Grammalecte at [db25c98bc2]

File gc_core/py/ artifact 23bc31f0e4 part of check-in db25c98bc2


## No stemming

def noStemming (sFlex, sStem):
    return sStem

def rebuildWord (sFlex, cmd1, cmd2):
    if cmd1 == "_":
        return sFlex
    n, c = cmd1.split(":")
    s = s[:n] + c + s[n:]
    if cmd2 == "_":
        return s
    n, c = cmd2.split(":")
    return s[:n] + c + s[n:]

## Define affixes for stemming

# Note: 48 is the ASCII code for "0"

# Suffix only
def defineSuffixCode (sFlex, sStem):
    """ Returns a string defining how to get stem from flexion
        with n: a char with numeric meaning, "0" = 0, "1" = 1, ... ":" = 10, etc. (See ASCII table.) Says how many letters to strip from flexion.
             sfx [optional]: string to add on flexion
            "0": strips nothing, adds nothing
            "1er": strips 1 letter, adds "er"
            "2": strips 2 letters, adds nothing
    if sFlex == sStem:
        return "0"
    jSfx = 0
    for i in range(min(len(sFlex), len(sStem))):
        if sFlex[i] != sStem[i]:
        jSfx += 1
    return chr(len(sFlex)-jSfx+48) + sStem[jSfx:]  

def changeWordWithSuffixCode (sWord, sSfxCode):
    if sSfxCode == "0":
        return sWord
    return sWord[:-(ord(sSfxCode[0])-48)] + sSfxCode[1:]  if sSfxCode[0] != '0'  else sWord + sSfxCode[1:]

# Prefix and suffix
def defineAffixCode (sFlex, sStem):
    """ Returns a string defining how to get stem from flexion. Examples:
            "0" if stem = flexion
            "stem" if no common substring
        with n and m: chars with numeric meaning, "0" = 0, "1" = 1, ... ":" = 10, etc. (See ASCII table.) Says how many letters to strip from flexion.
            pfx [optional]: string to add before the flexion 
            sfx [optional]: string to add after the flexion
    if sFlex == sStem:
        return "0"
    # is stem a substring of flexion?
    n = sFlex.find(sStem)
    if n >= 0:
        return "{}/{}".format(chr(n+48), chr(len(sFlex)-(len(sStem)+n)+48))
    # no, so we are looking for common substring
    sSubs = longestCommonSubstring(sFlex, sStem)
    if len(sSubs) > 1:
        iPos = sStem.find(sSubs)
        sPfx = sStem[:iPos]
        sSfx = sStem[iPos+len(sSubs):]
        n = sFlex.find(sSubs)
        m = len(sFlex) - (len(sSubs)+n)
        sAff = "{}/".format(chr(n+48))  if not sPfx  else "{}{}/".format(chr(n+48), sPfx)
        sAff += chr(m+48)  if not sSfx  else "{}{}".format(chr(m+48), sSfx)
        return sAff
    return sStem

def longestCommonSubstring (s1, s2):
    M = [ [0]*(1+len(s2)) for i in range(1+len(s1)) ]
    longest, x_longest = 0, 0
    for x in range(1, 1+len(s1)):
        for y in range(1, 1+len(s2)):
            if s1[x-1] == s2[y-1]:
                M[x][y] = M[x-1][y-1] + 1
                if M[x][y] > longest:
                    longest = M[x][y]
                    x_longest = x
                M[x][y] = 0
    return s1[x_longest-longest : x_longest]

def changeWordWithAffixCode (sWord, sAffCode):
    if sAffCode == "0":
        return sWord
    if '/' not in sAffCode:
        return "# error #"
    sPfxCode, sSfxCode = sAffCode.split('/')
    sWord = sPfxCode[1:] + sWord[(ord(sPfxCode[0])-48):] 
    return sWord[:-(ord(sSfxCode[0])-48)] + sSfxCode[1:]  if sSfxCode[0] != '0'  else sWord + sSfxCode[1:]