Files for check-in a31e62962a6236d6 and within directory gc_lang/fr sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2019-05-15 09:15:14.
- gc_lang2.7 hours
- fr2.7 hours
- data2.7 hours
- dictionnaire2.7 hours
- _templates194.0 days
- césures2.05 years
- lexique2.8 days
- corpus_data2.05 years
- orthographe2.7 hours
- thesaurus194.0 days
- modules-js2.7 hours
- modules2.7 hours
- nodejs194.0 days
- oxt2.7 hours
- _img1.80 years
- About32.0 days
- ChangeAuthor2.05 years
- Conjugueur8.8 days
- ContextMenu1.03 years
- Dictionnaires2.7 hours
- dictionaries2.7 hours
- DictOptions14.0 days
- Lexicographer1.22 years
- TextFormatter164.0 days
- tb8.8 days
- content8.8 days
- dictionaries194.0 days
- fr-FR-allvars194.0 days
- fr-FR-classic194.0 days
- fr-FR-modern194.0 days
- fr-FR-reform194.0 days
- defaults1.15 years
- preferences1.15 years
- locale41.8 days
- skin1.80 years
- worker231.7 days
- webext3.0 hours