50 check-ins related to "fr" occurring on or before 2020-03-26 20:18:12.
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20:18 | [fr] faux positif et ajustements check-in: 4a0ef811b3 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
19:42 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 5ad82bed8c user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:50 | [fr] faux positif check-in: fdba25702a user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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23:41 | [build][core][fr] include line id for actions, stricter syntax for rules check-in: 57b72370f1 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, core, build | |
17:42 | [fr] faux positif, nr: usage populaire check-in: 42a10eecb1 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:59 | [fr] ajustements et faux positif check-in: ec445ec2ce user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:32 | [fr] ajustements check-in: b63b3b5f19 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
12:47 | [fr] faux positifs, nr: c’est chose faite check-in: 90f3656e19 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
10:20 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 24d6c32a9a user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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12:47 | [fr] purge markdown, ajustements check-in: d4604e5c1d user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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20:41 | [fr] nr: censé être +adj check-in: 63841e87d3 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:54 | [fr] ajustements check-in: c873cd8bec user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:16 | [fx] move link to test page check-in: ccd51b7996 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
14:14 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 1f660eeeac user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
12:27 | [fr] ajustements check-in: a39477c737 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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11:23 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 95478de541 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
09:26 | [doc] Web API update check-in: 049c6d098f user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
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23:42 | [fx] Web API update, [cli] fix bug with the text formatter (trash commit) check-in: 607775f957 user: olr tags: trunk, cli | |
23:40 | [fr] ajustements check-in: aca27e93d8 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:58 | [fx] selection analysis: don’t send directly text from background to the GC check-in: 76e08d6ee8 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
14:41 | [doc] Web API update: add JSON.parse(event.detail) check-in: ce33035715 user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
14:35 | [fr] tests supplémentaires check-in: 7f0b5b060e user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
10:16 | [fr] test: untested rules check-in: ac727cfd6b user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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16:30 | [core] adjusst sentence detection check-in: f49fe68f6c user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
16:29 | [fr] ajustements et faux positifs check-in: a654df5567 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:12 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 27e118162b user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
09:04 | [build] move generated web-extension from deep folder to _build check-in: 22d07b42b2 user: olr tags: trunk, build | |
07:48 | [fx] fix observePage() check-in: 0ca1346846 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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21:28 | [fr] faux positifs check-in: 447ca38057 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
21:17 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 24d3ec3f3b user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
13:59 | [fr] ajustements check-in: ded2a889d7 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:42 | [fx][doc] Web API update check-in: 99c62fdd3b user: olr tags: trunk, doc, fx | |
08:06 | [doc] Web API update check-in: 960b24f7ac user: olr tags: trunk, doc | |
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23:54 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 08d9c6d5ad user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
22:45 | [fr] phonet_simil: niais niez check-in: a125b607af user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
21:15 | [fr] ajustements check-in: b4e115ba18 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:39 | [fx] API: new name for type of result: errors -> proofreading check-in: dd946dd5bb user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
13:20 | [fx] API update + fixes + doc check-in: dd167e6841 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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13:18 | [fr] ajustements check-in: d20401e35a user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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20:04 | [fx] Grammalecte API: getSpellSuggestions() check-in: 9a083a0fd5 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
17:08 | [fx] code clarification: use one object dedicated to communication between content-script and background check-in: be4cac56bf user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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23:53 | [fr] ajustements check-in: bdd6bc1361 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
22:46 | [fx] update API: send GC result as a string (JSON), not an object check-in: 1bb5f94a84 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
16:56 | [fx] update API and handle iframe node via GC Panel check-in: 76d78039bf user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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21:44 | [fr] faux positif check-in: 607796fcdc user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
20:29 | [fx] API for web pages and context menu for iframes check-in: c775552b47 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
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18:54 | [fx] call Grammalecte via custom button and send results by event on node check-in: 360a78ac9f user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
18:53 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 4ba1592ab7 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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14:33 | [fr] faux positif check-in: 78731ea046 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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20:37 | [cli] add comment check-in: 36a06e8ba5 user: olr tags: trunk, cli | |