70 check-ins related to "new_feature"
| ||
10:21 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 9e5c4ad5e7 user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
| ||
20:35 | [core][build][fr] new feature: multi-tokens check-in: f7f4aac204 user: olr tags: build, core, fr, new_feature, trunk | |
18:29 | [core][js] gc engine: multi-token match Leaf check-in: 8553b43f18 user: olr tags: core, mtok | |
| ||
09:33 | [fr] ajustements check-in: 2665c98e68 user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
| ||
17:54 | [lo] text formatter editor: save, import, export check-in: ac50c72aa8 user: olr tags: lo, trunk | |
| ||
16:33 | [lo] Text formatter editor (draft) check-in: c46f9e162f user: olr tags: lo, new_feature, trunk | |
16:31 | [lo] launch console from menu check-in: 7e2f01e527 user: olr tags: lo, trunk | |
| ||
06:55 | [core] listRules() check-in: 00c946ab84 user: olr tags: core, trunk | |
| ||
16:47 | [build][misc][fr] antipatterns for token rules, +syntax for SublimeText, +ajustements check-in: 6d63ab4c87 user: olr tags: build, fr, misc, new_feature, trunk | |
13:47 | [build] remove print() check-in: 284ea35ba0 user: olr tags: build, trunk | |
11:34 | [build][fr] declensions for tokens check-in: 340b41b40a user: olr tags: build, fr, new_feature, trunk | |
| ||
11:43 | [fr] faux positif check-in: 98473c90aa user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
| ||
18:42 | [server] useless imports check-in: 7181f546b3 user: olr tags: server, trunk | |
18:36 | [core][build][fr] merge rg: GC ENGINE REWRITTEN (tokenization and rules merged as graphs) check-in: c784e6eb04 user: olr tags: build, core, fr, major_change, new_feature, trunk | |
16:04 | [fr][bug] lexicographe: détection de la fin d’un lemme Closed-Leaf check-in: e9f97a8a3d user: olr tags: fr, rg | |
| ||
09:48 | [fr] màj du dictionnaire Hunspell check-in: 9247b2625d user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
| ||
18:58 | [graphspell] add fr module + [core] code clarification: bShowRuleId check-in: 31ddfb6e1a user: olr tags: core, graphspell, rg | |
18:58 | [graphspell] default suggestions check-in: 8974c2f6d0 user: olr tags: graphspell, new_feature, rg | |
15:21 | [build][core][bug] generate rules with multiple tokens check-in: 667266b248 user: olr tags: build, core, rg | |
| ||
12:05 | [fx] main panel: fix label check-in: b2ca954972 user: olr tags: fx, trunk | |
12:01 | merge multid: personal dictionary & lexicon editor check-in: d121d08b07 user: olr tags: new_feature, trunk | |
| ||
11:23 | [fx] lexicon editor: fix label Closed-Leaf check-in: 61c499e9ea user: olr tags: fx, multid | |
| ||
19:44 | [fr] tests check-in: f0afa157dd user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
| ||
15:39 | merge trunk check-in: 1ab530ddfa user: olr tags: multid | |
08:47 | [lo] lexicon editor check-in: 5a1baacbbb user: olr tags: lo, multid, new_feature | |
| ||
21:00 | merge trunk check-in: af32e20bdb user: olr tags: multid | |
| ||
06:41 | [lo] update the enumerator check-in: ff502ce05c user: olr tags: lo, trunk | |
| ||
19:16 | [lo] New feature: enumerator check-in: 8607122157 user: olr tags: lo, new_feature, trunk | |
19:14 | [graphspell][py] defaut module import check-in: 31837970bd user: olr tags: graphspell, trunk | |
| ||
11:50 | [build][graphspell][core] build with options to integrate extended and personal dictionaries check-in: e0d79cdbf4 user: olr tags: build, core, graphspell, trunk | |
| ||
15:46 | [fx][graphspell] merge multid: multi-dictionaries > editable personal dictionary check-in: 607d532bca user: olr tags: fx, graphspell, new_feature, trunk | |
15:40 | [grphspell][js] ibdawg: use ... instead of concat check-in: 254e33fe66 user: olr tags: graphspell, multid | |
| ||
13:38 | [graphspell][js] rename vars check-in: 62c389aedf user: olr tags: graphspell, trunk | |
| ||
16:23 | [build] version 0.6.1 check-in: 451ce75ada user: olr tags: build, trunk | |
16:17 | [core][fx][fr] merge Lexicographe: detection of most common locutions check-in: c60b538430 user: olr tags: core, fr, fx, new_feature, trunk | |
