__author__ = "Olivier R."
__license__ = "MPL 2"
import os
import sys
import re
import collections
import zipfile
import math
import argparse
from enum import Enum
from distutils import dir_util
from distutils import file_util
from string import Template
import metagraphe
import metaphone2
import thes_build
# Dictionnaire des caractères pour le tri naturel.
# Ordre souhaitable, mais pose problème pour la recherche, car engendre des égalités de lemmes différents.
# Il faut donc travailler sur un dictionnaire trié *numériquement* et le sauvegarder selon le tri *naturel*
CHARMAP = str.maketrans({ 'à': 'a', 'À': 'A', 'â': 'a', 'Â': 'A', 'ä': 'a', 'Ä': 'A', 'å': 'a', 'Å': 'A', 'ā': 'a', 'Ā': 'A',
'ç': 'c', 'Ç': 'C',
'é': 'e', 'É': 'E', 'è': 'e', 'È': 'E', 'ê': 'e', 'Ê': 'E', 'ë': 'e', 'Ë': 'E', 'ē': 'e', 'Ē': 'E',
'î': 'i', 'Î': 'I', 'ï': 'i', 'Ï': 'I', 'ī': 'i', 'Ī': 'I',
'ñ': 'n',
'ô': 'o', 'Ô': 'O', 'ö': 'o', 'Ö': 'O', 'ō': 'o', 'Ō': 'O',
'ù': 'u', 'Ù': 'U', 'û': 'u', 'Û': 'U', 'ü': 'u', 'Ü': 'U', 'ū': 'u', 'Ū': 'U',
'ÿ': 'y',
'æ': 'ae', 'Æ': 'AE', 'œ':'oe', 'Œ': 'OE',
'-': None, '.': None, "'": None })
# Les dictionnaires
dSUBDIC = { '*': 'Commun',
'R': 'Réforme1990',
'M': 'Moderne',
'C': 'Classique',
'A': 'Annexe',
'X': 'Contributeurs' }
'shortname': '“Classique”',
'asciiName': 'fr-classique',
'mozAsciiName': 'fr-FR-classic',
'subDicts': '*MCX',
'mozId': 'fr-dicollecte-classique',
'description': "Dictionnaire français “Classique”" }
'shortname': '“Réforme 1990”',
'asciiName': 'fr-reforme1990',
'mozAsciiName': 'fr-FR-reform',
'subDicts': '*RX',
'mozId': 'fr-dicollecte-reforme1990',
'description': "Dictionnaire français “Réforme 1990”" }
'shortname': '“Toutes variantes”',
'asciiName': 'fr-toutesvariantes',
'mozAsciiName': 'fr-FR-classic-reform',
'subDicts': '*MCRAX',
'mozId': 'fr-dicollecte-toutesvariantes',
'description': "Dictionnaire français “Toutes variantes”" }
'mozId': 'fr-dicollecte',
'description': "Dictionnaire orthographique de la langue française" }
BUILD_PATH = '_build'
PREFIX_DICT_PATH = 'hunspell-french-dictionaries-v'
EXT_PREFIX_OOO = 'lo-oo-ressources-linguistiques-fr-v'
EXT_PREFIX_MOZ = 'moz-hunspell-fr-v'
LEX_PREFIX = 'lexique-grammalecte-fr-v'
STATS_NAME = 'statistiques-v'
MPLHEADER = "# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public\n" + \
"# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this\n" + \
"# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\n\n"
def echo (obj, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False):
""" Print for Windows to avoid Python crashes.
Encoding depends on Windows locale. No useful standard.
Always returns True (useful for debugging)."""
if sys.platform != "win32":
print(obj, sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)
return True
print(str(obj).replace("œ", "oe"), sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)
print(str(obj).translate(CHARMAP), sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)
print(str(obj).encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii', 'replace'), sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)
return True
def makeLongFlags (sFlags):
"renvoie la liste des drapeaux, créés à partir de la chaîne"
if len(sFlags) % 2 != 0:
echo(">| erreur: %s" % sFlags)
sFlags = sFlags + ' '
return [ sFlags[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(sFlags), 2) ]
def makeNumFlags (sFlags):
return sFlags.split(',')
def makeOneCharFlags (sFlags):
return list(sFlags)
def fieldToHunspell (sFieldName, sFieldValue):
"renvoie le texte pour Hunspell de la valeur d’un champ"
sSep = ' ' + sFieldName + ':'
return sSep + sFieldValue.replace(' ', sSep)
def getListNgrams (sWord, n):
return [ sWord[i:i+n] for i in range(len(sWord)-n-1) ]
def createZipFiles (spSrc, spDst, zipFileName):
echo(' > Zip [ {} ]'.format(spSrc))
def _addDir (_spSrc, _subPath, _zipFile):
for _fileToZip in os.listdir(_spSrc):
if os.path.isdir(_spSrc+'/'+_fileToZip):
_addDir(_spSrc+'/'+_fileToZip, _fileToZip, _zipFile)
zipFile.write(_spSrc+'/'+_fileToZip, _subPath+'/'+_fileToZip)
zipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(spDst+'/'+zipFileName, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
for fileToZip in os.listdir(spSrc):
if os.path.isdir(spSrc+'/'+fileToZip):
_addDir(spSrc+'/'+fileToZip, fileToZip, zipFileName)
zipFile.write(spSrc+'/'+fileToZip, fileToZip)
def copyTemplate (spSrc, spDst, spf, dVars):
if spf.endswith('xml') or spf.endswith('rdf'):
for key in dVars:
dVars[key] = dVars[key].replace('&', '&')
xTemplate = Template( open(spSrc+'/'+spf, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() )
open(spDst+'/'+spf, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n").write(xTemplate.safe_substitute(dVars))
def getIfq (f):
"renvoie l’indice de fréquence (un caractère)"
if f == 0: return '0'
if f < 0.00000001: return '1'
if f < 0.0000001: return '2'
if f < 0.000001: return '3'
if f < 0.00001: return '4'
if f < 0.0001: return '5'
if f < 0.001: return '6'
if f < 0.01: return '7'
if f < 0.1: return '8'
return '9'
def getVerbMultiMorph (s):
"renvoie la liste des morphologies fusionnées"
lTag = s.split()
lRes = []
for n, sTag in enumerate(lTag, 1):
if not sTag[0].isdigit():
sMorph = sTag
for sTag2 in lTag[n:]:
if sTag2[0].isdigit():
lRes.append(sMorph + " " + sTag2)
return lRes
def readfile (spf):
"generator: returns file line by line"
if os.path.isfile(spf):
with open(spf, "r", encoding="utf-8") as hSrc:
for sLine in hSrc:
yield sLine
print("# Error: file not found.")
