Implementation of a spellchecker as a transducer (storing transformation code to get lemma and morphologies)
and a spell suggestion mechanism
import traceback
import pkgutil
import re
from functools import wraps
import time
import json
import binascii
import importlib
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import floor
#import logging
#logging.basicConfig(filename="suggestions.log", level=logging.DEBUG)
from . import str_transform as st
from . import char_player as cp
from .echo import echo
def timethis (func):
"decorator for the execution time"
def wrapper (*args, **kwargs):
"something to prevent pylint whining"
fStart = time.time()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
fEnd = time.time()
print(func.__name__, fEnd - fStart)
return result
return wrapper
class SuggResult:
"""Structure for storing, classifying and filtering suggestions"""
def __init__ (self, sWord, nSuggLimit=10, nDistLimit=-1):
self.sWord = sWord
self.sSimplifiedWord = st.simplifyWord(sWord)
self.nDistLimit = nDistLimit if nDistLimit >= 0 else (len(sWord) // 3) + 1
self.nMinDist = 1000
# Temporary sets
self.aAllSugg = set() # All suggestions, even the one rejected
self.dGoodSugg = {} # Acceptable suggestions
self.dBestSugg = {} # Best suggestions
# Parameters
self.nSuggLimit = nSuggLimit
self.nSuggLimitExt = nSuggLimit + 2 # we add few entries in case suggestions merge after casing modifications
self.nBestSuggLimit = floor(nSuggLimit * 2) # n times the requested limit
self.nGoodSuggLimit = nSuggLimit * 15 # n times the requested limit
def addSugg (self, sSugg, nDeep=0):
"add a suggestion"
if sSugg in self.aAllSugg:
nDistJaro = 1 - st.distanceJaroWinkler(self.sSimplifiedWord, st.simplifyWord(sSugg))
nDist = floor(nDistJaro * 10)
if nDist < self.nMinDist:
self.nMinDist = nDist
#logging.info((nDeep * " ") + "__" + sSugg + "__ " + str(round(nDistJaro*1000)))
if nDistJaro < .11: # Best suggestions
self.dBestSugg[sSugg] = round(nDistJaro*1000)
if len(self.dBestSugg) > self.nBestSuggLimit:
self.nDistLimit = -1 # make suggest() to end search
elif nDistJaro < .33: # Good suggestions
self.dGoodSugg[sSugg] = round(nDistJaro*1000)
if len(self.dGoodSugg) > self.nGoodSuggLimit:
self.nDistLimit = -1 # make suggest() to end search
self.nDistLimit = min(self.nDistLimit, self.nMinDist+1)
def getSuggestions (self):
"return a list of suggestions"
# we sort the better results with the original word
lRes = []
if len(self.dBestSugg) > 0:
# sort only with simplified words
lResTmp = sorted(self.dBestSugg.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
for i in range(min(self.nSuggLimitExt, len(lResTmp))):
if len(lRes) < self.nSuggLimitExt:
# sort with simplified words and original word
lResTmp = sorted(self.dGoodSugg.items(), key=lambda x: ((1-st.distanceJaroWinkler(self.sWord, x[0]))*10, x[1]))
for i in range(min(self.nSuggLimitExt, len(lResTmp))):
# casing
if self.sWord.isupper():
lRes = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(map(lambda sSugg: sSugg.upper(), lRes))) # use dict, when Python 3.6+
elif self.sWord[0:1].isupper():
# dont’ use <.istitle>
lRes = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(map(lambda sSugg: sSugg[0:1].upper()+sSugg[1:], lRes))) # use dict, when Python 3.6+
return lRes[:self.nSuggLimit]
class IBDAWG:
def __init__ (self, source):
if isinstance(source, str):
by = pkgutil.get_data(__package__, "_dictionaries/" + source)
if not by:
raise OSError("# Error. File not found or not loadable: "+source)
self.sFileName = source
oData = json.loads(by.decode("utf-8")) #json.loads(by) # In Python 3.6, can read directly binary strings
self.sFileName = "[None]"
oData = source
self.dCharVal = { v: k for k, v in self.dChar.items() }
self.a2grams = set(getattr(self, 'l2grams')) if hasattr(self, 'l2grams') else None
if "lByDic" not in oData:
print(">>>> lByDic not in oData")
if "sByDic" not in oData:
raise TypeError("# Error. No usable data in the dictionary.")
# old dictionary version
self.lByDic = []
self.byDic = binascii.unhexlify(oData["sByDic"])
nAcc = 0
byBuffer = b""
nDivisor = (self.nBytesArc + self.nBytesNodeAddress) / 2
for i in range(0, len(self.byDic)):
byBuffer += self.byDic[i:i+1]
if nAcc == (self.nBytesArc - 1):
self.lByDic.append(int.from_bytes(byBuffer, byteorder="big"))
byBuffer = b""
elif nAcc == (self.nBytesArc + self.nBytesNodeAddress - 1):
self.lByDic.append(round(int.from_bytes(byBuffer, byteorder="big") / nDivisor))
byBuffer = b""
nAcc = -1
nAcc = nAcc + 1
# masks
self._arcMask = (2 ** ((self.nBytesArc * 8) - 3)) - 1
self._finalNodeMask = 1 << ((self.nBytesArc * 8) - 1)
self._lastArcMask = 1 << ((self.nBytesArc * 8) - 2)
# function to decode the affix/suffix code
if self.cStemming == "S":
self.funcStemming = st.changeWordWithSuffixCode
elif self.cStemming == "A":
self.funcStemming = st.changeWordWithAffixCode
self.funcStemming = st.noStemming
self.bAcronymValid = False
self.bNumAtLastValid = False
# lexicographer module ?
self.lexicographer = None
self.lexicographer = importlib.import_module(".lexgraph_"+self.sLangCode, "grammalecte.graphspell")
except ImportError:
print("# No module <graphspell.lexgraph_"+self.sLangCode+".py>")
def getInfo (self):
"return string about the IBDAWG"
return " Language: {0.sLangName} Lang code: {0.sLangCode} Dictionary name: {0.sDicName}" \
" Date: {0.sDate} Stemming: {0.cStemming}FX\n" \
" Arcs values: {0.nArcVal:>10,} = {0.nChar:>5,} characters, {0.nAff:>6,} affixes, {0.nTag:>6,} tags\n" \
" Dictionary: {0.nEntry:>12,} entries, {0.nNode:>11,} nodes, {0.nArc:>11,} arcs\n" \
" Address size: {0.nBytesNodeAddress:>1} bytes, Arc size: {0.nBytesArc:>1} bytes\n".format(self)
def isValidToken (self, sToken):
"checks if <sToken> is valid (if there is hyphens in <sToken>, <sToken> is split, each part is checked)"
sToken = st.spellingNormalization(sToken)
if self.isValid(sToken):
return True
if "-" in sToken:
if sToken.count("-") > 4:
return True
return all(self.isValid(sWord) for sWord in sToken.split("-"))
if "." in sToken or "·" in sToken:
return True
return False
def isValid (self, sWord):
"checks if <sWord> is valid (different casing tested if the first letter is a capital)"
if not sWord:
return True
if self.lookup(sWord):
return True
if sWord[0:1].isupper():
if len(sWord) > 1:
if sWord.istitle():
return self.lookup(sWord.lower())
if sWord.isupper():
return self.bAcronymValid or self.lookup(sWord.lower()) or self.lookup(sWord.capitalize())
return self.lookup(sWord[:1].lower() + sWord[1:])
return self.lookup(sWord.lower())
if sWord[0:1].isdigit():
return True
return False
def lookup (self, sWord):
"returns True if <sWord> in dictionary (strict verification)"
iAddr = 0
for c in sWord:
if c not in self.dChar:
return False
iAddr = self._lookupArcNode(self.dChar[c], iAddr)
if iAddr is None:
return False
return bool(self.lByDic[iAddr] & self._finalNodeMask)
def getMorph (self, sWord):
"retrieves morphologies list, different casing allowed"
if not sWord:
return []
sWord = st.spellingNormalization(sWord)
l = self._morph(sWord)
if sWord[0:1].isupper():
if sWord.isupper() and len(sWord) > 1:
return l
def suggest (self, sWord, nSuggLimit=10, bSplitTrailingNumbers=False):
"returns a set of suggestions for <sWord>"
sWord = sWord.rstrip(".") # useful for LibreOffice
sWord = st.spellingNormalization(sWord)
sPfx = ""
sSfx = ""
if self.lexicographer:
sPfx, sWord, sSfx = self.lexicographer.split(sWord)
nMaxSwitch = max(len(sWord) // 3, 1)
nMaxDel = len(sWord) // 5
nMaxHardRepl = max((len(sWord) - 5) // 4, 1)
nMaxJump = max(len(sWord) // 4, 1)
oSuggResult = SuggResult(sWord, nSuggLimit)
sWord = st.cleanWord(sWord)
if bSplitTrailingNumbers:
self._splitTrailingNumbers(oSuggResult, sWord)
self._splitSuggest(oSuggResult, sWord)
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sWord)
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sWord, nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump)
aSugg = oSuggResult.getSuggestions()
if sSfx or sPfx:
# we add what we removed
return list(map(lambda sSug: sPfx + sSug + sSfx, aSugg))
return aSugg
def _splitTrailingNumbers (self, oSuggResult, sWord):
m = re.match(r"(\D+)([0-9]+)$", sWord)
if m and m.group(1)[-1:].isalpha():
oSuggResult.addSugg(m.group(1) + " " + st.numbersToExponent(m.group(2)))
def _splitSuggest (self, oSuggResult, sWord):
# split at apostrophes
for cSplitter in "'’":
if cSplitter in sWord:
sWord1, sWord2 = sWord.split(cSplitter, 1)
if self.isValid(sWord1) and self.isValid(sWord2):
oSuggResult.addSugg(sWord1+" "+sWord2)
def _suggest (self, oSuggResult, sRemain, nMaxSwitch=0, nMaxDel=0, nMaxHardRepl=0, nMaxJump=0, nDist=0, nDeep=0, iAddr=0, sNewWord="", bAvoidLoop=False):
# recursive function
#logging.info((nDeep * " ") + sNewWord + ":" + sRemain)
if self.lByDic[iAddr] & self._finalNodeMask:
if not sRemain:
oSuggResult.addSugg(sNewWord, nDeep)
for sTail in self._getTails(iAddr):
oSuggResult.addSugg(sNewWord+sTail, nDeep)
if (len(sNewWord) + len(sRemain) == len(oSuggResult.sWord)) and oSuggResult.sWord.lower().startswith(sNewWord.lower()) and self.isValid(sRemain):
if self.sLangCode == "fr" and sNewWord.lower() in ("l", "d", "n", "m", "t", "s", "c", "j", "qu", "lorsqu", "puisqu", "quoiqu", "jusqu", "quelqu") and sRemain[0:1] in cp.aVowel:
oSuggResult.addSugg(sNewWord+"’"+sRemain, nDeep)
if (len(sNewWord) > 1 and len(sRemain) > 1) or sNewWord in "aày" or sRemain in "aày":
oSuggResult.addSugg(sNewWord+" "+sRemain, nDeep)
if nDist > oSuggResult.nDistLimit:
cCurrent = sRemain[0:1]
for cChar, jAddr in self._getCharArcs(iAddr):
if cChar in cp.d1to1.get(cCurrent, cCurrent):
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain[1:], nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDist, nDeep+1, jAddr, sNewWord+cChar)
elif not bAvoidLoop:
if nMaxHardRepl and self.isNgramsOK(cChar+sRemain[1:2]):
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain[1:], nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl-1, nMaxJump, nDist+1, nDeep+1, jAddr, sNewWord+cChar, True)
if nMaxJump:
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain, nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump-1, nDist+1, nDeep+1, jAddr, sNewWord+cChar, True) # True for avoiding loop?
if not bAvoidLoop: # avoid infinite loop
if len(sRemain) > 1:
if cCurrent == sRemain[1:2]:
# same char, we remove 1 char without adding 1 to <sNewWord>
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain[1:], nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDist, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord)
# switching chars
if nMaxSwitch and self.isNgramsOK(sNewWord[-1:]+sRemain[1:2]) and self.isNgramsOK(sRemain[1:2]+sRemain[0:1]):
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain[1:2]+sRemain[0:1]+sRemain[2:], nMaxSwitch-1, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDist+1, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, True)
# delete char
if nMaxDel and self.isNgramsOK(sNewWord[-1:]+sRemain[1:2]):
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain[1:], nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel-1, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDist+1, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, True)
# Phonetic replacements
for sRepl in cp.get1toXReplacement(sNewWord[-1:], cCurrent, sRemain[1:2]):
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRepl + sRemain[1:], nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDist, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, True)
for sRepl in cp.d2toX.get(sRemain[0:2], ()):
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRepl + sRemain[2:], nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDist, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, True)
# end of word
if len(sRemain) == 2:
for sRepl in cp.dFinal2.get(sRemain, ()):
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRepl, nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDist, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, True)
elif len(sRemain) == 1:
self._suggest(oSuggResult, "", nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDist, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, True) # remove last char and go on
for sRepl in cp.dFinal1.get(sRemain, ()):
self._suggest(oSuggResult, sRepl, nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDist, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, True)
def isNgramsOK (self, sChars):
"returns True if sChars in known 2grams"
if len(sChars) != 2:
return True
if not self.a2grams:
return True
return sChars in self.a2grams
def _getCharArcs (self, iAddr):
"generator: yield all chars and addresses from node at address <iAddr>"
for nVal, jAddr in self._getArcs(iAddr):
if nVal <= self.nChar:
yield (self.dCharVal[nVal], jAddr)
def _getTails (self, iAddr, sTail="", n=2):
"return a list of suffixes ending at a distance of <n> from <iAddr>"
aTails = set()
for nVal, jAddr in self._getArcs(iAddr):
if nVal <= self.nChar:
if self.lByDic[jAddr] & self._finalNodeMask:
aTails.add(sTail + self.dCharVal[nVal])
if n and not aTails:
aTails.update(self._getTails(jAddr, sTail+self.dCharVal[nVal], n-1))
return aTails
def drawPath (self, sWord, iAddr=0):
"show the path taken by <sWord> in the graph"
sWord = st.spellingNormalization(sWord)
c1 = sWord[0:1] if sWord else " "
iPos = -1
n = 0
echo(c1 + ": ", end="")
for c2, jAddr in self._getCharArcs(iAddr):
echo(c2, end="")
if c2 == sWord[0:1]:
iNextNodeAddr = jAddr
iPos = n
n += 1
if not sWord:
if iPos >= 0:
echo("\n " + " " * iPos + "|")
self.drawPath(sWord[1:], iNextNodeAddr)
def getSimilarEntries (self, sWord, nSuggLimit=10):
"return a list of tuples (similar word, stem, morphology)"
if not sWord:
return []
lResult = []
for sSimilar in self.suggest(sWord, nSuggLimit):
for sMorph in self.getMorph(sSimilar):
nCut = sMorph.find("/")
lResult.append( (sSimilar, sMorph[1:nCut], sMorph[nCut+1:]) )
return lResult
def select (self, sFlexPattern="", sTagsPattern=""):
"generator: returns all entries which flexion fits <sFlexPattern> and morphology fits <sTagsPattern>"
zFlexPattern = None
zTagsPattern = None
if sFlexPattern:
zFlexPattern = re.compile(sFlexPattern)
if sTagsPattern:
zTagsPattern = re.compile(sTagsPattern)
except re.error:
print("# Error in regex pattern")
yield from self._select(zFlexPattern, zTagsPattern, 0, "")
def _select (self, zFlexPattern, zTagsPattern, iAddr, sWord):
# recursive generator
for nVal, jAddr in self._getArcs(iAddr):
if nVal <= self.nChar:
# simple character
yield from self._select(zFlexPattern, zTagsPattern, jAddr, sWord + self.lArcVal[nVal])
if not zFlexPattern or zFlexPattern.search(sWord):
sStem = self.funcStemming(sWord, self.lArcVal[nVal])
for nMorphVal, _ in self._getArcs(jAddr):
if not zTagsPattern or zTagsPattern.search(self.lArcVal[nMorphVal]):
yield [sWord, sStem, self.lArcVal[nMorphVal]]
def _morph (self, sWord):
"returns morphologies of <sWord>"
iAddr = 0
for c in sWord:
if c not in self.dChar:
return []
iAddr = self._lookupArcNode(self.dChar[c], iAddr)
if iAddr is None:
return []
if self.lByDic[iAddr] & self._finalNodeMask:
l = []
nRawArc = 0
while not nRawArc & self._lastArcMask:
iEndArcAddr = iAddr + 1
nRawArc = self.lByDic[iAddr]
nArc = nRawArc & self._arcMask
if nArc > self.nChar:
# This value is not a char, this is a stemming code
sStem = ">" + self.funcStemming(sWord, self.lArcVal[nArc])
# Now , we go to the next node and retrieve all following arcs values, all of them are tags
iAddr2 = self.lByDic[iEndArcAddr]
nRawArc2 = 0
while not nRawArc2 & self._lastArcMask:
iEndArcAddr2 = iAddr2 + 1
nRawArc2 = self.lByDic[iAddr2]
l.append(sStem + "/" + self.lArcVal[nRawArc2 & self._arcMask])
iAddr2 = iEndArcAddr2 + 1
iAddr = iEndArcAddr + 1
return l
return []
def _stem (self, sWord):
"returns stems list of <sWord>"
iAddr = 0
for c in sWord:
if c not in self.dChar:
return []
iAddr = self._lookupArcNode(self.dChar[c], iAddr)
if iAddr is None:
return []
if self.lByDic[iAddr] & self._finalNodeMask:
l = []
nRawArc = 0
while not nRawArc & self._lastArcMask:
iEndArcAddr = iAddr + 1
nRawArc = self.lByDic[iAddr]
nArc = nRawArc & self._arcMask
if nArc > self.nChar:
# This value is not a char, this is a stemming code
l.append(self.funcStemming(sWord, self.lArcVal[nArc]))
iAddr = iEndArcAddr + 1
return l
return []
def _lookupArcNode (self, nVal, iAddr):
"looks if <nVal> is an arc at the node at <iAddr>, if yes, returns address of next node else None"
while True:
iEndArcAddr = iAddr + 1
nRawArc = self.lByDic[iAddr]
if nVal == (nRawArc & self._arcMask):
# the value we are looking for
# we return the address of the next node
return self.lByDic[iEndArcAddr]
# value not found
if nRawArc & self._lastArcMask:
return None
iAddr = iEndArcAddr + 1
def _getArcs (self, iAddr):
"generator: return all arcs at <iAddr> as tuples of (nVal, iAddr)"
while True:
iEndArcAddr = iAddr + 1
nRawArc = self.lByDic[iAddr]
yield nRawArc & self._arcMask, self.lByDic[iEndArcAddr]
if nRawArc & self._lastArcMask:
iAddr = iEndArcAddr + 1
def _writeNodes (self, spfDest):
"for debugging only"
print(" > Write binary nodes")
with open(spfDest, 'w', 'utf-8', newline="\n") as hDst:
iAddr = 0
hDst.write("i{:_>10} -- #{:_>10}\n".format("0", iAddr))
while iAddr < len(self.lByDic):
iEndArcAddr = iAddr + 1
nRawArc = self.lByDic[iAddr]
nArc = nRawArc & self._arcMask
hDst.write(" {:<20} {:0>16} i{:>10} #{:_>10}\n".format(self.lArcVal[nArc], bin(nRawArc)[2:], "?", self.lByDic[iEndArcAddr]))
iAddr = iEndArcAddr + 1
if (nRawArc & self._lastArcMask) and iAddr < len(self.lByDic):
hDst.write("\ni{:_>10} -- #{:_>10}\n".format("?", iAddr))