Grammalecte  ibdawg.js at [f7cf79677c]

File graphspell-js/ibdawg.js artifact ee32a83c3f part of check-in f7cf79677c

/*jslint esversion: 6*/
/*global console,require,exports*/

"use strict";

if (typeof(require) !== 'undefined') {
    var str_transform = require("resource://grammalecte/graphspell/str_transform.js");
    var helpers = require("resource://grammalecte/graphspell/helpers.js");
    var char_player = require("resource://grammalecte/graphspell/char_player.js");

// Don’t remove <string>. Necessary in TB.

class SuggResult {
    // Structure for storing, classifying and filtering suggestions

    constructor (sWord, nDistLimit=-1) {
        this.sWord = sWord;
        this.sSimplifiedWord = char_player.simplifyWord(sWord);
        this.nDistLimit = (nDistLimit >= 0) ? nDistLimit :  Math.floor(sWord.length / 3) + 1;
        this.nMinDist = 1000;
        this.aSugg = new Set();
        this.dSugg = new Map([ [0, []],  [1, []],  [2, []] ]);
        this.aAllSugg = new Set();      // all found words even those refused

    addSugg (sSugg, nDeep=0) {
        // add a suggestion
        if (this.aAllSugg.has(sSugg)) {
        if (!this.aSugg.has(sSugg)) {
            let nDist = str_transform.distanceDamerauLevenshtein(this.sSimplifiedWord, char_player.simplifyWord(sSugg));
            if (nDist <= this.nDistLimit) {
                if (!this.dSugg.has(nDist)) {
                    this.dSugg.set(nDist, []);
                if (nDist < this.nMinDist) {
                    this.nMinDist = nDist;
                this.nDistLimit = Math.min(this.nDistLimit, this.nMinDist+2);

    getSuggestions (nSuggLimit=10, nDistLimit=-1) {
        // return a list of suggestions
        let lRes = [];
        if (this.dSugg.get(0).length) {
            // we sort the better results with the original word
            let dDistTemp = new Map();
            lRes.forEach((sSugg) => { dDistTemp.set(sSugg, str_transform.distanceDamerauLevenshtein(this.sWord, sSugg)); });
            lRes = lRes.sort((sA, sB) => { return dDistTemp.get(sA) - dDistTemp.get(sB); });
        for (let lSugg of this.dSugg.values()) {
            for (let sSugg of lSugg) { lRes.push(sSugg); }
            if (lRes.length > nSuggLimit) {
        lRes = char_player.filterSugg(lRes);
        if (this.sWord.gl_isTitle()) {
            lRes = => { return sSugg.gl_toCapitalize(); });
        else if (this.sWord.gl_isUpperCase()) {
            lRes = => { return sSugg.toUpperCase(); });
        return lRes.slice(0, nSuggLimit);

    reset () {

class IBDAWG {

    constructor (param1, sPath="") {
        // param1 can be a filename or a object with all the necessary data.
        try {
            let oData = null;
            if (typeof(param1) == "string") {
                let sURL = (sPath !== "") ? sPath + "/" + param1 : "resource://grammalecte/graphspell/_dictionaries/"+param1;
                oData = JSON.parse(helpers.loadFile(sURL));
            } else {
                oData = param1;
            Object.assign(this, oData);
        catch (e) {
            throw Error("# Error. File not found or not loadable.\n" + e.message + "\n");
            sName, nCompressionMethod, sHeader, lArcVal, nArcVal, sByDic, sLang, nChar, nBytesArc, nBytesNodeAddress,
            nEntry, nNode, nArc, nAff, cStemming, nTag, dChar, nBytesOffset,

            Bug workaround.
            Mozilla’s JS parser sucks. Can’t read file bigger than 4 Mb!
            So we convert huge hexadecimal string to list of numbers…
        let lTemp = [];
        for (let i = 0;  i < this.sByDic.length;  i+=2) {
            lTemp.push(parseInt(this.sByDic.slice(i, i+2), 16));
        this.byDic = lTemp;
        //this.byDic = new Uint8Array(lTemp);  // not quicker, even slower
        /* end of bug workaround */

        if (!(this.sHeader.startsWith("/grammalecte-fsa/") || this.sHeader.startsWith("/pyfsa/"))) {
            throw TypeError("# Error. Not a grammalecte-fsa binary dictionary. Header: " + this.sHeader);
        if (!(this.nCompressionMethod == 1 || this.nCompressionMethod == 2 || this.nCompressionMethod == 3)) {
            throw RangeError("# Error. Unknown dictionary compression method: " + this.nCompressionMethod);
        // <dChar> to get the value of an arc, <dCharVal> to get the char of an arc with its value
        this.dChar = helpers.objectToMap(this.dChar);
        this.dCharVal = this.dChar.gl_reverse();

        if (this.cStemming == "S") {
            this.funcStemming = str_transform.changeWordWithSuffixCode;
        } else if (this.cStemming == "A") {
            this.funcStemming = str_transform.changeWordWithAffixCode;
        } else {
            this.funcStemming = str_transform.noStemming;

        this._arcMask = (2 ** ((this.nBytesArc * 8) - 3)) - 1;
        this._finalNodeMask = 1 << ((this.nBytesArc * 8) - 1);
        this._lastArcMask = 1 << ((this.nBytesArc * 8) - 2);

        // Configuring DAWG functions according to nCompressionMethod
        switch (this.nCompressionMethod) {
            case 1:
                this.morph = this._morph1;
                this.stem = this._stem1;
                this._lookupArcNode = this._lookupArcNode1;
                this._getArcs = this._getArcs1;
                this._writeNodes = this._writeNodes1;
            case 2:
                this.morph = this._morph2;
                this.stem = this._stem2;
                this._lookupArcNode = this._lookupArcNode2;
                this._getArcs = this._getArcs2;
                this._writeNodes = this._writeNodes2;
            case 3:
                this.morph = this._morph3;
                this.stem = this._stem3;
                this._lookupArcNode = this._lookupArcNode3;
                this._getArcs = this._getArcs3;
                this._writeNodes = this._writeNodes3;
                throw ValueError("# Error: unknown code: " + this.nCompressionMethod);
        this.bOptNumSigle = true;
        this.bOptNumAtLast = false;

    getInfo () {
        return  `  Language: ${this.sLangName}   Lang code: ${this.sLangCode}   Dictionary name: ${this.sDicName}\n` +
                `  Compression method: ${this.nCompressionMethod}   Date: ${this.sDate}   Stemming: ${this.cStemming}FX\n` +
                `  Arcs values:  ${this.nArcVal} = ${this.nChar} characters,  ${this.nAff} affixes,  ${this.nTag} tags\n` +
                `  Dictionary: ${this.nEntry} entries,    ${this.nNode} nodes,   ${this.nArc} arcs\n` +
                `  Address size: ${this.nBytesNodeAddress} bytes,  Arc size: ${this.nBytesArc} bytes\n`;

    getJSON () {
        let oJSON = {
            "sHeader": "/grammalecte-fsa/",
            "sLangCode": this.sLangCode,
            "sLangName": this.sLangName,
            "sDicName": this.sDicName,
            "sFileName": this.sFileName,
            "sDate": this.sDate,
            "nEntry": this.nEntry,
            "nChar": this.nChar,
            "nAff": this.nAff,
            "nTag": this.nTag,
            "cStemming": this.cStemming,
            "dChar": helpers.mapToObject(this.dChar),
            "nNode": this.nNode,
            "nArc": this.nArc,
            "lArcVal": this.lArcVal,
            "nArcVal": this.nArcVal,
            "nCompressionMethod": this.nCompressionMethod,
            "nBytesArc": this.nBytesArc,
            "nBytesNodeAddress": this.nBytesNodeAddress,
            "nBytesOffset": this.nBytesOffset,
            "sByDic": this.sByDic    // binary word graph
        return oJSON;

    isValidToken (sToken) {
        // checks if sToken is valid (if there is hyphens in sToken, sToken is split, each part is checked)
        sToken = char_player.spellingNormalization(sToken)
        if (this.isValid(sToken)) {
            return true;
        if (sToken.includes("-")) {
            if (sToken.gl_count("-") > 4) {
                return true;
            return sToken.split("-").every(sWord  =>  this.isValid(sWord)); 
        return false;

    isValid (sWord) {
        // checks if sWord is valid (different casing tested if the first letter is a capital)
        if (!sWord) {
            return null;
        if (sWord.includes("’")) { // ugly hack
            sWord = sWord.replace("’", "'");
        if (this.lookup(sWord)) {
            return true;
        if (sWord.gl_isDigit()) {
            return true;
        if (sWord.charAt(0).gl_isUpperCase()) {
            if (sWord.length > 1) {
                if (sWord.gl_isTitle()) {
                    return !!this.lookup(sWord.toLowerCase());
                if (sWord.gl_isUpperCase()) {
                    if (this.bOptNumSigle) {
                        return true;
                    return !!(this.lookup(sWord.toLowerCase()) || this.lookup(sWord.gl_toCapitalize()));
                return !!this.lookup(sWord.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase() + sWord.slice(1));
            } else {
                return !!this.lookup(sWord.toLowerCase());
        return false;

    _convBytesToInteger (aBytes) {
        // Byte order = Big Endian (bigger first)
        let nVal = 0;
        let nWeight = (aBytes.length - 1) * 8;
        for (let n of aBytes) {
            nVal += n << nWeight;
            nWeight = nWeight - 8;
        return nVal;

    lookup (sWord) {
        // returns true if sWord in dictionary (strict verification)
        let iAddr = 0;
        for (let c of sWord) {
            if (!this.dChar.has(c)) {
                return false;
            iAddr = this._lookupArcNode(this.dChar.get(c), iAddr);
            if (iAddr === null) {
                return false;
        return Boolean(this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iAddr, iAddr+this.nBytesArc)) & this._finalNodeMask);

    getMorph (sWord) {
        // retrieves morphologies list, different casing allowed
        sWord = char_player.spellingNormalization(sWord)
        let l = this.morph(sWord);
        if (sWord[0].gl_isUpperCase()) {
            if (sWord.gl_isUpperCase() && sWord.length > 1) {
        return l;

    suggest (sWord, nSuggLimit=10) {
        // returns a array of suggestions for <sWord>
        sWord = char_player.spellingNormalization(sWord)
        let sPfx = "";
        let sSfx = "";
        [sPfx, sWord, sSfx] = char_player.cut(sWord);
        let nMaxSwitch = Math.max(Math.floor(sWord.length / 3), 1);
        let nMaxDel = Math.floor(sWord.length / 5);
        let nMaxHardRepl = Math.max(Math.floor((sWord.length - 5) / 4), 1);
        let nMaxJump = Math.max(Math.floor(sWord.length / 4), 1);
        let oSuggResult = new SuggResult(sWord);
        this._suggest(oSuggResult, sWord, nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump);
        if (sWord.gl_isTitle()) {
            this._suggest(oSuggResult, sWord.toLowerCase(), nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump);
        else if (sWord.gl_isLowerCase()) {
            this._suggest(oSuggResult, sWord.gl_toCapitalize(), nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump);
        let aSugg = oSuggResult.getSuggestions(nSuggLimit);
        if (sSfx || sPfx) {
            // we add what we removed
            return (sSugg) => { return sPfx + sSugg + sSfx } );
        return aSugg;

    _suggest (oSuggResult, sRemain, nMaxSwitch=0, nMaxDel=0, nMaxHardRepl=0, nMaxJump=0, nDeep=0, iAddr=0, sNewWord="", bAvoidLoop=false) {
        // returns a set of suggestions
        // recursive function
        if (sRemain == "") {
            if (this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iAddr, iAddr+this.nBytesArc)) & this._finalNodeMask) {
            for (let sTail of this._getTails(iAddr)) {

        let cCurrent = sRemain.slice(0, 1);
        for (let [cChar, jAddr] of this._getCharArcs(iAddr)) {
            if (char_player.d1to1.gl_get(cCurrent, cCurrent).indexOf(cChar) != -1) {
                this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain.slice(1), nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, jAddr, sNewWord+cChar);
            else if (!bAvoidLoop) {
                if (nMaxHardRepl) {
                    this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain.slice(1), nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl-1, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, jAddr, sNewWord+cChar, true);
                if (nMaxJump) {
                    this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain, nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump-1, nDeep+1, jAddr, sNewWord+cChar, true);
        if (!bAvoidLoop) { // avoid infinite loop
            if (sRemain.length > 1) {
                if (cCurrent == sRemain.slice(1, 2)) {
                    // same char, we remove 1 char without adding 1 to <sNewWord>
                    this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain.slice(1), nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord);
                else {
                    // switching chars
                    if (nMaxSwitch > 0) {
                        this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain.slice(1, 2)+sRemain.slice(0, 1)+sRemain.slice(2), nMaxSwitch-1, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, true);
                    // delete char
                    if (nMaxDel > 0) {
                        this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRemain.slice(1), nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel-1, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, true);
                // Phonetic replacements
                for (let sRepl of char_player.get1toXReplacement(sNewWord.slice(-1), cCurrent, sRemain.slice(1,2))) {
                    this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRepl + sRemain.slice(1), nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, true);
                for (let sRepl of char_player.d2toX.gl_get(sRemain.slice(0, 2), [])) {
                    this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRepl + sRemain.slice(2), nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, true);
            // end of word
            if (sRemain.length == 2) {
                for (let sRepl of char_player.dFinal2.gl_get(sRemain, [])) {
                    this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRepl, nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, true);
            else if (sRemain.length == 1) {
                this._suggest(oSuggResult, "", nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, true); // remove last char and go on
                for (let sRepl of char_player.dFinal1.gl_get(sRemain, [])) {
                    this._suggest(oSuggResult, sRepl, nMaxSwitch, nMaxDel, nMaxHardRepl, nMaxJump, nDeep+1, iAddr, sNewWord, true);

    * _getCharArcs (iAddr) {
        // generator: yield all chars and addresses from node at address <iAddr>
        for (let [nVal, jAddr] of this._getArcs(iAddr)) {
            if (nVal <= this.nChar) {
                yield [this.dCharVal.get(nVal), jAddr];

    * _getSimilarCharArcs (cChar, iAddr) {
        // generator: yield similar char of <cChar> and address of the following node
        for (let c of char_player.d1to1.gl_get(cChar, [cChar])) {
            if (this.dChar.has(c)) {
                let jAddr = this._lookupArcNode(this.dChar.get(c), iAddr);
                if (jAddr) {
                    yield [c, jAddr];

    _getTails (iAddr, sTail="", n=2) {
        // return a list of suffixes ending at a distance of <n> from <iAddr>
        let aTails = new Set();
        for (let [nVal, jAddr] of this._getArcs(iAddr)) {
            if (nVal <= this.nChar) {
                if (this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(jAddr, jAddr+this.nBytesArc)) & this._finalNodeMask) {
                    aTails.add(sTail + this.dCharVal.get(nVal));
                if (n && aTails.size == 0) {
                    aTails.gl_update(this._getTails(jAddr, sTail+this.dCharVal.get(nVal), n-1));
        return aTails;

    // morph (sWord) {
    //     is defined in constructor
    // }
    getSimilarEntries (sWord, nSuggLimit=10) {
        // return a list of tuples (similar word, stem, morphology)
        if (sWord == "") {
            return [];
        let lResult = [];
        for (let sSimilar of this.suggest(sWord, nSuggLimit)) {
            for (let sMorph of this.getMorph(sSimilar)) {
                let nCut = sMorph.indexOf(" ");
                lResult.push( [sSimilar, sMorph.slice(1, nCut), sMorph.slice(nCut+1)] );
        return lResult;

    * select (sFlexPattern="", sTagsPattern="") {
        // generator: returns all entries which flexion fits <sFlexPattern> and morphology fits <sTagsPattern>
        let zFlexPattern = null;
        let zTagsPattern = null;
        try {
            zFlexPattern = (sFlexPattern !== "") ? new RegExp(sFlexPattern) : null;
            zTagsPattern = (sTagsPattern !== "") ? new RegExp(sTagsPattern) : null;
        catch (e) {
            console.log("Error in regex pattern");
        yield* this._select1(zFlexPattern, zTagsPattern, 0, "");

    // VERSION 1

    * _select1 (zFlexPattern, zTagsPattern, iAddr, sWord) {
        // recursive generator
        for (let [nVal, jAddr] of this._getArcs1(iAddr)) {
            if (nVal <= this.nChar) {
                // simple character
                yield* this._select1(zFlexPattern, zTagsPattern, jAddr, sWord + this.lArcVal[nVal]);
            } else {
                if (!zFlexPattern || zFlexPattern.test(sWord)) {
                    let sStem = this.funcStemming(sWord, this.lArcVal[nVal]);
                    for (let [nMorphVal, _] of this._getArcs1(jAddr)) {
                        if (!zTagsPattern || zTagsPattern.test(this.lArcVal[nMorphVal])) {
                            yield [sWord, sStem, this.lArcVal[nMorphVal]];

    _morph1 (sWord) {
        // returns morphologies of sWord
        let iAddr = 0;
        for (let c of sWord) {
            if (!this.dChar.has(c)) {
                return [];
            iAddr = this._lookupArcNode(this.dChar.get(c), iAddr);
            if (iAddr === null) {
                return [];
        if (this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iAddr, iAddr+this.nBytesArc)) & this._finalNodeMask) {
            let l = [];
            let nRawArc = 0;
            while (!(nRawArc & this._lastArcMask)) {
                let iEndArcAddr = iAddr + this.nBytesArc;
                nRawArc = this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iAddr, iEndArcAddr));
                let nArc = nRawArc & this._arcMask;
                if (nArc > this.nChar) {
                    // This value is not a char, this is a stemming code 
                    let sStem = ">" + this.funcStemming(sWord, this.lArcVal[nArc]);
                    // Now , we go to the next node and retrieve all following arcs values, all of them are tags
                    let iAddr2 = this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iEndArcAddr, iEndArcAddr+this.nBytesNodeAddress));
                    let nRawArc2 = 0;
                    while (!(nRawArc2 & this._lastArcMask)) {
                        let iEndArcAddr2 = iAddr2 + this.nBytesArc;
                        nRawArc2 = this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iAddr2, iEndArcAddr2));
                        l.push(sStem + " " + this.lArcVal[nRawArc2 & this._arcMask]);
                        iAddr2 = iEndArcAddr2+this.nBytesNodeAddress;
                iAddr = iEndArcAddr + this.nBytesNodeAddress;
            return l;
        return [];

    _stem1 (sWord) {
        // returns stems list of sWord
        let iAddr = 0;
        for (let c of sWord) {
            if (!this.dChar.has(c)) {
                return [];
            iAddr = this._lookupArcNode(this.dChar.get(c), iAddr);
            if (iAddr === null) {
                return [];
        if (this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iAddr, iAddr+this.nBytesArc)) & this._finalNodeMask) {
            let l = [];
            let nRawArc = 0;
            while (!(nRawArc & this._lastArcMask)) {
                let iEndArcAddr = iAddr + this.nBytesArc;
                nRawArc = this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iAddr, iEndArcAddr));
                let nArc = nRawArc & this._arcMask;
                if (nArc > this.nChar) {
                    // This value is not a char, this is a stemming code 
                    l.push(this.funcStemming(sWord, this.lArcVal[nArc]));
                iAddr = iEndArcAddr + this.nBytesNodeAddress;
            return l;
        return [];

    _lookupArcNode1 (nVal, iAddr) {
        // looks if nVal is an arc at the node at iAddr, if yes, returns address of next node else None
        while (true) {
            let iEndArcAddr = iAddr+this.nBytesArc;
            let nRawArc = this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iAddr, iEndArcAddr));
            if (nVal == (nRawArc & this._arcMask)) {
                // the value we are looking for 
                // we return the address of the next node
                return this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iEndArcAddr, iEndArcAddr+this.nBytesNodeAddress));
            else {
                // value not found
                if (nRawArc & this._lastArcMask) {
                    return null;
                iAddr = iEndArcAddr + this.nBytesNodeAddress;

    * _getArcs1 (iAddr) {
        "generator: return all arcs at <iAddr> as tuples of (nVal, iAddr)"
        while (true) {
            let iEndArcAddr = iAddr+this.nBytesArc;
            let nRawArc = this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iAddr, iEndArcAddr));
            yield [nRawArc & this._arcMask, this._convBytesToInteger(this.byDic.slice(iEndArcAddr, iEndArcAddr+this.nBytesNodeAddress))];
            if (nRawArc & this._lastArcMask) {
            iAddr = iEndArcAddr+this.nBytesNodeAddress;

    // VERSION 2
    _morph2 (sWord) {
        // to do

    _stem2 (sWord) {
        // to do

    _lookupArcNode2 (nVal, iAddr) {
        // to do

    // VERSION 3
    _morph3 (sWord) {
        // to do

    _stem3 (sWord) {
        // to do

    _lookupArcNode3 (nVal, iAddr) {
        // to do

if (typeof(exports) !== 'undefined') {
    exports.IBDAWG = IBDAWG;