// Grammalecte - text formatter
/* jshint esversion:6, -W097 */
/* jslint esversion:6 */
/* global exports, console */
"use strict";
// Latin letters: http://unicode-table.com/fr/
// 0-9
// A-Z
// a-z
// À-Ö 00C0-00D6 (upper case)
// Ø-ß 00D8-00DF (upper case)
// à-ö 00E0-00F6 (lower case)
// ø-ÿ 00F8-00FF (lower case)
// Ā-ʯ 0100-02AF (mixed)
// -> a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ
// JS sucks: $0 is not recognized (why?), use $&
const oReplTable = {
//// surnumerary_spaces
"start_of_paragraph": [ [/^[ ]+/gm, ""] ],
"end_of_paragraph": [ [/[ ]+$/gm, ""] ],
"between_words": [ [/ | /g, " "], // espace + espace insécable -> espace
[/ +/g, " "], // espaces surnuméraires
[/ +/g, " "] ], // espaces insécables surnuméraires
"before_punctuation": [ [/ +(?=[.,…])/g, ""] ],
"within_parenthesis": [ [/\([ ]+/g, "("],
[/[ ]+\)/g, ")"] ],
"within_square_brackets": [ [/\[[ ]+/g, "["],
[/[ ]+\]/g, "]"] ],
"within_quotation_marks": [ [/“[ ]+/g, "“"],
[/[ ]”/g, "”"] ],
//// non-breaking spaces
// espaces insécables
"nbsp_before_punctuation": [ [/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ…)»}\]])([:;?!])[ ]/g, "$1 $2 "],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ…)»}\]])([:;?!])$/g, "$1 $2"],
[/[ ]+([:;?!])/g, " $1"] ],
"nbsp_within_quotation_marks":[ [/«([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ])/g, "« $1"],
[/«[ ]+/g, "« "],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ.!?])»/g, "$1 »"],
[/[ ]+»/g, " »"] ],
"nbsp_within_numbers": [ [/(\d)[ ](?=\d)/g, "$1 "] ],
// espaces insécables fines
"nnbsp_before_punctuation": [ [/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ…\)»}\]])([;?!])[ ]/g, "$1 $2 "],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ…\)»}\]])([;?!])$/g, "$1 $2"],
[/[ ]+([;?!])/g, " $1"],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ…\)»}\]]):[ ]/g, "$1 : "],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ…\)»}\]]):$/g, "$1 :"],
[/[ ]+:/g, " :"] ],
"nnbsp_within_quotation_marks":[[/«([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ])/g, "« $1"],
[/«[ ]+/g, "« "],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ.!?])»/g, "$1 »"],
[/[ ]+»/g, " »"] ],
"nnbsp_within_numbers": [ [/(\d)[ ](\d)/g, "$1 $2"] ],
// common
"nbsp_titles": [ [/\bM(mes?|ᵐᵉˢ?|grs?|ᵍʳˢ?|lles?|ˡˡᵉˢ?|rs?|ʳˢ?|M[.]) /g, "M$1 "],
[/\bP(re?s?|ʳᵉ?ˢ?) /g, "P$1 "],
[/\bD(re?s?|ʳᵉ?ˢ?) /g, "D$1 "],
[/\bV(ves?|ᵛᵉˢ?) /g, "V$1 "] ],
"nbsp_before_symbol": [ [/(\d) ?([%‰€$£¥˚Ω℃])/g, "$1 $2"] ],
"nbsp_before_units": [ [/([0-9⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹]) ?([kcmµn]?(?:[slgJKΩ]|m[²³]?|Wh?|Hz|dB)|[%‰]|°C)\b/g, "$1 $2"] ],
"nbsp_repair": [ [/([\[(])[ ]([!?:;])/g, "$1$2"],
[/(https?|ftp)[ ]:\/\//g, "$1://"],
[/&([a-z]+)[ ];/g, "&$1;"],
[/&#([0-9]+|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)[ ];/g, "&#$1;"] ],
//// missing spaces
"add_space_after_punctuation":[ [/[;!…](?=[a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ])/g, "$& "],
[/[?](?=[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ßĀ-ʯ])/g, "? "],
[/\.(?=[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ßĀ-ʯ][a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ])/g, ". "],
[/\.(?=À)/g, ". "],
[/[,:](?=[a-zA-Zà-öÀ-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ])/g, "$& "],
[/([a-zA-Zà-öÀ-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ]),(?=[0-9])/g, "$1, "] ],
"add_space_around_hyphens": [ [/ [-–—](?=[a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ"«“'‘])/g, "$& "],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ"»”'’])([-–—]) /g, "$1 $2 "] ],
"add_space_repair": [ [/DnT, ([wA])\b/g, "DnT,$1"] ],
//// erase
"erase_non_breaking_hyphens": [ [//g, ""] ],
//// typographic signs
"ts_apostrophe": [ [/\b([ldnjmtscç])['´‘′`](?=[a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ])/ig, "$1’"],
[/\b(qu|jusqu|lorsqu|puisqu|quoiqu|quelqu|presqu|entr|aujourd|prud)['´‘′`]/ig, "$1’"] ],
"ts_ellipsis": [ [/\.\.\./g, "…"],
[/…\.\./g, "……"],
[/…\.(?!\.)/g, "…"] ],
"ts_n_dash_middle": [ [/ [-—] /g, " – "],
[/ [-—],/g, " –,"] ],
"ts_m_dash_middle": [ [/ [-–] /g, " — "],
[/ [-–],/g, " —,"] ],
"ts_n_dash_start": [ [/^[-—][ ]/gm, "– "],
[/^– /gm, "– "],
[/^[-–—](?=[a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ.…])/gm, "– "] ],
"ts_m_dash_start": [ [/^[-–][ ]/gm, "— "],
[/^— /gm, "— "],
[/^«[ ][—–-][ ]/gm, "« — "],
[/^[-–—](?=[a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ.…])/gm, "— "] ],
"ts_quotation_marks": [ [/"([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ]+)"/g, "“$1”"],
[/''([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ]+)''/g, "“$1”"],
[/'([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ]+)'/g, "“$1”"],
[/^(?:"|'')(?=[a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ…])/gm, "« "],
[/ (?:"|'')(?=[a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ…])/g, " « "],
[/\((?:"|'')(?=[a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ…])/g, "(« "],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ])(?:"|'')$/gm, "$1 »"],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ])(?:"|'')(?=[ ,.:;?!…)\]])/g, "$1 »"],
[/([.!?…])" /g, "$1 » "],
[/([.!?…])"$/gm, "$1 »"] ],
"ts_spell": [ [/coeur/g, "cœur"], [/Coeur/g, "Cœur"],
[/coel(?=[aeio])/g, "cœl"], [/Coel(?=[aeio])/g, "Cœl"],
[/choeur/g, "chœur"], [/Choeur/g, "Chœur"],
[/foet/g, "fœt"], [/Foet/g, "Fœt"],
[/oeil/g, "œil"], [/Oeil/g, "Œil"],
[/oeno/g, "œno"], [/Oeno/g, "Œno"],
[/oesoph/g, "œsoph"], [/Oesoph/g, "Œsoph"],
[/oestro/g, "œstro"], [/Oestro/g, "Œstro"],
[/oeuf/g, "œuf"], [/Oeuf/g, "Œuf"],
[/oeuvr/g, "œuvr"], [/Oeuvr/g, "Œuvr"],
[/moeur/g, "mœur"], [/Moeur/g, "Mœur"],
[/noeu/g, "nœu"], [/Noeu/g, "Nœu"],
[/soeur/g, "sœur"], [/Soeur/g, "Sœur"],
[/voeu/g, "vœu"], [/Voeu/g, "Vœu"],
[/aequo/g, "æquo"], [/Aequo/g, "Æquo"],
[/Ca /g, "Ça "], [/ ca([ ,.!;:])/g, " ça$1"],
[/(Ce(?:ux|lles?|lui))-la /g, "$1-là "], [/ (ce(?:ux|lles?|lui))-la/g, " $1-là"],
[/ malgre /g, " malgré "], [/Malgre /g, "Malgré "],
[/ etre([ ,.!;:])/g, " être$1"], [/Etre([ ,.!;:])/g, "Être$1"],
[/ tres([ ,.!;:])/g, " très$1"], [/Tres /g, "Très "],
[/\bEtai([ts]|ent)\b/g, "Étai$1"],
[/\bE(tat|cole|crit|poque|tude|ducation|glise|conomi(?:qu|)e|videmment|lysée|tienne|thiopie|cosse|gypt(?:e|ien)|rythrée|pinal|vreux)/g, "É$1"] ],
"ts_ligature_ffi_do": [ [/ffi/g, "ffi"] ],
"ts_ligature_ffl_do": [ [/ffl/g, "ffl"] ],
"ts_ligature_fi_do": [ [/fi/g, "fi"] ],
"ts_ligature_fl_do": [ [/fl/g, "fl"] ],
"ts_ligature_ff_do": [ [/ff/g, "ff"] ],
"ts_ligature_ft_do": [ [/ft/g, "ſt"] ],
"ts_ligature_st_do": [ [/st/g, "st"] ],
"ts_ligature_fi_undo": [ [/fi/g, "fi"] ],
"ts_ligature_fl_undo": [ [/fl/g, "fl"] ],
"ts_ligature_ff_undo": [ [/ff/g, "ff"] ],
"ts_ligature_ffi_undo": [ [/ffi/g, "ffi"] ],
"ts_ligature_ffl_undo": [ [/ffl/g, "ffl"] ],
"ts_ligature_ft_undo": [ [/ſt/g, "ft"] ],
"ts_ligature_st_undo": [ [/st/g, "st"] ],
"ts_units": [ [/\bN\.([ms])\b/g, "N·$1"], // N·m et N·m-1, N·s
[/\bW\.h\b/g, "W·h"],
[/\bPa\.s\b/g, "Pa·s"],
[/\bA\.h\b/g, "A·h"],
[/Ω\.m\b/g, "Ω·m"],
[/\bS\.m\b/g, "S·m"],
[/\bg\.s(?=-1)\b/g, "g·s"],
[/\bm\.s(?=-[12])\b/g, "m·s"],
[/\bg\.m(?=2|-3)\b/g, "g·m"],
[/\bA\.m(?=-1)\b/g, "A·m"],
[/\bJ\.K(?=-1)\b/g, "J·K"],
[/\bW\.m(?=-2)\b/g, "W·m"],
[/\bcd\.m(?=-2)\b/g, "cd·m"],
[/\bC\.kg(?=-1)\b/g, "C·kg"],
[/\bH\.m(?=-1)\b/g, "H·m"],
[/\bJ\.kg(?=-1)\b/g, "J·kg"],
[/\bJ\.m(?=-3)\b/g, "J·m"],
[/\bm[2²]\.s\b/g, "m²·s"],
[/\bm[3³]\.s(?=-1)\b/g, "m³·s"],
//[/\bJ.kg-1.K-1\b/g, "J·kg-1·K-1"],
//[/\bW.m-1.K-1\b/g, "W·m-1·K-1"],
//[/\bW.m-2.K-1\b/g, "W·m-2·K-1"],
[/\b(Y|Z|E|P|T|G|M|k|h|da|d|c|m|µ|n|p|f|a|z|y)Ω/g, "$1Ω"] ],
//// misc
"ordinals_exponant": [ [/\b([0-9]+)(?:i?[èe]me|è|e)\b/g, "$1ᵉ"],
[/\b([XVICL]+)(?:i?[èe]me|è)\b/g, "$1ᵉ"],
[/\b((?:au|l[ea]|du) [XVICL])e\b/g, "$1ᵉ"],
[/\b([XVI])e(?= siècle)/g, "$1ᵉ"],
[/\b([1I])er\b/g, "$1ᵉʳ"],
[/\b([1I])re\b/g, "$1ʳᵉ"] ],
"ordinals_no_exponant": [ [/\b([0-9]+)(?:i?[èe]me|è)\b/g, "$1e"],
[/\b([XVICL]+)(?:i?[èe]me|è)\b/g, "$1e"],
[/\b([1I])ᵉʳ\b/g, "$1er"],
[/\b([1I])ʳᵉ\b/g, "$1er"] ],
"etc": [ [/etc(…|\.\.\.?)/g, "etc."],
[/\b etc\./g, ", etc."] ],
"missing_hyphens": [ [/[ -]t[’'](?=il\b|elle|on\b)/g, "-t-"],
[/ t-(?=il|elle|on)/g, "-t-"],
[/[ -]t[’'-](?=ils|elles)/g, "-"],
[/([td])-t-(?=il|elle|on)/g, "$1-"],
[/dix (sept|huit|neuf)/g, "dix-$1"],
[/quatre vingt/g, "quatre-vingt"],
[/(soixante|quatre-vingt) dix/g, "$1-dix"],
[/(vingt|trente|quarante|cinquante|soixante(?:-dix|)|quatre-vingt(?:-dix|)) (deux|trois|quatre|cinq|six|sept|huit|neuf)\b/g, "$1-$2"],
[/ ce(lles?|lui|ux) (ci|là)/g, "ce$1-$2"],
[/Ce(lles?|lui|ux) (ci|là)/g, "Ce$1-$2"],
[/^Ci (joint|desso?us|contre|devant|avant|après|incluse|g[îi]t|gisent)/gm, "Ci-$1"],
[/ ci (joint|desso?us|contre|devant|avant|après|incluse|g[îi]t|gisent)/g, " ci-$1"],
[/vis à vis/g, "vis-à-vis"],
[/Vis à vis/g, "Vis-à-vis"],
[/week end/g, "week-end"],
[/Week end/g, "Week-end"],
[/(plus|moins) value/ig, "$1-value"] ],
//// missing apostrophes
"ma_word": [ [/[ ](qu|lorsqu|puisqu|quoiqu|presqu|jusqu|aujourd|entr|quelqu|prud) /ig, "$1’"],
[/^(qu|lorsqu|puisqu|quoiqu|presqu|jusqu|aujourd|entr|quelqu|prud) /ig, "$1’"] ],
"ma_1letter_lowercase": [ [/[ ]([ldjnmtscç]) (?=[aàeéêiîoôuyhAÀEÉÊIÎOÔUYH])/g, "$1’"] ],
"ma_1letter_uppercase": [ [/[ ]([LDJNMTSCÇ]) (?=[aàeéêiîoôuyhAÀEÉÊIÎOÔUYH])/g, "$1’"],
[/^([LDJNMTSCÇ]) (?=[aàeéêiîoôuyhAÀEÉÊIÎOÔUYH])/g, "$1’"] ]
const dTFDefaultOptions = new Map ([
["ts_units", true],
["start_of_paragraph", true],
["end_of_paragraph", true],
["between_words", true],
["before_punctuation", true],
["within_parenthesis", true],
["within_square_brackets", true],
["within_quotation_marks", true],
["nbsp_before_punctuation", true],
["nbsp_within_quotation_marks", true],
["nbsp_within_numbers", true],
["nnbsp_before_punctuation", false],
["nnbsp_within_quotation_marks", false],
["nnbsp_within_numbers", false],
["nbsp_titles", false],
["nbsp_before_symbol", true],
["nbsp_before_units", true],
["nbsp_repair", true],
["add_space_after_punctuation", true],
["add_space_around_hyphens", true],
["add_space_repair", true],
["erase_non_breaking_hyphens", false],
["ts_apostrophe", true],
["ts_ellipsis", true],
["ts_n_dash_middle", true],
["ts_m_dash_middle", false],
["ts_n_dash_start", false],
["ts_m_dash_start", true],
["ts_quotation_marks", true],
["ts_spell", true],
["ts_ligature_ffi_do", false],
["ts_ligature_ffl_do", false],
["ts_ligature_fi_do", false],
["ts_ligature_fl_do", false],
["ts_ligature_ff_do", false],
["ts_ligature_ft_do", false],
["ts_ligature_st_do", false],
["ts_ligature_fi_undo", false],
["ts_ligature_fl_undo", false],
["ts_ligature_ff_undo", false],
["ts_ligature_ffi_undo", false],
["ts_ligature_ffl_undo", false],
["ts_ligature_ft_undo", false],
["ts_ligature_st_undo", false],
["ordinals_exponant", false],
["ordinals_no_exponant", true],
["etc", true],
["missing_hyphens", true],
["ma_word", true],
["ma_1letter_lowercase", false],
["ma_1letter_uppercase", false]
const dTFOptions = dTFDefaultOptions.gl_shallowCopy();
class TextFormatter {
constructor (bDebug=false) {
this.sLang = "fr";
this.bDebug = bDebug;
formatText (sText, dOpt=null) {
if (dOpt !== null) {
for (let [sOptName, bVal] of dTFOptions) {
if (bVal && oReplTable[sOptName]) {
for (let [zRgx, sRep] of oReplTable[sOptName]) {
sText = sText.replace(zRgx, sRep);
return sText;
formatTextCount (sText, dOpt=null) {
let nCount = 0;
if (dOpt !== null) {
for (let [sOptName, bVal] of dTFOptions) {
if (bVal && oReplTable[sOptName]) {
for (let [zRgx, sRep] of oReplTable[sOptName]) {
nCount += (sText.match(zRgx) || []).length;
sText = sText.replace(zRgx, sRep);
return [sText, nCount];
formatTextRule (sText, sRuleName) {
if (oReplTable[sRuleName]) {
for (let [zRgx, sRep] of oReplTable[sRuleName]) {
sText = sText.replace(zRgx, sRep);
} else if (this.bDebug){
console.log("# Error. TF: there is no option “" + sRuleName+ "”.");
return sText;
formatTextRuleCount (sText, sRuleName) {
let nCount = 0;
if (oReplTable[sRuleName]) {
for (let [zRgx, sRep] of oReplTable[sRuleName]) {
nCount += (sText.match(zRgx) || []).length;
sText = sText.replace(zRgx, sRep);
} else if (this.bDebug){
console.log("# Error. TF: there is no option “" + sRuleName+ "”.");
return [sText, nCount];
getDefaultOptions () {
return dTFDefaultOptions;
if (typeof(exports) !== 'undefined') {
exports.TextFormatter = TextFormatter;
exports.oReplTable = oReplTable;