Grammalecte at [25c11096c3]

File artifact ed7458a4d3 part of check-in 25c11096c3


import sys
import os.path
import argparse
import json

import as gce
import as lxg
import as tf
import grammalecte.text as txt
import grammalecte.tokenizer as tkz
from grammalecte.echo import echo

_EXAMPLE = "Quoi ? Racontes ! Racontes-moi ! Bon sangg, parles ! Oui. Il y a des menteur partout. " \
           "Je suit sidéré par la brutales arrogance de cette homme-là. Quelle salopard ! Un escrocs de la pire espece. " \
           "Quant sera t’il châtiés pour ses mensonge ?             Merde ! J’en aie marre."

_HELP = """
    /help                       /h      show this text
    ?word1 [word2] ...                  words analysis
    !word                               suggestion
    >word                               draw path of word in the word graph
    =filter                             show all entries whose morphology fits to filter
    /lopt                       /lo     list options
    /+ option1 [option2] ...            activate grammar checking options
    /- option1 [option2] ...            deactivate grammar checking options
    /lrules [pattern]           /lr     list rules
    /--rule1 [rule2] ...                deactivate grammar checking rule
    /++rule1 [rule2] ...                reactivate grammar checking rule
    /quit                       /q      exit

def _getText (sInputText):
    sText = input(sInputText)
    if sText == "*":
        return _EXAMPLE
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        # Apparently, the console transforms «’» in «'».
        # So we reverse it to avoid many useless warnings.
        sText = sText.replace("'", "’")
    return sText

def _getErrors (sText, oTokenizer, oDict, bContext=False, bDebug=False):
    "returns a tuple: (grammar errors, spelling errors)"
    aGrammErrs = gce.parse(sText, "FR", bDebug=bDebug, bContext=bContext)
    aSpellErrs = []
    for dToken in oTokenizer.genTokens(sText):
        if dToken['sType'] == "WORD" and not oDict.isValidToken(dToken['sValue']):
    return aGrammErrs, aSpellErrs

def generateText (sText, oTokenizer, oDict, bDebug=False, bEmptyIfNoErrors=False, nWidth=100):
    aGrammErrs, aSpellErrs = _getErrors(sText, oTokenizer, oDict, False, bDebug)
    if bEmptyIfNoErrors and not aGrammErrs and not aSpellErrs:
        return ""
    return txt.generateParagraph(sText, aGrammErrs, aSpellErrs, nWidth)

def generateJSON (iIndex, sText, oTokenizer, oDict, bContext=False, bDebug=False, bEmptyIfNoErrors=False, lLineSet=None, bReturnText=False):
    aGrammErrs, aSpellErrs = _getErrors(sText, oTokenizer, oDict, bContext, bDebug)
    aGrammErrs = list(aGrammErrs)
    if bEmptyIfNoErrors and not aGrammErrs and not aSpellErrs:
        return ""
    if lLineSet:
        aGrammErrs, aSpellErrs = txt.convertToXY(aGrammErrs, aSpellErrs, lLineSet)
        return json.dumps({ "lGrammarErrors": aGrammErrs, "lSpellingErrors": aSpellErrs }, ensure_ascii=False)
    if bReturnText:
        return json.dumps({ "iParagraph": iIndex, "sText": sText, "lGrammarErrors": aGrammErrs, "lSpellingErrors": aSpellErrs }, ensure_ascii=False)
    return json.dumps({ "iParagraph": iIndex, "lGrammarErrors": aGrammErrs, "lSpellingErrors": aSpellErrs }, ensure_ascii=False)

def readfile (spf):
    "generator: returns file line by line"
    if os.path.isfile(spf):
        with open(spf, "r", encoding="utf-8") as hSrc:
            for sLine in hSrc:
                yield sLine
        print("# Error: file not found.")

def readfileAndConcatLines (spf):
    "generator: returns text by list of lines not separated by an empty line"
    lLine = []
    for i, sLine in enumerate(readfile(spf), 1):
        if sLine.strip():
            lLine.append((i, sLine))
        elif lLine:
            yield lLine
            lLine = []
    if lLine:
        yield lLine

def output (sText, hDst=None):
    if not hDst:
        echo(sText, end="")

def main ():
    xParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    xParser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) [on Windows, -f is similar to -ff]", type=str)
    xParser.add_argument("-ff", "--file_to_file", help="parse file (UTF-8 required!) and create a result file (*.res.txt)", type=str)
    xParser.add_argument("-owe", "--only_when_errors", help="display results only when there are errors", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-j", "--json", help="generate list of errors in JSON (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-cl", "--concat_lines", help="concatenate lines not separated by an empty paragraph (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-tf", "--textformatter", help="auto-format text according to typographical rules (unavailable with option --concat_lines)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-tfo", "--textformatteronly", help="auto-format text and disable grammar checking (only with option --file or --file_to_file)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-ctx", "--context", help="return errors with context (only with option --json)", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-w", "--width", help="width in characters (40 < width < 200; default: 100)", type=int, choices=range(40,201,10), default=100)
    xParser.add_argument("-lo", "--list_options", help="list options", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-lr", "--list_rules", nargs="?", help="list rules [regex pattern as filter]", const="*")
    xParser.add_argument("-on", "--opt_on", nargs="+", help="activate options")
    xParser.add_argument("-off", "--opt_off", nargs="+", help="deactivate options")
    xParser.add_argument("-roff", "--rule_off", nargs="+", help="deactivate rules")
    xParser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="debugging mode (only in interactive mode)", action="store_true")
    xArgs = xParser.parse_args()

