Grammalecte: compile rules
import re
import os
import traceback
import json
import colorsys
import time
import hashlib
import compile_rules_js_convert as jsconv
import compile_rules_graph as crg
aRULESET = set() # set of rule-ids to check if there is several rules with the same id
sWORDLIMITLEFT = r"(?<![\w.,–-])" # r"(?<![-.,—])\b" seems slower
sWORDLIMITRIGHT = r"(?![\w–-])" # r"\b(?!-—)" seems slower
def convertRGBToInteger (r, g, b):
"rbg (int, int, int) -> int"
return (r & 255) << 16 | (g & 255) << 8 | (b & 255)
def convertHSLToRBG (h, s, l):
"hsl (int, int, int) -> [int, int, int]"
r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h/360, l/100, s/100)
return [round(r*255), round(g*255), round(b*255)]
def createColors (dColor):
"dictionary of colors {color_name: [h, s, l]} -> returns dictionary of colors as dictionaries of color types"
dColorType = {
"aHSL": {}, # dictionary of colors as HSL list
"sCSS": {}, # dictionary of colors as strings for HTML/CSS (example: hsl(0, 50%, 50%))
"aRGB": {}, # dictionary of colors as RGB list
"nInt": {} # dictionary of colors as integer values (for Writer)
for sKey, aHSL in dColor.items():
dColorType["aHSL"][sKey] = aHSL
dColorType["sCSS"][sKey] = "hsl({}, {}%, {}%)".format(*aHSL)
dColorType["aRGB"][sKey] = convertHSLToRBG(*aHSL)
dColorType["nInt"][sKey] = convertRGBToInteger(*dColorType["aRGB"][sKey])
return dColorType
def prepareFunction (s):
"convert simple rule syntax to a string of Python code"
s = s.replace("__also__", "bCondMemo")
s = s.replace("__else__", "not bCondMemo")
s = s.replace("sContext", "_sAppContext")
s = re.sub(r"\bstart\(\)", 'before("^ *$|, *$")', s)
s = re.sub(r"\brealstart\(\)", 'before("^ *$")', s)
s = re.sub(r"\bstart0\(\)", 'before0("^ *$|, *$")', s)
s = re.sub(r"\brealstart0\(\)", 'before0("^ *$")', s)
s = re.sub(r"\bend\(\)", 'after("^ *$|^,")', s)
s = re.sub(r"\brealend\(\)", 'after("^ *$")', s)
s = re.sub(r"\bend0\(\)", 'after0("^ *$|^,")', s)
s = re.sub(r"\brealend0\(\)", 'after0("^ *$")', s)
s = re.sub(r"\bselect[(][\\](\d+)", '\\1(dTokenPos, m.start(\\1), m.group(\\1)', s)
s = re.sub(r"\bdefine[(][\\](\d+)", 'define(dTokenPos, m.start(\\1)', s)
s = re.sub(r"\b(morph|info)[(][\\](\d+)", '\\1((m.start(\\2), m.group(\\2))', s)
s = re.sub(r"\b(morph|info)[(]", '\\1(dTokenPos, ', s)
s = re.sub(r"\b(sugg\w+|switch\w+)\(@", '\\1(m.group(i[4])', s)
s = re.sub(r"\bword\(\s*1\b", 'nextword1(sSentence, m.end()', s) # word(1)
s = re.sub(r"\bword\(\s*-1\b", 'prevword1(sSentence, m.start()', s) # word(-1)
s = re.sub(r"\bword\(\s*(\d)", 'nextword(sSentence, m.end(), \\1', s) # word(n)
s = re.sub(r"\bword\(\s*-(\d)", 'prevword(sSentence, m.start(), \\1', s) # word(-n)
s = re.sub(r"\bbefore\(\s*", 'look(sSentence[:m.start()], ', s) # before(sSentence)
s = re.sub(r"\bafter\(\s*", 'look(sSentence[m.end():], ', s) # after(sSentence)
s = re.sub(r"\btextarea\(\s*", 'look(sSentence, ', s) # textarea(sSentence)
s = re.sub(r"/0", 'sSentence0[m.start():m.end()]', s) # /0
s = re.sub(r"\bbefore0\(\s*", 'look(sSentence0[:m.start()], ', s) # before0(sSentence)
s = re.sub(r"\bafter0\(\s*", 'look(sSentence0[m.end():], ', s) # after0(sSentence)
s = re.sub(r"\btextarea0\(\s*", 'look(sSentence0, ', s) # textarea0(sSentence)
s = re.sub(r"\bspell *[(]", '_oSpellChecker.isValid(', s)
s = re.sub(r"[\\](\d+)", 'm.group(\\1)', s)
return s
def uppercase (sText, sLang):
"(flag i is not enough): converts regex to uppercase regex: 'foo' becomes '[Ff][Oo][Oo]', but 'Bar' becomes 'B[Aa][Rr]'."
sUp = ""
nState = 0
for i, c in enumerate(sText):
if c == "[":
nState = 1
if nState == 1 and c == "]":
nState = 0
if c == "<" and i > 3 and sText[i-3:i] == "(?P":
nState = 2
if nState == 2 and c == ">":
nState = 0
if c == "?" and i > 0 and sText[i-1:i] == "(" and sText[i+1:i+2] != ":":
nState = 5
if nState == 5 and c == ")":
nState = 0
if c.isalpha() and c.islower() and nState == 0:
if c == "i" and sLang in ("tr", "az"):
sUp += "[İ" + c + "]"
sUp += "[" + c.upper() + c + "]"
elif c.isalpha() and c.islower() and nState == 1 and sText[i+1:i+2] != "-":
if sText[i-1:i] == "-" and sText[i-2:i-1].islower(): # [a-z] -> [a-zA-Z]
sUp += c + sText[i-2:i-1].upper() + "-" + c.upper()
elif c == "i" and sLang in ("tr", "az"):
sUp += "İ" + c
sUp += c.upper() + c
sUp += c
if c == "\\":
nState = 4
elif nState == 4:
nState = 0
return sUp
def countGroupInRegex (sRegex):
"returns the number of groups in <sRegex>"
return re.compile(sRegex).groups
except re.error:
return 0
def createRule (s, nLineId, sLang, bParagraph, dOptPriority):
"returns rule as list [option name, regex, bCaseInsensitive, identifier, list of actions]"
sLineId = f"#{nLineId}" + ("p" if bParagraph else "s")
sRuleId = sLineId
if s.startswith("@@@@"):
if bParagraph:
print("Error. Graph call can be made only after the first pass (sentence by sentence)")
return ["@@@@", s[4:], sLineId]
sOption = "" # empty string or [a-z0-9]+ name
nPriority = 4 # Default is 4, value must be between 0 and 9
tGroups = None # code for groups positioning (only useful for JavaScript)
cCaseMode = 'i' # i: case insensitive, s: case sensitive, u: uppercasing allowed
cWordLimitLeft = '[' # [: word limit, <: no specific limit
cWordLimitRight = ']' # ]: word limit, >: no specific limit
m = re.match("^__(?P<borders_and_case>[\\[<]\\w[\\]>])(?P<option>/[a-zA-Z0-9]+|)(?P<ruleid>\\(\\w+\\))(?P<priority>![0-9]|)__ *", s)
if m:
cWordLimitLeft = m.group('borders_and_case')[0]
cCaseMode = m.group('borders_and_case')[1]
cWordLimitRight = m.group('borders_and_case')[2]
sOption = m.group('option')[1:] if m.group('option') else ""
sRuleId = m.group('ruleid')[1:-1]
if sRuleId in aRULESET:
print(f"# Error. Several rules have the same id: {sRuleId}")
nPriority = dOptPriority.get(sOption, 4)
if m.group('priority'):
nPriority = int(m.group('priority')[1:])
s = s[m.end(0):]
print(f"# Warning. Rule wrongly shaped at line: {sLineId}")
i = s.find(" <<-")
if i == -1:
print(f"# Error: no condition at line {sLineId}")
return None
sRegex = s[:i].strip()
s = s[i+4:]
# JS groups positioning codes
m = re.search("@@\\S+", sRegex)
if m:
tGroups = jsconv.groupsPositioningCodeToList(sRegex[m.start()+2:])
sRegex = sRegex[:m.start()].strip()
# JS regex
m = re.search("<js>.+</js>i?", sRegex)
if m:
dJSREGEXES[sLineId] = m.group(0)
sRegex = sRegex[:m.start()].strip()
if "<js>" in sRegex or "</js>" in sRegex:
print(f"# Error: JavaScript regex not delimited at line {sLineId}")
return None
# quotes ?
if sRegex.startswith('"') and sRegex.endswith('"'):
sRegex = sRegex[1:-1]
## definitions
for sDef, sRepl in dDEFINITIONS.items():
sRegex = sRegex.replace(sDef, sRepl)
## count number of groups (must be done before modifying the regex)
nGroup = countGroupInRegex(sRegex)
if nGroup > 0:
if not tGroups:
print(f"# Warning: groups positioning code for JavaScript should be defined at line {sLineId}")
if nGroup != len(tGroups):
print(f"# Error: groups positioning code irrelevant at line {sLineId}")
## word limit
if cWordLimitLeft == '[' and not sRegex.startswith(("^", '’', "'", ",")):
sRegex = sWORDLIMITLEFT + sRegex
if cWordLimitRight == ']' and not sRegex.endswith(("$", '’', "'", ",")):
sRegex = sRegex + sWORDLIMITRIGHT
## casing mode
if cCaseMode == "i":
bCaseInsensitive = True
if not sRegex.startswith("(?i)"):
sRegex = "(?i)" + sRegex
elif cCaseMode == "s":
bCaseInsensitive = False
sRegex = sRegex.replace("(?i)", "")
elif cCaseMode == "u":
bCaseInsensitive = False
sRegex = sRegex.replace("(?i)", "")
sRegex = uppercase(sRegex, sLang)
print(f"# Unknown case mode [{cCaseMode}] at line {sLineId}")
## check regex
except re.error:
print(f"# Regex error at line {sLineId}")
return None
## groups in non grouping parenthesis
for _ in re.finditer(r"\(\?:[^)]*\([\[\w -]", sRegex):
print(f"# Warning: groups inside non grouping parenthesis in regex at line {sLineId}")
lActions = []
nAction = 1
for sAction in s.split(" <<- "):
t = createAction(sLineId, sRuleId + "_" + str(nAction), sAction, nGroup)
nAction += 1
if t:
if not lActions:
return None
return [sOption, sRegex, bCaseInsensitive, sLineId, sRuleId, nPriority, lActions, tGroups]
def checkReferenceNumbers (sText, sActionId, nToken):
"check if token references in <sText> greater than <nToken> (debugging)"
for x in re.finditer(r"\\(\d+)", sText):
if int(x.group(1)) > nToken:
print(f"# Error in token index at line {sLineId} / {sActionId} ({nToken} tokens only)")
def checkIfThereIsCode (sText, sLineId, sActionId):
"check if there is code in <sText> (debugging)"
if re.search(r"[.]\w+[(]|sugg\w+[(]|\(\\[0-9]|\[(?:[0-9]:|:)", sText):
print(f"# Warning at line {sLineId} / {sActionId}: This message looks like code. Line should probably begin with =")
def createAction (sLineId, sActionId, sAction, nGroup):
"returns an action to perform as a tuple (condition, action type, action[, iGroup [, message, URL ]])"
m = re.search(r"([-~=>])(\d*|)>>", sAction)
if not m:
print(f"# No action at line {sLineId} / {sActionId}")
return None
sCondition = sAction[:m.start()].strip()
if sCondition:
sCondition = prepareFunction(sCondition)
lFUNCTIONS.append(("_c_"+sActionId, sCondition))
checkReferenceNumbers(sCondition, sActionId, nGroup)
if ".match" in sCondition:
print(f"# Error at line {sLineId} / {sActionId}. JS compatibility. Don't use .match() in condition, use .search()")
sCondition = "_c_"+sActionId
sCondition = None
#### iGroup / positioning
iGroup = int(m.group(2)) if m.group(2) else 0
if iGroup > nGroup:
print(f"# Error. Selected group > group number in regex at line {sLineId} / {sActionId}")
sAction = sAction[m.end():].strip()
cAction = m.group(1)
if cAction == "-":
## error
iMsg = sAction.find(" && ")
if iMsg == -1:
sMsg = "# Error. Error message not found."
sURL = ""
print(f"# No message. Id: {sLineId} / {sActionId}")
sMsg = sAction[iMsg+4:].strip()
sAction = sAction[:iMsg].strip()
sURL = ""
mURL = re.search("[|] *(https?://.*)", sMsg)
if mURL:
sURL = mURL.group(1).strip()
sMsg = sMsg[:mURL.start(0)].strip()
checkReferenceNumbers(sMsg, sActionId, nGroup)
if sMsg[0:1] == "=":
sMsg = prepareFunction(sMsg[1:])
lFUNCTIONS.append(("_m_"+sActionId, sMsg))
sMsg = "=_m_"+sActionId
checkIfThereIsCode(sMsg, sLineId, sActionId)
checkReferenceNumbers(sAction, sActionId, nGroup)
if sAction[0:1] == "=" or cAction == "=":
sAction = prepareFunction(sAction)
sAction = sAction.replace("m.group(i[4])", "m.group("+str(iGroup)+")")
checkIfThereIsCode(sAction, sLineId, sActionId)
if cAction == ">":
## no action, break loop if condition is False
return [sCondition, cAction, ""]
if not sAction:
print(f"# Error in action at line {sLineId} / {sActionId}: This action is empty.")
