Changes In Branch webext3 Through [c2aa4fe9b2] Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 6ff5d2733a to c2aa4fe9b2
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14:43 | [fx] WebExt: parse from context menu check-in: 13e3ccd8af user: olr tags: fx, webext3 | |
09:33 | [fx] WebExt: new contextual menu check-in: c2aa4fe9b2 user: olr tags: fx, webext3 | |
09:11 | [fx] WebExt: remove shared worker check-in: f8269887a3 user: olr tags: fx, webext3 | |
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15:51 | [fr] sécurisation d’une condition check-in: 79a81f04cf user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
14:30 | merge trunk check-in: d25e2ed843 user: olr tags: webext3 | |
13:40 | [fr][js] suggestion des graphies similaires check-in: 6ff5d2733a user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
13:09 | [fr] pt: faire illusion check-in: 9680cc2a5f user: olr tags: trunk, fr | |
Modified gc_lang/fr/webext/background.js from [006072374b] to [b86410f356]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/webext/content_scripts/init.js from [6ea24993c1] to [b57bfdbc72]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/webext/content_scripts/menu.css from [7a8360406b] to [9877954366]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/webext/content_scripts/menu.js from [2740b076e9] to [296905930b]. [diff]
Modified gc_lang/fr/webext/content_scripts/panel_gc.js from [f13377ba0e] to [b14363b80e]. [diff]
Deleted gc_lang/fr/webext/gce_sharedworker.js version [214049ab98].
Modified gc_lang/fr/webext/panel/main.html from [fac2fe84b3] to [fa3b6b6a69]. [diff]