    if not xArgs.json:
        echo("Grammalecte v{}".format(gce.version))
    oDict = gce.getDictionary()
    oTokenizer = tkz.Tokenizer("fr")
    oLexGraphe = lxg.Lexicographe(oDict)
    if xArgs.textformatter or xArgs.textformatteronly:
        oTF = tf.TextFormatter()

    if xArgs.list_options or xArgs.list_rules:
        if xArgs.list_options:
        if xArgs.list_rules:
            gce.displayRules(None  if xArgs.list_rules == "*"  else xArgs.list_rules)

    if not xArgs.json:
        xArgs.context = False

    gce.setOptions({"html": True, "latex": True})
    if xArgs.opt_on:
        gce.setOptions({ opt:True  for opt in xArgs.opt_on  if opt in gce.getOptions() })
    if xArgs.opt_off:
        gce.setOptions({ opt:False  for opt in xArgs.opt_off  if opt in gce.getOptions() })

    if xArgs.rule_off:
        for sRule in xArgs.rule_off:

    sFile = xArgs.file or xArgs.file_to_file
    if sFile:
        # file processing
        hDst = open(sFile[:sFile.rfind(".")]+".res.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n")  if xArgs.file_to_file or sys.platform == "win32"  else None
        bComma = False
        if xArgs.json:
            output('{ "grammalecte": "'+gce.version+'", "lang": "'+gce.lang+'", "data" : [\n', hDst)
        if not xArgs.concat_lines:
            # pas de concaténation des lignes
            for i, sText in enumerate(readfile(sFile), 1):
                if xArgs.textformatter or xArgs.textformatteronly:
                    sText = oTF.formatText(sText)
                if xArgs.textformatteronly:
                    output(sText, hDst)
                    if xArgs.json:
                        sText = generateJSON(i, sText, oTokenizer, oDict, bContext=xArgs.context, bDebug=False, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, bReturnText=xArgs.textformatter)
                        sText = generateText(sText, oTokenizer, oDict, bDebug=False, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, nWidth=xArgs.width)
                    if sText:
                        if xArgs.json and bComma:
                            output(",\n", hDst)
                        output(sText, hDst)
                        bComma = True
                if hDst:
                    echo("§ %d\r" % i, end="", flush=True)
            # concaténation des lignes non séparées par une ligne vide
            for i, lLine in enumerate(readfileAndConcatLines(sFile), 1):
                sText, lLineSet = txt.createParagraphWithLines(lLine)
                if xArgs.json:
                    sText = generateJSON(i, sText, oTokenizer, oDict, bContext=xArgs.context, bDebug=False, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, lLineSet=lLineSet)
                    sText = generateText(sText, oTokenizer, oDict, bDebug=False, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, nWidth=xArgs.width)
                if sText:
                    if xArgs.json and bComma:
                        output(",\n", hDst)
                    output(sText, hDst)
                    bComma = True
                if hDst:
                    echo("§ %d\r" % i, end="", flush=True)
        if xArgs.json:
            output("\n]}\n", hDst)
        # pseudo-console
        sInputText = "\n~==========~ Enter your text [/h /q] ~==========~\n"
        sText = _getText(sInputText)
        while True:
            if sText.startswith("?"):
                for sWord in sText[1:].strip().split():
                    if sWord:
                        echo("* " + sWord)
                        for sMorph in oDict.getMorph(sWord):
                            echo("  {:<32} {}".format(sMorph, oLexGraphe.formatTags(sMorph)))
            elif sText.startswith("!"):
                for sWord in sText[1:].strip().split():
                    if sWord:
                        echo(" | ".join(oDict.suggest(sWord)))
            elif sText.startswith(">"):
            elif sText.startswith("="):
                for sRes in[1:].strip()):
            elif sText.startswith("/+ "):
                gce.setOptions({ opt:True  for opt in sText[3:].strip().split()  if opt in gce.getOptions() })
            elif sText.startswith("/- "):
                gce.setOptions({ opt:False  for opt in sText[3:].strip().split()  if opt in gce.getOptions() })
            elif sText.startswith("/-- "):
                for sRule in sText[3:].strip().split():
            elif sText.startswith("/++ "):
                for sRule in sText[3:].strip().split():
            elif sText == "/debug" or sText == "/d":
                xArgs.debug = not(xArgs.debug)
                echo("debug mode on"  if xArgs.debug  else "debug mode off")
            elif sText == "/textformatter" or sText == "/tf":
                xArgs.textformatter = not(xArgs.textformatter)
                echo("textformatter on"  if xArgs.debug  else "textformatter off")
            elif sText == "/help" or sText == "/h":
            elif sText == "/lopt" or sText == "/lo":
            elif sText.startswith("/lr"):
                sText = sText.strip()
                sFilter = sText[sText.find(" "):].strip()  if sText != "/lr" and sText != "/rules"  else None
            elif sText == "/quit" or sText == "/q":
            elif sText.startswith("/rl"):
                # reload (todo)
                for sParagraph in txt.getParagraph(sText):
                    if xArgs.textformatter:
                        sText = oTF.formatText(sText)
                    sRes = generateText(sText, oTokenizer, oDict, bDebug=xArgs.debug, bEmptyIfNoErrors=xArgs.only_when_errors, nWidth=xArgs.width)
                    if sRes:
                        echo("\n" + sRes)
                        echo("\nNo error found.")
            sText = _getText(sInputText)

if __name__ == '__main__':