return None
if cAction == "-":
## error detected --> suggestion
if sAction[0:1] == "=":
lFUNCTIONS.append(("_s_"+sActionId, sAction[1:]))
sAction = "=_s_"+sActionId
elif sAction.startswith('"') and sAction.endswith('"'):
sAction = sAction[1:-1]
if not sMsg:
print(f"# Error in action at line {sLineId} / {sActionId}: the message is empty.")
return [sCondition, cAction, sAction, iGroup, sMsg, sURL]
if cAction == "~":
## text processor
if sAction[0:1] == "=":
lFUNCTIONS.append(("_p_"+sActionId, sAction[1:]))
sAction = "=_p_"+sActionId
elif sAction.startswith('"') and sAction.endswith('"'):
sAction = sAction[1:-1]
return [sCondition, cAction, sAction, iGroup]
if cAction == "=":
## disambiguator
if sAction[0:1] == "=":
sAction = sAction[1:]
lFUNCTIONS.append(("_d_"+sActionId, sAction))
sAction = "_d_"+sActionId
return [sCondition, cAction, sAction]
print(f"# Unknown action at line {sLineId} / {sActionId}")
return None
def _calcRulesStats (lRules):
"count rules and actions"
d = {'=':0, '~': 0, '-': 0, '>': 0}
for aRule in lRules:
if aRule[0] != "@@@@":
for aAction in aRule[6]:
d[aAction[1]] = d[aAction[1]] + 1
return (d, len(lRules))
def displayStats (lParagraphRules, lSentenceRules):
"display rules numbers"
print(" {:>18} {:>18} {:>18} {:>18}".format("DISAMBIGUATOR", "TEXT PROCESSOR", "GRAMMAR CHECKING", "REGEX"))
d, nRule = _calcRulesStats(lParagraphRules)
print(" paragraph: {:>10} actions {:>10} actions {:>10} actions in {:>8} rules".format(d['='], d['~'], d['-'], nRule))
d, nRule = _calcRulesStats(lSentenceRules)
print(" sentence: {:>10} actions {:>10} actions {:>10} actions in {:>8} rules".format(d['='], d['~'], d['-'], nRule))
def mergeRulesByOption (lRules):
"returns a list of tuples [option, list of rules] keeping the rules order"
lFinal = []
lTemp = []
sOption = None
for aRule in lRules:
if aRule[0] != sOption:
if sOption is not None:
lFinal.append([sOption, lTemp])
# new tuple
sOption = aRule[0]
lTemp = []
lFinal.append([sOption, lTemp])
return lFinal
def createRulesAsString (lRules):
"create rules as a string of arrays (to be bundled in a JSON string)"
sArray = "[\n"
for sOption, aRuleGroup in lRules:
sArray += f' ["{sOption}", [\n'
for aRule in aRuleGroup:
sArray += f' {aRule},\n'
sArray += " ]],\n"
sArray += "]"
return sArray
def prepareOptions (lOptionLines):
"returns a dictionary with data about options"
sLang = ""
sDefaultUILang = ""
lStructOpt = []
lOpt = []
lOptColor = []
dColor = {}
dOptLabel = {}
dOptPriority = {}
for sLine in lOptionLines:
sLine = sLine.strip()
if sLine.startswith("OPTGROUP/"):
m = re.match("OPTGROUP/([a-z0-9]+):(.+)$", sLine)
lStructOpt.append( [m.group(1), list(map(str.split, m.group(2).split(",")))] )
elif sLine.startswith("OPTSOFTWARE:"):
lOpt = [ [s, {}] for s in sLine[12:].strip().split() ] # don’t use tuples (s, {}), because unknown to JS
elif sLine.startswith("OPT/"):
m = re.match("OPT/([a-z0-9]+):(.+)$", sLine)
for i, sOpt in enumerate(m.group(2).split()):
lOpt[i][1][m.group(1)] = sOpt in ("True", "true", "Yes", "yes")
elif sLine.startswith("OPTCOLORTHEME:"):
lOptColor = [ [s, {}] for s in sLine[14:].strip().split() ] # don’t use tuples (s, {}), because unknown to JS
elif sLine.startswith("OPTCOLOR/"):
m = re.match("OPTCOLOR/([a-z0-9]+):(.+)$", sLine)
for i, sColor in enumerate(m.group(2).split()):
lOptColor[i][1][m.group(1)] = sColor
elif sLine.startswith("COLOR/"):
m = re.match("COLOR/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):(.+)$", sLine)
dColor[m.group(1)] = [ int(s) for s in m.group(2).strip().split(",") ]
elif sLine.startswith("OPTPRIORITY/"):
m = re.match("OPTPRIORITY/([a-z0-9]+): *([0-9])$", sLine)
dOptPriority[m.group(1)] = int(m.group(2))
elif sLine.startswith("OPTLANG/"):
m = re.match("OPTLANG/([a-z][a-z](?:_[A-Z][A-Z]|)):(.+)$", sLine)
sLang = m.group(1)[:2]
dOptLabel[sLang] = { "__optiontitle__": m.group(2).strip() }
elif sLine.startswith("OPTDEFAULTUILANG:"):
m = re.match("OPTDEFAULTUILANG: *([a-z][a-z](?:_[A-Z][A-Z]|))$", sLine)
sDefaultUILang = m.group(1)[:2]
elif sLine.startswith("OPTLABEL/"):
m = re.match("OPTLABEL/([a-z0-9]+):(.+)$", sLine)
dOptLabel[sLang][m.group(1)] = list(map(str.strip, m.group(2).split("|"))) if "|" in m.group(2) else [m.group(2).strip(), ""]
print("# Error. Wrong option line in:\n ")
print(" options defined for: " + ", ".join([ t[0] for t in lOpt ]))
dOptions = {
"lStructOpt": lStructOpt, "dOptLabel": dOptLabel, "sDefaultUILang": sDefaultUILang, \
"dColorType": createColors(dColor), "dOptColor": { s: d for s, d in lOptColor }
dOptions.update({ "dOpt"+k: v for k, v in lOpt })
return dOptions, dOptPriority
def printBookmark (nLevel, sComment, nLine):
"print bookmark within the rules file"
print(" {:>6}: {}".format(nLine, " " * nLevel + sComment))
def make (spLang, sLang, bUseCache=None):
"compile rules, returns a dictionary of values"
# for clarity purpose, don’t create any file here (except cache)
dCacheVars = None
if os.path.isfile("_build/data_cache.json"):
print("> data cache found")
sJSON = open("_build/data_cache.json", "r", encoding="utf-8").read()
dCacheVars = json.loads(sJSON)
sBuildDate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(dCacheVars.get("fBuildTime", 0)))
if bUseCache:
print("> use cache (no rebuild asked)")
print(" build made at: " + sBuildDate)
return dCacheVars
print("> read rules file...")
sFileContent = open(spLang + "/rules.grx", 'r', encoding="utf-8").read()
except OSError:
print(f"# Error. Rules file in project <{sLang}> not found.")
# calculate hash of loaded file
xHasher = hashlib.new("sha3_512")
sFileHash = xHasher.hexdigest()
if dCacheVars and bUseCache != False and sFileHash == dCacheVars.get("sFileHash", ""):
# if <bUseCache> is None or True, we can use the cache
print("> cache hash identical to file hash, use cache")
print(" build made at: " + sBuildDate)
return dCacheVars
# removing comments, zeroing empty lines, creating definitions, storing tests, merging rule lines
print(" parsing rules...")
fBuildTime = time.time()
lRuleLine = []
lTest = []
lOpt = []
bGraph = False
lGraphRule = []
for i, sLine in enumerate(sFileContent.split("\n"), 1):
if sLine.startswith('#END'):
# arbitrary end
printBookmark(0, "BREAK BY #END", i)
elif sLine.startswith(("#", " ##")):
# comment
elif sLine.startswith("DEF:"):
# definition
m = re.match("DEF: +([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*) +(.+)$", sLine.strip())
if m:
dDEFINITIONS["{"+m.group(1)+"}"] = m.group(2)
print("# Error in definition: ", end="")
elif sLine.startswith("DECL:"):
# declensions
m = re.match(r"DECL: +(\+\w+) (.+)$", sLine.strip())
if m:
dDECLENSIONS[m.group(1)] = m.group(2).strip().split()
print("Error in declension list: ", end="")
elif sLine.startswith("TEST:"):
# test
lTest.append("{:<8}".format(i) + " " + sLine[5:].strip())
elif sLine.startswith("TODO:"):
# todo
elif sLine.startswith(("OPTGROUP/", "OPTSOFTWARE:", "OPT/", \
# options
elif sLine.startswith("!!"):
# bookmark
m = re.match("!!+", sLine)
nExMk = len(m.group(0))
if sLine[nExMk:].strip():
printBookmark(nExMk-2, sLine[nExMk:-3].strip(), i)
# Graph rules
elif sLine.startswith("@@@@GRAPH:"):
# rules graph call
m = re.match(r"@@@@GRAPH: *(\w+)", sLine.strip())
if m:
printBookmark(0, "GRAPH: " + m.group(1), i)
lRuleLine.append([i, "@@@@"+m.group(1)])
lGraphRule.append([i, sLine])
bGraph = True
print("Graph error at line", i)
elif sLine.startswith(("@@@@END_GRAPH", "@@@@ENDGRAPH")):
#lGraphRule.append([i, sLine])
printBookmark(0, "ENDGRAPH", i)
bGraph = False
elif re.match("@@@@ *$", sLine):
elif bGraph:
lGraphRule.append([i, sLine])
# Regex rules
elif re.match("[ \t]*$", sLine):
# empty line
elif sLine.startswith(" "):
# rule (continuation)
lRuleLine[-1][1] += " " + sLine.strip()
# new rule
lRuleLine.append([i, sLine.strip()])
# generating options files
print(" parsing options...")
dOptions, dOptPriority = prepareOptions(lOpt)
# tests
print(" list tests...")
sGCTests = "\n".join(lTest)
sGCTestsJS = '{ "aData": ' + json.dumps(lTest, ensure_ascii=False) + " }\n"
# processing
print(" preparing rules...")
bParagraph = True
lParagraphRules = []
lSentenceRules = []
lParagraphRulesJS = []
lSentenceRulesJS = []
for nLine, sLine in lRuleLine:
if sLine:
if sLine == "[++]":
bParagraph = False
aRule = createRule(sLine, nLine, sLang, bParagraph, dOptPriority)
if aRule:
if bParagraph:
lParagraphRulesJS.append(jsconv.pyRuleToJS(aRule, dJSREGEXES, sWORDLIMITLEFT))
lSentenceRulesJS.append(jsconv.pyRuleToJS(aRule, dJSREGEXES, sWORDLIMITLEFT))
# creating file with all functions callable by rules
print(" creating callables for regex rules...")
sPyCallables = ""
sJSCallables = ""
for sFuncName, sReturn in lFUNCTIONS:
if sFuncName.startswith("_c_"): # condition
sParams = "sSentence, sSentence0, m, dTokenPos, sCountry, bCondMemo"
elif sFuncName.startswith("_m_"): # message
sParams = "sSentence, m"
elif sFuncName.startswith("_s_"): # suggestion
sParams = "sSentence, m"
elif sFuncName.startswith("_p_"): # preprocessor
sParams = "sSentence, m"
elif sFuncName.startswith("_d_"): # disambiguator
sParams = "sSentence, m, dTokenPos"
print(f"# Unknown function type in <{sFuncName}>")
# Python
sPyCallables += f"def {sFuncName} ({sParams}):\n"
sPyCallables += f" return {sReturn}\n"
# JavaScript
sJSCallables += f" {sFuncName}: function ({sParams}) {{\n"
sJSCallables += " return " + jsconv.py2js(sReturn) + ";\n"
sJSCallables += " },\n"
displayStats(lParagraphRules, lSentenceRules)
dVars = {
"fBuildTime": fBuildTime,
"sFileHash": sFileHash,
"callables": sPyCallables,
"callablesJS": sJSCallables,
"gctests": sGCTests,
"gctestsJS": sGCTestsJS,
"paragraph_rules": createRulesAsString(mergeRulesByOption(lParagraphRules)),
"sentence_rules": createRulesAsString(mergeRulesByOption(lSentenceRules)),
"paragraph_rules_JS": jsconv.writeRulesToJSArray(mergeRulesByOption(lParagraphRulesJS)),
"sentence_rules_JS": jsconv.writeRulesToJSArray(mergeRulesByOption(lSentenceRulesJS))
# compile graph rules
dVars2 = crg.make(lGraphRule, sLang, dDEFINITIONS, dDECLENSIONS, dOptPriority)
with open("_build/data_cache.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as hDst:
hDst.write(json.dumps(dVars, ensure_ascii=False))
return dVars