# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# French Dictionary Switcher
# by Olivier R.
# License: MPL 2
import unohelper
import uno
import sys
import re
#import os.path
from com.sun.star.task import XJobExecutor
from com.sun.star.awt import XActionListener
from com.sun.star.awt import WindowDescriptor
from com.sun.star.awt.WindowClass import MODALTOP
from com.sun.star.awt.VclWindowPeerAttribute import OK, OK_CANCEL, YES_NO, YES_NO_CANCEL, RETRY_CANCEL, DEF_OK, DEF_CANCEL, DEF_RETRY, DEF_YES, DEF_NO
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue
# XRay - API explorer
from com.sun.star.uno import RuntimeException as _rtex
def xray(myObject):
sm = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
mspf = sm.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.script.provider.MasterScriptProviderFactory", uno.getComponentContext())
scriptPro = mspf.createScriptProvider("")
xScript = scriptPro.getScript("vnd.sun.star.script:XrayTool._Main.Xray?language=Basic&location=application")
xScript.invoke((myObject,), (), ())
raise _rtex("\nBasic library Xray is not installed", uno.getComponentContext())
# END Xray
DEBUG = False
if DEBUG and sys.platform.startswith('win'):
import codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.open("C:\_multidict_stdout.txt", "w", "utf-8")
def handleException (ctx=None):
import traceback
'''Display exception in a message dialog'''
s = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback))
if not sys.platform.startswith('win'):
# also print trace on stdout/stderr on non-Windows platform
# no default stdout/stderr on Windows
if not ctx:
xSvMgr = ctx.ServiceManager
xDesktop = xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.frame.Desktop', ctx)
xDoc = xDesktop.getCurrentComponent()
xWindow = xDoc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
MessageBox(xWindow, s, 'Exception', 'errorbox')
def MessageBox (xParentWin, sMsg, sTitle, sBoxType="messbox", MsgButtons=OK):
if sBoxType not in ("messbox", "infobox", "errorbox", "warningbox", "querybox"):
sBoxType = "messbox"
# window properties
aDescriptor = WindowDescriptor()
aDescriptor.Type = MODALTOP
aDescriptor.WindowServiceName = sBoxType
aDescriptor.ParentIndex = -1
aDescriptor.Parent = xParentWin
#aDescriptor.Bounds = Rectangle()
aDescriptor.WindowAttributes = MsgButtons
xTK = xParentWin.getToolkit()
msgbox = xTK.createWindow(aDescriptor)
return msgbox.execute()
LABELDICT = { "moderne": u"Moderne", "classique": u"Classique", "reforme1990": u"Réforme 1990", "toutesvariantes": u"Toutes variantes" }
class FrenchDictionarySwitcher (unohelper.Base, XActionListener, XJobExecutor):
def __init__ (self, ctx):
self.ctx = ctx
self.xSvMgr = self.ctx.ServiceManager
self.container = None
self.dialog = None
self.xRB_m = None
self.xRB_c = None
self.xRB_r = None
self.xRB_f = None
self.sCurrentDic = ''
self.sSelectedDic = ''
def addWidget (self, name, wtype, x, y, w, h, **kwargs):
widget = self.dialog.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControl%sModel' % wtype)
widget.Name = name
widget.PositionX = x
widget.PositionY = y
widget.Width = w
widget.Height = h
for k, w in kwargs.items():
setattr(widget, k, w)
self.dialog.insertByName(name, widget)
return widget
def run (self):
# what is the current dictionary
xSettings = getConfigSetting("/org.openoffice.Office.Linguistic/ServiceManager/Dictionaries/HunSpellDic_fr", True)
xLocations = xSettings.getByName("Locations")
m = re.search(r"fr-(\w*)\.(?:dic|aff)", xLocations[0])
self.sCurrentDic = m.group(1)
# dialog
self.dialog = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel', self.ctx)
self.dialog.Width = 200
self.dialog.Height = 280
self.dialog.Title = u"Orthographe française"
# blabla
sSubTitle = u"Choisissez un dictionnaire"
sDicLabel_m = u"“Moderne”"
sDicDescr_m = u"Ce dictionnaire propose l’orthographe telle qu’elle est écrite aujourd’hui le plus couramment. C’est le dictionnaire recommandé si le français n’est pas votre langue maternelle ou si vous ne désirez qu’une seule graphie correcte par mot."