class Dictionnaire:
def __init__ (self, version, name):
# Dictionary
self.sName = name
self.lEntry = []
self.nEntry = 0
self.sVersion = version
# Affixes
self.sSettings = '' # enregistre tout avant la ligne # END
self.dFlags = collections.OrderedDict()
self.bShortenTags = False
self.dAM = collections.OrderedDict() # étiquettes morphologiques
self.dAF = collections.OrderedDict() # étiquettes drapeaux
# Flexions
self.lFlexions = [] # liste des flexions avec lemme, morphologie et occurrences
self.lStatsLex = []
self.nTotOccurRecognizedWords = 0
self.aFlexions = None
def readDictionary (self, spf):
"Lecture du dictionnaire"
echo('Dictionnaire << [ {} ]'.format(spf), end=' ')
for sLine in readfile(spf):
sLine = sLine.strip()
if not sLine.isdigit() and not sLine.startswith("#"):
self.nEntry = len(self.lEntry)
echo('- {} entrées'.format(self.nEntry))
def readAffixes (self, spf):
"Lecture du fichier des affixes"
echo("Dictionnaire << [ {} ]".format(spf))
bSettings = True
for sLine in readfile(spf):
if sLine.startswith("# END"):
bSettings = False
elif sLine.startswith("#"):
elif sLine.startswith(("PFX", "SFX")):
sLine = re.sub(" *#.*$", "", sLine.rstrip(" \n"))
lElem = sLine.split()
if len(lElem) >= 4:
if lElem[1] not in self.dFlags:
# nouveau drapeau
oFlag = Flag(lElem[0], lElem[1], lElem[2])
self.dFlags[lElem[1]] = oFlag
# nouvelle règle
echo(" # erreur de lecture: {}".format(sLine))
elif bSettings:
# toutes les lignes non-commentaires avant # END sont enregistrées dans self.sSettings
self.sSettings += sLine
def defineAbreviatedTags (self, nMode, spDst):
"Abrégé des étiquettes grammaticales et des drapeaux"
echo(" * Dictionnaire - compression Hunspell... ")
self.bShortenTags = True
dAF = {}
dAM = {}
for oFlag in self.dFlags.values():
for oRule in oFlag.lRules:
if oRule.flags:
dAF[oRule.flags] = dAF.get(oRule.flags, 0) + 1
sMorph = oRule.getMorph(nMode).strip()
if sMorph:
dAM[sMorph] = dAM.get(sMorph, 0) + 1
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
if oEntry.flags:
dAF[oEntry.flags] = dAF.get(oEntry.flags, 0) + 1
sMorph = oEntry.getMorph(nMode).strip()
if sMorph:
dAM[sMorph] = dAM.get(sMorph, 0) + 1
lAF = sorted(dAF.items(), key = lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
lAM = sorted(dAM.items(), key = lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
with open(spDst, 'a', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
hDst.write("\n\nDrapeaux :\n")
for nAF, elem in enumerate(lAF, 1):
self.dAF[elem[0]] = str(nAF)
hDst.write(" > {0[1]:>8} : {0[0]}\n".format(elem))
hDst.write("\n\nMorphologies :\n")
for nAM, elem in enumerate(lAM, 1):
self.dAM[elem[0]] = str(nAM)
hDst.write(" > {0[1]:>8} : {0[0]}\n".format(elem))
def writeDictionary (self, spDst, dTplVars, nMode, bSimplified):
"Écrire le fichier dictionnaire (.dic)"
echo(' * Dictionnaire >> [ {}.dic ] ({})'.format(dTplVars['asciiName'], dTplVars['subDicts']))
nEntry = 0
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
if oEntry.di in dTplVars['subDicts'] and " " not in oEntry.lemma:
nEntry += 1
with open(spDst+'/'+dTplVars['asciiName']+'.dic', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
if oEntry.di in dTplVars['subDicts'] and re.search(r"^[\w’'-]+$", oEntry.lemma):
hDst.write(oEntry.getHunspellLine(self, nMode, bSimplified))
def writeAffixes (self, spDst, dTplVars, nMode, bSimplified):
"Écrire le fichier des affixes (.aff)"
echo(' * Dictionnaire >> [ {}.aff ]'.format(dTplVars['asciiName']))
info = "# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public\n" + \
"# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this\n" + \
"# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\n\n" + \
"# AFFIXES DU {} v{}\n".format(dTplVars['name'], self.sVersion) + \
"# par Olivier R. -- licence MPL 2.0\n" + \
"# Pour améliorer le dictionnaire, allez sur https://grammalecte.net/\n\n"
with open(spDst+'/'+dTplVars['asciiName']+'.aff', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
hDst.write(self.sSettings + "\n")
if self.bShortenTags:
hDst.write("AM {}\n".format(len(self.dAM)))
for item in self.dAM.items():
hDst.write("AM {}\n".format(item[0]))
hDst.write("AF {}\n".format(len(self.dAF)))
for item in self.dAF.items():
hDst.write("AF {}\n".format(item[0]))
for oFlag in self.dFlags.values():
hDst.write(oFlag.getFlag(dTplVars['subDicts'], self, nMode, bSimplified))
def sortEntriesNatural (self):
echo(' * Dictionnaire - Tri naturel des entrées...')
self.lEntry = sorted(self.lEntry, key=Entree.keyTriNat)
def sortEntriesNumerical (self):
echo(' * Dictionnaire - Tri numérique des entrées...')
self.lEntry = sorted(self.lEntry, key=Entree.keyTriNum)
def sortLexiconByFlexion (self):
echo(' * Dictionnaire - tri du lexique (par flexion)...')
self.lFlexions = sorted(self.lFlexions, key=Flexion.keyFlexion)
def sortLexiconByFreq (self):
echo(' * Dictionnaire - tri du lexique (par fréquence)...')
self.lFlexions = sorted(self.lFlexions, key=Flexion.keyFreq)
def sortLexiconByIdx (self):
echo(' * Dictionnaire - tri du lexique (par index)...')
self.lFlexions = sorted(self.lFlexions, key=Flexion.keyIdx)
def checkEntries (self):
echo(' * Dictionnaire - contrôle des entrées...')
for e in self.lEntry:
def generateFlexions (self):
echo(' * Lexique - genèse des formes fléchies...')
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
# Count flexions in multiple entries
d = {}
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
if oFlex.sFlexion in d:
if oFlex.oEntry not in d[oFlex.sFlexion]:
d[oFlex.sFlexion] = [oFlex.oEntry]
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
oFlex.lMulti = list(d[oFlex.sFlexion])
oFlex.nMulti = len(oFlex.lMulti)
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
oFlex.nMulti -= 1
def setTagsFrom (self, other):
echo(' * Dictionnaire - copie des tags...')
for i in range(self.nEntry):
for oEntry in other.lEntry:
if self.lEntry[i].lemma == oEntry.lemma and self.lEntry[i].flags == oEntry.flags:
def calculateStats (self, oStatsLex, spfDst):
echo(" * Dictionnaire - calculs...")
with open(spfDst, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
# Occurrences brutes des formes fléchies
echo(" comptage des occurrences...")
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
self.nTotOccurRecognizedWords = 0
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
self.nTotOccurRecognizedWords += oFlex.nOccur
# Report des occurrences
echo(" report des occurrences des formes fléchies multiples...")
hDst.write("Report des occurrences des formes fléchies multiples :\n")
hDst.write(" Légende :\n")
hDst.write(" >> le nombre d’occurrences de la flexion est ramené à la moyenne.\n")
hDst.write(" +> le nombre d’occurrences de la flexion est augmenté avec le surplus d’occurrences des flexions ramenées à la moyenne.\n")
hDst.write(" %> le nombre d’occurrences de la flexion est pondéré avec le poids de la moyenne de l’entrée.\n\n")
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
oEntry.solveOccurMultipleFlexions(hDst, oStatsLex)
# Fréquences
echo(" calcul des fréquences et indices de fréquence...")
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
# Entrées, statistiques
echo(" statistiques...")
hDst.write("\n\nNatures grammaticales :\n")
d = {}
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
po = re.sub("(?<=v[0-3])[itnpqrmaezx_]+", "", oEntry.po)
d[po] = d.get(po, 0) + 1
for e in sorted(d.items(), key = lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True):
hDst.write(" * {0[1]:<15} : {0[0]}\n".format(e))
hDst.write("\n\nVentilation des entrées par indice de fréquence :\n")
d1 = {}
d2 = {}
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
d1[oEntry.fq] = d1.get(oEntry.fq, 0) + 1
d2[oEntry.fq] = d2.get(oEntry.fq, 0) + oEntry.fFreq
for k in sorted(d1.keys()):
hDst.write(" * {} : {} entrées ({:.2f} %) → {:.9f} %\n".format(k, d1[k], (d1[k]*100)/self.nEntry, d2[k]))
hDst.write("\n\nRépartition des entrées par sous-dictionnaire :\n")
d = {}
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
d[oEntry.di] = d.get(oEntry.di, 0) + 1
for sKey, nVal in d.items():
hDst.write(" * {0:<15} : {1} entrées ({2:.2f} %)\n".format(dSUBDIC[sKey], nVal, (nVal*100)/self.nEntry))
# Occurrences des lettres
echo(" occurrences des lettres...")
d = {}
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
for c in oFlex.sFlexion:
d[c] = d.get(c, 0) + oFlex.nOccur
nTot = 0
for k in d:
nTot += d[k]
hDst.write("\n\nOccurrences des lettres dans le corpus :\n")
for sKey, nVal in sorted(d.items(), key = lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True):
hDst.write(" {} : {:>16,.0f} / {:.8f} %\n".format(sKey, nVal, nVal*100/nTot))
# Mots par nombre de lettres
echo(" Nombre de lettres dans les mots...")
if not self.aFlexions:
self.aFlexions = set([e.sFlexion for e in self.lFlexions])
d = {}
for sFlex in self.aFlexions:
n = len(sFlex)
d[n] = d.get(n, 0) + 1
hDst.write("\n\nNombre de lettres dans les graphies :\n")
for sKey, nVal in sorted(d.items()):
hDst.write(" {:>2} lettres : {:>8} graphies\n".format(sKey, nVal))
hDst.write("\n\nNombre de formes fléchies : {}\n".format(len(self.lFlexions)))
hDst.write("\n\nNombre de graphies : {}\n".format(len(self.aFlexions)))
def calcMetagraphe (self):
echo(" * Lexique - Metagraphe")
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
def calcMetaphone2 (self):
echo(" * Lexique - Metaphone 2")
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
def createNgrams (self, spDest, n):
echo(" * Lexique - Ngrams " + str(n))
if n < 2:
echo("erreur: n = " + str(n))
dOccur = {} # ngram:n
dRefW = {} # ngram:set(idx)
dWords = {} # word:idx
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
for sNgram in getListNgrams(oFlex.sFlexion, n):
# words list
if oFlex.sFlexion not in dWords:
dWords[oFlex.sFlexion] = len(dWords)
idx = dWords[oFlex.sFlexion]
# ngram occurrence
dOccur[sNgram] = dOccur.get(sNgram, 0) + 1
if sNgram not in dRefW:
dRefW[sNgram] = set()
# ngram word reference
with open(spDest+"/ngrams-%d.txt"%n, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
for key, value in dWords.items():
hDst.write("%d: %s\n"% (value, key))
for key, value in dOccur.items():
if value > 1:
hDst.write("%s: %d -- "% (key, value))
def writeLexicon (self, spfDst, version, oStatsLex):
echo(' * Lexique >> [ {} ] '.format(spfDst))
with open(spfDst, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
hDst.write("# Lexique des formes fléchies du français - Grammalecte v{}\n# Licence : MPL v2.0\n\n".format(version))
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
def writeGrammarCheckerLexicon (self, spfDst, version):
echo(' * Lexique simplifié >> [ {} ] '.format(spfDst))
with open(spfDst[:-4]+".lex", 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
hDst.write("# Lexique simplifié pour Grammalecte v{}\n# Licence : MPL v2.0\n\n".format(version))
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
def createFiles (self, spDst, lDictVars, nMode, bSimplified):
sDicName = PREFIX_DICT_PATH + self.sVersion
spDic = spDst + '/' + sDicName
for dVars in lDictVars:
# template vars
dVars['version'] = self.sVersion
# Dictionaries files (.dic) (.aff)
self.writeAffixes(spDic, dVars, nMode, bSimplified)
self.writeDictionary(spDic, dVars, nMode, bSimplified)
copyTemplate('orthographe', spDic, 'README_dict_fr.txt', dVars)
createZipFiles(spDic, spDst, sDicName + '.zip')
def createLibreOfficeExtension (self, spBuild, dTplVars, lDictVars, spDestGL=""):
# LibreOffice extension
echo(" * Dictionnaire >> extension pour LibreOffice")
dTplVars['version'] = self.sVersion
sExtensionName = EXT_PREFIX_OOO + self.sVersion
spExt = spBuild + '/' + sExtensionName
file_util.copy_file('_templates/ooo/manifest.xml', spExt+'/META-INF')
file_util.copy_file('_templates/ooo/DictionarySwitcher.py', spExt)
file_util.copy_file('_templates/ooo/ds_strings.py', spExt+'/pythonpath')
file_util.copy_file('_templates/ooo/addons.xcu', spExt+'/ui')
file_util.copy_file('_templates/ooo/french_flag.png', spExt)
file_util.copy_file('_templates/ooo/french_flag_16.bmp', spExt+'/ui')
copyTemplate('_templates/ooo', spExt, 'description.xml', dTplVars)
copyTemplate('_templates/ooo', spExt, 'dictionaries.xcu', dTplVars)
#file_util.copy_file('_templates/ooo/dictionaries.xcu.tpl.xml', spExt)
copyTemplate('_templates/ooo', spExt, 'package-description.txt', dTplVars)
for dVars in lDictVars:
dicPath = spBuild + '/' + PREFIX_DICT_PATH + self.sVersion
file_util.copy_file(dicPath+'/'+dVars['asciiName']+'.dic', spExt+'/dictionaries/'+dVars['asciiName']+'.dic')
file_util.copy_file(dicPath+'/'+dVars['asciiName']+'.aff', spExt+'/dictionaries/'+dVars['asciiName']+'.aff')
copyTemplate('orthographe', spExt+'/dictionaries', 'README_dict_fr.txt', dTplVars)
# hyphenation
file_util.copy_file('césures/hyph_fr.dic', spExt+'/dictionaries')
file_util.copy_file('césures/hyph_fr.iso8859-1.dic', spExt+'/dictionaries')
file_util.copy_file('césures/frhyph.tex', spExt+'/dictionaries')
file_util.copy_file('césures/hyph-fr.tex', spExt+'/dictionaries')
file_util.copy_file('césures/README_hyph_fr-3.0.txt', spExt+'/dictionaries')
file_util.copy_file('césures/README_hyph_fr-2.9.txt', spExt+'/dictionaries')
# zip
createZipFiles(spExt, spBuild, sExtensionName + '.oxt')
# copy to Grammalecte Project
if spDestGL:
echo(" Dictionnaires Hunspell copiés dans Grammalecte pour LibreOffice...")
dir_util.copy_tree(spExt+'/dictionaries', spDestGL)
def createMozillaExtensions (self, spBuild, dTplVars, lDictVars, spDestGL=""):
# Mozilla extension 1
echo(" * Dictionnaire >> extension pour Mozilla")
dTplVars['version'] = self.sVersion
sExtensionName = EXT_PREFIX_MOZ + self.sVersion
spExt = spBuild + '/' + sExtensionName
copyTemplate('_templates/moz', spExt, 'manifest.json', dTplVars)
spDict = spBuild + '/' + PREFIX_DICT_PATH + self.sVersion
file_util.copy_file(spDict+'/fr-classique.dic', spExt+'/dictionaries/fr-classic.dic')
file_util.copy_file(spDict+'/fr-classique.aff', spExt+'/dictionaries/fr-classic.aff')
copyTemplate('orthographe', spExt, 'README_dict_fr.txt', dTplVars)
createZipFiles(spExt, spBuild, sExtensionName + '.xpi')
# Grammalecte
if spDestGL:
echo(" Dictionnaires Hunspell copiés dans Grammalecte pour Mozilla")
for dVars in lDictVars:
file_util.copy_file(spDict+'/'+dVars['asciiName']+'.dic', spDestGL+'/'+dVars['mozAsciiName']+"/"+dVars['mozAsciiName']+'.dic')
file_util.copy_file(spDict+'/'+dVars['asciiName']+'.aff', spDestGL+'/'+dVars['mozAsciiName']+"/"+dVars['mozAsciiName']+'.aff')
def createFileIfqForDB (self, spBuild):
echo(" * Dictionnaire >> indices de fréquence pour la DB...")
with open(spBuild+'/dictIdxIfq-'+self.sVersion+'.diff.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDiff, \
open(spBuild+'/dictIdxIfq-'+self.sVersion+'.notes.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hNotes:
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
if oEntry.fq != oEntry.oldFq:
hNotes.write("{0.lemma}/{0.flags}\t{0.oldFq} > {0.fq}\n".format(oEntry))
def createLexiconPackages (self, spBuild, version, oStatsLex, spDestGL=""):
sLexName = LEX_PREFIX + version
spLex = spBuild + '/' + sLexName
# write lexicon
self.writeLexicon(spLex + '/' + sLexName + '.txt', version, oStatsLex)
self.writeGrammarCheckerLexicon(spBuild + '/' + sLexName + '.lex', version)
copyTemplate('lexique', spLex, 'README_lexique.txt', {'version': version})
# zip
createZipFiles(spLex, spBuild, sLexName + '.zip')
# copy GC lexicon to Grammalecte
if spDestGL:
file_util.copy_file(spBuild + '/' + sLexName + '.lex', spDestGL + '/French.lex')
file_util.copy_file('lexique/French.tagset.txt', spDestGL)
def createDictConj (self, spBuild, spDestGL=""):
echo(" * Dictionnaire >> fichier de conjugaison...")
with open(spBuild+'/dictConj.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
if oEntry.po.startswith("v"):
if spDestGL:
echo(" Fichier de conjugaison copié dans Grammalecte...")
file_util.copy_file(spBuild+'/dictConj.txt', spDestGL)
def createDictDecl (self, spBuild, spDestGL=""):
echo(" * Dictionnaire >> fichier de déclinaison...")
with open(spBuild+'/dictDecl.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
for oEntry in self.lEntry:
if re.match("[SXFWIA]", oEntry.flags) and (oEntry.po.startswith("nom") or oEntry.po.startswith("adj")):
if spDestGL:
echo(" Fichier de déclinaison copié dans Grammalecte...")
file_util.copy_file(spBuild+'/dictDecl.txt', spDestGL)
class Entree:
def __init__ (self, sLine):
self.lemma = ''
self.flags = ''
# champs morphologiques Hunspell
self.po = ''
self.iz = ''
self.ds = ''
self.ts = ''
self.ip = ''
self.dp = ''
self.tp = ''
self.sp = ''
self.pa = ''
self.st = ''
self.al = ''
self.ph = ''
# champs annexes
self.lx = ''
self.se = ''
self.et = ''
self.di = '*'
self.fq = ''
self.iD = '0'
# autres
self.comment = ''
self.err = ''
self.nFlexions = 0
self.lFlexions = []
self.sStem = ''
self.nOccur = 0
self.nAKO = -1 # Average known occurrences
self.fFreq = 0
self.oldFq = ''
sLine = sLine.rstrip(" \n")
# commentaire
if '#' in sLine:
sLine, comment = sLine.split('#', 1)
self.comment = comment.strip()
# éléments de la ligne
elems = sLine.split("\t")
nElems = len(elems)
# lemme et drapeaux
firstElems = elems[0].split('/') if elems[0] != "/" else elems[0]
self.lemma = firstElems[0]
self.flags = firstElems[1] if len(firstElems) > 1 else ''
# morph
for i in range(1, nElems):
if len(elems[i]) > 3 and elems[i][2] == ':':
fields = elems[i].split(':', 1)
if fields[0] == 'po':
self.po = fields[1] if self.po == '' else self.po + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'is':
self.iz = fields[1] if self.iz == '' else self.iz + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'ds':
self.ds = fields[1] if self.ds == '' else self.ds + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'ts':
self.ts = fields[1] if self.ts == '' else self.ts + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'ip':
self.ip = fields[1] if self.ip == '' else self.ip + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'dp':
self.dp = fields[1] if self.dp == '' else self.dp + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'tp':
self.tp = fields[1] if self.tp == '' else self.tp + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'sp':
self.sp = fields[1] if self.sp == '' else self.sp + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'pa':
self.pa = fields[1] if self.pa == '' else self.pa + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'st':
self.st = fields[1] if self.st == '' else self.st + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'al':
self.al = fields[1] if self.al == '' else self.al + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'ph':
self.ph = fields[1] if self.ph == '' else self.ph + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'lx':
self.lx = fields[1] if self.lx == '' else self.lx + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'se':
self.se = fields[1] if self.se == '' else self.se + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'et':
self.et = fields[1] if self.et == '' else self.et + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'di':
self.di = fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'fq':
self.fq = fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'id':
self.iD = fields[1]
echo(' ## Champ inconnu: {} dans {}/{}'.format(fields[0], self.lemma, self.flags))
self.err = self.err + elems[i]
if self.err:
echo("\n## Erreur dans le dictionnaire : {}".format(self.err))
echo(" dans : " + self.lemma)
def __str__ (self):
return "{0.lemma}/{0.flags} {1}".format(self, self.getMorph(2))
def check (self):
sErr = ''
if self.lemma == '':
sErr += 'lemme vide'
if re.match(r"^\s", self.lemma):
sErr += 'premier caractère un espace dans <' + self.lemma + '>'
if re.search(r"\s$", self.lemma):
sErr += 'espace en fin de lemme'
if re.match(r"v[0123]", self.po) and not re.match(r"[eas_][ix_][tx_][nx_][pqreuvx_][mx_][ex_z][ax_z]\b", self.po[2:]):
sErr += 'verbe inconnu: ' + self.po
if (re.match(r"S[.]", self.flags) and re.search("[sxz]$", self.lemma)) or (re.match(r"X[.]", self.flags) and not re.search("[ul]$", self.lemma)):
sErr += 'drapeau inutile'
if self.iz == '' and re.match(r"[SXAI](?!=)", self.flags) and self.po:
sErr += '[is] vide'
if re.match(r"pl|sg|inv", self.iz):
sErr += '[is] incomplet'
if re.match(r"[FW]", self.flags) and re.search(r"epi|mas|fem|inv|sg|pl", self.iz):
sErr += '[is] incohérent'
if re.search(r"pl|sg|inv", self.iz) and re.match(r"[SXAIFW](?!=)", self.flags):
sErr += '[is] incohérent'
