50 check-ins related to "fr" occurring on or before 2017-11-15 22:28:11.
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22:28 | [fr] pt: porter qqch check-in: 4c12824c9f user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
22:03 | [fr] pt: avoir conscience check-in: 6574029dcb user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
21:49 | [fr] pt: de première catégorie check-in: 8691c53c8b user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
21:03 | [fr] loc: ce vers quoi, confusion <ver/vers/verre> check-in: 360ec545fa user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
21:03 | [fr] màj: confusion <ça/sa> check-in: b52c7d3d35 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
19:56 | [fr] màj: confusion <ça/sa>, proposer <se> pour corriger une éventuelle faute de frappe check-in: de3d08422c user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:31 | [fr] màj: confusion <la/là> check-in: 485cd32792 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:39 | [fr] màj: gestion du t euphonique check-in: 0440d566d4 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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18:07 | [fr] pt: prendre racine check-in: 1aa4a2fd4e user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:03 | [fr] pt: prendre conscience check-in: a1ebe1da13 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
17:43 | [fr] faux positifs + vente à domicile + tambour battant check-in: 0a1a39b886 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
10:09 | [fr] faux positifs: le plus +A check-in: 2d2dd80574 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
09:37 | [fr] écriture dystypographique <if·ive> check-in: 0dc63d597c user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:10 | [fr] gestion nous/vous +V infi check-in: f400225333 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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20:18 | [fx] action when extension is installed check-in: 126234b371 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
14:07 | [core] char_player update check-in: 0b029f2147 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
13:45 | [fr] faux positif: sans +nom check-in: 8d56c7d195 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
10:47 | [fx] better way to calculate where to set the tooltip arrow check-in: 3c083fcb93 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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19:15 | [fr] faux positif: nous/vous +V infi check-in: 846e6e7867 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:33 | [cli] change options name check-in: 1254fa8cec user: olr tags: trunk, cli | |
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20:59 | [build] use Firefox Developper edition again check-in: 841c1372ef user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
20:45 | [fr] autres tests pour les guillemets + commentaires check-in: e3c4cc6975 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:52 | [core] merge spellsugg: much faster suggestion engine check-in: e6e44e506c user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
16:49 | [fr] remove remaining crap check-in: 6ee59d86c1 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:03 | [fr] confusion: tant bien même check-in: 25798c54bf user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
13:37 | [fr] pt: mettre à bas check-in: 23d875b138 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:30 | [fx] handle soft hyphens check-in: 482b521d67 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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19:06 | [core] merge spellsugg: faster suggestion engine check-in: ec1136c73d user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
18:52 | [fr][bug] faux positif: condition pour <canne à sucre/pêche> check-in: 1f17534f8e user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:57 | [fr] màj: écriture dystypographique check-in: 0bd6a29f03 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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16:42 | Permet d'isoler les sections ajoutées par script. check-in: cbaf0f2ddf user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
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17:21 | [core][py] timer for testing check-in: 8ddc15536e user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
14:21 | [core][py] ibdawg: debugging check-in: cbe1422160 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
11:58 | [fr] locution: à vil prix check-in: a7b1ce6537 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
11:31 | [fr] faux positif: se dire (part. passé) check-in: 57d0adc08a user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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18:52 | [fr] test erroné check-in: d1ca58dacb user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:45 | [fr] meilleures suggestions pour les erreurs du type je +est check-in: d075c90579 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:23 | [fr] locutions: màj check-in: 71c195e4f6 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
18:21 | [fr] locutions: màj check-in: 2afa78ffb5 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
13:41 | [fr] locutions: tri, corrections, ajouts check-in: ed4085666d user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
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12:54 | [fr][bug] certaines +nom: erreur sur la zone de suggestion check-in: e927d745ce user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
09:49 | [fr] locutions: tri et corrections check-in: 68fbc93bb9 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
07:31 | [fr] locutions: màj du build check-in: 854ccdff14 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
07:27 | [fr] locutions: nouveaux fichiers check-in: 0645dffbea user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
07:24 | [fr] locutions: découpage en fichiers différents, corrections diverses. check-in: 07b07dff28 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
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21:26 | [fr] locutions adverbiales: tri check-in: 9e283206be user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
19:43 | [build][fr] build_data for locution: __END__ to skip what come after check-in: 1dac73beb8 user: olr tags: fr, build, Lexicographe | |
19:40 | [fr] locutions adverbiales: tri check-in: 239439f2cd user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
18:40 | [fx] lexicographe: affichage des locutions peu probables check-in: ddc5a860da user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
17:30 | [fr] pt: tenir au courant check-in: 97df509ffe user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |