# Just a file for one-shot scripts
import os
import sys
import re
import grammalecte.ibdawg as ibdawg
oDict = ibdawg.IBDAWG("French.bdic")
def readFile (spf):
if os.path.isfile(spf):
with open(spf, "r", encoding="utf-8") as hSrc:
for sLine in hSrc:
yield sLine
print("# Error: file not found.")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def listUnknownWords (spf):
with open(spf+".res.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as hDst:
for sLine in readFile(spfSrc):
sLine = sLine.strip()
if sLine:
for sWord in sLine.split():
if not oDict.isValid(sWord):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def createLexStatFile (spf, dStat):
dWord = {}
for i, sLine in enumerate(readFile(spf)):
if not sLine.startswith("#"):
sWord = sLine.strip()
if sWord not in dWord:
dWord[sWord] = dStat.get(sWord, 0)
print(i, end="\r")
with open(spf+".res.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as hDst:
for sWord, nVal in sorted(dWord.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True):
if not oDict.isValid(sWord):
hDst.write(sWord + " " + str(nVal) + "\n")
def readStatFile (spf, dStat):
print("read stats: " + spf)
for sLine in readFile(spf):
if not sLine.startswith("#"):
sWord, sCount = sLine.split()
dStat[sWord] = dStat.get(sWord, 0) + int(sCount)
return dStat
def readStatFilesAndCreateLexicon ():
dStat = {}
readStatFile("stats1.txt", dStat)
readStatFile("stats2.txt", dStat)
readStatFile("stats3.txt", dStat)
createLexStatFile("propositions.txt", dStat)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def isMoreThanOneSetInList (lSet):
aFirst = lSet.pop(0)
for aSet in lSet:
if aSet != aFirst:
return True
return False
def filterLinesWithWordsWithDifferentStems (spf):
with open(spf+".res.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as hDst:
for sLine in readFile(spf):
lStemSet = [ set(oDict.stem(sWord)) for sWord in sLine.strip().split()]
if isMoreThanOneSetInList(lStemSet):
def filterHomophonicWords ():
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__' :