31 check-ins that include changes to files matching 'gc_lang/fr/oxt/DictOptions/*' occurring on or before 2018-04-06 14:57:57.
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14:57 | [lo] dict options: restart message check-in: 40b4c15c46 user: olr tags: trunk, lo | |
14:47 | [lo] update Graphspell spelling options check-in: 86c4743b22 user: olr tags: trunk, lo | |
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12:01 | merge multid: personal dictionary & lexicon editor check-in: d121d08b07 user: olr tags: trunk, new_feature | |
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10:53 | [lo] lexicon editor: import dictionary check-in: 635fcc243b user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
08:56 | [lo] lexicon editor: strings update check-in: 79e0f99030 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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16:51 | [fx][tb][lo] lexical editor: tag p and q for verb generation check-in: 11a83392a7 user: olr tags: tb, fx, lo, multid | |
16:13 | [lo] lexicon editor: search within personal dictionary check-in: 819d3a016f user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
15:13 | [fx][tb][lo] lexicon editor: participe passé invariable check-in: 86b963906e user: olr tags: tb, fx, lo, multid | |
14:48 | [lo] lexicon editor: export dictionary (sigh: file picker doesn’t work at all) check-in: d03e3c0ed1 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
13:01 | [lo] lexical editor: wait pointers check-in: 3a15f6b206 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
09:02 | [lo] lexicon editor: search check-in: 73ecf7a6c0 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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19:03 | [lo] lexicon editor: update, +tags information, +search check-in: 5109354c10 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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08:07 | [lo] lexicon editor: deal with empty dictionary check-in: cac2434abd user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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10:43 | [lo] lexicon editor: update check-in: d5d52dde75 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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21:07 | [lo] lexicon editor: ui rework check-in: e2611084e9 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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21:14 | [lo] lexicon editor: ui update check-in: adee0f51ee user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
16:44 | [lo][fr][py] générateur de conjugaisons: nouvelles fonctions check-in: 456aa2a2aa user: olr tags: fr, lo, multid | |
15:38 | [core][fr] générateur de conjugaisons comme module (déplacement de fichiers) check-in: fb9f2914eb user: olr tags: fr, core, multid | |
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17:24 | [lo] lexicon editor: prevent deleting unexistant rows check-in: b156d2110e user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
16:28 | [lo] dictionary options: update check-in: 5c5ea1fd5b user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
16:27 | [lo] lexicon editor: update check-in: 00fe4c5157 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
15:29 | [lo] lexicon editor: update check-in: 5cc5b32dc7 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
06:03 | [lo] lexicon editor ui: widen space for labels check-in: db28345207 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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17:23 | [lo] update: lexicon editor check-in: 1d5fe44fe8 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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18:46 | [lo] update: lexicon editor check-in: db6da7d9a4 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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21:55 | [lo] update: lexicon editor check-in: 89b74dbf1b user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
08:47 | [lo] lexicon editor check-in: 5a1baacbbb user: olr tags: new_feature, lo, multid | |
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18:06 | [lo] dictionaries options: remove print check-in: ba7c03de83 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
16:58 | [lo] update UI for dictionaries options check-in: 1aa225b40a user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
12:40 | [lo] dictionaries options: update UI (buggy: file picker crashes) check-in: 19496b5d36 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |
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16:28 | [lo] UI for dictionaries options check-in: edf22c7d52 user: olr tags: lo, multid | |