Grammalecte at [3148bfaece]

File graphspell/ artifact e9390e8710 part of check-in 3148bfaece



by Olivier R.
License: MPL 2

This tool encodes lexicon into an indexable binary dictionary
Input files MUST be encoded in UTF-8.

import sys
import os
import collections
import json
import time
import re
import traceback

from . import str_transform as st
from .progressbar import ProgressBar

dLexiconData = {}

def readFile (spf):
    "generator: read file <spf> and return for each line a list of elements separated by a tabulation."
    print(" < Read lexicon: " + spf)
    if os.path.isfile(spf):
        with open(spf, "r", encoding="utf-8") as hSrc:
            for sLine in hSrc:
                sLine = sLine.strip()
                if sLine.startswith("##") :
                    m = re.match("## *(\\w+) *:(.*)$", sLine)
                    if m:
                        dLexiconData[] =
                elif sLine and not sLine.startswith("#"):
                    yield sLine.split("\t")
        if dLexiconData:
            print("Data from dictionary:")
        raise OSError("# Error. File not found or not loadable: " + spf)

class DAWG:
    # This code is inspired from Steve Hanov’s DAWG, 2011. (
    # We store suffix/affix codes and tags within the graph after the “real” word.
    # A word is a list of numbers [ c1, c2, c3 . . . cN, iAffix, iTags]
    # Each arc is an index in self.lArcVal, where are stored characters, suffix/affix codes for stemming and tags.
    # Important: As usual, the last node (after ‘iTags’) is tagged final, AND the node after ‘cN’ is ALSO tagged final.

    def __init__ (self, src, cStemming, sLangCode, sLangName="", sDicName="", sDescription="", sSelectFilterRegex=""):
        print("===== Direct Acyclic Word Graph - Minimal Acyclic Finite State Automaton =====")
        cStemming = cStemming.upper()
        if cStemming == "A":
            funcStemmingGen = st.defineAffixCode
        elif cStemming == "S":
            funcStemmingGen = st.defineSuffixCode
        elif cStemming == "N":
            funcStemmingGen = st.noStemming
            raise ValueError("# Error. Unknown stemming code: {}".format(cStemming))

        aEntry = set()
        lChar = ['']; dChar = {}; nChar = 1; dCharOccur = {}
        lAff  = [];   dAff  = {}; nAff  = 0; dAffOccur = {}
        lTag  = [];   dTag  = {}; nTag  = 0; dTagOccur = {}

        self.a2grams = set()

            zFilter = re.compile(sSelectFilterRegex)  if sSelectFilterRegex  else None
        except re.error:
            print("# Error. Wrong filter regex. Filter ignored: ", zFilter)
            zFilter = None

        # read lexicon
        if isinstance(src, str):
            iterable = readFile(src)
            iterable = src
        for sFlex, sStem, sTag in iterable:
            if not zFilter or
                # chars
                for c in sFlex:
                    if c not in dChar:
                        dChar[c] = nChar
                        nChar += 1
                    dCharOccur[c] = dCharOccur.get(c, 0) + 1
                # affixes to find stem from flexion
                sAff = funcStemmingGen(sFlex, sStem)
                if sAff not in dAff:
                    dAff[sAff] = nAff
                    nAff += 1
                dAffOccur[sAff] = dAffOccur.get(sAff, 0) + 1
                # tags
                if sTag not in dTag:
                    dTag[sTag] = nTag
                    nTag += 1
                dTagOccur[sTag] = dTagOccur.get(sTag, 0) + 1
                aEntry.add((sFlex, dAff[sAff], dTag[sTag]))
        if not aEntry:
            raise ValueError("# Error. Empty lexicon")

        # Preparing DAWG
        print(" > Preparing list of words")
        print(" Filter: " + (sSelectFilterRegex or "[None]"))
        lVal = lChar + lAff + lTag
        lWord = [ [dChar[c] for c in sFlex] + [iAff+nChar] + [iTag+nChar+nAff]  for sFlex, iAff, iTag in aEntry ]
        aEntry = None

        # Dictionary of arc values occurrency, to sort arcs of each node
        dValOccur = dict( [ (dChar[c], dCharOccur[c])  for c in dChar ] \
                        + [ (dAff[aff]+nChar, dAffOccur[aff]) for aff in dAff ] \
                        + [ (dTag[tag]+nChar+nAff, dTagOccur[tag]) for tag in dTag ] )

        self.sFileName = src  if isinstance(src, str)  else "[None]"
        self.sLangCode = sLangCode
        self.sLangName = sLangName
        self.sDicName = sDicName
        self.sDescription = sDescription
        if dLexiconData:
            self.sLangCode = dLexiconData.get("LangCode", self.sLangCode)
            self.sLangName = dLexiconData.get("LangName", self.sLangName)
            self.sDicName = dLexiconData.get("DicName", self.sDicName)
            self.sDescription = dLexiconData.get("Description", self.sDescription)
        self.nEntry = len(lWord)
        self.aPreviousEntry = []
        self.oRoot = DawgNode()
        self.lUncheckedNodes = []  # list of nodes that have not been checked for duplication.
        self.lMinimizedNodes = {}  # list of unique nodes that have been checked for duplication.
        self.lSortedNodes = []     # version 2 and 3
        self.nNode = 0
        self.nArc = 0
        self.dChar = dChar
        self.nChar = len(dChar)
        self.nAff = nAff
        self.lArcVal = lVal
        self.nArcVal = len(lVal)
        self.nTag = self.nArcVal - self.nChar - nAff
        self.cStemming = cStemming
        if cStemming == "A":
            self.funcStemming = st.changeWordWithAffixCode
        elif cStemming == "S":
            self.funcStemming = st.changeWordWithSuffixCode
            self.funcStemming = st.noStemming

        # calculated later
        self.nBytesNodeAddress = 1
        self.nBytesArc = 0
        self.nBytesOffset = 0
        self.nMaxOffset = 0

        # binary dictionary
        self.byDic = b""
        self.lByDic = []

        # build
        oProgBar = ProgressBar(0, len(lWord))
        for aEntry in lWord:
        self.sortNodes()         # version 2 and 3
        #self.sortNodeArcs2 (self.oRoot, "")

    def insert (self, aEntry):
        "insert a new entry (insertion must be made in alphabetical order)."
        if aEntry < self.aPreviousEntry:
            sys.exit("# Error: Words must be inserted in alphabetical order.")

        # find common prefix between word and previous word
        nCommonPrefix = 0
        for i in range(min(len(aEntry), len(self.aPreviousEntry))):
            if aEntry[i] != self.aPreviousEntry[i]:
            nCommonPrefix += 1

        # Check the lUncheckedNodes for redundant nodes, proceeding from last
        # one down to the common prefix size. Then truncate the list at that point.

        # add the suffix, starting from the correct node mid-way through the graph
        if not self.lUncheckedNodes:
            oNode = self.oRoot
            oNode = self.lUncheckedNodes[-1][2]

        iChar = nCommonPrefix
        for c in aEntry[nCommonPrefix:]:
            oNextNode = DawgNode()
            oNode.arcs[c] = oNextNode
            self.lUncheckedNodes.append((oNode, c, oNextNode))
            if iChar == (len(aEntry) - 2):
       = True
            iChar += 1
            oNode = oNextNode = True
        self.aPreviousEntry = aEntry

    def finish (self):
        "minimize unchecked nodes"

    def _minimize (self, downTo):
        # proceed from the leaf up to a certain point
        for i in range( len(self.lUncheckedNodes)-1, downTo-1, -1 ):
            oNode, char, oChildNode = self.lUncheckedNodes[i]
            if oChildNode in self.lMinimizedNodes:
                # replace the child with the previously encountered one
                oNode.arcs[char] = self.lMinimizedNodes[oChildNode]
                # add the state to the minimized nodes.
                self.lMinimizedNodes[oChildNode] = oChildNode

    def countNodes (self):
        "count the number of nodes of the whole word graph"
        self.nNode = len(self.lMinimizedNodes)

    def countArcs (self):
        "count the number of arcs in the whole word graph"
        self.nArc = len(self.oRoot.arcs)
        for oNode in self.lMinimizedNodes:
            self.nArc += len(oNode.arcs)

    def sortNodeArcs (self, dValOccur):
        "sort arcs of each node according to <dValOccur>"
        print(" > Sort node arcs")
        for oNode in self.lMinimizedNodes:

    def sortNodeArcs2 (self, oNode, cPrevious=""):
        "sort arcs of each node depending on the previous char"
        # recursive function
        dCharOccur = getCharOrderAfterChar(cPrevious)
        if dCharOccur:
            oNode.sortArcs2(dCharOccur, self.lArcVal)
        for nArcVal, oNextNode in oNode.arcs.items():
            self.sortNodeArcs2(oNextNode, self.lArcVal[nArcVal])

    def sortNodes (self):
        "sort nodes"
        print(" > Sort nodes")
        for oNode in self.oRoot.arcs.values():

    def _parseNodes (self, oNode):
        # Warning: recursive method
        if oNode.pos > 0:
        for oNextNode in oNode.arcs.values():

    def lookup (self, sWord):
        "return True if <sWord> is within the word graph (debugging)"
        oNode = self.oRoot
        for c in sWord:
            if self.dChar.get(c, '') not in oNode.arcs:
                return False
            oNode = oNode.arcs[self.dChar[c]]

    def morph (self, sWord):
        "return a string of the morphologies of <sWord> (debugging)"
        oNode = self.oRoot
        for c in sWord:
            if self.dChar.get(c, '') not in oNode.arcs:
                return ''
            oNode = oNode.arcs[self.dChar[c]]
            s = "* "
            for arc in oNode.arcs:
                if arc >= self.nChar:
                    s += " [" + self.funcStemming(sWord, self.lArcVal[arc])
                    oNode2 = oNode.arcs[arc]
                    for arc2 in oNode2.arcs:
                        s += " / " + self.lArcVal[arc2]
                    s += "]"
            return s
        return ''

    def displayInfo (self):
        "display informations about the word graph"
        print(" * {:<12} {:>16,}".format("Entries:", self.nEntry))
        print(" * {:<12} {:>16,}".format("Characters:", self.nChar))
        print(" * {:<12} {:>16,}".format("Affixes:", self.nAff))
        print(" * {:<12} {:>16,}".format("Tags:", self.nTag))
        print(" * {:<12} {:>16,}".format("Arc values:", self.nArcVal))
        print(" * {:<12} {:>16,}".format("Nodes:", self.nNode))
        print(" * {:<12} {:>16,}".format("Arcs:", self.nArc))
        print(" * {:<12} {:>16,}".format("2grams:", len(self.a2grams)))
        print(" * {:<12} {:>16}".format("Stemming:", self.cStemming + "FX"))

    def getArcStats (self):
        "return a string with statistics about nodes and arcs"
        d = {}
        for oNode in self.lMinimizedNodes:
            n = len(oNode.arcs)
            d[n] = d.get(n, 0) + 1
        s = " * Nodes:\n"
        for n in d:
            s = s + " {:>9} nodes have {:>3} arcs\n".format(d[n], n)
        return s

    def writeInfo (self, sPathFile):
        "write informations in file <sPathFile>"
        print(" > Write informations")
        with open(sPathFile, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
            hDst.write("\n * Values:\n")
            for i, s in enumerate(self.lArcVal):
                hDst.write(" {:>6}. {}\n".format(i, s))

    def select (self, sPattern=""):
        "generator: returns all entries which morphology fits <sPattern>"
        zPattern = None
        if sPattern:
                zPattern = re.compile(sPattern)
            except re.error:
                print("# Error in regex pattern")
        yield from self._select(zPattern, self.oRoot, "")

    def _select (self, zPattern, oNode, sWord):
        # recursive generator
        for nVal, oNextNode in oNode.arcs.items():
            if nVal <= self.nChar:
                # simple character
                yield from self._select(zPattern, oNextNode, sWord + self.lArcVal[nVal])
                sEntry = sWord + "\t" + self.funcStemming(sWord, self.lArcVal[nVal])
                for nMorphVal, _ in oNextNode.arcs.items():
                    if not zPattern or[nMorphVal]):
                        yield sEntry + "\t" + self.lArcVal[nMorphVal]

    def _calculateBinary (self):
        print(" > Write DAWG as an indexable binary dictionary")
        self.nBytesArc = ( (self.nArcVal.bit_length() + 2) // 8 ) + 1   # We add 2 bits. See DawgNode.convToBytes()
        self.nBytesOffset = 0
        self.byDic = self.oRoot.convToBytes(self.nBytesArc, self.nBytesNodeAddress)
        for oNode in self.lMinimizedNodes:
            self.byDic += oNode.convToBytes(self.nBytesArc, self.nBytesNodeAddress)
        print("   Arc values (chars, affixes and tags): {}  ->  {} bytes".format( self.nArcVal, len("\t".join(self.lArcVal).encode("utf-8")) ))
        print("   Arc size: {} bytes, Address size: {} bytes   ->   {} * {} = {} bytes".format( self.nBytesArc, self.nBytesNodeAddress, \
                                                                                                self.nBytesArc+self.nBytesNodeAddress, self.nArc, \
                                                                                                (self.nBytesArc+self.nBytesNodeAddress)*self.nArc ))

