50 events by user IllusionPerdu occurring around 2017-10-29 13:50:09.
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21:33 | [fx][js] Move 3 functions from panel_tf to textformatter check-in: fbfbc2dc85 user: IllusionPerdu tags: core, fx, nodejs | |
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17:44 | [fx][js] In webext use new fonction of Textformater check-in: 189b40441e user: IllusionPerdu tags: core, fx, nodejs | |
14:22 | [core][js] Textformater fix syntax change check-in: 4afd98aa33 user: IllusionPerdu tags: core, nodejs | |
14:20 | [core][js] Textformater more usable check-in: c70980cc3c user: IllusionPerdu tags: core, nodejs | |
13:35 | [core][js] Textformater add functions check-in: f16a92cab4 user: IllusionPerdu tags: core, nodejs | |
12:03 | [core][js] Fix textformater check-in: dcba084a8d user: IllusionPerdu tags: core, nodejs | |
10:33 | [build] Apply change in build check-in: 9cd97ae91f user: IllusionPerdu tags: build, nodejs | |
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15:39 | [js] Revert syntax change (oubli) check-in: 977fd9b488 user: IllusionPerdu tags: njs, nodejs | |
15:13 | [js] Revert syntax change check-in: 9ae8f0a042 user: IllusionPerdu tags: njs, nodejs | |
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12:23 | [js] Minimal file to use in node check-in: a43e8d10eb user: IllusionPerdu tags: njs, nodejs | |
12:08 | [js] All Grammalecte work in node check-in: 2d5c0dce59 user: IllusionPerdu tags: njs, nodejs | |
09:36 | Minimal file to use in node check-in: b79bb889b9 user: IllusionPerdu tags: graphspell, njs, nodejs | |
09:19 | Some change to javascript to work in node check-in: a3687f4fd3 user: IllusionPerdu tags: graphspell, njs, nodejs | |
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16:42 | Permet d'isoler les sections ajoutées par script. check-in: cbaf0f2ddf user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
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10:58 | Ajout dans le tokenizer du ~ dans la detection des dossier linux, et distintion entre les deux types de dossier windows/linux avec le changement dans le lexicographe check-in: 11f1414b5b user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
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12:01 | Ajout script de génération de locutions.txt Closed-Leaf check-in: e6c5e7908d user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe_dead | |
09:23 | Mise au féminin des informations des locutions + Fix check-in: a7c1a8771b user: IllusionPerdu tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
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21:05 | Optimisation mineur check-in: 1a7c706a66 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
20:42 | Changement mineur check-in: eda5a34bc9 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
19:47 | Ajustement pour retrouver les informations des locutions check-in: 70a2417975 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
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09:51 | Simplification du code et renommage :s check-in: 768b26a5ce user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
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23:33 | Renommage des variables pour se conformer au reste du code check-in: 85d2c18b0e user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
22:57 | Ajout forme :Ô locution pronominales check-in: 937fa6cf25 user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
17:44 | Nettoyage dans locutions.txt check-in: e4300fc24e user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
13:50 | Corrections dans locutions.txt check-in: 3228b9d0ef user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
13:14 | Gestion du multi drapeau pour chaque locution, et ajout css pour les locutions check-in: a72df99c12 user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
11:56 | Quelques corrections dans le fichier locutions.txt check-in: a6bed5e7d3 user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
11:19 | Détection des locutions dans le lexicographe check-in: 47ddd1a06d user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
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09:19 | Ajustement de la condition dans le MutationObserver check-in: 40768b2313 user: IllusionPerdu tags: FixWebext | |
09:09 | [fx] Change in css to ajust line-height check-in: 18723bb569 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, FixWebext | |
01:16 | Permet de pouvoir utiliser Grammalecte sur twitter check-in: 686fe8194d user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, FixWebext | |
00:22 | Revert changement de taille du bouton (est super petit sur certain site) check-in: d5e30a5b87 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, FixWebext | |
00:16 | Ajout de MutationObserver, ajout dans le css et isolation du xNode du menu (tester uniquement sur Chrome check-in: c422898599 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, FixWebext | |
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16:33 | [fx] Pas mal de simplifications dans le code, mais le SharedWorker ne se partage toujours pas... Leaf check-in: d51f7da951 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
10:44 | [fx] Le SharedWorker ne se partage pas dans toutes les fenêtres... Estce à cause de la bidouille ??? check-in: c262fc885d user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
09:48 | [fx] Simple test of previous commit check-in: acd22b9ea0 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
09:27 | [fx] Add the possibility to send reply to all or other check-in: d2e1bf16aa user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
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21:20 | [fx] Use only the Sharedworker (cleanup code in background) check-in: db25c98bc2 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
18:25 | [fx] Fix previous commit check-in: 438b74bcdf user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
18:03 | [fx] Use the extension ID for the Frame name limit the chance of interference with other extension or code in webpage check-in: f7edaf2be9 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
17:54 | [fx] Add filter in messages exchange to fix some double exec check-in: 470dd34432 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
17:23 | [fx] loadImage cleanup and minor change check-in: 07a6a29cb1 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
16:48 | [fx] Add image loader for content_script check-in: ef8e7d82d5 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
15:08 | [fx] Manualy apply change from webext (je me metrise pas les merge de fossil) check-in: 9db066f572 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
14:23 | [fx] SharedWorker communicate with intermediate iframe to/from webpage check-in: 4dc627f1b1 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext_sharedworker | |
14:08 | Create new branch named "webext_sharedworker" check-in: 976290fcbe user: IllusionPerdu tags: webext_sharedworker | |
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19:33 | [fx] Correct the intialisation of the SharedWorker check-in: 08f0167b9e user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext2 | |
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19:11 | [core] add inline config for JSHint assuming es6 synthax and some global check-in: b89dc82bc4 user: IllusionPerdu tags: webext2_fix | |
18:28 | [core] force text/json mimetype in helpers.loadFile check-in: ccebd25f43 user: IllusionPerdu tags: core, fx, webext2_fix | |
17:51 | [fx] merge webext2 check-in: 5a4cc905e2 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, webext2_fix | |