# 1. Copy this template to the data folder. # # 2. Define your group ids and option ids and the localized title # texts (see later for the syntax). # # Syntax of the dialog data file: # # Options and title texts for the Settings and conditional rules # # Format of the dialog definition: # # GroupID: OptionID [OptionsInTheSameLines_or_hyphen_placeholder], OptionID ... # Group2ID: OptionID, OptionID ... # ... # [Language_code=title of the window] # GroupID=title of the group # OptionID=title of the option [\n tooltip] # Option2ID=title of the option [\n tooltip] # # The first language is the default language for the other locales # (use en_US or the common language of your country) # # The OptionIDs are used in the rules, too. For example: # # foo <<- option("style") ->> bar # bar is far better # # or # # __[i]/style__ foo <<- ->> bar # bar is far better # # these rule depends from the state of the "style" option. # options spelling: comma, hyphen proofreading: style, moregrammar # titles [en_US=Hungarian grammar checking] spelling=Spelling comma=Comma usage hyphen=Check compound words with hyphen proofreading=Proofreading style=Style checking moregrammar=Use grammar rules with ambiguous word analysis [yourlocale=yourtitle] spelling=... wordpart=... ...