Changes In Branch dicfac Through [3612460e58] Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 825218be76 to 3612460e58
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16:17 | [fr] affixes: nouveaux drapeaux féminins complémentaires check-in: 283b27a860 user: olr tags: fr, dicfac | |
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06:19 | [fr] faux positifs et ajustements check-in: 2239de16ce user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
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21:20 | [fr] affixes: nettoyage check-in: 3612460e58 user: olr tags: fr, dicfac | |
19:54 | [fr] affixes: d4 -> d0 (fusion), F, -> F+ check-in: d5e9b416c8 user: olr tags: fr, dicfac | |
18:42 | [fr] màj affixes: apostrophe comme séparateur -> factorisation des drapeaux check-in: 14311e7c30 user: olr tags: fr, dicfac | |
16:39 | [graphspell] comment about the test check-in: 825218be76 user: olr tags: trunk, graphspell | |
16:24 | [graphspell] suggestions: test for improvement (+remove deprecated code) check-in: 5762496ac7 user: olr tags: trunk, graphspell | |
Modified gc_lang/fr/dictionnaire/orthographe/FRANCAIS_5.aff from [72dbf0e245] to [e7336f36c4].
more than 10,000 changes