10 descendants and 10 ancestors of d6ca610c80f6f1e8afb804f99aab6c8dcf7b72ddf86e00c315215babb75530df
| ||
11:47 | [fx] display rule id in debug mode Closed-Leaf check-in: 5da1befa07 user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
10:38 | [fx] tooltip arrow position adjustment check-in: 22c8e20f5f user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
09:31 | [fx] arrow for tooltips check-in: 018b49d9ba user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
08:35 | [fx] remember ignored errors check-in: 5a76e4a564 user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
07:56 | [fx][bug] useless html entities when using textContent check-in: 66c2ed43a6 user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
| ||
08:51 | [fx] gc_panel: CSS update check-in: cdf07eecd4 user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
08:13 | [fx] gc_panel: modify buttons check-in: 84a87c62b0 user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
06:24 | [fx] gc_panel: clean text, fix URL opening check-in: 01daed0f9f user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
05:38 | [fx] gc_panel: paragraphs editable by default check-in: 417e143855 user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
05:14 | [fx] tabs -> spaces check-in: 5cf14b861c user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
| ||
20:00 | [fx] gc_panel: tooltips reworked, no innerHTML, new CSS check-in: d6ca610c80 user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
08:08 | fix typos in LICENSE.fr, THANKS and CHANGELOG check-in: 10cd70deb4 user: olr tags: kill_innerHTML | |
07:29 | [core][js] text: include line_id in text error check-in: e6f6ea9999 user: olr tags: core, kill_innerHTML | |
06:47 | [fx][js] test_panel: remove innerHTML check-in: acf176c4b5 user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
| ||
17:30 | [fx][js] gc_panel revamping (part 2) check-in: 96809cd8cd user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
16:44 | [fx][js] gc_panel revamping (part 1) check-in: a83903f529 user: olr tags: fx, kill_innerHTML | |
07:12 | [fr][js] lexicographe: nettoyage check-in: 3996597b39 user: olr tags: fr, kill_innerHTML | |
07:08 | [core][js] tokenizer: yield separator one by one check-in: 492169bd6f user: olr tags: core, kill_innerHTML | |
07:01 | [fr][js] corrige le commit précédent check-in: 622850e787 user: olr tags: fr, kill_innerHTML | |
06:54 | [fr][js] fausse manœuvre (commit accidentel) check-in: af7332c066 user: olr tags: fr, kill_innerHTML | |
06:50 | [fx][fr][js] tokeniseur --> lexicographe check-in: b4cf00a4c8 user: olr tags: fr, fx, kill_innerHTML | |