    def _calcNumBytesNodeAddress (self):
        "how many bytes needed to store all nodes/arcs in the binary dictionary"
        self.nBytesNodeAddress = 1
        while ((self.nBytesArc + self.nBytesNodeAddress) * self.nArc) > (2 ** (self.nBytesNodeAddress * 8)):
            self.nBytesNodeAddress += 1

    def _calcNodesAddress (self):
        nBytesNode = self.nBytesArc + self.nBytesNodeAddress
        iAddr = len(self.oRoot.arcs) * nBytesNode
        for oNode in self.lMinimizedNodes:
            oNode.addr = iAddr
            iAddr += max(len(oNode.arcs), 1) * nBytesNode

    def _binaryToList (self):
        Convert binary string to binary list
        BEFORE: Arc                 Address                                 Arc                 Address
                ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| ...

        AFTER:  list of integers: [ arc, address, arc, address, arc, address, ... arc, address ]
        self.lByDic = []
        nAcc = 0
        byBuffer = b""
        nDivisor = (self.nBytesArc + self.nBytesNodeAddress) / 2
        for i in range(0, len(self.byDic)):
            byBuffer += self.byDic[i:i+1]
            if nAcc == (self.nBytesArc - 1):
                self.lByDic.append(int.from_bytes(byBuffer, byteorder="big"))
                byBuffer = b""
            elif nAcc == (self.nBytesArc + self.nBytesNodeAddress - 1):
                self.lByDic.append(round(int.from_bytes(byBuffer, byteorder="big") / nDivisor))
                byBuffer = b""
                nAcc = -1
            nAcc = nAcc + 1

    def getBinaryAsJSON (self):
        "return a JSON string containing all necessary data of the dictionary (compressed as a binary string)"
        return {
            "sHeader": "/grammalecte-fsa/",
            "sLangCode": self.sLangCode,
            "sLangName": self.sLangName,
            "sDicName": self.sDicName,
            "sDescription": self.sDescription,
            "sFileName": self.sFileName,
            "sDate": self._getDate(),
            "nEntry": self.nEntry,
            "nChar": self.nChar,
            "nAff": self.nAff,
            "nTag": self.nTag,
            "cStemming": self.cStemming,
            "dChar": self.dChar,
            "nNode": self.nNode,
            "nArc": self.nArc,
            "nArcVal": self.nArcVal,
            "lArcVal": self.lArcVal,
            "nBytesArc": self.nBytesArc,
            "nBytesNodeAddress": self.nBytesNodeAddress,
            "nBytesOffset": self.nBytesOffset,
            # Mozilla’s JS parser don’t like file bigger than 4 Mb!
            # So, if necessary, we use an hexadecimal string, that we will convert later in Firefox’s extension.
            #"sByDic": self.byDic.hex(),
            "lByDic": self.lByDic,
            "l2grams": list(self.a2grams)

    def writeAsJSObject (self, spfDst):
        "write a file (JSON or JS module) with all the necessary data"
        if not spfDst.endswith(".json"):
            spfDst += ".json"
        with open(spfDst, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as hDst:
            hDst.write( json.dumps(self.getBinaryAsJSON(), ensure_ascii=False) )

    def _getDate (self):
        return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    def _writeNodes (self, sPathFile):
        "for debugging only"
        print(" > Write nodes")
        with open(sPathFile+".nodes.txt", 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
            hDst.write(self.oRoot.getTxtRepr(self.nBytesArc, self.lArcVal)+"\n")
            #hDst.write( ''.join( [ "%02X " %  z  for z in self.oRoot.convToBytes(self.nBytesArc, self.nBytesNodeAddress) ] ).strip() )
            for oNode in self.lMinimizedNodes:
                hDst.write(oNode.getTxtRepr(self.nBytesArc, self.lArcVal)+"\n")

class DawgNode:
    """Node of the word graph"""

    NextId = 0
    NextPos = 1 # (version 2)

    def __init__ (self):
        self.i = DawgNode.NextId
        DawgNode.NextId += 1 = False
        self.arcs = {}          # key: arc value; value: a node
        self.addr = 0           # address in the binary dictionary
        self.pos = 0            # position in the binary dictionary (version 2)

    def resetNextId (cls):
        "set NextId to 0 "
        cls.NextId = 0

    def setPos (self): # version 2
        "define a position for node (version 2)"
        self.pos = DawgNode.NextPos
        DawgNode.NextPos += 1

    def __str__ (self):
        s = "Node " + str(self.i) + " @ " + str(self.addr) + (" [final]" if else "") + "\n"
        for arc, node in self.arcs.items():
            s += "  " +str(arc)
            s += " > " + str(node.i)
            s += " @ " + str(node.addr) + "\n"
        return s

    def __repr__ (self):
        # Caution! this function is used for hashing and comparison!
        sFinalChar = "1"  if  else "0"
        l = [sFinalChar]
        for arc, node in self.arcs.items():
        return "_".join(l)

    def __hash__ (self):
        # Used as a key in a python dictionary.
        return self.__repr__().__hash__()

    def __eq__ (self, other):
        # Used as a key in a python dictionary.
        # Nodes are equivalent if they have identical arcs, and each identical arc leads to identical states.
        return self.__repr__() == other.__repr__()

    def sortArcs (self, dValOccur):
        "sort arcs of node according to <dValOccur>"
        self.arcs = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.arcs.items(), key=lambda t: dValOccur.get(t[0], 0), reverse=True))

    def sortArcs2 (self, dValOccur, lArcVal):
        "sort arcs of each node depending on the previous char"
        self.arcs = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.arcs.items(), key=lambda t: dValOccur.get(lArcVal[t[0]], 0), reverse=True))

    # VERSION 1 =====================================================================================================
    def convToBytes (self, nBytesArc, nBytesNodeAddress):
        Convert to bytes (method 1).

        Node scheme:
        - Arc length is defined by nBytesArc
        - Address length is defined by nBytesNodeAddress

        |                Arc                |                         Address of next node                          |
        |                                   |                                                                       |
         ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
         ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
         ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
         ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
         ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
         ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
          ^ ^
          ┃ ┃
          ┃ ┃
          ┃ ┗━━━ if 1, last arc of this node
          ┗━━━━━ if 1, this node is final (only on the first arc)
        nArc = len(self.arcs)
        nFinalNodeMask = 1 << ((nBytesArc*8)-1)
        nFinalArcMask = 1 << ((nBytesArc*8)-2)
        if not nArc:
            val = nFinalNodeMask | nFinalArcMask
            by = val.to_bytes(nBytesArc, byteorder='big')
            by += (0).to_bytes(nBytesNodeAddress, byteorder='big')
            return by
        by = b""
        for i, arc in enumerate(self.arcs, 1):
            val = arc
            if i == 1 and
                val = val | nFinalNodeMask
            if i == nArc:
                val = val | nFinalArcMask
            by += val.to_bytes(nBytesArc, byteorder='big')
            by += self.arcs[arc].addr.to_bytes(nBytesNodeAddress, byteorder='big')
        return by

    def getTxtRepr (self, nBytesArc, lVal):
        "return representation as string of node (method 1)"
        nArc = len(self.arcs)
        nFinalNodeMask = 1 << ((nBytesArc*8)-1)
        nFinalArcMask = 1 << ((nBytesArc*8)-2)
        s = "i{:_>10} -- #{:_>10}\n".format(self.i, self.addr)
        if not nArc:
            s += "  {:<20}  {:0>16}  i{:_>10}   #{:_>10}\n".format("", bin(nFinalNodeMask | nFinalArcMask)[2:], "0", "0")
            return s
        for i, arc in enumerate(self.arcs, 1):
            val = arc
            if i == 1 and
                val = val | nFinalNodeMask
            if i == nArc:
                val = val | nFinalArcMask
            s += "  {:<20}  {:0>16}  i{:_>10}   #{:_>10}\n".format(lVal[arc], bin(val)[2:], self.arcs[arc].i, self.arcs[arc].addr)
        return s

# Another attempt to sort node arcs

_dCharOrder = {
    # key: previous char, value: dictionary of chars {c: nValue}
    "": {}

def addWordToCharDict (sWord):
    "for each character of <sWord>, count how many times it appears after the previous character, and store result in a <_dCharOrder>"
    cPrevious = ""
    for cChar in sWord:
        if cPrevious not in _dCharOrder:
            _dCharOrder[cPrevious] = {}
        _dCharOrder[cPrevious][cChar] = _dCharOrder[cPrevious].get(cChar, 0) + 1
        cPrevious = cChar

def getCharOrderAfterChar (cChar):
    "return a dictionary of chars with number of times it appears after character <cChar>"
    return _dCharOrder.get(cChar, None)

def displayCharOrder ():
    "display how many times each character appear after another one"
    for key, value in _dCharOrder.items():
        print("[" + key + "]: ", ", ".join([ c+":"+str(n)  for c, n  in  sorted(value.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True) ]))