in lMorph)
if bResult and bSetMorph:
dToken1["lMorph"] = lMorph
return bResult
def g_tagbefore (dToken, dTags, sTag):
"returns True if <sTag> is present on tokens before <dToken>"
if sTag not in dTags:
return False
if dToken["i"] > dTags[sTag][0]:
return True
return False
def g_tagafter (dToken, dTags, sTag):
"returns True if <sTag> is present on tokens after <dToken>"
if sTag not in dTags:
return False
if dToken["i"] < dTags[sTag][1]:
return True
return False
def g_tag (dToken, sTag):
"returns True if <sTag> is present on token <dToken>"
return "aTags" in dToken and sTag in dToken["aTags"]
def g_meta (dToken, sType):
"returns True if <sType> is equal to the token type"
return dToken["sType"] == sType
def g_space (dToken1, dToken2, nMin, nMax=None):
"checks if spaces between tokens is >= <nMin> and <= <nMax>"
nSpace = dToken2["nStart"] - dToken1["nEnd"]
if nSpace < nMin:
return False
if nMax is not None and nSpace > nMax:
return False
return True
def g_token (lToken, i):
"return token at index <i> in lToken (or the closest one)"
if i < 0:
return lToken[0]
if i >= len(lToken):
return lToken[-1]
return lToken[i]
#### Disambiguator for regex rules
def select (dTokenPos, nPos, sWord, sPattern):
"Disambiguation: select morphologies of <sWord> matching <sPattern>"
if not sWord:
return True
if nPos not in dTokenPos:
echo("Error. There should be a token at this position: ", nPos)
return True
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord)
if not lMorph or len(lMorph) == 1:
return True
lSelect = [ sMorph for sMorph in lMorph if re.search(sPattern, sMorph) ]
if lSelect and len(lSelect) != len(lMorph):
dTokenPos[nPos]["lMorph"] = lSelect
return True
def exclude (dTokenPos, nPos, sWord, sPattern):
"Disambiguation: exclude morphologies of <sWord> matching <sPattern>"
if not sWord:
return True
if nPos not in dTokenPos:
echo("Error. There should be a token at this position: ", nPos)
return True
lMorph = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(sWord)
if not lMorph or len(lMorph) == 1:
return True
lSelect = [ sMorph for sMorph in lMorph if not re.search(sPattern, sMorph) ]
if lSelect and len(lSelect) != len(lMorph):
dTokenPos[nPos]["lMorph"] = lSelect
return True
def define (dTokenPos, nPos, sMorphs):
"Disambiguation: set morphologies of token at <nPos> with <sMorphs>"
if nPos not in dTokenPos:
echo("Error. There should be a token at this position: ", nPos)
return True
dTokenPos[nPos]["lMorph"] = sMorphs.split("|")
return True
#### Disambiguation for graph rules
def g_select (dToken, sPattern):
"Disambiguation: select morphologies for <dToken> according to <sPattern>, always return True"
lMorph = dToken["lMorph"] if "lMorph" in dToken else _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"])
if not lMorph or len(lMorph) == 1:
return True
lSelect = [ sMorph for sMorph in lMorph if re.search(sPattern, sMorph) ]
if lSelect and len(lSelect) != len(lMorph):
dToken["lMorph"] = lSelect
#echo("DA:", dToken["sValue"], dToken["lMorph"])
return True
def g_exclude (dToken, sPattern):
"Disambiguation: select morphologies for <dToken> according to <sPattern>, always return True"
lMorph = dToken["lMorph"] if "lMorph" in dToken else _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"])
if not lMorph or len(lMorph) == 1:
return True
lSelect = [ sMorph for sMorph in lMorph if not re.search(sPattern, sMorph) ]
if lSelect and len(lSelect) != len(lMorph):
dToken["lMorph"] = lSelect
#echo("DA:", dToken["sValue"], dToken["lMorph"])
return True
def g_addmorph (dToken, sNewMorph):
"Disambiguation: add a morphology to a token"
lMorph = dToken["lMorph"] if "lMorph" in dToken else _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"])
dToken["lMorph"] = lMorph
return True
def g_rewrite (dToken, sToReplace, sReplace):
"Disambiguation: rewrite morphologies"
lMorph = dToken["lMorph"] if "lMorph" in dToken else _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"])
dToken["lMorph"] = [ sMorph.replace(sToReplace, sReplace) for sMorph in lMorph ]
return True
def g_define (dToken, sMorphs):
"Disambiguation: set morphologies of <dToken>, always return True"
dToken["lMorph"] = sMorphs.split("|")
#echo("DA:", dToken["sValue"], lMorph)
return True
def g_definefrom (dToken, nLeft=None, nRight=None):
"Disambiguation: set morphologies of <dToken> with slicing its value with <nLeft> and <nRight>"
if nLeft is not None:
dToken["lMorph"] = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"][slice(nLeft, nRight)])
dToken["lMorph"] = _oSpellChecker.getMorph(dToken["sValue"])
return True
def g_setmeta (dToken, sType):
"Disambiguation: change type of token"
dToken["sType"] = sType
return True
#### CALLABLES FOR REGEX RULES (generated code)
#### CALLABLES FOR GRAPH RULES (generated code)