50 events occurring on or before 2018-04-03 13:20:17.
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13:20 | [fr] préfixe “in” et traits d’union ou confusion avec un check-in: f9cc53daf5 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
12:46 | [fr] typo/ocr: confusion virgules-points check-in: 577fe544ae user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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15:43 | • Edit [9f2bee8dce]: Add tag "v0.6.3". artifact: ae39570888 user: olr | |
15:05 | [fx] remove console.log() check-in: 9f2bee8dce user: olr tags: trunk, fx, v0.6.3 | |
14:55 | • Edit [cd440f504c]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 64f1a13579 user: olr | |
14:53 | [fx] fix communication between background/worker check-in: 579e1a4fb6 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
14:37 | [fr] gendicfr: vérifications des verbes du 2ᵉ groupe check-in: cd440f504c user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
14:31 | [fr] mise à jour du dictionnaire check-in: 7379387174 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
14:11 | [build] v0.6.3 check-in: cc698945ad user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
14:04 | [fx] main panel: update information check-in: e8db9a5dd5 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
12:05 | [fx] main panel: fix label check-in: b2ca954972 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
12:01 | • Edit [61c499e9ea]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 87be7d3063 user: olr | |
12:01 | merge multid: personal dictionary & lexicon editor check-in: d121d08b07 user: olr tags: trunk, new_feature | |
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11:23 | [fx] lexicon editor: fix label Closed-Leaf check-in: 61c499e9ea user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
09:31 | [fr][bug] conj: test if tTags exists check-in: a89587a82c user: olr tags: fr, multid | |
08:16 | [graphspell] new header <grammalecte-fsa> for binary dictionaries check-in: 8333a8bf1b user: olr tags: graphspell, multid | |
08:01 | [fx] main panel: dictionaries check-in: 24a9f4dab6 user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
07:37 | [fx] main panel: update information check-in: 55c1cb7925 user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
07:32 | [fx] main panel: upadte information check-in: 514fecd11b user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
07:29 | [fx] main panel: upadte information check-in: 6fc1efe2ed user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
07:28 | [fx][bug] fix dictionary loading check-in: b7557774b6 user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
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19:44 | [fr] tests check-in: f0afa157dd user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
19:41 | [fr] faux positif: moteur essence/diesel check-in: a72c3fdbe2 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
19:38 | [fr] faux positif: quelles en sont les conséquences check-in: ae9f7dcbe8 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:00 | [build][bug] fix rules conversion to JS check-in: e4195c83c2 user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
13:51 | [fx] option to use personal dictionary check-in: f9ac882343 user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
13:16 | [fx] main panel: information + sc options check-in: 3571664e26 user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
12:47 | [graphspell][js] spellchecker: return value is success of dictionary loading check-in: a5bfbd33d4 user: olr tags: graphspell, multid | |
12:46 | [graphspell][py] spellchecker: return value is success of dictionary loading check-in: 274f43cc25 user: olr tags: graphspell, multid | |
12:35 | [graphspell][js] spellchecker: option to activate dictionary while loading check-in: 6c22a745d0 user: olr tags: graphspell, multid | |
12:34 | [graphspell][py] spellchecker: option to activate dictionary while loading check-in: 2349600755 user: olr tags: graphspell, multid | |
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09:37 | [tb] ui to select/deselect personal dictionary check-in: 6c984d1387 user: olr tags: tb, multid | |
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10:00 | [tb] code cleaning check-in: 208f30234a user: olr tags: tb, multid | |
09:52 | [tb] remove console.log() check-in: 9510e5d68c user: olr tags: tb, multid | |
09:49 | • Edit [35d2a24375]: Edit check-in comment. Add tag "tb". artifact: 098ac5e016 user: olr | |
09:48 | [tb] use Graphspell instead of Hunspell for spelling suggestions + [graphspell] str_transform: update exports bullshit again check-in: 35d2a24375 user: olr tags: tb, graphspell, multid | |
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18:35 | [fx] lexicon editor: import dictionary check-in: b9f0eaf6cb user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
13:34 | [tb] lexicon editor: import dictionary (handle errors) check-in: 657ac428bc user: olr tags: tb, multid | |
13:15 | [tb] lexicon editor: import dictionary check-in: 81f4f65958 user: olr tags: tb, multid | |
10:53 | [lo] lexicon editor: import dictionary check-in: 635fcc243b user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
08:56 | [lo] lexicon editor: strings update check-in: 79e0f99030 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
| ||
18:13 | [fx] lexical editor: fix label check-in: 5e197dddff user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
16:51 | [fx][tb][lo] lexical editor: tag p and q for verb generation check-in: 11a83392a7 user: olr tags: tb, fx, lo, multid | |
16:13 | [lo] lexicon editor: search within personal dictionary check-in: 819d3a016f user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
16:12 | [graphspell][bug] ibdawg: fix initialization with JSON object check-in: c0162510e5 user: olr tags: graphspell, multid | |
15:13 | [fx][tb][lo] lexicon editor: participe passé invariable check-in: 86b963906e user: olr tags: tb, fx, lo, multid | |
14:48 | [lo] lexicon editor: export dictionary (sigh: file picker doesn’t work at all) check-in: d03e3c0ed1 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
13:01 | [lo] lexical editor: wait pointers check-in: 3a15f6b206 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
09:02 | [lo] lexicon editor: search check-in: 73ecf7a6c0 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
08:54 | [graphspell][js] spellchecker: getSimilarEntries with parameter nSuggLimit check-in: e02a5c60ae user: olr tags: graphspell, multid | |