Grammalecte  text.js at [0c29214964]

File gc_core/js/text.js artifact c6c0eb070c part of check-in 0c29214964

// JavaScript

"use strict";

const helpers = require("resource://grammalecte/helpers.js");

const text = {
    getParagraph: function* (sText) {
        // generator: returns paragraphs of text
        let iStart = 0;
        let iEnd = 0;
        sText = sText.replace("\r", "");
        while ((iEnd = sText.indexOf("\n", iStart)) !== -1) {
            yield sText.slice(iStart, iEnd);
            iStart = iEnd + 1;
        yield sText.slice(iStart);

    wrap: function* (sText, nWidth=80) {
        // generator: returns text line by line
        while (sText) {
            if (sText.length >= nWidth) {
                let nEnd = sText.lastIndexOf(" ", nWidth) + 1;
                if (nEnd > 0) {
                    yield sText.slice(0, nEnd);
                    sText = sText.slice(nEnd);
                } else {
                    yield sText.slice(0, nWidth);
                    sText = sText.slice(nWidth);
            } else {
        yield sText;

    getReadableError: function (oErr) {
        // Returns an error oErr as a readable error
        try {
            let s = "\n* " + oErr['nStart'] + ":" + oErr['nEnd'] + "  # " + oErr['sRuleId']+":\n";
            s += "  " + oErr["sMessage"];
            if (oErr["aSuggestions"].length > 0) {
                s += "\n  > Suggestions : " + oErr["aSuggestions"].join(" | ");
            if (oErr["URL"] !== "") {
                s += "\n  > URL: " + oErr["URL"];
            return s;
        catch (e) {
            return "\n# Error. Data: " + oErr.toString();

    addHtmlEntities: function (sParagraph) {
        if (sParagraph.includes("&")) {
            sParagraph = sParagraph.replace(/&/g, "&");
        if (sParagraph.includes("<")) {
            sParagraph = sParagraph.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
        return sParagraph;

    createHTMLBlock: function (sParagraph, iParagraph) {
        let sClassName = (sParagraph.includes('<u id="err')) ? " softred" : "";
        return '<p id="paragr'+iParagraph.toString()+'" class="paragraph' + sClassName + '" lang="fr" spellcheck="false">' + sParagraph + '</p>\n'
               + '<div class="actions"><div id="end'+iParagraph.toString()+'" class="button red">×</div>'
               + '<div id="edit'+iParagraph.toString()+'" class="button">Éditer</div>'
               + '<div id="check'+iParagraph.toString()+'" class="button green">Réanalyser</div>&nbsp;</div>\n';

    tagParagraph: function (sParagraph, iParagraph, aGrammErr, aSpellErr, bDebug=false) {
        // Returns a text with with underlined errors and messages in tooltip
        try {
            if (aGrammErr.length === 0  &&  aSpellErr.length === 0) {
                return sParagraph;
            aGrammErr.sort(function (a, b) {
                if (a["nStart"] < b["nStart"])
                    return 1;
                if (a["nStart"] > b["nStart"])
                    return -1;
                return 0;

            let nErr = aGrammErr.length - 1; // we count errors to give them an identifier
            let nStartLastErr = sParagraph.length;
            for (let oErr of aGrammErr) {
                let sErrId = iParagraph.toString() + "_" + nErr.toString();
                let nStart = oErr["nStart"];
                let nEnd = oErr["nEnd"];
                if (nEnd <= nStartLastErr) {
                    oErr["sId"] = sErrId;
                    if (oErr['sType'] !== 'WORD') {
                        // Grammar Error
                        sParagraph = sParagraph.slice(0, nStart)
                                   + '<u id="err' + sErrId + '" class="error '+oErr['sType']+'" href="#" onclick="return false;">'
                                   + sParagraph.slice(nStart, nEnd)
                                   + '<span id="tooltip' + sErrId + '" class="tooltip" contenteditable="false">'
                                   + this._getGrammarErrorHTML(oErr, bDebug) + '</span>'
                                   + "</u><!-- err_end -->" + sParagraph.slice(nEnd);
                    } else {
                        // Spelling error
                        sParagraph = sParagraph.slice(0, nStart)
                                   + '<u id="err' + sErrId + '" class="error spell" href="#" onclick="return false;">'
                                   + sParagraph.slice(nStart, nEnd)
                                   + '<span id="tooltip' + sErrId + '" class="tooltip" contenteditable="false">'
                                   + this._getSpellingErrorHTML(oErr) + '</span>'
                                   + "</u><!-- err_end -->" + sParagraph.slice(nEnd);
                    nStartLastErr = nStart;
                nErr -= 1;
            return sParagraph;
        catch (e) {
            return "# Error.";

    _getGrammarErrorHTML: function (oErr, bDebug=false) {
        // Returns an error oErr as a readable error in HTML
        try {
            let sErr = '';
            if (bDebug) {
                sErr += '<em class="debug">'
                  + '<i id="data'+oErr['sId']+'" class="data" hidden>'
                  + oErr['nStart'] + ":" + oErr['nEnd'] + ' · #' + oErr['sRuleId'] + " </i>+</em>";
            sErr += oErr["sMessage"];
            sErr += ' <a id="ignore'+oErr['sId']+'" class="ignore" href="#" onclick="return false;">IGNORER</a>';
            if (oErr["URL"] !== "") {
                sErr += ' <a href="' + oErr["URL"] + '" onclick="return false;">Infos…</a>';
            if (oErr["aSuggestions"].length > 0) {
                sErr += '<br/><s>Suggestions :</s><br/>';
                let iSugg = 0;
                for (let sSugg of oErr["aSuggestions"]) {
                    sErr += '<a id="sugg' + oErr['sId'] + "-" + iSugg + '" class="sugg" href="#" onclick="return false;">' + sSugg + '</a> ';
                    iSugg += 1;
            return sErr;
        catch (e) {
            return '# Error. Data: ' + oErr.toString();

    _getSpellingErrorHTML: function (oErr) {
        // Returns an error oErr as a readable error in HTML
        try {
            let sErr = 'Mot inconnu du dictionnaire.';
            sErr += ' <a id="ignore' + oErr['sId'] + '" class="ignore" href="#" onclick="return false;">IGNORER</a>';
            sErr += '<br/><s>Suggestions :</s><br/>';
            return sErr;
        catch (e) {
            return '# Error. Data: ' + oErr.toString();

if (typeof(exports) !== 'undefined') {
    exports.getParagraph = text.getParagraph;
    exports.addHtmlEntities = text.addHtmlEntities;
    exports.createHTMLBlock = text.createHTMLBlock;
    exports.tagParagraph = text.tagParagraph;
    exports.getReadableError = text.getReadableError;