10 descendants and 10 ancestors of df1367e6e256b69f9d75bb0cc77ab02e09562a1b97e72d437831a5aa5a64c5e7
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19:34 | [fr] tests: useless imports check-in: 2a513248b5 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
19:25 | [graphspell] spellchecker: missing docstrings check-in: c35d85a03b user: olr tags: trunk, graphspell | |
19:06 | [fx] gc panel: clipboard fallback when failed check-in: a6007f74a3 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
18:15 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 6a6ad52cca user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:30 | [core][graphspell][fx][cli] new lexicographer check-in: 4fdd6a9337 user: olr tags: trunk, cli, core, fx, graphspell | |
13:15 | [graphspell][fx] lexicographer update: same code for Python and JavaScript (remove deprecated code) Closed-Leaf check-in: 891500b92a user: olr tags: fx, graphspell, salxg | |
12:17 | [core][graphspell][fx][cli] lexicographer: update check-in: e0ce6b10d7 user: olr tags: cli, core, fx, graphspell, salxg | |
| ||
09:48 | [graphspell][fx] lexicographer: update check-in: f614419de2 user: olr tags: fx, graphspell, salxg | |
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10:44 | [graphspell] ibdawg: fix lexicographer import check-in: c88bf29423 user: olr tags: graphspell, salxg | |
10:42 | [fr] ajustements check-in: be5e80db98 user: olr tags: fr, salxg | |
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11:00 | [graphspell] lexicographer: update tags check-in: df1367e6e2 user: olr tags: graphspell, salxg | |
| ||
12:21 | [core][cli][fx] grammar analysis update (keeping tokens from being deleted) check-in: ed53270796 user: olr tags: cli, core, fx, salxg | |
12:19 | [graphspell][js] useless return check-in: be32ffb142 user: olr tags: graphspell, salxg | |
08:17 | [cli] grammatical analysis update check-in: c661a09a71 user: olr tags: cli, salxg | |
08:16 | [graphspell] spellchecker: fix call to setLabelsOnToken check-in: dca1db07b3 user: olr tags: graphspell, salxg | |
08:15 | [graphspell][py] lexicographer: function setLabelsOnToken() check-in: 26f692e745 user: olr tags: graphspell, salxg | |
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16:03 | [core][graphspell][fx] update lexicographer check-in: 257257469a user: olr tags: core, fx, graphspell, salxg | |
| ||
06:26 | merge trunk check-in: b4b3569231 user: olr tags: salxg | |
05:44 | [lo] fix lexicon editor check-in: ad847e39e2 user: olr tags: trunk, lo | |
05:38 | [fx] fix lexicon editor check-in: b14f8f2526 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
05:28 | [graphspell] function readableMorph() check-in: ebdbe42659 user: olr tags: graphspell, salxg | |