Comment: | [fx] gce_worker bug: remove useless code |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk | fx |
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SHA3-256: |
169418beed5bdaa7ed67b87e615573ff |
User & Date: | olr on 2020-09-11 07:05:23 |
Other Links: | manifest | tags |
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08:19 | [graphspell] word simplifcation: apostrophes and hyphens check-in: 2aa5cb1dba user: olr tags: trunk, graphspell | |
07:05 | [fx] gce_worker bug: remove useless code check-in: 169418beed user: olr tags: trunk, fx | |
07:00 | [graphspell] distance DamerauLevenshtein send a float instead of an integer check-in: 848d878b75 user: olr tags: trunk, graphspell | |
Modified gc_lang/fr/webext/gce_worker.js from [879c183120] to [c94d68b34b].
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175 176 177 178 179 180 181 | 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 | - - | phonet.init(helpers.loadFile(sExtensionPath + "/grammalecte/fr/phonet_data.json")); mfsp.init(helpers.loadFile(sExtensionPath + "/grammalecte/fr/mfsp_data.json")); //console.log("[Worker] Modules have been initialized…"); gc_engine.load(sContext, "aHSL", sExtensionPath+"grammalecte/graphspell/_dictionaries"); oSpellChecker = gc_engine.getSpellChecker(); oTest = new TestGrammarChecking(gc_engine, sExtensionPath+"/grammalecte/fr/tests_data.json"); oTokenizer = new Tokenizer("fr"); |
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