157 check-ins using file gc_lang/fr/webext/content_scripts/message_box.css version 5ca0392419
| ||
11:58 | [fr] locution: à vil prix check-in: a7b1ce6537 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
| ||
18:23 | [fr] locutions: màj check-in: 71c195e4f6 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
18:21 | [fr] locutions: màj check-in: 2afa78ffb5 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
13:41 | [fr] locutions: tri, corrections, ajouts check-in: ed4085666d user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
| ||
09:49 | [fr] locutions: tri et corrections check-in: 68fbc93bb9 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
07:31 | [fr] locutions: màj du build check-in: 854ccdff14 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
07:27 | [fr] locutions: nouveaux fichiers check-in: 0645dffbea user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
07:24 | [fr] locutions: découpage en fichiers différents, corrections diverses. check-in: 07b07dff28 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
| ||
21:26 | [fr] locutions adverbiales: tri check-in: 9e283206be user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
19:43 | [build][fr] build_data for locution: __END__ to skip what come after check-in: 1dac73beb8 user: olr tags: fr, build, Lexicographe | |
19:40 | [fr] locutions adverbiales: tri check-in: 239439f2cd user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
18:40 | [fx] lexicographe: affichage des locutions peu probables check-in: ddc5a860da user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
| ||
11:30 | [fr] lexicographe: gestion des formes verbales interrogatives check-in: b3d7cb93a1 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
11:01 | [fr] restructuration des données pour éviter la confusion avec le token <:> check-in: 685f9128f0 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
10:58 | Ajout dans le tokenizer du ~ dans la detection des dossier linux, et distintion entre les deux types de dossier windows/linux avec le changement dans le lexicographe check-in: 11f1414b5b user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
10:47 | [fr] lexicographe: gestion des locutions occasionnelles check-in: 34d80cabfa user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
09:13 | [fr] lexicographe: renommage de variables check-in: 54bbf1385f user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
07:38 | [fr][bug] lexicographe: analyse des formes interrogatives check-in: fc24898855 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
07:16 | [fr] lexicographe: mot composé indéterminé check-in: a21ae98cee user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
| ||
14:42 | [fr][bug] lexicographe: analyse des locutions avant le signe <:> check-in: e64f0bd3fb user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
13:17 | [fr] lexicographe: nouveaux labels pour locutions verbales check-in: 8db44cfb54 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
12:01 | Ajout script de génération de locutions.txt Closed-Leaf check-in: e6c5e7908d user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe_dead | |
11:38 | [fr] lexicographe: code cleaning check-in: afcd96f2ab user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
10:35 | [fr] lexicographe: useless code (WTF?) check-in: 4cfb006e3a user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
10:29 | [fr][bug] lexicographe: ne pas ajouter l’infinitif si pas nécessaire check-in: 266d287c50 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
10:04 | [fr] locutions: màj des fichiers json/py check-in: 896e89f0d9 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
09:23 | Mise au féminin des informations des locutions + Fix check-in: a7c1a8771b user: IllusionPerdu tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
09:20 | [fr] data: locutions check-in: 144b46f14c user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
08:22 | [build][fr] build_data: add locutions_vrac.txt for unchecked locutions check-in: ceaa0c6eae user: olr tags: fr, build, Lexicographe | |
08:16 | [build][fr] build_data: readFile as a generator check-in: 1a082eec4e user: olr tags: fr, build, Lexicographe | |
| ||
21:05 | Optimisation mineur check-in: 1a7c706a66 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
20:42 | Changement mineur check-in: eda5a34bc9 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
19:47 | Ajustement pour retrouver les informations des locutions check-in: 70a2417975 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
13:37 | [fr] pt: det_pl +nom +les plus +adj check-in: d8edaa52a6 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:56 | [fr] pt: réglé comme du papier à musique check-in: 68a927073a user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:40 | [fr] loc: trou à rats check-in: 21dd61ffcc user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:36 | [fr] pt: marge de manœuvre check-in: a3bb55354b user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:34 | [fr] pt: faire copain copain check-in: d8a47216b7 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:24 | [fr] faux positif: quant à check-in: 010a50ecde user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
10:47 | [fr] erreur de suggestion pour certaines écritures dystypographiques check-in: dc53069f57 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
03:54 | [fr] tests: Le Misanthrope, de Molière check-in: 1a2f9e097b user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
| ||
21:08 | [fr] lexicographe: màj du CSS check-in: b08a87e4bf user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
20:50 | [fr] lexicographe: analyse des sous-parties des locutions check-in: 2ef57e5809 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
19:33 | [fr] plus de contrôle de la cohérence des guillemets check-in: 6e559a9316 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
17:48 | [fr] inversion de l’ordre de suggestion des guillemets fermants check-in: 9235285083 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:44 | [fr] lexicographe: minor changes check-in: 4e84b8a6cf user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
13:48 | [fr] lexicographe: restructuration des données, réduction de l’échantillon de test, élisons dorénavant acceptées check-in: f8019de85c user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
12:00 | [fr] lexicographe: clarification de code check-in: 83fbc36b7a user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
11:27 | [fr] lexicographe: clarification de code check-in: ca296fe5b5 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
10:44 | [fr] lexicographe: clarification de code check-in: 99637f2794 user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
09:51 | Simplification du code et renommage :s check-in: 768b26a5ce user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
09:27 | [fr] lexicographe: remplacement de l’apostrophe seulement pour l’analyse de la suite des tokens check-in: 4fe9cf871e user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
09:21 | [fr] lexicographe: commentaire erroné check-in: b9365d6a6c user: olr tags: fr, Lexicographe | |
09:06 | [fr] màj: de la +vconj check-in: dd0cc990ff user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:51 | [fr] règle inutile: doublon check-in: 1bd919cc05 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:45 | [fr] nom des règles: doublon check-in: e9f10b54e8 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:45 | [fr] loc: arriver à point nommé/échéance check-in: 6aa43b9ce7 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:38 | [fr] pt: tirer profit de check-in: be220c53b5 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:38 | [fr] màj: de +pronom+ verbe infinitif check-in: e8dc798b97 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
| ||
23:33 | Renommage des variables pour se conformer au reste du code check-in: 85d2c18b0e user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
22:57 | Ajout forme :Ô locution pronominales check-in: 937fa6cf25 user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
17:44 | Nettoyage dans locutions.txt check-in: e4300fc24e user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
13:50 | Corrections dans locutions.txt check-in: 3228b9d0ef user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
13:14 | Gestion du multi drapeau pour chaque locution, et ajout css pour les locutions check-in: a72df99c12 user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
12:41 | [fr] faux positifs check-in: 22b74d520c user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:56 | Quelques corrections dans le fichier locutions.txt check-in: a6bed5e7d3 user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
11:19 | Détection des locutions dans le lexicographe check-in: 47ddd1a06d user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
10:33 | [fr] faux positif: ne rien céder check-in: 30d5358e58 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
05:57 | [build][fr] build_data: compilation des locutions de diverses natures check-in: 6db8a61658 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, build | |
| ||
19:58 | [build][fr] build_data: code cleaning check-in: ba1b8fe0e2 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, build | |
13:47 | [build][fr] rename locutions files check-in: 4ffad6e596 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, build | |
13:17 | [build][fr] data: locutions check-in: e356116b6e user: olr tags: trunk, fr, build | |
12:04 | [fx] Menu buttons: option true by default for editable nodes check-in: 4dd50863c2 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
11:56 | [fx][bug] ibdawg: suggestion mechanism > fix calculation between words in JS check-in: 5ac4660b30 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
11:15 | [fx] Menu buttons: option false by default for editable nodes check-in: 35238657b4 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
10:29 | [fx] v0.6.0.5 check-in: d653f82c9f user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
10:14 | [fx][build] merge FixWebext check-in: fbb8b552c4 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
10:04 | [fx] NFC normalization Closed-Leaf check-in: c8646cd128 user: olr tags: fx, FixWebext | |
09:47 | [doc] update build.md check-in: 29423db53a user: olr tags: doc, FixWebext | |
09:19 | Ajustement de la condition dans le MutationObserver check-in: 40768b2313 user: IllusionPerdu tags: FixWebext | |
09:09 | [fx] Change in css to ajust line-height check-in: 18723bb569 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, FixWebext | |
08:04 | [build] remove building process for Addon-SDK (obsolete) check-in: 5b4c329a42 user: olr tags: build, FixWebext | |
08:02 | [build] remove building process for Addon-SDK (obsolete) check-in: a59d5cef90 user: olr tags: build, FixWebext | |
07:56 | [fx] button will disappear only when closing manually the menu check-in: 46027d61ee user: olr tags: fx, FixWebext | |
07:54 | [fx] CSS: line-height doesn’t look OK on Firefox check-in: e20095be97 user: olr tags: fx, FixWebext | |
07:52 | [fx] code cleaning check-in: e605c5e3ec user: olr tags: fx, FixWebext | |
07:29 | [fx] fix menu button size check-in: 93122299cc user: olr tags: fx, FixWebext | |
07:28 | [fx] MutationObserver in main object oGrammalecte check-in: e70da9d241 user: olr tags: fx, FixWebext | |
07:11 | [fx] menu close button: size doesn’t look good on Firefox check-in: 1617b4806b user: olr tags: fx, FixWebext | |
07:06 | [build][fr] revert string format for Python check-in: 47b9222f8a user: olr tags: fr, build, FixWebext | |
06:57 | [fx] fix menu button size check-in: 625b15ea09 user: olr tags: fx, FixWebext | |
01:16 | Permet de pouvoir utiliser Grammalecte sur twitter check-in: 686fe8194d user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, FixWebext | |
00:22 | Revert changement de taille du bouton (est super petit sur certain site) check-in: d5e30a5b87 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, FixWebext | |
00:16 | Ajout de MutationObserver, ajout dans le css et isolation du xNode du menu (tester uniquement sur Chrome check-in: c422898599 user: IllusionPerdu tags: fx, FixWebext | |
| ||
21:46 | [fr] phonet_simil: handicap/handicape check-in: 00a95e2427 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
20:41 | [fx] use a debug profile for Firefox check-in: a6d823b2a6 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
19:32 | [fx][bug] retrieving text content from node check-in: e1ac68ef1a user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
15:06 | [fx] WebExt: v0.6.0.4 check-in: f8bd0bbc3a user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
14:08 | [fx][bug] WebExt: prevents modification of textarea nodes with editable nodes when gc check-in: c6b0b21167 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
05:18 | [fx] WebExt: v0.6.0.3 check-in: 8112d95bd0 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
05:02 | [fx] WebExt: display button and menu only on focus check-in: bd5b026613 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
| ||
08:40 | [core][js] comment console.log(): Chrome don’t like it check-in: e42b4f000b user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
08:12 | [tb] use nnbsp in suggestion message instead of spaces (prevent flat button if there is only spaces) check-in: bae0f1575a user: olr tags: trunk, tb | |
07:52 | [fx] CSS: min-height for tooltip suggestions (prevent flat line if there is only spaces) check-in: b6c94cd7cb user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
05:49 | [core] tokenizer: better regex for URLs and folders check-in: 843c0244bc user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
| ||
18:34 | [core][bug] fix tokenizer for URL check-in: ee7d44a3ee user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
17:03 | [fr] règle non testée check-in: 54a4aceb2f user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:28 | [core] ibdawg: remove secondary suggestion method (pointless) check-in: e9a792a911 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
14:41 | [core][fr] ibdawg: clean words suggestion > replace <eau> and <au> by <o> check-in: 7d4742b272 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, core | |
14:30 | [core][fr] ibdawg: char_player > phonème o check-in: 0ad1970e9c user: olr tags: trunk, fr, core | |
11:37 | [core] ibdawg: clean words before damerau-levenshtein comparison check-in: 1329ae8f1c user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
09:41 | [core] ibdawg: suggestion mechanism > split word function check-in: 388e8809cf user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
| ||
22:24 | [core] ibdawg: suggestion mechanism > exclude some suffixes (ß) check-in: 5fbb7ec853 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
12:05 | [core] ibdawg: reduce hard replacements in suggestion mechanism check-in: 35abf9fb76 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
11:59 | [core] fix tokentizer: two similar group name in regex check-in: 78199c4006 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
11:51 | [fx] CSS: text-align: left, for paragraphs check-in: 6ca9a6e85f user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
11:00 | [core] tokenization: folders check-in: 35c48d42a8 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
09:08 | [fr] pt: arborescence check-in: 05863229dc user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
| ||
23:15 | [fr] loc: mettre à l’épreuve check-in: cb84f3c977 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
22:54 | [fr] pt: oubli du pluriel check-in: 3f2f9e2e75 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:40 | [fr] loc: tourner court check-in: e09597d00e user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:29 | [fr] pt: faire front commun/mouche/signe/envie check-in: 410273ef65 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:26 | [fr] pt: prendre vie check-in: a7a1147852 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
18:20 | [fr] pt: monnaie de réserve/d’échange check-in: 493ef8a939 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
16:23 | [fr] pt: en position de faiblesse check-in: b670380bed user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
15:22 | [fx] version bug fixes for Firefox check-in: a6bce3bf73 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
14:05 | [fx] CSS: protect spinner from modifications from pages check-in: 5fcea2e5bc user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
12:28 | [fx][bug] hide gc rule id for spelling mistakes check-in: 4e339bc42a user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
12:27 | [fx] CSS: prevent some modifications from webpage (use div instead of p) check-in: 18324789ff user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
10:37 | [fx] CSS: prevent some modifications from webpage check-in: e6928651ef user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
10:23 | [fx] fix grammar error check-in: 2176a6a2f9 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
10:22 | [fx] don’t display buttons by default check-in: e57f451fec user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
10:16 | [fx][bug] tooltip positioning when window is enlarged check-in: b2893d0cb3 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
09:41 | [fx][bug] CSS: prevent content division to expand if words are too long check-in: ea2cbb3df1 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
09:06 | [fx][bug] don’t show URL for spellchecking errors check-in: b6ad6a0ba7 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
| ||
12:03 | [fr] loc: lime à ongles check-in: f5c6324f89 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:59 | [fr] loc: caisse à outils check-in: e4d1294737 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
09:20 | [core][py] endswith can take a tuple as parameter check-in: f74d435789 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
09:17 | [core] reduce number of hard replacements (avoid slowness) check-in: 0114e69bdb user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
09:15 | [core][py] small code cleaning check-in: d78ef84a02 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
09:07 | [core][js] ibdawg: spellchecking suggestion mechanism > hard replacements check-in: c80ec8575d user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
08:26 | [core][py] ibdawg: spellchecking suggestion mechanism > hard replacements check-in: 9fde57a772 user: olr tags: trunk, core | |
| ||
17:55 | [core] ibdawg: remove comments check-in: 726af0786e user: olr tags: trunk, core, v0.6.0 | |
11:03 | [fx] close button for the menu check-in: 4ff89b5e43 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
10:48 | [fx] z-index for menu button check-in: e0176710e6 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
| ||
07:31 | [fx] WebExt: text formatter progressbar adjustment check-in: b614f43878 user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
07:26 | [fx] WebExt: normalization NFC check-in: 99e547221b user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
| ||
22:11 | [fr] nouveau lien pour les pronoms à l’impératif check-in: 37b551ffe7 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
22:07 | [fr] nouveau lien pour le t euphonique check-in: 2c6bd070f1 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
22:04 | [fr] renommage de règles de désambiguïsation check-in: 43dcc7939f user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:16 | [fr] mise à jour: dictionnaires 6.2 check-in: 06dc8866d5 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
08:10 | [fr] suggestion: une ou un check-in: cf1b1cefd0 user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
| ||
12:35 | [fr] nouvelle règle pour l’écriture dite “inclusive” check-in: a9a70b640f user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
12:17 | [fr] désambiguïsation, processeur de texte et correction de faux positifs check-in: 0af18422ef user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
11:11 | [fx] merge webext3: better interface check-in: a176d99c0b user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
11:05 | [fx] WebExt: new num version Closed-Leaf check-in: 5523059493 user: olr tags: fx, webext3 | |
10:59 | [fx] WebExt: better message box check-in: 98bc289244 user: olr tags: fx, webext3 | |