50 ticket changes occurring on or before 2019-11-27 15:56:19.
More ↑
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15:56 | • New ticket [86f306e05f] Le formateur de texte est cassé avec Python 3.8. artifact: 5dada253c0 user: fredb | |
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21:36 | • New ticket [03b395cc4f] Building problem in a chroot - build_data.py and genfrdic.py related. artifact: b03eb19b32 user: anonymous | |
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22:37 | • New ticket [b252529b85] Ignorer les balise HTML ou BBCode. artifact: 222b481918 user: zefling | |
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10:51 | • Closed ticket [7c35112705]: "autorefresh_option true" appears in Console plus 6 other changes artifact: 6fe12ec39c user: olr | |
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18:10 | • New ticket [7c35112705]. artifact: cc371407af user: anonymous | |
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22:20 | • Ticket [324169a709] Bug de détection status still Closed with 3 other changes artifact: dc14aa2fe1 user: olr | |
22:18 | • Ticket [b94c03f6b6] Importation des modules dans cli.py status still Closed with 3 other changes artifact: 6f77d82496 user: olr | |
22:15 | • Ticket [647a267b75] grammalecte-cli.py produit un JSON non conforme status still Closed with 3 other changes artifact: 05cdfa767a user: olr | |
19:05 | • Closed ticket [647a267b75]. artifact: 3202fab078 user: olr | |
16:26 | • Ticket [647a267b75]: 6 changes artifact: e96e0cddb5 user: olr | |
14:55 | • New ticket [647a267b75]. artifact: 4008d2d83b user: anonymous | |
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16:14 | • Ticket [f4eca89628] Mauvais Content-Type status still Closed with 3 other changes artifact: 5e8a4a410b user: olr | |
16:13 | • Closed ticket [f4eca89628]. artifact: d83e03c87b user: olr | |
16:12 | • Ticket [f4eca89628]: 3 changes artifact: fbe94498f1 user: olr | |
09:59 | • Ticket [f4eca89628]: 6 changes artifact: 2b9264e760 user: anonymous | |
09:29 | • New ticket [f4eca89628]. artifact: 2804e24ffd user: anonymous | |
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14:02 | • Closed ticket [aa4119d877]: Impossible de masquer le bouton d'acces plus 3 other changes artifact: a75bd626e3 user: olr | |
14:02 | • Ticket [aa4119d877]: 3 changes artifact: 74986f4639 user: olr | |
14:00 | • Closed ticket [cc7f02c649]: Impression avec firefox et grammalecte installé plus 2 other changes artifact: be01b9bfb5 user: olr | |
14:00 | • Ticket [cc7f02c649]: 3 changes artifact: 63c58b0679 user: olr | |
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13:39 | • Ticket [aa4119d877] Impossible de masquer le bouton d'acces status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 3523c35a37 user: olr | |
13:28 | • Ticket [aa4119d877]: 8 changes artifact: 2786ca7f42 user: olr | |
11:02 | • New ticket [aa4119d877]. artifact: 496b3d79d9 user: anonymous | |
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08:43 | • Ticket [6eb35c33d1] Accès en écriture. Amélioration LaTeX status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: dd9a2d6aaa user: olr | |
08:41 | • Ticket [6eb35c33d1]: 6 changes artifact: a422ca8614 user: olr | |
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22:45 | • New ticket [6eb35c33d1]. artifact: 2304d8b69b user: aearil | |
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13:47 | • Closed ticket [2668c0a65a]: Port 8080 fixe sur la homepage plus 6 other changes artifact: 27bfe270ce user: olr | |
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11:30 | • New ticket [2668c0a65a]. artifact: f35c83fafe user: anonymous | |
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19:30 | • Closed ticket [10137c33f0]: Signalize no punctuation plus 2 other changes artifact: f6a1876c6b user: olr | |
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16:21 | • Closed ticket [3e078916d1]: Ajout d’un raccourci clavier pour « Correction grammaticale (zone de texte) » plus 4 other changes artifact: c977fb29dd user: olr | |
14:20 | • Closed ticket [c04b29f4b3]: prise en charge des input plus 2 other changes artifact: efcb844f7e user: olr | |
11:51 | • Ticket [3e078916d1] Ajout d’un raccourci clavier pour « Correction grammaticale (zone de texte) » status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 332ef27292 user: olr | |
11:51 | • Ticket [c04b29f4b3] prise en charge des input status still Fixed with 3 other changes artifact: de03d8dbbf user: olr | |
11:34 | • Fixed ticket [c04b29f4b3]. artifact: 8fe58ade9c user: olr | |
11:33 | • Ticket [c04b29f4b3]: 6 changes artifact: 2cc82a3eea user: olr | |
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13:46 | • New ticket [c04b29f4b3]. artifact: ca91ec8ae3 user: anonymous | |
13:41 | • New ticket [3e078916d1] Ajout d’un raccourci clavier pour « Correction grammaticale (zone de texte) ». artifact: 38035f2b60 user: anonymous | |
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10:55 | • Closed ticket [324169a709]: Bug de détection plus 6 other changes artifact: 2e62ce7bfb user: olr | |
10:52 | • Closed ticket [5579a6ddd3]: Python cannot be instantiated plus 4 other changes artifact: b08e8f1e12 user: olr | |
10:51 | • Fixed ticket [10137c33f0]: Signalize no punctuation plus 4 other changes artifact: f9cf9e1df3 user: olr | |
09:33 | • Ticket [10137c33f0]: 6 changes artifact: 0aaf91727d user: olr | |
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11:06 | • New ticket [10137c33f0]. artifact: e5458a4997 user: anonymous | |
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19:10 | • New ticket [324169a709] Bug de détection. artifact: 86301f3df2 user: anonymous | |
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15:57 | • Closed ticket [93208357f0]: Fichier 'Grammalecte-fr-v0.6.5.zip' modifié plus 3 other changes artifact: 985a000730 user: olr | |
15:56 | • Closed ticket [6f81ca7954]: Erreur de chargement de l'extension plus 3 other changes artifact: fcf0d740dc user: olr | |
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07:04 | • Ticket [6f81ca7954]: 3 changes artifact: a456dcd48d user: olr | |
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14:17 | • Ticket [5579a6ddd3] Python cannot be instantiated status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: c8ef1f31a2 user: olr | |
14:15 | • Ticket [5579a6ddd3]: 3 changes artifact: 5416c14329 user: olr | |
14:12 | • Ticket [5579a6ddd3]: 6 changes artifact: 6c9204fc0b user: olr | |
13:49 | • New ticket [5579a6ddd3]. artifact: a5fa1368fc user: anonymous | |