Grammalecte at [8c3a8013fb]

File gc_lang/fr/dictionnaire/ artifact c35df7b737 part of check-in 8c3a8013fb

#! python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# This script implements the Double Metaphone algorithm (c) 1998, 1999 by Lawrence Philips
# it was translated to Python from the C source written by Kevin Atkinson (
# By Andrew Collins - January 12, 2007 who claims no rights to this work
# Tested with Python 2.4.3
# Updated Feb 14, 2007 - Found a typo in the 'gh' section
# Updated Dec 17, 2007 - Bugs fixed in 'S', 'Z', and 'J' sections. Thanks Chris Leong!
# Updated 2009-03-05 by Matthew Somerville - Various bug fixes against the reference C++ implementation.

>>> dm(u'aubrey')
('APR', '')
>>> dm(u'richard')
('RXRT', 'RKRT')
>>> dm(u'katherine') == dm(u'catherine')
>>> dm(u'Bartoš'), dm(u'Bartosz'), dm(u'Bartosch'), dm(u'Bartos')
(('PRT', ''), ('PRTS', 'PRTX'), ('PRTX', ''), ('PRTS', ''))

import unicodedata

def dm (st):
    """dm(string) -> (string, string or '')
    returns the double metaphone codes for given string - always a tuple
    there are no checks done on the input string, but it should be a single word or name."""
    vowels = ['A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y']
    st = ''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', st) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn'))
    st = st.upper()  # st is short for string. I usually prefer descriptive over short, but this var is used a lot!
    is_slavo_germanic = (st.find('W') > -1 or st.find('K') > -1 or st.find('CZ') > -1 or st.find('WITZ') > -1)
    length = len(st)
    first = 2
    st = '-' * first + st + '------'  # so we can index beyond the begining and end of the input string
    last = first + length - 1
    pos = first     # pos is short for position
    pri = sec = ''  # primary and secondary metaphone codes
    # skip these silent letters when at start of word
    if st[first:first + 2] in ["GN", "KN", "PN", "WR", "PS"]:
        pos += 1
    # Initial 'X' is pronounced 'Z' e.g. 'Xavier'
    if st[first] == 'X':
        pri = sec = 'S'  # 'Z' maps to 'S'
        pos += 1
    # main loop through chars in st
    while pos <= last:
        #print str(pos) + '\t' + st[pos]
        ch = st[pos]  # ch is short for character
        # nxt (short for next characters in metaphone code) is set to  a tuple of the next characters in
        # the primary and secondary codes and how many characters to move forward in the string.
        # the secondary code letter is given only when it is different than the primary.
        # This is just a trick to make the code easier to write and read.
        nxt = (None, 1)  # default action is to add nothing and move to next char
        if ch in vowels:
            nxt = (None, 1)
            if pos == first:  # all init vowels now map to 'A'
                nxt = ('A', 1)
        elif ch == 'B':
            #"-mb", e.g", "dumb", already skipped over... see 'M' below
            if st[pos + 1] == 'B':
                nxt = ('P', 2)
                nxt = ('P', 1)
        elif ch == 'C':
            # various germanic
            if pos > first + 1 and st[pos - 2] not in vowels and st[pos - 1:pos + 2] == 'ACH' and \
               st[pos + 2] not in ['I'] and (st[pos + 2] not in ['E'] or st[pos - 2:pos + 4] in ['BACHER', 'MACHER']):
                nxt = ('K', 2)
            # special case 'CAESAR'
            elif pos == first and st[first:first + 6] == 'CAESAR':
                nxt = ('S', 2)
            elif st[pos:pos + 4] == 'CHIA':  # italian 'chianti'
                nxt = ('K', 2)
            elif st[pos:pos + 2] == 'CH':
                # find 'michael'
                if pos > first and st[pos:pos + 4] == 'CHAE':
                    nxt = ('K', 'X', 2)
                elif pos == first and (st[pos + 1:pos + 6] in ['HARAC', 'HARIS'] or \
                   st[pos + 1:pos + 4] in ["HOR", "HYM", "HIA", "HEM"]) and st[first:first + 5] != 'CHORE':
                    nxt = ('K', 2)
                #germanic, greek, or otherwise 'ch' for 'kh' sound
                elif st[first:first + 4] in ['VAN ', 'VON '] or st[first:first + 3] == 'SCH' \
                   or st[pos - 2:pos + 4] in ["ORCHES", "ARCHIT", "ORCHID"] \
                   or st[pos + 2] in ['T', 'S'] \
                   or ((st[pos - 1] in ["A", "O", "U", "E"] or pos == first) \
                   and st[pos + 2] in ["L", "R", "N", "M", "B", "H", "F", "V", "W"]):
                    nxt = ('K', 2)
                    if pos > first:
                        if st[first:first + 2] == 'MC':
                            nxt = ('K', 2)
                            nxt = ('X', 'K', 2)
                        nxt = ('X', 2)
            # e.g, 'czerny'
            elif st[pos:pos + 2] == 'CZ' and st[pos - 2:pos + 2] != 'WICZ':
                nxt = ('S', 'X', 2)
            # e.g., 'focaccia'
            elif st[pos + 1:pos + 4] == 'CIA':
                nxt = ('X', 3)
            # double 'C', but not if e.g. 'McClellan'
            elif st[pos:pos + 2] == 'CC' and not (pos == (first + 1) and st[first] == 'M'):
                #'bellocchio' but not 'bacchus'
                if st[pos + 2] in ["I", "E", "H"] and st[pos + 2:pos + 4] != 'HU':
                    # 'accident', 'accede' 'succeed'
                    if (pos == (first + 1) and st[first] == 'A') or \
                       st[pos - 1:pos + 4] in ['UCCEE', 'UCCES']:
                        nxt = ('KS', 3)
                    # 'bacci', 'bertucci', other italian
                        nxt = ('X', 3)
                    nxt = ('K', 2)
            elif st[pos:pos + 2] in ["CK", "CG", "CQ"]:
                nxt = ('K', 2)
            elif st[pos:pos + 2] in ["CI", "CE", "CY"]:
                # italian vs. english
                if st[pos:pos + 3] in ["CIO", "CIE", "CIA"]:
                    nxt = ('S', 'X', 2)
                    nxt = ('S', 2)
                # name sent in 'mac caffrey', 'mac gregor
                if st[pos + 1:pos + 3] in [" C", " Q", " G"]:
                    nxt = ('K', 3)
                    if st[pos + 1] in ["C", "K", "Q"] and st[pos + 1:pos + 3] not in ["CE", "CI"]:
                        nxt = ('K', 2)
                    else:  # default for 'C'
                        nxt = ('K', 1)
        elif ch == u'\xc7':  # will never get here with st.encode('ascii', 'replace') above
            # \xc7 is UTF-8 encoding of Ç
            nxt = ('S', 1)
        elif ch == 'D':
            if st[pos:pos + 2] == 'DG':
                if st[pos + 2] in ['I', 'E', 'Y']:  # e.g. 'edge'
                    nxt = ('J', 3)
                    nxt = ('TK', 2)
            elif st[pos:pos + 2] in ['DT', 'DD']:
                nxt = ('T', 2)
                nxt = ('T', 1)
        elif ch == 'F':
            if st[pos + 1] == 'F':
                nxt = ('F', 2)
                nxt = ('F', 1)
        elif ch == 'G':
            if st[pos + 1] == 'H':
                if pos > first and st[pos - 1] not in vowels:
                    nxt = ('K', 2)
                elif pos < (first + 3):
                    if pos == first:  # 'ghislane', ghiradelli
                        if st[pos + 2] == 'I':
                            nxt = ('J', 2)
                            nxt = ('K', 2)
                # Parker's rule (with some further refinements) - e.g., 'hugh'
                elif (pos > (first + 1) and st[pos - 2] in ['B', 'H', 'D']) \
                   or (pos > (first + 2) and st[pos - 3] in ['B', 'H', 'D']) \
                   or (pos > (first + 3) and st[pos - 3] in ['B', 'H']):
                    nxt = (None, 2)
                    # e.g., 'laugh', 'McLaughlin', 'cough', 'gough', 'rough', 'tough'
                    if pos > (first + 2) and st[pos - 1] == 'U' \
                       and st[pos - 3] in ["C", "G", "L", "R", "T"]:
                        nxt = ('F', 2)
                        if pos > first and st[pos - 1] != 'I':
                            nxt = ('K', 2)
            elif st[pos + 1] == 'N':
                if pos == (first + 1) and st[first] in vowels and not is_slavo_germanic:
                    nxt = ('KN', 'N', 2)
                    # not e.g. 'cagney'
                    if st[pos + 2:pos + 4] != 'EY' and st[pos + 1] != 'Y' and not is_slavo_germanic:
                        nxt = ('N', 'KN', 2)
                        nxt = ('KN', 2)
            # 'tagliaro'
            elif st[pos + 1:pos + 3] == 'LI' and not is_slavo_germanic:
                nxt = ('KL', 'L', 2)
            # -ges-,-gep-,-gel-, -gie- at beginning
            elif pos == first and (st[pos + 1] == 'Y' \
               or st[pos + 1:pos + 3] in ["ES", "EP", "EB", "EL", "EY", "IB", "IL", "IN", "IE", "EI", "ER"]):
                nxt = ('K', 'J', 2)
            # -ger-,  -gy-
            elif (st[pos + 1:pos + 3] == 'ER' or st[pos + 1] == 'Y') \
               and st[first:first + 6] not in ["DANGER", "RANGER", "MANGER"] \
               and st[pos - 1] not in ['E', 'I'] and st[pos - 1:pos + 2] not in ['RGY', 'OGY']:
                nxt = ('K', 'J', 2)
            # italian e.g, 'biaggi'
            elif st[pos + 1] in ['E', 'I', 'Y'] or st[pos - 1:pos + 3] in ["AGGI", "OGGI"]:
                # obvious germanic
                if st[first:first + 4] in ['VON ', 'VAN '] or st[first:first + 3] == 'SCH' \
                   or st[pos + 1:pos + 3] == 'ET':
                    nxt = ('K', 2)
                    # always soft if french ending
                    if st[pos + 1:pos + 5] == 'IER ':
                        nxt = ('J', 2)
                        nxt = ('J', 'K', 2)
            elif st[pos + 1] == 'G':
                nxt = ('K', 2)
                nxt = ('K', 1)
        elif ch == 'H':
            # only keep if first & before vowel or btw. 2 vowels
            if (pos == first or st[pos - 1] in vowels) and st[pos + 1] in vowels:
                nxt = ('H', 2)
            else:  # (also takes care of 'HH')
                nxt = (None, 1)
        elif ch == 'J':
            # obvious spanish, 'jose', 'san jacinto'
            if st[pos:pos + 4] == 'JOSE' or st[first:first + 4] == 'SAN ':
                if (pos == first and st[pos + 4] == ' ') or st[first:first + 4] == 'SAN ':
                    nxt = ('H', )
                    nxt = ('J', 'H')
            elif pos == first and st[pos:pos + 4] != 'JOSE':
                nxt = ('J', 'A')  # Yankelovich/Jankelowicz
                # spanish pron. of e.g. 'bajador'
                if st[pos - 1] in vowels and not is_slavo_germanic \
                   and st[pos + 1] in ['A', 'O']:
                    nxt = ('J', 'H')
                    if pos == last:
                        nxt = ('J', ' ')
                        if st[pos + 1] not in ["L", "T", "K", "S", "N", "M", "B", "Z"] \
                           and st[pos - 1] not in ["S", "K", "L"]:
                            nxt = ('J', )
                            nxt = (None, )
            if st[pos + 1] == 'J':
                nxt = nxt + (2, )
                nxt = nxt + (1, )
        elif ch == 'K':
            if st[pos + 1] == 'K':
                nxt = ('K', 2)
                nxt = ('K', 1)
        elif ch == 'L':
            if st[pos + 1] == 'L':
                # spanish e.g. 'cabrillo', 'gallegos'
                if (pos == (last - 2) and st[pos - 1:pos + 3] in ["ILLO", "ILLA", "ALLE"]) \
                   or ((st[last - 1:last + 1] in ["AS", "OS"] or st[last] in ["A", "O"]) \
                   and st[pos - 1:pos + 3] == 'ALLE'):
                    nxt = ('L', ' ', 2)
                    nxt = ('L', 2)
                nxt = ('L', 1)
        elif ch == 'M':
            if (st[pos + 1:pos + 4] == 'UMB' \
               and (pos + 1 == last or st[pos + 2:pos + 4] == 'ER')) \
               or st[pos + 1] == 'M':
                nxt = ('M', 2)
                nxt = ('M', 1)
        elif ch == 'N':
            if st[pos + 1] == 'N':
                nxt = ('N', 2)
                nxt = ('N', 1)
        elif ch == u'\xd1':  # UTF-8 encoding of ト
            nxt = ('N', 1)
        elif ch == 'P':
            if st[pos + 1] == 'H':
                nxt = ('F', 2)
            elif st[pos + 1] in ['P', 'B']:  # also account for "campbell", "raspberry"
                nxt = ('P', 2)
                nxt = ('P', 1)
        elif ch == 'Q':
            if st[pos + 1] == 'Q':
                nxt = ('K', 2)
                nxt = ('K', 1)
        elif ch == 'R':
            # french e.g. 'rogier', but exclude 'hochmeier'
            if pos == last and not is_slavo_germanic \
               and st[pos - 2:pos] == 'IE' and st[pos - 4:pos - 2] not in ['ME', 'MA']:
                nxt = ('', 'R')
                nxt = ('R', )
            if st[pos + 1] == 'R':
                nxt = nxt + (2, )
                nxt = nxt + (1, )
        elif ch == 'S':
            # special cases 'island', 'isle', 'carlisle', 'carlysle'
            if st[pos - 1:pos + 2] in ['ISL', 'YSL']:
                nxt = (None, 1)
            # special case 'sugar-'
            elif pos == first and st[first:first + 5] == 'SUGAR':
                nxt = ('X', 'S', 1)
            elif st[pos:pos + 2] == 'SH':
                # germanic
                if st[pos + 1:pos + 5] in ["HEIM", "HOEK", "HOLM", "HOLZ"]:
                    nxt = ('S', 2)
                    nxt = ('X', 2)
            # italian & armenian
            elif st[pos:pos + 3] in ["SIO", "SIA"] or st[pos:pos + 4] == 'SIAN':
                if not is_slavo_germanic:
                    nxt = ('S', 'X', 3)
                    nxt = ('S', 3)
            # german & anglicisations, e.g. 'smith' match 'schmidt', 'snider' match 'schneider'
            # also, -sz- in slavic language altho in hungarian it is pronounced 's'
            elif (pos == first and st[pos + 1] in ["M", "N", "L", "W"]) or st[pos + 1] == 'Z':
                nxt = ('S', 'X')
                if st[pos + 1] == 'Z':
                    nxt = nxt + (2, )
                    nxt = nxt + (1, )
            elif st[pos:pos + 2] == 'SC':
                # Schlesinger's rule
                if st[pos + 2] == 'H':
                    # dutch origin, e.g. 'school', 'schooner'
                    if st[pos + 3:pos + 5] in ["OO", "ER", "EN", "UY", "ED", "EM"]:
                        # 'schermerhorn', 'schenker'
                        if st[pos + 3:pos + 5] in ['ER', 'EN']:
                            nxt = ('X', 'SK', 3)
                            nxt = ('SK', 3)
                        if pos == first and st[first + 3] not in vowels and st[first + 3] != 'W':
                            nxt = ('X', 'S', 3)
                            nxt = ('X', 3)
                elif st[pos + 2] in ['I', 'E', 'Y']:
                    nxt = ('S', 3)
                    nxt = ('SK', 3)
            # french e.g. 'resnais', 'artois'
            elif pos == last and st[pos - 2:pos] in ['AI', 'OI']:
                nxt = ('', 'S', 1)
                nxt = ('S', )
                if st[pos + 1] in ['S', 'Z']:
                    nxt = nxt + (2, )
                    nxt = nxt + (1, )
        elif ch == 'T':
            if st[pos:pos + 4] == 'TION':
                nxt = ('X', 3)
            elif st[pos:pos + 3] in ['TIA', 'TCH']:
                nxt = ('X', 3)
            elif st[pos:pos + 2] == 'TH' or st[pos:pos + 3] == 'TTH':
                # special case 'thomas', 'thames' or germanic
                if st[pos + 2:pos + 4] in ['OM', 'AM'] or st[first:first + 4] in ['VON ', 'VAN '] \
                   or st[first:first + 3] == 'SCH':
                    nxt = ('T', 2)
                    nxt = ('0', 'T', 2)
            elif st[pos + 1] in ['T', 'D']:
                nxt = ('T', 2)
                nxt = ('T', 1)
        elif ch == 'V':
            if st[pos + 1] == 'V':
                nxt = ('F', 2)
                nxt = ('F', 1)
        elif ch == 'W':
            # can also be in middle of word
            if st[pos:pos + 2] == 'WR':
                nxt = ('R', 2)
            elif pos == first and (st[pos + 1] in vowels or st[pos:pos + 2] == 'WH'):
                # Wasserman should match Vasserman
                if st[pos + 1] in vowels:
                    nxt = ('A', 'F', 1)
                    nxt = ('A', 1)
            # Arnow should match Arnoff
            elif (pos == last and st[pos - 1] in vowels) \
               or st[pos - 1:pos + 4] in ["EWSKI", "EWSKY", "OWSKI", "OWSKY"] \
               or st[first:first + 3] == 'SCH':
                nxt = ('', 'F', 1)
            # polish e.g. 'filipowicz'
            elif st[pos:pos + 4] in ["WICZ", "WITZ"]:
                nxt = ('TS', 'FX', 4)
            else:  # default is to skip it
                nxt = (None, 1)
        elif ch == 'X':
            # french e.g. breaux
            nxt = (None, )
            if not(pos == last and (st[pos - 3:pos] in ["IAU", "EAU"] \
               or st[pos - 2:pos] in ['AU', 'OU'])):
                nxt = ('KS', )
            if st[pos + 1] in ['C', 'X']:
                nxt = nxt + (2, )
                nxt = nxt + (1, )
        elif ch == 'Z':
            # chinese pinyin e.g. 'zhao'
            if st[pos + 1] == 'H':
                nxt = ('J', )
            elif st[pos + 1:pos + 3] in ["ZO", "ZI", "ZA"] \
               or (is_slavo_germanic and pos > first and st[pos - 1] != 'T'):
                nxt = ('S', 'TS')
                nxt = ('S', )
            if st[pos + 1] == 'Z' or st[pos + 1] == 'H':
                nxt = nxt + (2, )
                nxt = nxt + (1, )
        # ----------------------------------
        # --- end checking letters------
        # ----------------------------------
        #print str(nxt)
        if len(nxt) == 2:
            if nxt[0]:
                pri += nxt[0]
                sec += nxt[0]
            pos += nxt[1]
        elif len(nxt) == 3:
            if nxt[0]:
                pri += nxt[0]
            if nxt[1]:
                sec += nxt[1]
            pos += nxt[2]
    if pri == sec:
        return (pri, '')
        return (pri, sec)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest