History of file gc_lang/fr/tb/content/conjugueur.js at check-in b3dac7c19b3b1b7e
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08:34 | Deleted: [tb] remove files for building old Thunderbird extension check-in: [d3009b8c50] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 0 | |
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15:09 | [tb][fr][js] conjugueur: table de conjugaison dans le module conj au lieu de l’ui file: [3912023790] check-in: [603dc4246d] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 12472 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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16:02 | [tb] update: another day in the endless JS pile of shit file: [7858c1ae9f] check-in: [ebe0fa1663] user: olr, branch: tbnext, size: 18073 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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15:18 | [tb] fix conjugueur initialization… (again, and again, and again, and again, thanks to the endless JS pile of shit) file: [e2b39bc09c] check-in: [8253dcac97] user: olr, branch: tbnext, size: 17939 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
14:58 | [tb] fix modules importation, remove old logging system… file: [91bf4af012] check-in: [a90720e17c] user: olr, branch: tbnext, size: 17872 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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13:01 | [fr] conjugeur: mise à jour + pas de variable d’un seul caractère file: [52fcb1616a] check-in: [6a3646249d] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 17983 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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11:51 | Added: commit 1 file: [d8559c53e4] check-in: [2fd7dc4dd5] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 17981 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |