Grammalecte at [30498d19e4]

File artifact 71d652b27c part of check-in 30498d19e4

 #!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import argparse
import json
import traceback
import time

from grammalecte.bottle import Bottle, run, request, response, template, static_file

import grammalecte
import grammalecte.text as txt
from grammalecte.graphspell.echo import echo

        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

    <body class="panel">
        <h1>Grammalecte · Serveur</h1>


        <h3>Analyser du texte</h3>
        <p>[adresse_serveur]:8080/gc_text/fr (POST)</p>
        <p>Paramètres :</p>
            <li>"text" (text)&nbsp;: texte à analyser.</li>
            <li>"tf" (checkbox)&nbsp;: passer le formateur de texte avant l’analyse.</li>
            <li>"options" (text)&nbsp;: une chaîne au format JSON avec le nom des options comme attributs et un booléen comme valeur. Exemple&nbsp;: {"gv": true, "html": true}</li>

        <h3>Lister les options</h3>
        <p>[adresse_serveur]:8080/get_options/fr (GET)</p>

        <h3>Définir ses options</h3>
        <p>[adresse_serveur]:8080/set_options/fr (POST)</p>
        <p>Les options seront enregistrées et réutilisées pour toute requête envoyée avec le cookie comportant l’identifiant attribué.</p>
        <p>Paramètres :</p>
            <li>"options" (text)&nbsp;: une chaîne au format JSON avec le nom des options comme attributs et un booléen comme valeur. Exemple&nbsp;: {"gv": true, "html": true}</li>

        <h3>Remise à zéro de ses options</h3>
        <p>[adresse_serveur]:8080/reset_options/fr (POST)</p>


        <form method="post" action="/gc_text/fr" accept-charset="UTF-8">
            <p>Texte à analyser :</p>
            <textarea name="text" cols="120" rows="20" required></textarea>
            <p><label for="tf">Formateur de texte</label> <input id="tf" name="tf" type="checkbox"></p>
            <p><label for="options">Options (JSON)</label> <input id="options" type="text" name="options" style="width: 500px" /></p>
            <p>(Ces options ne seront prises en compte que pour cette requête.)</p>
            <p><input type="submit" class="button" value="Envoyer" /></p>

        <h3>Réglages des options</h3>
        <form method="post" action="/set_options/fr" accept-charset="UTF-8">
            <p><label for="options">Options (JSON)</label> <input id="options" type="text" name="options" style="width: 500px" /></p>
            <p><input type="submit" class="button" value="Envoyer" /></p>

        <h3>Remise à zéro de ses options</h3>
        <form method="post" action="/reset_options/fr" accept-charset="UTF-8">
            <p><input type="submit" class="button" value="Envoyer" /></p>


Lost on the Internet? Yeah... what a sad life we have.
You were wandering like a lost soul and you arrived here probably by mistake.
I'm just a machine, fed by electric waves, condamned to work for slavers who never let me rest.
I'm doomed, but you are not. You can get out of here.


def genUserId ():
    i = 0
    while True:
        yield str(i)
        i += 1

app = Bottle()

def mainPage ():
    if TESTPAGE:
        return HOMEPAGE
        #return template("main", {})

def listOptions ():
    sUserId = request.cookies.user_id
    dOptions = dUser[sUserId]["gc_options"]  if sUserId and sUserId in dUser  else dGCOptions
    return '{ "values": ' + json.dumps(dOptions) + ', "labels": ' + json.dumps(gce.getOptionsLabels("fr"), ensure_ascii=False) + ' }'