14:51 | [fx] add font Yanone Kaffeesatz check-in: edae0de03d user: olr tags: fx, trunk | |
| ||
23:50 | [fr] màj: locutions adverbiales Closed-Leaf check-in: d9c2fd3783 user: olr tags: Lexicographe, fr | |
| ||
07:03 | [build] version 0.6.0b check-in: dde486ecce user: olr tags: build, trunk | |
06:56 | [fx] merge webext2: WebExtension check-in: 727cdb0c9c user: olr tags: fx, new_feature, trunk | |
06:49 | [fx] CSS: panel content: min-width: 100% Closed-Leaf check-in: 4de74d304d user: olr tags: fx, webext2 | |
| ||
06:08 | [build] merge commit on helpers check-in: 1182b20e51 user: olr tags: build, trunk | |
| ||
03:28 | [core] ibdawg: use regex in select() check-in: ea16ae6a5b user: olr tags: core, trunk | |
| ||
19:38 | [core] ibdawg: select entries from dictionary (can uncompress the full dictionary) check-in: 4a53af847f user: olr tags: core, new_feature, trunk | |
08:15 | [fx] special message in gc_panel check-in: f1ea6bc055 user: olr tags: fx, trunk, v0.5.17.1 | |
| ||
07:36 | [core] ibdawg: variable renamed check-in: 6d320f3f8d user: olr tags: core, trunk | |
07:03 | [core] spellchecker wrapper check-in: abf7b36236 user: olr tags: core, new_feature, trunk | |
06:54 | [core] comment update check-in: 6288449780 user: olr tags: core, trunk | |
| ||
17:43 | [core] ibdawg: add missing file for suggestion mechanism check-in: 188369efcb user: olr tags: core, trunk | |
17:41 | [core] ibdawg: suggestion mechanism check-in: 346195e6bb user: olr tags: core, new_feature, trunk | |
14:15 | [fr] nr: confusion <à/a> dans <suite à> et <à moi/toi/eux/elles> check-in: 32222de6ef user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
| ||
10:50 | [fr] commentaire sur les options check-in: 21ead76aef user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
07:35 | [core][build] options according to context (applications) check-in: 245cd4631d user: olr tags: core, new_feature, trunk | |
05:46 | [fr] build_data: print() commenté check-in: 20653fa7f3 user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
| ||
22:46 | [build] more options for build_data check-in: 891cbb4e9d user: olr tags: build, trunk | |
22:30 | [fr] phonet_simil: récupérer automatiquement les homophones des infinitifs du premier groupe check-in: 7c91af2a36 user: olr tags: fr, new_feature, trunk | |
22:04 | [fr] phonet_simil: màj + nouvelles entrées check-in: 88bae35a66 user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
17:25 | [core] str_transform: change functions names check-in: 766f20e23c user: olr tags: core, trunk | |
17:11 | [core] dawg: compressed lexicon check-in: e5f3698eb4 user: olr tags: build, new_feature, trunk | |
14:43 | [core] dawg: accept personal lexicon check-in: 3916c538b5 user: olr tags: core, new_feature, trunk | |
13:19 | [build] lex_build.py: main() + options check-in: e091821b50 user: olr tags: build, trunk | |
| ||
07:42 | [misc] SublimeText theme update check-in: f3f19b9fb0 user: olr tags: misc, trunk | |
07:37 | [core][fr] merge bookmark feature check-in: 72537ca8e8 user: olr tags: core, fr, new_feature, trunk | |
07:31 | [doc] update on syntax check-in: 7b42dadf18 user: olr tags: doc, trunk | |
07:12 | [fr] mise en place des marque-pages Closed-Leaf check-in: 2f22dbe34c user: olr tags: bookmark, fr | |
| ||
04:51 | [fr] utilisation des nouvelles commandes isStart(), isEnd(), etc. check-in: 7e911db906 user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
04:30 | [build] new commands: isStart, isEnd, isRealStart, isRealEnd... check-in: 5bbe6273f4 user: olr tags: build, new_feature, trunk | |
| ||
20:41 | [fr] faux positif: (a+b)² check-in: 8374323b6e user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
| ||
07:35 | [fr] processeur de texte: dans ces cas-là check-in: 6838ca1ac2 user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |
| ||
16:46 | [tb] option to disable checking after signature check-in: e6caebb339 user: olr tags: new_feature, tb, trunk | |
13:02 | [fr] avoir été + ppas check-in: b15bb95578 user: olr tags: fr, trunk | |