50 most recent events occurring on or after 2018-11-02 14:12:24.
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15:58 | [fr] confusion foi/fois/foie, + accord prn / part. pas. check-in: b6fe38e598 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:43 | [fr] ajustements check-in: ad990d2b04 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:19 | [fr] ajustements divers check-in: 688288bc84 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
00:12 | [fr] mise à jour du dictionnaire check-in: 4dc6e23801 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
00:01 | [fr] nr: confusion mur/mûr, +màj: non verbes après préverbes check-in: ce1fb67652 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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21:56 | [fr] confusion après préverbes check-in: 84122ea768 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
20:28 | [fr] nr: confusions et majuscules check-in: 798bff1423 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
17:01 | [fr] nr: adjectifs comme adverbe check-in: 3d83ae5995 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:14 | [fr] nr: n’avoir pas l’air +adj check-in: 131da9bd54 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:01 | [fr] nr: avoir l’air +adj check-in: 8ae882c236 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
12:22 | [fx] minor coding style adjustments check-in: 74f2ec49cc user: olr tags: fx, comunicate | |
12:03 | [fx] fix copyTextToClipboard bug introduce with shadow check-in: 939c24d512 user: IllusionPerdu tags: trunk | |
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11:47 | [fx] minor coding style adjustments check-in: 2d45cbf498 user: olr tags: fx, comunicate | |
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17:21 | [fr] màj: accord part. pas. avec verbes d’état à l’interrogatif check-in: 10f8336f59 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:54 | [fr] màj: confusions noms/verbes (cas du verbe sujet à l’infinitif) check-in: 2c3c536c8c user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
14:23 | Fix some case check-in: 73aa037b8d user: IllusionPerdu tags: comunicate | |
12:53 | [fr] màj: emploi du subjonctif check-in: 27de6ef1dc user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
12:28 | [build] use ? for token merging, and remove them at build check-in: 8a9ec2fb8e user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
09:56 | [fr] nr: auquel, auxquels, etc. + divers check-in: 7d89e90486 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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20:49 | [fr] nr: confusions diverses check-in: 09c7c8212f user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
10:55 | [fr] nr: motoclub check-in: c0c20a28fb user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
10:27 | [fr] nr: confusion noms/verbes check-in: a95c65a937 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:50 | [fr] nr: confusions verbes/substantifs check-in: 581cbebf47 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:50 | [core][fr] suggestions: ne pas suggérer les participes passés si autre chose a été trouvé check-in: a0d34f762e user: olr tags: trunk, fr, core | |
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17:51 | Fix for firefox check-in: 175e6bd8bf user: IllusionPerdu tags: comunicate | |
17:13 | Hack for acces to iframe content and somme cleanup check-in: c5404a7d12 user: IllusionPerdu tags: comunicate | |
10:34 | Add comment, Add bidirectional communication check-in: 717fe4b51a user: IllusionPerdu tags: comunicate | |
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23:57 | Auto add fix if they are not button defined before check-in: 13ca4224a8 user: IllusionPerdu tags: comunicate | |
22:52 | Auto Add button in tinymce zone check-in: 5bc013ac26 user: IllusionPerdu tags: comunicate | |
11:59 | Oups forgettent to change variable name check-in: 7eb5a85846 user: IllusionPerdu tags: comunicate | |
11:37 | Check if action is in event check-in: 9f8939c97c user: IllusionPerdu tags: comunicate | |
09:04 | [fr] nr: confusion date/datte, des/dès/dés check-in: 2528e7df7c user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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23:42 | Added the possibility to web page script open gcpanel or lexicographe check-in: 5c25db680b user: IllusionPerdu tags: comunicate | |
18:33 | [fr] nr: confusions diverses check-in: 9b6a855c65 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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21:29 | [fr] nr: à vau-l’eau, confusion pécher/pêcher, golf/golfe, cœur/chœur check-in: 7ac6a5159e user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:59 | • Edit [977fd9b488]: Add tag "njs". Cancel tag "js". artifact: abbe7cc717 user: olr | |
15:59 | • Edit [9ae8f0a042]: Add tag "njs". Cancel tag "js". artifact: 6756e2080a user: olr | |
15:58 | • Edit [a43e8d10eb]: Add tag "njs". Cancel tag "js". artifact: 1bfce2cc94 user: olr | |
15:58 | • Edit [2d5c0dce59]: Add tag "njs". Cancel tag "js". artifact: ddf4a55e82 user: olr | |
15:58 | • Edit [b79bb889b9]: Add tag "njs". Cancel tag "js". artifact: 9d4f474b8e user: olr | |
15:58 | • Edit [a3687f4fd3]: Add tag "njs". Cancel tag "js". artifact: 77f4e1e308 user: olr | |
15:57 | • Closed ticket [93208357f0]: Fichier 'Grammalecte-fr-v0.6.5.zip' modifié plus 3 other changes artifact: 985a000730 user: olr | |
15:56 | • Closed ticket [6f81ca7954]: Erreur de chargement de l'extension plus 3 other changes artifact: fcf0d740dc user: olr | |
14:54 | [fr] nr: confusion dans prendre son mal en patience +autres tests check-in: 644d2d2ea0 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
10:45 | [fr] mise à jour: participes passés check-in: e49de5b51e user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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07:04 | • Ticket [6f81ca7954] Erreur de chargement de l'extension status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: a456dcd48d user: olr | |
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15:30 | • Edit [12dc4a856e]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 82be771dfa user: olr | |
14:17 | • Ticket [5579a6ddd3] Python cannot be instantiated status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: c8ef1f31a2 user: olr ... 2 similar events omitted. | |