sDicLabel_c = u"“Classique” (recommandé)"
sDicDescr_c = u"Il s’agit du dictionnaire “Moderne”, avec des graphies classiques en sus, certaines encore communément utilisées, d’autres désuètes. C’est le dictionnaire recommandé si le français est votre langue maternelle."
sDicLabel_r = u"“Réforme 1990”"
sDicDescr_r = u"Avec ce dictionnaire, seule l’orthographe réformée est reconnue. Attendu que bon nombre de graphies réformées sont considérées comme erronées par beaucoup, ce dictionnaire est déconseillé. Les graphies passées dans l’usage sont déjà incluses dans le dictionnaire “Moderne”."
sDicLabel_t = u"“Toutes variantes”"
sDicDescr_t = u"Ce dictionnaire contient les variantes graphiques, classiques, réformées, ainsi que d’autres plus rares encore. Ce dictionnaire est déconseillé à ceux qui ne connaissent pas très bien la langue française."
# widgets
padding = 10
hspace = 60
posY1 = 20; posY2 = posY1 + hspace; posY3 = posY2 + hspace; posY4 = posY3 + hspace; posY5 = posY4 + hspace;
wwidth = 170
wheight = 20
wwidthdescr = 170
wheightdescr = 40
xFD1 = uno.createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.awt.FontDescriptor")
xFD1.Height = 12
xFD1.Name = "Verdana"
xFD2 = uno.createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.awt.FontDescriptor")
xFD2.Height = 11
xFD2.Name = "Verdana"
gbm = self.addWidget('groupbox', 'GroupBox', 5, 5, 190, 250, Label = sSubTitle, FontDescriptor = xFD1)
# Note: the only way to group RadioButtons is to create them successively
rbm_m = self.addWidget('rb-moderne', 'RadioButton', padding, posY1, wwidth, wheight, Label = sDicLabel_m, FontDescriptor = xFD2)
self.xRB_m = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRadioButton', self.ctx)
rbm_c = self.addWidget('rb-classique', 'RadioButton', padding, posY2, wwidth, wheight, Label = sDicLabel_c, FontDescriptor = xFD2)
self.xRB_c = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRadioButton', self.ctx)
rbm_r = self.addWidget('rb-reforme1990', 'RadioButton', padding, posY3, wwidth, wheight, Label = sDicLabel_r, FontDescriptor = xFD2)
self.xRB_r = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRadioButton', self.ctx)
rbm_t = self.addWidget('rb-toutesvariantes', 'RadioButton', padding, posY4, wwidth, wheight, Label = sDicLabel_t, FontDescriptor = xFD2)
self.xRB_t = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRadioButton', self.ctx)
label_m = self.addWidget('label_m', 'FixedText', 20, posY1+10, wwidthdescr, wheightdescr, Label = sDicDescr_m, MultiLine = True)
label_c = self.addWidget('label_c', 'FixedText', 20, posY2+10, wwidthdescr, wheightdescr, Label = sDicDescr_c, MultiLine = True)
label_r = self.addWidget('label_r', 'FixedText', 20, posY3+10, wwidthdescr, wheightdescr, Label = sDicDescr_r, MultiLine = True)
label_t = self.addWidget('label_t', 'FixedText', 20, posY4+10, wwidthdescr, wheightdescr, Label = sDicDescr_t, MultiLine = True)
button = self.addWidget('select', 'Button', padding+50, posY5, 80, 14, Label = 'Utiliser ce dictionnaire')
# container
self.container = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog', self.ctx)
# if self.sCurrentDic != "moderne":
# self.container.getControl('rb-moderne').addActionListener(self)
# if self.sCurrentDic != "classique":
# self.container.getControl('rb-classique').addActionListener(self)
# if self.sCurrentDic != "reforme1990":
# self.container.getControl('rb-reforme1990').addActionListener(self)
# if self.sCurrentDic != "toutesvariantes":
# self.container.getControl('rb-toutesvariantes').addActionListener(self)
toolkit = self.xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.awt.ExtToolkit', self.ctx)
self.container.createPeer(toolkit, None)
def setRadioButton (self, sDic):
if sDic == 'moderne':
elif sDic == 'classique':
elif sDic == 'reforme1990':
elif sDic == 'toutesvariantes':
def actionPerformed (self, actionEvent):
if self.xRB_m.getState():
self.sSelectedDic = 'moderne'
elif self.xRB_c.getState():
self.sSelectedDic = 'classique'
elif self.xRB_r.getState():
self.sSelectedDic = 'reforme1990'
elif self.xRB_t.getState():
self.sSelectedDic = 'toutesvariantes'
# no dictionary selected
def trigger (self, args):
dialog = FrenchDictionarySwitcher(self.ctx)
if dialog.sSelectedDic and dialog.sCurrentDic != dialog.sSelectedDic:
xSvMgr = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
xDesktop = xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.frame.Desktop', self.ctx)
xDoc = xDesktop.getCurrentComponent()
xWindow = xDoc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
if dialog.sCurrentDic:
# Modify the registry
xSettings = getConfigSetting("/org.openoffice.Office.Linguistic/ServiceManager/Dictionaries/HunSpellDic_fr", True)
xLocations = xSettings.getByName("Locations")
v1 = xLocations[0].replace(dialog.sCurrentDic, dialog.sSelectedDic)
v2 = xLocations[1].replace(dialog.sCurrentDic, dialog.sSelectedDic)
#xSettings.replaceByName("Locations", xLocations) # ERROR, see line below
uno.invoke(xSettings, "replaceByName", ("Locations", uno.Any("[]string", (v1, v2))))
# message box
sMsg = u"Vous avez choisi un nouveau dictionnaire\northographique pour la langue française.\n\n“%s” ⇒ “%s”\n\nFermez le logiciel (y compris le démarrage rapide)\net relancez-le." % (LABELDICT[dialog.sCurrentDic], LABELDICT[dialog.sSelectedDic])
MessageBox(xWindow, sMsg, u"Sélection d’un nouveau dictionnaire", "infobox")
# # get package location (URL of this extension)
# xCompCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
# xPackageInformationProvider = xCompCtx.getByName("/singletons/com.sun.star.deployment.PackageInformationProvider")
# sURL = xPackageInformationProvider.getPackageLocation("French.linguistic.resources.from.Dicollecte.by.OlivierR")
# sDstFile = sURL + '/dictionaries.xcu'
# sDstFile = sDstFile.replace('file:///', '').replace('%20', ' ')
# sDstFile = os.path.normpath(sDstFile)
# sTplFile = sDstFile + '.tpl.xml'
# # rewrite dictionaries.xcu
# if os.path.isfile(sTplFile) and os.path.isfile(sDstFile):
# with open(sTplFile, 'r') as hFile:
# content = hFile.read()
# hFile.close()
# content = content.replace('{{dictionaryName}}', dialog.sSelectedDic)
# with open(sDstFile, 'w') as hFile:
# hFile.write(content)
# hFile.close()
# else:
# sErrMsg = ""
# if not os.path.isfile(sTplFile):
# sErrMsg += u"File not found: %s\n" % sTplFile
# if not os.path.isfile(sDstFile):
# sErrMsg += u"File not found: %s\n" % sDstFile
# if sErrMsg:
# MessageBox(xWindow, sErrMsg, "ERROR", "error")
MessageBox(xWindow, u"Couldn’t retrieve informations\nabout the current dictionary.", "ERROR", "errorbox")
# xSpellChecker = xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.linguistic2.SpellChecker', self.ctx)
# xLocale = uno.createUnoStruct('com.sun.star.lang.Locale')
# xLocale.Language = "fr"
# xLocale.Country = "FR"
# l = xSpellChecker.getSupportedServiceNames()
# MessageBox(xWindow, " ".join(l), "DEBUG", "infobox")
def getConfigSetting (sNodeConfig, bForUpdate):
if bForUpdate:
sService = "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess"
sService = "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess"
xConfigProvider = createUnoService("com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider")
xPropertyValue = PropertyValue()
xPropertyValue.Name = "nodepath"
xPropertyValue.Value = sNodeConfig
xSettings = xConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(sService, (xPropertyValue,))
return xSettings
def createUnoService (serviceName):
xSvMgr = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
return xSvMgr.createInstanceWithContext(serviceName, uno.getComponentContext())
g_ImplementationHelper = unohelper.ImplementationHelper()
g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation(FrenchDictionarySwitcher, 'dicollecte.FrenchDictionarySwitcher', ('com.sun.star.task.Job',))