Grammalecte  View Ticket

UUID: da374d4b88e51ccfc25d92873badf30527c379a2
Title/Titre: Rules for Markdown files
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity/Gravité: Important Priority/Priorité:
Module: Resolution:
Modified/Modifié: 2023-09-21 12:58:58
Version(s): 2.1.1
Comments / Commentaires :
anonymous // 2023-09-21 12:58:58 :
In the file, I've added the '-' for the following rule.
['^ *[*+-] ', False, '#774p', 'p_md_liste', 4, [[None, '~', '*', 0]]],
It works fine.

But I wanted to add a suppress rule for double spaces at the end of a line, since it's a markup for a "simple" carriage return.The following line should do the job, but somehow, I'm still getting "Espace·s en fin de ligne à supprimer."
['[ \xa0\u202f]{2}$', False, '#776p', 'p_md_nouvelle_ligne', 4, [[None, '~', '*', 0]]],

Did I write the rule in a wrong way ?
Thx for your help.