History of file gc_core/js/lang_core/gc_options.js at check-in c4768583e7330fe6
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10:09 | [core][build] code clarification: all functions about options in gc_options module file: [e4cf4d05b7] check-in: [16890053da] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 2948 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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20:01 | [core][js] gc engine: code rewriting file: [6f3ff68ba6] check-in: [42fa8f123a] user: olr, branch: gcerw, size: 2940 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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15:13 | [js] Revert syntax change file: [ece26d7264] check-in: [9ae8f0a042] user: IllusionPerdu, branch: nodejs, size: 1612 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
07:11 | [graphspell][core][js] several syntax and bug fixes (thanks to IllusionPerdu) file: [0a97db66e9] check-in: [9bb0f089b9] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 1583 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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12:08 | [js] All Grammalecte work in node file: [a80ff5a6ee] check-in: [2d5c0dce59] user: IllusionPerdu, branch: nodejs, size: 1590 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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16:06 | [core][fx][tb][js] use colors defined by the rules file (+bugs fixed) file: [aa3f5d62cd] check-in: [05735bba7b] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 1572 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
11:10 | [core][build] color rework file: [7c4c47e8f5] check-in: [30b9f4680e] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 1604 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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10:13 | [build][core] colors for errors (draft) file: [c30eb8d096] check-in: [d614738660] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 1256 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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19:11 | [core] add inline config for JSHint assuming es6 synthax and some global file: [f47ea826e5] check-in: [b89dc82bc4] user: IllusionPerdu, branch: webext2_fix, size: 741 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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10:12 | [core][js] don’t use const for modules as objects: const don’t allow to be “redefined” even in a condition which wouldn’t allow redefinition file: [ba36100a98] check-in: [dfc3a68fbf] user: olr, branch: webext2, size: 698 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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08:32 | [core][js] gc_options and gc_rules as objects file: [0ccaf067f3] check-in: [af3808d001] user: olr, branch: webext2, size: 700 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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10:10 | [core][js] test if variable <exports> exists file: [6e45d077d4] check-in: [f9a034e6ce] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 559 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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07:35 | [core][build] options according to context (applications) file: [a6bfab9180] check-in: [245cd4631d] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 514 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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11:51 | Added: commit 1 file: [3105c2862f] check-in: [2fd7dc4dd5] user: olr, branch: trunk, size: 232 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |