50 descendants of a543fbde4b468239
| ||
19:50 | [fr] màj: confusion <à/a> dans pronom +à l’air +adj check-in: e918b25b89 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:20 | [fr] nr: confusion <verre/ver/vert/vers> check-in: 699b424b98 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:01 | [fx] test with Nightly again check-in: 578863e008 user: olr tags: fx, webext2 | |
15:39 | [fx] useless to stringify check-in: 24cc7b7ca1 user: olr tags: fx, webext2 | |
14:58 | [fx] interactions between background and gce_worker check-in: 1611ba0d30 user: olr tags: fx, webext2 | |
08:54 | [fr] nr: confusion <a/à> dans tout à l’air… check-in: 6b73782cf0 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
07:56 | [fr] pt: comme qui dirait check-in: 5906e1f7e9 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
07:29 | [fr] message explicatif pour confusion <gène/gêne> check-in: 879059db6a user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
04:47 | [fr] pt: preuve du contraire check-in: 261c438c98 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
04:44 | [fr] pt: preuve du contraire check-in: b1bdb055c2 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
| ||
16:09 | [fx] these functions have a new name check-in: b4a1b21d88 user: olr tags: fx, webext2 | |
15:41 | [fx][core] initialization in gce_worker.js check-in: 1f4195c966 user: olr tags: fx, webext2 | |
08:18 | [core][fx] gc engine in a dedicated worker check-in: 51a209f202 user: olr tags: fx, webext2 | |
06:32 | [core][js][py] nextWord and previousWord: only necessary groups + bug fix for JS check-in: 30b40b6153 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
05:44 | [core][js] use strict + remove useless vars + remove warnings check-in: 7aa5eaf131 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
05:21 | [core][js] don’t forget to define the function as generator check-in: 8029dad20a user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
05:18 | [fx] unknown key in manifest check-in: 4151e87ea3 user: olr tags: fx, webext2 | |
05:17 | [core][js] try to remove some warnings check-in: 25be7eb67b user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
| ||
11:41 | [core][js] tests initialization check-in: af95395956 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
11:06 | [core][js] gc_engine initialization check-in: 4de2209cf9 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
10:12 | [core][js] don’t use const for modules as objects: const don’t allow to be “redefined” even in a condition which wouldn’t allow redefinition check-in: dfc3a68fbf user: olr tags: core, warning, webext2 | |
10:04 | [core][js] ibdawg initialization check-in: 3d1c080fa8 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
09:10 | [core][js] default properties in conj, phonet and mfsp + export all properties of mfsp check-in: ec97664b24 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
09:06 | [core][js] phonet initialization check-in: 1d14af8272 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
08:43 | [core][js] mfsp initialization check-in: ef57c2c66f user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
08:24 | [core][js] conj initialization check-in: 63625992e9 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
| ||
07:27 | [fr] nr: confusion <patte/pâte> check-in: 5f2069fa38 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
06:57 | [core][js] remove let check-in: 9b5050cd48 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
06:26 | [core][js] variable renaming again check-in: e35b6e2bbd user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
06:12 | [core][js] conditional requires and variable renaming to avoid overridding check-in: 7e545790c3 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
| ||
09:50 | [core][py] variable renaming check-in: 1b98af1338 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
09:44 | [core][js] gc_engine as object check-in: 2163dd1535 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
08:32 | [core][js] gc_options and gc_rules as objects check-in: af3808d001 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
07:58 | [core][js] conj as object check-in: c4723b20d5 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
07:24 | [core][js] remove wrong export check-in: 896ba10753 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
| ||
19:30 | [core][js] cregex as object + revert previous commit check-in: baa88da03c user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
17:00 | [core][js] helpers: funcOutput as private attribute check-in: 4f87f76619 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
16:35 | [core][js] mfsp as object check-in: 47815bc2dc user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
15:56 | [core][js] phonet as object check-in: 455f677793 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
15:42 | [core][js] str_transform as object check-in: 917994adcd user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
15:35 | [core][js] text as object check-in: 00c7447643 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
15:31 | [core][js] helpers as object check-in: 1140b979f8 user: olr tags: core, webext2 | |
07:52 | [core][js] text: remove useless functions check-in: 6af1e457f4 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
07:44 | [core][js][fr] JavaScript sucks: avoid weird and unpredictable behavior, infinite loop and similar crazyness -> stable number of groups in regex check-in: 20ec5b88a4 user: olr tags: trunk, core, warning | |
06:53 | [build] change label check-in: c2893f1ac3 user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
06:52 | [core][js] log error with helpers check-in: 6eb67129ef user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
05:41 | [core][js] catch error in Map check-in: bfd183b930 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
04:55 | [fx][core][js] WebExtension: merge with 0053e9898b check-in: a43bd18afb user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
| ||
07:59 | [core][js] helpers: merge conflict check-in: f387617c76 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
07:32 | [fr] phonet_simil: nouvelles entrées check-in: c207e9c291 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
06:29 | [fr] tour à tour check-in: a543fbde4b user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |