Comment: | [njs] fix labels and few mistakes |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | njs | nodejs |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA3-256: |
23d95509f43636be7e5c19e2b3fbd764 |
User & Date: | olr on 2018-10-17 16:07:31 |
Other Links: | branch diff | manifest | tags |
| ||
14:37 | Sync to trunk check-in: 18924f57b4 user: IllusionPerdu tags: nodejs | |
| ||
16:35 | [njs] merge nodejs: build package for NodeJS check-in: 3e32004d0a user: olr tags: trunk, njs | |
16:07 | [njs] fix labels and few mistakes check-in: 23d95509f4 user: olr tags: njs, nodejs | |
14:21 | [build][fr] build NodeJS package check-in: 401f29a39d user: olr tags: fr, build, nodejs | |
Modified gc_lang/fr/nodejs/cli/bin/gramma-cli.js from [cbc4196f53] to [d5a9326889].
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 | arg: "", description: "Affiche les informations que vous lisez ;)", execute: "" }, perf: { short: "", arg: "on/off", | | | | | | | | | | 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 | arg: "", description: "Affiche les informations que vous lisez ;)", execute: "" }, perf: { short: "", arg: "on/off", description: "Affiche le temps d’exécution des commandes.", execute: "" }, json: { short: "", arg: "on/off", description: "Réponse au format JSON.", execute: "" }, exit: { short: "", arg: "", description: "Client interactif: Quitter.", execute: "" }, text: { short: "", arg: "texte", description: "Client / Server: Définir un texte pour plusieurs actions.", execute: "" }, format: { short: "", arg: "texte", description: "Corrige la typographie du texte.", execute: "formatText" }, check: { short: "", arg: "texte", description: "Vérifie la grammaire et l’orthographe du texte.", execute: "verifParagraph" }, lexique: { short: "", arg: "texte", description: "Affiche les données lexicales de chaque mot du texte.", execute: "lexique" }, spell: { short: "", arg: "mot", description: "Vérifie l’existence d’un mot.", execute: "spell" }, suggest: { short: "", arg: "mot", description: "Suggestion des graphies proches d’un mot.", execute: "suggest" }, morph: { short: "", arg: "mot", description: "Affiche les données grammaticales (et éventuellement autres) du mot.", execute: "morph" }, lemma: { short: "", arg: "mot", description: "Donne le(s) lemme(s) d’un mot.", execute: "lemma" }, gceoption: { short: "", arg: "+/-name", description: "Définit les options à utiliser par le correcteur grammatical.", execute: "" |
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 | for (const action of ["morph", "lemma"]) { if (action in oRep) { for (const toAff of oRep[action]) { if (toAff.text == "NoText") { repText += "\n" + toTitle(action) + ": Pas de texte à vérifier."; } else { if (toAff.reponse.length == 0) { | | | 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 | for (const action of ["morph", "lemma"]) { if (action in oRep) { for (const toAff of oRep[action]) { if (toAff.text == "NoText") { repText += "\n" + toTitle(action) + ": Pas de texte à vérifier."; } else { if (toAff.reponse.length == 0) { repText += "\nAucun " + toTitle(action) + " existant pour: «" + toAff.text + "»"; } else { let ascii = "├"; let numRep = 0; repText += "\n" + toTitle(action) + " possible de: «" + toAff.text + "»"; for (let reponse of toAff.reponse) { numRep++; if (numRep == toAff.reponse.length) { |
194 195 196 197 198 199 200 | } if ("spell" in oRep) { for (const toAff of oRep.spell) { if (toAff.text == "NoText") { repText += "\nSpell: Pas de texte à vérifier."; } else { | | | 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 | } if ("spell" in oRep) { for (const toAff of oRep.spell) { if (toAff.text == "NoText") { repText += "\nSpell: Pas de texte à vérifier."; } else { repText += "\nLe mot «" + toAff.text + "» " + (toAff.reponse ? "existe" : "inexistant"); repText += affPerf(toAff.time); } } } if ("suggest" in oRep) { for (const toAff of oRep.suggest) { |
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 | } } } if ("format" in oRep) { for (const toAff of oRep.format) { if (toAff.text == "NoText") { | | | 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 | } } } if ("format" in oRep) { for (const toAff of oRep.format) { if (toAff.text == "NoText") { repText += "\nPas de texte à formater."; } else { repText += "\nMise en forme:\n" + toAff.reponse; repText += affPerf(toAff.time); } } } |
284 285 286 287 288 289 290 | let ascii1, ascii1a, numRep1, ascii2, numRep2, replength; ascii1 = "├"; ascii1a = "│"; numRep1 = 0; replength = Object.keys(toAff.reponse.lGrammarErrors).length; if (replength == 0) { | | | | 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 | let ascii1, ascii1a, numRep1, ascii2, numRep2, replength; ascii1 = "├"; ascii1a = "│"; numRep1 = 0; replength = Object.keys(toAff.reponse.lGrammarErrors).length; if (replength == 0) { repText += "\nPas d’erreurs grammaticales trouvées"; } else { repText += "\nErreur(s) grammaticale(s)"; for (let gramma of toAff.reponse.lGrammarErrors) { numRep1++; if (numRep1 == replength) { ascii1 = "└"; ascii1a = " "; } repText += "\n " + ascii1 + " " + gramma.nStart + "->" + gramma.nEnd + " " + gramma.sMessage; |
311 312 313 314 315 316 317 | } ascii1 = "├"; ascii1a = "│"; numRep1 = 0; replength = Object.keys(toAff.reponse.lSpellingErrors).length; if (replength == 0) { | | | | 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 | } ascii1 = "├"; ascii1a = "│"; numRep1 = 0; replength = Object.keys(toAff.reponse.lSpellingErrors).length; if (replength == 0) { repText += "\nPas d’erreurs orthographiques trouvées"; } else { repText += "\nErreur(s) orthographique(s)"; for (let ortho of toAff.reponse.lSpellingErrors) { numRep1++; if (numRep1 == replength) { ascii1 = "└"; ascii1a = " "; } repText += "\n " + ascii1 + " " + ortho.nStart + "->" + ortho.nEnd + " " + ortho.sValue; |
Modified gc_lang/fr/nodejs/ from [9cf07414eb] to [55b550e7af].
| | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | # Note pour le développement pour NodeJS ## Commande pour définir l’utilisation d’un paquetage local ``` cd core npm link cd .. |