Grammalecte  Ticket Change Details


Artifact ID: d1ed4b17e600893b242235a7216aa0d5abac1f0e0ab77fd2f35105e6f6164159
Ticket: 00c3dfc40ac8368ed3e54610f7eb377c50e1b48c
Incorrect description of error
User & Date: anonymous on 2021-04-20 10:09:20

  1. foundin changed to: "2.0.0"
  2. icomment:
    The error message for the sentence "Fantine est mort" reads "Accord erroné: 'Fantine' et 'mort' ne sont pas accordés. Mettez au féminin pluriel" when it should be in the feminine singular.
  3. login: "anonymous"
  4. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
  5. severity changed to: "Minor"
  6. status changed to: "Open"
  7. title changed to: "Incorrect description of error"
  8. type changed to: "Code_Defect"