50 ticket changes occurring on or before 2020-09-01 09:26:31.
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09:26 | • Ticket [cdf1460319] Bug importation éditeur lexical status still Open with 6 other changes artifact: e9d89bfbac user: olr | |
07:59 | • New ticket [cdf1460319]. artifact: a7cce71caf user: anonymous | |
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17:50 | • New ticket [dc2ce55ad1] support des pdf ouverts dans le navigateur. artifact: 4a38afef41 user: h30x | |
10:46 | • Closed ticket [49e93ad856]: Message d'erreur à l'utilisation de la version v1.12 cli plus 6 other changes artifact: 92b9ba0370 user: olr | |
06:50 | • New ticket [49e93ad856]. artifact: 9b1a07600f user: anonymous | |
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10:11 | • Ticket [897ced387f] Grammalecte ne peut être utiliser sur Twitter status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 88fe468b75 user: olr | |
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07:46 | • Closed ticket [d909259e1c]: Manque dans le conjugueur plus 6 other changes artifact: e22b187256 user: olr | |
02:56 | • New ticket [d909259e1c]. artifact: 50c9f7af97 user: anonymous | |
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15:18 | • Ticket [897ced387f] Grammalecte ne peut être utiliser sur Twitter status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 8715aa0602 user: olr | |
15:00 | • Ticket [897ced387f]: 3 changes artifact: 9e5852bbd5 user: Couagga | |
14:37 | • Ticket [897ced387f]: 6 changes artifact: 1a4d379353 user: olr | |
14:15 | • New ticket [897ced387f]. artifact: b8cbba90e7 user: Couagga | |
10:52 | • Closed ticket [f2df55f9fd]: Surtout que les factures et opérations sont présent --> présentES plus 6 other changes artifact: 6e2fb37989 user: olr | |
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14:02 | • New ticket [f2df55f9fd]. artifact: 5e1fe1737a user: anonymous | |
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20:29 | • Ticket [138a326df7] Problème de détection de l'accord du genre status still Closed with 3 other changes artifact: 0a7019ff60 user: olr | |
17:42 | • Ticket [138a326df7]: 3 changes artifact: 659d2de1ae user: gfrenoy | |
14:26 | • Closed ticket [138a326df7]. artifact: 61b4251a7c user: olr | |
13:55 | • Ticket [138a326df7]: 6 changes artifact: 93a1c2a598 user: olr | |
10:16 | • New ticket [138a326df7]. artifact: 04303ee3f8 user: gfrenoy | |
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18:15 | • Closed ticket [6eb35c33d1]: Accès en écriture. Amélioration LaTeX plus 4 other changes artifact: f7b5449229 user: olr | |
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18:41 | • Ticket [6aaaba2839] Problème de detection des majuscules en début de phrase status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 9a9863e776 user: goffi | |
16:58 | • Ticket [6aaaba2839]: 3 changes artifact: 404aa5745a user: olr | |
12:33 | • Ticket [6aaaba2839]: 3 changes artifact: 1c92a4afd1 user: goffi | |
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18:04 | • Ticket [6aaaba2839]: 5 changes artifact: d8c9f07812 user: olr | |
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16:28 | • Ticket [6aaaba2839]: 6 changes artifact: a299096807 user: olr | |
15:55 | • New ticket [6aaaba2839]. artifact: 09be30a54d user: goffi | |
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13:27 | • Closed ticket [1a78168030]: L’icône de roue qui se met au coin des champs de texte peut être gênante plus 3 other changes artifact: 8371ff7389 user: olr | |
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17:14 | • Ticket [1a78168030]: 3 changes artifact: 74e6fb51f8 user: olr | |
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14:26 | • Ticket [1a78168030]: 3 changes artifact: ecd0094c7e user: olr | |
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17:25 | • Ticket [1a78168030]: 7 changes artifact: 2c46aaee51 user: ariasuni | |
17:15 | • New ticket [1a78168030]. artifact: 868fd3aa10 user: ariasuni | |
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10:51 | • Closed ticket [b1d5d20e85]: La croix de fermeture du de la fenêtre du recenceur de mots ne fonctione pas. plus 4 other changes artifact: fd68ff3b65 user: olr | |
08:02 | • Ticket [b1d5d20e85]: 3 changes artifact: 2d8f1eab2a user: olr | |
08:02 | • Ticket [b1d5d20e85]: 6 changes artifact: 176fd99180 user: olr | |
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17:30 | • New ticket [b1d5d20e85]. artifact: 5733caaaeb user: 1335 | |
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09:26 | • Closed ticket [b252529b85]: Ignorer les balise HTML ou BBCode plus 4 other changes artifact: 6f594f7487 user: olr | |
09:25 | • Ticket [b252529b85]: 3 changes artifact: 3e54d39608 user: olr | |
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16:16 | • Closed ticket [03b395cc4f]: Building problem in a chroot - build_data.py and genfrdic.py related plus 2 other changes artifact: 9e7b2ea479 user: olr | |
16:16 | • Ticket [03b395cc4f]: 4 changes artifact: 27f5219a7c user: olr | |
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10:03 | • Ticket [03b395cc4f]: 6 changes artifact: 33b103395c user: olr | |
10:02 | • Ticket [b252529b85] Ignorer les balise HTML ou BBCode status still Open with 6 other changes artifact: 50af435bf5 user: olr | |
09:32 | • Closed ticket [9627a3c7b3]: Erreur à détecter plus 3 other changes artifact: 874d1c4ca1 user: olr | |
09:32 | • Ticket [9627a3c7b3]: 3 changes artifact: 83793d050f user: olr | |
09:28 | • Ticket [9627a3c7b3]: 3 changes artifact: 68855df50e user: olr | |
09:28 | • Ticket [9627a3c7b3]: 5 changes artifact: f22fac46b4 user: olr | |
09:26 | • Closed ticket [86f306e05f]: Le formateur de texte est cassé avec Python 3.8 plus 4 other changes artifact: 354d5b2e27 user: olr | |
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15:28 | • New ticket [9627a3c7b3] . artifact: 686dda47b5 user: anonymous | |
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10:20 | • Ticket [86f306e05f] Le formateur de texte est cassé avec Python 3.8 status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: edb9e9171a user: fredb | |
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20:14 | • Ticket [86f306e05f]: 6 changes artifact: 3a3d93cc42 user: fredb | |
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15:56 | • New ticket [86f306e05f]. artifact: 5dada253c0 user: fredb | |