if self.iz.endswith(("mas", "fem", "epi")) and (not self.flags or not self.flags.startswith(("S", "X", "F", "W", "A", "I", "U"))):
sErr += '[is] incomplet'
if self.flags.startswith(("a0", "b0", "c0", "d0")) and not self.lemma.endswith("er"):
sErr += "drapeau pour verbe du 1ᵉʳ groupe sur un lemme non conforme"
if self.flags.startswith("f") and not self.lemma.endswith(("ir", "ïr")):
sErr += "drapeau pour verbe du 2ᵉ groupe sur un lemme non conforme"
if sErr:
echo(' error - id: ' + self.iD, end = "")
echo(' ' + sErr + ' in ' + self.__str__())
def setTagsFrom (self, oEnt):
self.po = oEnt.po
self.iz = oEnt.iz
self.ds = oEnt.ds
self.ts = oEnt.ts
self.ip = oEnt.ip
self.dp = oEnt.dp
self.tp = oEnt.tp
self.sp = oEnt.sp
self.pa = oEnt.pa
self.st = oEnt.st
self.al = oEnt.al
self.ph = oEnt.ph
self.lx = oEnt.lx
self.se = oEnt.se
self.et = oEnt.et
self.di = oEnt.di
self.fq = oEnt.fq
def keyTriNat (self):
return (self.lemma.translate(CHARMAP), self.flags, self.po)
def keyTriNum (self):
return (self.lemma, self.flags, self.po)
def getHunspellLine (self, oDict, nMode, bSimplified=False):
sLine = self.lemma.replace("’", "'")
if self.flags:
sLine += '/'
sLine += self.flags if not oDict.bShortenTags or bSimplified else oDict.dAF[self.flags]
if bSimplified:
return sLine.replace("()", "") + "\n"
if nMode > 0:
sMorph = self.getMorph(nMode)
if sMorph:
sLine += sMorph if not oDict.bShortenTags else "\t" + oDict.dAM[sMorph.strip()]
return sLine + "\n"
def getMorph (self, nMode):
txt = ''
if self.po: txt += fieldToHunspell('po', self.po)
if self.iz: txt += fieldToHunspell('is', self.iz)
if self.ds: txt += fieldToHunspell('ds', self.ds)
if self.ts: txt += fieldToHunspell('ts', self.ts)
if self.ip: txt += fieldToHunspell('ip', self.ip)
if self.dp: txt += fieldToHunspell('dp', self.dp)
if self.tp: txt += fieldToHunspell('tp', self.tp)
if self.sp: txt += fieldToHunspell('sp', self.sp)
if self.pa: txt += fieldToHunspell('pa', self.pa)
if self.al: txt += fieldToHunspell('al', self.al)
if self.st: txt += fieldToHunspell('st', self.st)
if self.ph: txt += fieldToHunspell('ph', self.ph)
if nMode > 1:
if self.lx: txt += fieldToHunspell('lx', self.lx)
if self.se: txt += fieldToHunspell('se', self.se)
if self.et: txt += fieldToHunspell('et', self.et)
if self.fq: txt += ' fq:' + self.fq
if self.di != '*': txt += ' di:' + self.di
return txt
def getShortDescr (self):
txt = self.lemma
if self.flags:
txt += '/' + self.flags
if self.di != '*':
txt += ' di:' + self.di
return txt
def generateFlexions (self, dFlags):
lTuples = self._flechir(dFlags)
# création des objects flexions
self.nFlexion = 0
self.lFlexions = []
sReject = ""
for sFlex, sMorph, sDic in lTuples:
if '+' not in sMorph:
sMorph = self.clean(sMorph)
if not sMorph.endswith((" mas", " fem", " epi")):
self.nFlexion += 1
self.lFlexions.append( Flexion(self, sFlex, sMorph, sDic, self.nFlexion) )
#echo(sFlex + " " + sMorph + ", ")
# Lemme
self.sStem = self.st if self.st else self.lemma
# Tag duplicates
d = {}
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
d[oFlex.sFlexion] = d.get(oFlex.sFlexion, 0) + 1
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
oFlex.nDup = d[oFlex.sFlexion]
def _flechir (self, dFlags, morph='', iPR=0):
# recursive function!
"renvoie une liste de tuples (déclinaisons, morphologie), formes fléchies du lemme"
if iPR == 2:
return []
if iPR == 0:
morph = self.lexMorph()
lFlexions = [(self.lemma, morph, self.di)] if iPR == 0 and not self.flags.endswith('()') else []
lFlexPrefix = []
lFlexSuffix = []
for sFlag in makeLongFlags(self.flags):
if sFlag not in dFlags:
if sFlag not in ['**', '()', '||', '--']:
lFlexions.append( (self.lemma, '[unknown flag: {}]'.format(sFlag), self.di) )
echo("ERROR: " + self.lemma + ' - unknown flag: ' + sFlag)
oFlag = dFlags[sFlag]
if not oFlag.bSfx:
# cas des préfixes
for oRule in oFlag.lRules:
if oRule.motif.search(self.lemma):
ruleMorph = oRule.lexMorph()
if oRule.cut == '0':
flexion = (oRule.add+self.lemma, ruleMorph+morph, oRule.di)
if oFlag.bMix:
for flex in lFlexSuffix:
lFlexions.append( (oRule.add+flex[0], flex[1]+ruleMorph) )
flexion = (self.lemma.replace(oRule.cut, oRule.add, 1), ruleMorph+morph, oRule.di)
if oFlag.bMix:
for flex in lFlexSuffix:
lFlexions.append( (flex[0].replace(oRule.cut, oRule.add, 1), flex[1]+ruleMorph) )
if oRule.flags != '' and oRule.flags != '**':
lFlexions.extend(Entree(flexion[0]+'/'+oRule.flags)._flechir(dFlags, flexion[1], iPR+1))
# cas des suffixes
for oRule in oFlag.lRules:
if oRule.motif.search(self.lemma):
ruleMorph = oRule.lexMorph()
if not oRule.flags.endswith('**') or oRule.flags == '**':
# règle ordinaire, pas de circumfix
if oRule.cut == '0':
flexion = (self.lemma+oRule.add, morph+ruleMorph, oRule.di)
if oFlag.bMix:
for flex in lFlexPrefix:
lFlexions.append( (flex[0]+oRule.add, flex[1]+ruleMorph) )
nCut = len(oRule.cut)
flexion = (self.lemma[:-nCut]+oRule.add, morph+ruleMorph, oRule.di)
if oFlag.bMix:
for flex in lFlexPrefix:
lFlexions.append( (flex[0][:-nCut]+oRule.add, flex[1]+ruleMorph) )
if oRule.flags != '' and oRule.flags != '**':
lFlexions.extend(Entree(flexion[0]+'/'+oRule.flags)._flechir(dFlags, flexion[1], iPR+1))
# la règle impose un circumfix
if oRule.cut == '0':
flexion = (self.lemma+oRule.add, morph+ruleMorph, oRule.di)
flexion = (self.lemma[:-len(oRule.cut)]+oRule.add, morph+ruleMorph, oRule.di)
lFlexions.extend(Entree(flexion[0]+'/'+oRule.flags)._flechir(dFlags, flexion[1], iPR+1))
lFlexions = lFlexions + lFlexPrefix + lFlexSuffix
return lFlexions
def clean (self, s):
return s.replace(' ', ' ').strip(' ')
def lexMorph (self):
# morphology for lexicon
txt = ' '
if self.po: txt += self.po + ' '
if self.iz: txt += self.iz + ' '
if self.ds: txt += self.ds + ' '
if self.ts: txt += self.ts + ' '
if self.ip: txt += self.ip + ' '
if self.dp: txt += self.dp + ' '
if self.tp: txt += self.tp + ' '
if self.sp: txt += self.sp + ' '
return txt
def getConjugation (self):
sRes = self.lemma + "\t" + self.po[1:10] + "\n"
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
sMorph = oFlex.sMorph[11:].rstrip("!").replace("ppas adj", "ppas").replace("ppas 1jsg", "ppas")
if not sMorph.startswith("ppas") and sMorph.find(" ") > 1:
# complex tags
for s in getVerbMultiMorph(sMorph):
sRes += "_\t" + s + "\t" + oFlex.sFlexion + "\n"
sRes += "_\t" + sMorph + "\t" + oFlex.sFlexion + "\n"
return sRes + "$\n"
def getDeclination (self):
sRes = self.lemma + "\t" + self.flags + "\n"
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
if "ppas" in oFlex.sMorph:
sMorph = oFlex.sMorph.replace("ppas adj", "adj").replace("ppas 1jsg", "adj")
sRes += "_\t" + sMorph + "\t" + oFlex.sFlexion + "\n"
elif "adj" in oFlex.sMorph or "nom" in oFlex.sMorph:
sRes += "_\t" + oFlex.sMorph + "\t" + oFlex.sFlexion + "\n"
return sRes + "$\n"
def calcOccurFromFlexions (self):
self.nOccur = 0
for o in self.lFlexions:
self.nOccur += o.nOccur
def calcAverageKnownOccurrence (self):
# nous calculons la moyenne des occurrences des formes fléchies
# qui n’ont pas d’équivalent dans les autres entrées (nMulti = 0)
nOccur = 0
nFlex = 0
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
if oFlex.nMulti == 0:
nOccur += oFlex.nOccur
nFlex += 1
# moyenne des formes fléchies sans équivalent ou -1
self.nAKO = math.ceil(nOccur / nFlex) if nFlex > 0 else -1
def solveOccurMultipleFlexions (self, hDst, oStatsLex):
sBlank = " "
if self.nAKO >= 0:
for oFlex in self.lFlexions:
if oFlex.nMulti > 0 and not oFlex.bBlocked:
# on trie les entrées avec AKO et sans AKO
lEntWithAKO = []
lEntNoAKO = []
for oEntry in oFlex.lMulti:
if oEntry.nAKO >= 0:
if lEntNoAKO:
# on calcule la différence totale occasionnée par du passage des flexions appartenant à des entrées avec AKO au niveau AKO
nDiff = (oFlex.nOccur - self.nAKO) * oFlex.nDup
for oEntry in lEntWithAKO:
for oFlexM in oEntry.lFlexions:
if oFlex.sFlexion == oFlexM.sFlexion:
nDiff += oFlexM.nOccur - oEntry.nAKO
if nDiff > 0:
# on peut passer à les formes fléchies à AKO
hDst.write(" * {0.sFlexion}\n".format(oFlex))
hDst.write(" moyenne connue\n")
for oFlexD in self.lFlexions:
if oFlex.sFlexion == oFlexD.sFlexion:
hDst.write(sBlank + "{2:<30} {0.sMorph:<30} {0.nOccur:>10} >> {1:>10}\n".format(oFlexD, self.nAKO, self.getShortDescr()))
for oEntry in lEntWithAKO:
hDst.write(" moyenne connue\n")
for oFlexM in oEntry.lFlexions:
if oFlex.sFlexion == oFlexM.sFlexion:
hDst.write(sBlank + "{2:<30} {0.sMorph:<30} {0.nOccur:>10} >> {1:>10}\n".format(oFlexM, oEntry.nAKO, oEntry.getShortDescr()))
# on répercute nDiff sur les flexions sans AKO
for oEntry in lEntNoAKO:
hDst.write(" sans moyenne connue\n")
for oFlexM in oEntry.lFlexions:
if oFlex.sFlexion == oFlexM.sFlexion:
nNewOccur = oFlexM.nOccur + math.ceil((nDiff / len(lEntNoAKO)) / oFlexM.nDup)
hDst.write(sBlank + "{2:<30} {0.sMorph:<30} {0.nOccur:>10} +> {1:>10}\n".format(oFlexM, nNewOccur, oEntry.getShortDescr()))
# Toutes les entrées sont avec AKO : on pondère
nFlexOccur = oStatsLex.getFlexionOccur(oFlex.sFlexion)
nTotAKO = self.nAKO
for oEnt in oFlex.lMulti:
nTotAKO += oEnt.nAKO
hDst.write(" = {0.sFlexion}\n".format(oFlex))
hDst.write(" moyennes connues\n")
for oFlexD in self.lFlexions:
if oFlex.sFlexion == oFlexD.sFlexion:
nNewOccur = math.ceil((nFlexOccur * (self.nAKO / nTotAKO)) / oFlexD.nDup) if nTotAKO else 0
hDst.write(sBlank + "{2:<30} {0.sMorph:<30} {0.nOccur:>10} %> {1:>10}\n".format(oFlexD, nNewOccur, self.getShortDescr()))
for oEntry in oFlex.lMulti:
for oFlexM in oEntry.lFlexions:
if oFlex.sFlexion == oFlexM.sFlexion:
nNewOccur = math.ceil((nFlexOccur * (oEntry.nAKO / nTotAKO)) / oFlexM.nDup) if nTotAKO else 0
hDst.write(sBlank + "{2:<30} {0.sMorph:<30} {0.nOccur:>10} %> {1:>10}\n".format(oFlexM, nNewOccur, oEntry.getShortDescr()))
def calcFreq (self, nTot):
self.fFreq = (self.nOccur * 100) / nTot
self.oldFq = self.fq
self.fq = getIfq(self.fFreq)
class Flexion:
def __init__ (self, oEntry, sFlex='', sMorph='', cDic='', nFlexId=0):
self.oEntry = oEntry
self.sFlexion = sFlex
self.sMorph = sMorph
self.cDic = cDic
self.nFlexId = nFlexId
self.nOccur = 0
self.bBlocked = False
self.nDup = 0 # duplicates in the same entry
self.nMulti = 0 # duplicates with other entries
self.lMulti = [] # list of similar flexions
self.fFreq = 0
self.cFq = ''
self.metagfx = '' # métagraphe
self.metaph2 = '' # métaphone 2
def setOccur (self, n):
self.nOccur = n
def setOccurAndBlock (self, n):
self.nOccur = n
self.bBlocked = True
def calcOccur (self):
self.nOccur = math.ceil((self.nOccur / (self.nMulti+1)) / self.nDup)
def calcFreq (self, nTot):
self.fFreq = (self.nOccur * 100) / nTot
self.cFq = getIfq(self.fFreq)
def calcMetagraphe (self):
t = metagraphe.getMetagraphe(self.sFlexion, self.sMorph)
self.metagfx = t[0] if not t[1] else t[0]+"/"+t[1]
def calcMetaphone2 (self):
t = metaphone2.dm(self.sFlexion)
self.metaph2 = t[0] if not t[1] else t[0]+"/"+t[1]
def header (cls, oStatsLex):
sOccurs = ''
for t in oStatsLex.lLex:
sOccurs += t[1] + "\t"
return "id\tfid\tFlexion\tLemme\tÉtiquettes\tMétagraphe (β)\tMetaphone2\tNotes\tSémantique\tÉtymologie\tSous-dictionnaire\t" + sOccurs + "Total occurrences\tDoublons\tMultiples\tFréquence\tIndice de fréquence\n"
def __str__ (self, oStatsLex):
sOccurs = ''
for v in oStatsLex.dFlexions[self.sFlexion]:
sOccurs += str(v) + "\t"
return "{0.oEntry.iD}\t{0.nFlexId}\t{0.sFlexion}\t{0.oEntry.sStem}\t{0.sMorph}\t{0.metagfx}\t{0.metaph2}\t{0.oEntry.lx}\t{0.oEntry.se}\t{0.oEntry.et}\t{0.oEntry.di}{2}\t{1}{0.nOccur}\t{0.nDup}\t{0.nMulti}\t{0.fFreq:.15f}\t{0.cFq}\n".format(self, sOccurs, "/"+self.cDic if self.cDic != "*" else "")
def simpleHeader (cls):
return "# :POS ;LEX ~SEM =FQ /DIC\n"
def getGrammarCheckerRepr (self):
return "{0.sFlexion}\t{0.oEntry.lemma}\t{1}\n".format(self, self._getSimpleTags())
_dTagReplacement = {
"nom": ":N", "adj": ":A", "adv": ":W", "negadv": ":X", "mg": ":G", "nb": ":B", "nbro": ":Br",
"loc.nom": ":ÉN", "loc.adj": ":ÉA", "loc.adv": ":ÉW", "loc.verb": ":ÉV",
"interj": ":J", "loc.interj": ":ÉJ", "titr": ":T",
"mas": ":m", "fem": ":f", "epi": ":e", "sg": ":s", "pl": ":p", "inv": ":i",
"infi": ":Y",
"ppre": ":P", "ppas": ":Q",
"ipre": ":Ip", "iimp": ":Iq", "ipsi": ":Is", "ifut": ":If",
"spre": ":Sp", "simp": ":Sq", "cond": ":K", "impe": ":E",
"1sg": ":1s", "1isg": ":1ś", "1jsg": ":1ŝ", "2sg": ":2s", "3sg": ":3s", "1pl": ":1p", "2pl": ":2p", "3pl": ":3p", "3pl!": ":3p!",
"prepv": ":Rv", "prep": ":R", "loc.prep": ":ÉR", "loc.prepv": "ÉRv",
"detpos": ":Dp", "detdem": ":Dd", "detind": ":Di", "detneg": ":Dn", "detex": ":De", "det": ":D",
"advint": ":U",
"prodem": ":Od", "proind": ":Oi", "proint": ":Ot", "proneg": ":On", "prorel": ":Or", "proadv": ":Ow",
"properobj": ":Oo", "propersuj": ":Os", "1pe": ":O1", "2pe": ":O2", "3pe": ":O3", "preverb": ":Ov",
"cjco": ":Cc", "cjsub": ":Cs", "cj": ":C", "loc.cj": ":ÉC", "loc.cjsub": ":ÉCs",
"prn": ":M1", "patr": ":M2", "loc.patr": ":ÉM2", "npr": ":MP", "nompr": ":NM",
"pfx": ":Zp", "sfx": ":Zs",
"div": ":H",
"err": ":F",
"ponc": ":@p", "sign": ":@s",
"symb": ";S", "unit": ";U", "col": ";C"
def _getSimpleTags (self):
s = ""
for sTag in self.sMorph.split():
if sTag.startswith("v"):
s += ":V" + sTag[1:]
if sTag in self._dTagReplacement:
s += self._dTagReplacement[sTag]
echo(" # unknown tag: " + sTag + " on: " + self.oEntry.lemma)
for sTag in self.oEntry.lx.split():
if sTag in self._dTagReplacement:
s += self._dTagReplacement[sTag]
#s += "~" + self.oEntry.se if self.oEntry.se and self.oEntry.se != "@" else ""
#s += "<" + self.oEntry.et if self.oEntry.et and self.oEntry.et != "@" else ""
#s += "=" + self.cFq
if self.oEntry.di == "*" and self.cDic != "*":
s += "/" + self.cDic
s += "/" + self.oEntry.di
return s
def keyTriNat (self):
return (self.sFlexion.translate(CHARMAP), self.sMorph)
def keyFreq (self):
return (100-self.fFreq, self.oEntry.sStem, self.sFlexion)
def keyOcc (self):
return (self.nOccur, self.oEntry.sStem, self.sFlexion)
def keyIdx (self):
return self.oEntry.iD
def keyFlexion (self):
return self.sFlexion
class Flag:
def __init__ (self, sFlagType, sFlagName, sMix):
self.sFlagName = sFlagName
self.bSfx = True if sFlagType == 'SFX' else False
self.bMix = True if sMix == 'Y' else False
self.lRules = []
self.nRules = 0
self.nOccur = 0
def addAffixRule (self, line):
"ajoute une règle au drapeau"
oRule = AffixRule(line)
self.nRules += 1
def getFlag (self, subDicts, oDict, nMode, bSimplified):
nRules = 0
sRules = ''
for oRule in self.lRules:
if oRule.di in subDicts:
if not (bSimplified and oRule.isReplicationRule()):
sRules += oRule.getRuleLine(oDict, nMode, bSimplified)
nRules += 1
if nRules:
txt = "\n"
txt += 'SFX' if self.bSfx else 'PFX'
txt += ' ' + self.sFlagName + ' '
txt += 'Y' if self.bMix else 'N'
txt += ' ' + str(nRules) + "\n"
txt += sRules
return txt
return ''
class AffixRule:
def __init__ (self, sLine):
self.sFlagName = ''
self.bSfx = True
self.comment = ''
# Règle
self.cut = ''
self.add = ''
self.flags = ''
self.cond = ''
self.motif = ''
# champs morphologiques de Hunspell
self.po = ''
self.iz = ''
self.ds = ''
self.ts = ''
self.ip = ''
self.dp = ''
self.tp = ''
self.sp = ''
self.pa = ''
self.ph = ''
# champs de Dicollecte
self.lx = ''
self.di = '*'
# erreurs
self.err = ''
# autres champs
self.nOccur = 0
sLine = sLine.rstrip(" \n")
# commentaire
if '#' in sLine:
sLine, comment = sLine.split('#', 1)
self.comment = comment.strip()
# éléments de la ligne
elems = sLine.split()
nElems = len(elems)
# type et nom
self.bSfx = True if elems[0] == "SFX" else False
self.sFlagName = elems[1]
# lemme et drapeaux
self.cut = elems[2]
if '/' in elems[3]:
self.add, self.flags = elems[3].split('/')
self.add = elems[3]
self.flags = ''
if self.add == '0':
self.add = ''
self.cond = elems[4]
self.motif = re.compile(self.cond+'$') if self.bSfx else re.compile('^'+self.cond)
# morph
for i in range(5, nElems):
if len(elems[i]) > 3 and elems[i][2] == ':':
fields = elems[i].split(':',1)
if fields[0] == 'po':
self.po = fields[1] if self.po == '' else self.po + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'is':
self.iz = fields[1] if self.iz == '' else self.iz + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'ds':
self.ds = fields[1] if self.ds == '' else self.ds + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'ts':
self.ts = fields[1] if self.ts == '' else self.ts + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'ip':
self.ip = fields[1] if self.ip == '' else self.ip + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'dp':
self.dp = fields[1] if self.dp == '' else self.dp + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'tp':
self.tp = fields[1] if self.tp == '' else self.tp + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'sp':
self.sp = fields[1] if self.sp == '' else self.sp + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'pa':
self.pa = fields[1] if self.pa == '' else self.pa + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'ph':
self.ph = fields[1] if self.pa == '' else self.pa + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'lx':
self.lx = fields[1] if self.lx == '' else self.lx + ' ' + fields[1]
elif fields[0] == 'di':
self.di = fields[1]
echo('Champ inconnu: {} dans {}'.format(fields[0], self.sFlagName))
echo(" # Erreur affixe : {}".format(line))
def isReplicationRule (self):
"is this rule used for replication of a virtual lemma"
return self.flags == "" and ((self.cut == "0" and self.add == "") or self.cut == self.add)
def getRuleLine (self, oDict, nMode, bSimplified=False):
sLine = 'SFX' if self.bSfx else 'PFX'
sLine += ' ' + self.sFlagName + ' ' + self.cut + ' '
sLine += self.add if self.add else '0'
if self.flags != '':
sLine += '/'
sLine += self.flags if not oDict.bShortenTags or bSimplified else oDict.dAF[self.flags]
if bSimplified:
sLine = sLine.replace("()", "")
sLine += ' ' + self.cond
if not bSimplified and nMode > 0:
sMorph = self.getMorph(nMode)
if sMorph:
sLine += sMorph if not oDict.bShortenTags or bSimplified else ' ' + oDict.dAM[sMorph.strip()]
return sLine + "\n"
def getMorph (self, nMode):
# morphology for Hunspell
txt = ''
if self.po: txt += fieldToHunspell('po', self.po)
if self.iz: txt += fieldToHunspell('is', self.iz)
if self.ds: txt += fieldToHunspell('ds', self.ds)
if self.ts: txt += fieldToHunspell('ts', self.ts)
if self.ip: txt += fieldToHunspell('ip', self.ip)
if self.dp: txt += fieldToHunspell('dp', self.dp)
if self.tp: txt += fieldToHunspell('tp', self.tp)
if self.sp: txt += fieldToHunspell('sp', self.sp)
if self.pa: txt += fieldToHunspell('pa', self.pa)
if self.ph: txt += fieldToHunspell('ph', self.ph)
if nMode > 1:
if self.lx: txt += fieldToHunspell('lx', self.lx)
if self.di != '*': txt += ' di:' + self.di
return txt
def lexMorph (self):
# morphology for lexicon
txt = ' '
if self.po: txt += self.po + ' '
if self.iz: txt += self.iz + ' '
if self.ds: txt += self.ds + ' '
if self.ts: txt += self.ts + ' '
if self.ip: txt += self.ip + ' '
if self.dp: txt += self.dp + ' '
if self.tp: txt += self.tp + ' '
if self.sp: txt += self.sp + ' '
return txt
class StatsLex:
def __init__ (self, oDict):
echo("Lexique statistique")
self.dFlexions = { oFlex.sFlexion: [] for oFlex in oDict.lFlexions }
self.lLex = []
def addLexFromFile (self, sPathFile, cLexID, sLexName):
if not os.path.isfile(sPathFile):
echo(' * Lexique statistique - fichier {} introuvable'.format(sPathFile))
return None
if len(cLexID) != 1:
echo(' * Lexique statistique - fichier {} - identifiant incorrect, 1 caractère requis'.format(sPathFile))
return None
echo(" * Lexique statistique << [ {} ]".format(sPathFile))
nTotKnownOccur = 0
nTotOccur = 0
for sLine in readfile(sPathFile):
sWord, sVal = sLine.rstrip().split()
n = int(sVal)
if sWord in self.dFlexions:
nTotKnownOccur += n
nTotOccur += n
self.lLex.append((cLexID, sLexName, nTotKnownOccur, nTotOccur))
# we fill gaps
nLex = len(self.lLex)
for sFlex in self.dFlexions:
if len(self.dFlexions[sFlex]) < nLex:
def getFlexionOccur (self, sFlex):
return sum(self.dFlexions[sFlex])
def getInfo (self):
nKnownTot = 0
nTot = 0
s = "Corpus :\n"
for t in self.lLex:
s += " * {:<20} -> {:>18,} mots reconnus / {:>18,}\n".format(t[1], t[2], t[3])
nKnownTot += t[2]
nTot += t[3]
s += "\n * {:<20} -> {:>18,} mots reconnus / {:>18,}\n\n".format('TOTAL', nKnownTot, nTot)
return s
def write (self, sPathFile):
with open(sPathFile, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
for t in self.lLex:
for e in self.dFlexions.items():
hDst.write("{} - {}\n".format(e[0], e[1]))
def createThesaurusPackage (spBuild, sVersion, spCopy=""):
print(" * Création du thésaurus")
spThesaurus = spBuild+"/thesaurus-v"+sVersion
thes_build.build("thesaurus/thes_fr.dat", "thesaurus/synsets_fr.dat", spThesaurus)
file_util.copy_file('thesaurus/README_thes_fr.txt', spThesaurus)
if spCopy:
# copy in libreoffice extension package
print(" Copie du thésaurus dans:", spCopy)
file_util.copy_file(spThesaurus+'/thes_fr.dat', spCopy)
file_util.copy_file(spThesaurus+'/thes_fr.idx', spCopy)
file_util.copy_file(spThesaurus+'/README_thes_fr.txt', spCopy)
def main ():
xParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
xParser.add_argument("-v", "--verdic", help="set dictionary version, i.e. 5.4", type=str, default="X.Y.z")
xParser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", help="0: no tags, 1: Hunspell tags (default), 2: All tags", type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2], default=1)
xParser.add_argument("-u", "--uncompress", help="do not use Hunspell compression", action="store_true")
xParser.add_argument("-s", "--simplify", help="no virtual lemmas", action="store_true")
xParser.add_argument("-gl", "--grammalecte", help="copy generated files to Grammalecte folders", action="store_true")
xArgs = xParser.parse_args()
if xArgs.simplify:
xArgs.mode = 0
xArgs.uncompress = True
echo("Python: " + sys.version)
echo("Version: " + xArgs.verdic)
echo("Simplify: " + str(xArgs.simplify))
echo("Mode: " + str(xArgs.mode))
echo("Compression: " + str(not(xArgs.uncompress)))
### création du répertoire
spBuild = BUILD_PATH + '/' + xArgs.verdic
### Lecture des fichiers et création du dictionnaire
oFrenchDict = Dictionnaire(xArgs.verdic, "French dictionary")
for sFile in ['orthographe/FRANCAIS.dic']:
### Contrôle
### Lexique
#oFrenchDict.createNgrams(spBuild, 3)
### Statistiques
spfStats = spBuild+'/'+STATS_NAME+xArgs.verdic+'.txt'
oStatsLex = StatsLex(oFrenchDict)
oStatsLex.addLexFromFile('lexique/corpus_data/stats_google_ngram_1.txt', 'G', 'Google 1-grams')
oStatsLex.addLexFromFile('lexique/corpus_data/stats_frwiki.txt', 'W', 'Wikipédia')
oStatsLex.addLexFromFile('lexique/corpus_data/stats_frwikisource.txt', 'S', 'Wikisource')
oStatsLex.addLexFromFile('lexique/corpus_data/stats_litterature.txt', 'L', 'Littérature')
oFrenchDict.calculateStats(oStatsLex, spfStats)
### Écriture des paquets
echo("Création des paquets...")
spLexiconDestGL = "../../../lexicons" if xArgs.grammalecte else ""
spLibreOfficeExtDestGL = "../oxt/Dictionnaires/dictionaries" if xArgs.grammalecte else ""
spMozillaExtDestGL = "" if xArgs.grammalecte else "" # no more Hunspell dictionaries in Mozilla extensions for now
spDataDestGL = "../data" if xArgs.grammalecte else ""
### dictionnaires
if not xArgs.uncompress:
oFrenchDict.defineAbreviatedTags(xArgs.mode, spfStats)
oFrenchDict.createFiles(spBuild, [dTOUTESVAR, dCLASSIQUE, dREFORME1990], xArgs.mode, xArgs.simplify)
oFrenchDict.createLexiconPackages(spBuild, xArgs.verdic, oStatsLex, spLexiconDestGL)
createThesaurusPackage(spBuild, "2.4", spLibreOfficeExtDestGL)
oFrenchDict.createLibreOfficeExtension(spBuild, dMOZEXT, [dTOUTESVAR, dCLASSIQUE, dREFORME1990], spLibreOfficeExtDestGL)
oFrenchDict.createMozillaExtensions(spBuild, dMOZEXT, [dTOUTESVAR, dCLASSIQUE, dREFORME1990], spMozillaExtDestGL)
oFrenchDict.createDictConj(spBuild, spDataDestGL)
oFrenchDict.createDictDecl(spBuild, spDataDestGL)
if __name__ == '__main__':