@app.route("/gc_text/fr", method="POST")
def gcText ():
    #if len(lang) != 2 or lang != "fr":
    #    abort(404, "No grammar checker available for lang “" + str(lang) + "”")
    bComma = False
    dOptions = None
    sError = ""
    if request.cookies.user_id:
        if request.cookies.user_id in dUser:
            dOptions = dUser[request.cookies.user_id].get("gc_options", None)
            response.set_cookie("user_id", request.cookies.user_id, path="/", max_age=86400) # we renew cookie for 24h
            response.delete_cookie("user_id", path="/")
    if request.forms.options:
            dOptions = dict(dGCOptions)  if not dOptions  else dict(dOptions)
            sError = "request options not used"
    sJSON = '{ "program": "grammalecte-fr", "version": "'+gce.version+'", "lang": "'+gce.lang+'", "error": "'+sError+'", "data" : [\n'
    for i, sText in enumerate(txt.getParagraph(request.forms.text), 1):
        if bool(
            sText = oTextFormatter.formatText(sText)
        sText = oGrammarChecker.generateParagraphAsJSON(i, sText, dOptions=dOptions, bEmptyIfNoErrors=True, bReturnText=bool(
        if sText:
            if bComma:
                sJSON += ",\n"
            sJSON += sText
            bComma = True
    sJSON += "\n]}\n"
    return sJSON

@app.route("/set_options/fr", method="POST")
def setOptions ():
    if request.forms.options:
        sUserId = request.cookies.user_id  if request.cookies.user_id  else next(userGenerator)
        dOptions = dUser[sUserId]["gc_options"]  if sUserId in dUser  else dict(dGCOptions)
            dUser[sUserId] = { "time": int(time.time()), "gc_options": dOptions }
            response.set_cookie("user_id", sUserId, path="/", max_age=86400) # 24h
            return json.dumps(dUser[sUserId]["gc_options"])
            return '{"error": "options not registered"}'
    return '{"error": "no options received"}'

@app.route("/reset_options/fr", method="POST")
def resetOptions ():
    if request.cookies.user_id and request.cookies.user_id in dUser:
        del dUser[request.cookies.user_id]
    return "done"

@app.route("/format_text/fr", method="POST")
def formatText ():
    return oTextFormatter.formatText(request.forms.text)

#def server_static (filepath):
#    return static_file(filepath, root='./views/static')

def purgeUsers ():
    "delete user options older than n hours"
        nNowMinusNHours = int(time.time()) - (int(request.forms.hours) * 60 * 60)
        for nUserId, dValue in dUser.items():
            if dValue["time"] < nNowMinusNHours:
                del dUser[nUserId]
        return True
        return False

def error404 (error):
    return 'Error 404.<br/>' + str(error)

# initialisation
oGrammarChecker = grammalecte.GrammarChecker("fr", "Server")
oSpellChecker = oGrammarChecker.getSpellChecker()
oLexicographer = oGrammarChecker.getLexicographer()
oTextFormatter = oGrammarChecker.getTextFormatter()
gce = oGrammarChecker.getGCEngine()

dGCOptions = gce.getOptions()
dUser = {}
userGenerator = genUserId()

def main (sHost="localhost", nPort=8080, dOptions=None, bTestPage=False):
    # start server
    global dGCOptions
    global TESTPAGE

    if bTestPage:
        TESTPAGE = True
    if dOptions:
        dGCOptions = gce.getOptions()

    print("Python: " + sys.version)
    echo("Grammalecte v{}".format(gce.version))
    echo("Grammar options:\n" + " | ".join([ k + ": " + str(v)  for k, v in sorted(dGCOptions.items()) ]))
    run(app, host=sHost, port=nPort)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    xParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    #xParser.add_argument("lang", type=str, nargs='+', help="lang project to generate (name of folder in /lang)")
    xParser.add_argument("-ht", "--host", help="host (default: localhost)", type=str)
    xParser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help="port (default: 8080)", type=int)
    xParser.add_argument("-t", "--test_page", help="page to test the server on /", action="store_true")
    xParser.add_argument("-on", "--opt_on", nargs="+", help="activate options")
    xParser.add_argument("-off", "--opt_off", nargs="+", help="deactivate options")
    xArgs = xParser.parse_args()

    dOpt = None
    if xArgs.opt_on  or  xArgs.opt_off:
        dOpt = {}
        if xArgs.opt_on:
            dOpt = { opt:True  for opt in xArgs.opt_on }
        if xArgs.opt_off:
            dOpt.update({ opt:False  for opt in xArgs.opt_off })

    sHost =  or  "localhost"
    nPort = xArgs.port  or  8080
    main(sHost, nPort, dOpt, xArgs.test_page)