50 most recent events occurring on or after 2017-06-04 10:13:39.
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05:03 | [fr] correction bug regex sur taux de qqch check-in: 80a7b8c83d user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
04:33 | [fr] pt: taux de qqch check-in: 9cea3ed48a user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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21:17 | • Edit [b12e27efcb]: Edit check-in comment. Add tag "build". Cancel tag "core". artifact: 48c69aa40e user: olr | |
21:17 | • Edit [35fae82fa4]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: d957243d67 user: olr | |
21:17 | • Edit [35fae82fa4]: Add tag "build". Cancel tag "core". artifact: fd77ed831e user: olr | |
19:05 | [fr] faux positif: pair à pair check-in: 3726099d32 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:55 | [fr] phonet_simil: essor essore check-in: b52e7c589b user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:25 | [doc] syntax.txt update check-in: 2cd7f6dc8b user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
12:15 | [doc] update check-in: 252f657d98 user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
11:15 | • Edit [7fc8e4e27f]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 3989687288 user: olr | |
08:15 | [fr] phonet_simil: flair/flaire, soupir/soupire, su/sue, tapir/tapirent check-in: 7fc8e4e27f user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
07:42 | [misc] SublimeText theme update check-in: f3f19b9fb0 user: olr tags: trunk, misc | |
07:37 | [core][fr] merge bookmark feature check-in: 72537ca8e8 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, core, new_feature | |
07:31 | [doc] update on syntax check-in: 7b42dadf18 user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
07:12 | [fr] mise en place des marque-pages Closed-Leaf check-in: 2f22dbe34c user: olr tags: fr, bookmark | |
05:45 | • Edit [35fae82fa4]: Move to branch bookmark. artifact: 2ccec9227c user: olr | |
00:19 | [build] new feature: bookmark check-in: b12e27efcb user: olr tags: build, bookmark | |
00:01 | [build] new feature: bookmark check-in: 35fae82fa4 user: olr tags: build, bookmark | |
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15:40 | [fr] pt: couleurs check-in: f2a7202993 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
13:37 | • Changes to wiki page "How to clone this repository" artifact: e9618723ef user: olr | |
09:34 | • Edit [1e6e86a24a]: Add tag "v0.5.17". artifact: 62a861ecef user: olr | |
03:38 | • Changes to wiki page "Grammalecte" artifact: acf1c73db6 user: olr | |
03:38 | [doc] update title of build.md check-in: 1e6e86a24a user: olr tags: trunk, doc, v0.5.17 | |
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20:09 | [doc] build.md update check-in: 4eec89895d user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
19:52 | [doc] build.md update check-in: 748b424c33 user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
19:51 | [doc] build.md update check-in: 8297627a1d user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
19:50 | • Changes to wiki page "Grammalecte" artifact: 55c8473074 user: olr | |
19:46 | [doc] build.md update check-in: 2c4b2b96bc user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
19:46 | [doc] build.md update check-in: c3fe865e9b user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
19:43 | [doc] build.md update check-in: 231d2d0609 user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
19:40 | [doc] build.txt renamed build.md check-in: fbaf324acf user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
19:37 | [doc] formatting update check-in: d59335ae38 user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
17:18 | [build] adjustment of previous commit check-in: 63129ede50 user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
15:57 | [build] make.py revamped +helpers +project build check-in: c24c371d57 user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
13:24 | • Changes to wiki page "How to clone this repository" artifact: 0a183be688 user: olr | |
13:18 | • Changes to wiki page "Grammalecte" artifact: d8b2ea4803 user: olr | |
12:32 | • Changes to wiki page "Grammalecte" artifact: e9c0de2af1 user: olr | |
12:26 | • Added wiki page "How to clone this repository" artifact: 8ed377b537 user: olr | |
11:55 | [fr] test pour le commit précédent check-in: 8dd31bc1d7 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:13 | [fr] nouvelle règle: confusion et/est check-in: 4f461da67e user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:43 | [fr] nettoyage check-in: c9dedbedb4 user: olr tags: fr, fr_killtricks | |
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17:41 | • Edit [63ba4399b7]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 48713adba9 user: olr | |
17:36 | [fr] ajout de __else__ à certaines règles check-in: 63ba4399b7 user: olr tags: fr, fr_killtricks | |
17:28 | • Edit [475d1ace5e]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 55d56219c5 user: olr | |
17:28 | • Edit [9e1a0b9466]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 67e28814fc user: olr | |
17:22 | [fr] det sing +nom +verbe check-in: d24985a5e0 user: olr tags: fr, fr_killtricks | |
13:10 | syntax documentation update check-in: 0283fcb23c user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
12:14 | [core] merge from trunk check-in: f5ad8a3209 user: olr tags: core, fr_killtricks | |
10:16 | • Edit [8e027f2791]: Cancel tag "v0.5.17". artifact: f3b1953554 user: olr | |
10:13 | [core] getReadableError changed check-in: 8fefa29d19 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |