50 most recent check-ins that include changes to files matching 'gc_lang/fr/webext/*' occurring on or after 2018-12-11 18:50:53.
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18:11 | [fx] main panel: update doc check-in: 053f1c7d22 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
16:47 | [fx] text formatter: close even when no change check-in: 43be289176 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
16:31 | [fx] fix text formatter and adjustments, +code cleaning check-in: 0a02475e6f user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
14:17 | [fx] small code cleaning check-in: ce039a8de4 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
13:17 | [fx] update ui check-in: c834b85865 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
10:40 | [fx] update: better looking ui check-in: 67c539f322 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
09:02 | [fx] new shortcuts again (numbers only for opening tabs) check-in: 2f39cf3999 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
08:30 | [fx] gc panel: button highlighting check-in: 463f0fb6fe user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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17:51 | [fx] update doc about shortcuts check-in: 7920018957 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
17:40 | [fx] new ui: merge gc panel and lxg panel, remove dropdown menu, direct access button, add menu within panel check-in: 5c5eb30f28 user: olr tags: trunk, major_change, fx | |
11:42 | [fx] useless comments check-in: 9341ef2dbf user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
11:40 | [fx] TextFormatter always on top check-in: fcbc7d9332 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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09:04 | [fx] use default version number for webextension check-in: d23a6cecc3 user: olr tags: trunk, fx, v1.0.2 | |
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22:26 | [fx] more discrete buttons for paragraph actions check-in: 4db3740105 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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09:57 | [fx] webext version 1.0.1 check-in: c372299f84 user: olr tags: trunk, fx, v1.0.1 | |
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14:16 | [fx] grammar checking: autorefresh after edition check-in: 6bd3d5409b user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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17:17 | [fx] make shortcuts work with contentEditable nodes check-in: da6f681fdf user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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11:10 | [fx] update manifest check-in: 7fbff2010d user: olr tags: trunk, fx, v1.0 | |
10:27 | [fx] update main panel (community dictionary disabled) check-in: 80861be530 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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16:01 | [fx] fix lexicon editor check-in: 468fa05728 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
15:02 | [fx] add a lexicon editor entry to the menu check-in: fbf4f3afee user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
14:52 | [fx] remove access to community dictionaries check-in: 1a047a0b91 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
14:18 | merge comdic check-in: 7217592c77 user: olr tags: trunk | |
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14:08 | [fx] fix merge Closed-Leaf check-in: e8375db0be user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
14:00 | merge trunk check-in: 8ca82c9a7e user: olr tags: comdic | |
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09:48 | [fx][bug] init: set this check-in: 7abad73bbb user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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12:11 | [fx] init: observePage, set this check-in: a7c123cfd6 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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21:37 | merge trunk check-in: 12dd6264d6 user: olr tags: comdic | |
20:03 | [fx] observePage update: don’t add menu if option.textarea doesn’t require it check-in: 35b97b66b5 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
19:53 | [fx] dictionaries manager: update check-in: 50fe201fc1 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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19:58 | [fx] dictionaries manager: update check-in: fd372b5786 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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14:07 | [fx] dictionaries manager: update check-in: a646054ced user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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17:03 | [fx] lexicon editor: save dictionary online (draft) check-in: 13b87972a8 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
12:55 | [fx] set community dictionary as soon as it is created check-in: 1990296330 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
12:24 | [fx] remember dictionaries selection check-in: 0ee518126e user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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18:42 | [fx] dictionaries creation: update check-in: e422d67a98 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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17:17 | [fx] shortcuts documentation check-in: d57413d421 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
16:20 | [fx] commands via shorcuts check-in: 019cf17655 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
11:53 | [fx] dictionaries edition: update check-in: fe9076fde1 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
11:32 | [fx] gc available for input[text] check-in: e37dc0b5db user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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16:33 | [fx] dictionaries reorganization check-in: c3e4095da4 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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22:17 | [fx] get dictionaries list, download dictionaries check-in: a0890eba14 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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16:37 | [build][fx][tb][lo] description field for dictionaries check-in: 831b79d96c user: olr tags: build, tb, fx, lo, comdic | |
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17:18 | [fr] màj dictionnaire, [graphspell][fx][tb][lo] new field description for dictionaries check-in: 889cc645d6 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, tb, fx, lo, graphspell | |
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12:57 | [fx] prevent multi-tabs opening, activate tab if already opened check-in: ef8e7e4dcf user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
11:28 | [fx] ui: buttons color update check-in: 09ee3a6bc8 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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15:32 | [fx] dictionaries selection (update) check-in: d784ee1493 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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10:41 | [fx] update: community dictionaries (draft) check-in: 92e25df2da user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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11:02 | [fx] lexicon editor: ui rework -> save button always visible check-in: 46191a94a9 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
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18:50 | [fx] page for dictionaries (draft) check-in: 09a2b4f200 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |