Changes In Branch Lexicographe Through [937fa6cf25] Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 4ffad6e596 to 937fa6cf25
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23:33 | Renommage des variables pour se conformer au reste du code check-in: 85d2c18b0e user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
22:57 | Ajout forme :Ô locution pronominales check-in: 937fa6cf25 user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
17:44 | Nettoyage dans locutions.txt check-in: e4300fc24e user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
11:19 | Détection des locutions dans le lexicographe check-in: 47ddd1a06d user: IllusionPerdu tags: Lexicographe | |
| ||
19:58 | [build][fr] build_data: code cleaning check-in: ba1b8fe0e2 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, build | |
13:47 | [build][fr] rename locutions files check-in: 4ffad6e596 user: olr tags: trunk, fr, build | |
13:17 | [build][fr] data: locutions check-in: e356116b6e user: olr tags: trunk, fr, build | |
Modified gc_core/js/text.js from [9bf91b3594] to [abcdad5f85]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/ from [1ffed9614b] to [b7abe812ee]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/data/locutions.txt from [190d018874] to [443f1274df]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/modules-js/lexicographe.js from [08da929c5c] to [a897840ed1]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/modules-js/locutions_data.json from [12115cc355] to [249fef4e46]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/modules-js/phonet_data.json from [63815e6d96] to [45669375f1]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/modules/ from [4e9754ba4b] to [cbeadb1ff5]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/modules/ from [be2bb20c17] to [497cbd30f5]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/webext/content_scripts/panel_lxg.css from [58f7a11f55] to [ccbb028287]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/webext/gce_worker.js from [ad4b1695da] to [ac6f473dd4]. [diff]