50 most recent check-ins related to "core" occurring on or after 2017-11-08 08:16:08.
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13:39 | [core][js] multi-dictionaries check-in: d8959f76a4 user: olr tags: core, multid | |
13:38 | [graphspell][js] rename vars check-in: 62c389aedf user: olr tags: trunk, graphspell | |
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11:37 | [fr] màj: confusion <abusé/abusif/abuser> check-in: dcc6a14f0d user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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00:01 | [core] options filenames in setup.py check-in: ff0c994b3e user: olr tags: trunk, core, v0.6.1 | |
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11:09 | [core][py] Don’t use Python 3.6 syntax for Grammalecte core check-in: 82d2c8dea2 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
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19:20 | [fr] màj: locutions check-in: a608c531f0 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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16:23 | [build] version 0.6.1 check-in: 451ce75ada user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
16:17 | [core][fx][fr] merge Lexicographe: detection of most common locutions check-in: c60b538430 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, core, new_feature, fx | |
14:51 | [fx] add font Yanone Kaffeesatz check-in: edae0de03d user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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08:08 | [fr] réversion: apostrophe typographique suivant <t> check-in: 997694fa93 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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23:50 | [fr] màj: locutions adverbiales Closed-Leaf check-in: d9c2fd3783 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
15:52 | [build] use Firefox 64 bits check-in: c46c143472 user: olr tags: build, Lexicographe | |
14:58 | [core][js] Damerau-Levenshtein distance buggy: can’t find out why -> another version check-in: 300e9c7d3d user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
14:57 | [core] ibdawg: bug fixed and code cleaning check-in: fbf59c7547 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
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17:54 | [core] suggestion engine: word simplification check-in: fa01465ba8 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
17:06 | [build] use Firefox Nightly 64 bits check-in: f424d4f1d9 user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
17:05 | [core] better suggestion engine for the spellchecker check-in: 528ccfcead user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
16:57 | [core] better suggestion engine Closed-Leaf check-in: 6c5050fe91 user: olr tags: core, spellsugg | |
11:33 | [core] char_player: ph/f check-in: a97a2c1409 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
00:09 | [fr] lettre oubliée pour l’apostrophe typographique check-in: d1f617cbf9 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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10:16 | [fr] pt: d’un commun accord + faux positif: l’a peu près check-in: 044fbefa17 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
09:03 | [core] char_player: word simplification, <y> replaced by <i> check-in: f0804580fa user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
09:02 | [fr] màj: écriture dystypographique check-in: b6f3f39e72 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:36 | [fr] phonet_simil: impact/impacte check-in: 0104769672 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
01:17 | [core] char_player: better word simplification > remove double letters check-in: d6353b35f8 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
00:32 | [fr] pt: en gage de bonne foi check-in: e857da79dd user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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17:05 | [build] fix setup.py, shebang and rename cli.py and server.py check-in: 099f103bb1 user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
14:07 | [core] char_player update check-in: 0b029f2147 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
13:45 | [fr] faux positif: sans +nom check-in: 8d56c7d195 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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13:22 | [core][fx] tokenizer: +acronyms check-in: fa1205c098 user: olr tags: core, fx, Lexicographe | |
10:59 | [fx] CSS protection for hyphenation check-in: 25276d751a user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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22:15 | [fx] less contrast for gc colors check-in: 9623e82f75 user: olr tags: fx, gc_colors | |
12:19 | [fx] gestion des différentes sortes de mots composés du lexicographe check-in: 4f7bc2e814 user: olr tags: fx, Lexicographe | |
09:45 | [core] ibdawg: remove action logging check-in: 95d9c959ba user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
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23:39 | [fx] WebExt: version (upload screwed up) check-in: 3f47514955 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
20:45 | [fr] autres tests pour les guillemets + commentaires check-in: e3c4cc6975 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:52 | [core] merge spellsugg: much faster suggestion engine check-in: e6e44e506c user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
16:49 | [fr] remove remaining crap check-in: 6ee59d86c1 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:30 | [fx] handle soft hyphens check-in: 482b521d67 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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11:56 | [core] ibdawg: suggestion mechanism > reduce 1toX replacements overload (much, much faster) check-in: 767e396f2d user: olr tags: core, spellsugg | |
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21:16 | [core] ibdawg: update char_player check-in: 51e3a2e76e user: olr tags: core, spellsugg | |
19:06 | [core] merge spellsugg: faster suggestion engine check-in: ec1136c73d user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
18:52 | [fr][bug] faux positif: condition pour <canne à sucre/pêche> check-in: 1f17534f8e user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:57 | [fr] màj: écriture dystypographique check-in: 0bd6a29f03 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:14 | [core][js] ibdawg: use SuggResult check-in: 2f30b8f748 user: olr tags: core, spellsugg | |
14:59 | [core][js] ibdawg: object SuggResult check-in: 922f22848d user: olr tags: core, spellsugg | |
13:32 | [core][js] ibdawg: suggest (adaptation from Python code) check-in: 1ef26c175b user: olr tags: core, spellsugg | |
08:52 | [core] ibdawg: code clarification check-in: f7c9ad046c user: olr tags: core, spellsugg | |
08:26 | [core] ibdawg: suggest > avoid useless recursivity check-in: 7d3b4993ee user: olr tags: core, spellsugg | |
08:16 | [core] ibdawg: suggest > maximum number of switches > faster search check-in: a85c70d24d user: olr tags: core, spellsugg | |