12 check-ins using file gc_lang/fr/webext/manifest.json version 8ca9ed57ec
| ||
00:31 | [core][js] echo function for debugging check-in: bcd8a483d5 user: olr tags: core, comdic | |
00:31 | [fr] fix JS positioning code and regex check-in: d3187b7cd8 user: olr tags: fr, comdic | |
| ||
20:27 | merge trunk check-in: aea2e8d9ee user: olr tags: comdic | |
14:07 | [fx] dictionaries manager: update check-in: a646054ced user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
| ||
18:40 | merge trunk check-in: 521f9f5963 user: olr tags: comdic | |
17:03 | [fx] lexicon editor: save dictionary online (draft) check-in: 13b87972a8 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
12:55 | [fx] set community dictionary as soon as it is created check-in: 1990296330 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
12:24 | [fx] remember dictionaries selection check-in: 0ee518126e user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
| ||
18:42 | [fx] dictionaries creation: update check-in: e422d67a98 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
| ||
17:17 | [fx] shortcuts documentation check-in: d57413d421 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |
16:40 | [core][fr] lexicographer: fix crash when empty list of tokens check-in: df41b47f9c user: olr tags: fr, core, comdic | |
16:20 | [fx] commands via shorcuts check-in: 019cf17655 user: olr tags: fx, comdic | |