Index: gc_lang/fr/modules-js/textformatter.js
--- gc_lang/fr/modules-js/textformatter.js
+++ gc_lang/fr/modules-js/textformatter.js
@@ -55,10 +55,11 @@
[/«[ ]+/g, "« "],
[/([a-zA-Zà-ö0-9À-Öø-ÿØ-ßĀ-ʯ.!?])»/g, "$1 »"],
[/[ ]+»/g, " »"] ],
"nnbsp_within_numbers": [ [/(\d)[ ](\d)/g, "$1 $2"] ],
// common
+ "nbsp_titles": [ [/\bM(mes?|ᵐᵉˢ?|grs?|ᵍʳˢ?|lles?|ˡˡᵉˢ?|rs?|ʳˢ?|M[.]) /g, "M$1 "] ],
"nbsp_before_symbol": [ [/(\d) ?([%‰€$£¥˚Ω℃])/g, "$1 $2"] ],
"nbsp_before_units": [ [/([0-9⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹]) ?([kcmµn]?(?:[slgJKΩ]|m[²³]?|Wh?|Hz|dB)|[%‰]|°C)\b/g, "$1 $2"] ],
"nbsp_repair": [ [/([\[(])[ ]([!?:;])/g, "$1$2"],
[/(https?|ftp)[ ]:\/\//g, "$1://"],
[/&([a-z]+)[ ];/g, "&$1;"],
@@ -213,10 +214,11 @@
["nbsp_within_quotation_marks", true],
["nbsp_within_numbers", true],
["nnbsp_before_punctuation", false],
["nnbsp_within_quotation_marks", false],
["nnbsp_within_numbers", false],
+ ["nbsp_titles", false],
["nbsp_before_symbol", true],
["nbsp_before_units", true],
["nbsp_repair", true],
["add_space_after_punctuation", true],
["add_space_around_hyphens", true],
Index: gc_lang/fr/modules/
--- gc_lang/fr/modules/
+++ gc_lang/fr/modules/
@@ -37,10 +37,11 @@
("«[ ]+", "« "),
("(?<=[\\w.!?])»", " »"),
("[ ]+»", " »")],
"nnbsp_within_numbers": [("(\\d)[ ](\\d)", "\\1 \\2")],
# common
+ "nbsp_titles": [("M(mes?|ᵐᵉˢ?|grs?|ᵍʳˢ?|lles?|ˡˡᵉˢ?|rs?|ʳˢ?|M\\.) ", "M\\1 ")],
"nbsp_before_symbol": [("(\\d) ?([%‰€$£¥˚Ω℃])", "\\1 \\2")],
"nbsp_before_units": [("(?<=[0-9⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹]) ?([kcmµn]?(?:[slgJKΩ]|m[²³]?|Wh?|Hz|dB)|[%‰]|°C)\\b", " \\1")],
"nbsp_repair": [("(?<=[[(])[ ]([!?:;])", "\\1"),
("(https?|ftp)[ ]:(?=//)", "\\1:"),
("&([a-z]+)[ ];", "&\\1;"),
@@ -194,10 +195,11 @@
("nbsp_within_quotation_marks", True),
("nbsp_within_numbers", True),
("nnbsp_before_punctuation", False),
("nnbsp_within_quotation_marks", False),
("nnbsp_within_numbers", False),
+ ("nbsp_titles", False),
("nbsp_before_symbol", True),
("nbsp_before_units", True),
("nbsp_repair", True),
("add_space_after_punctuation", True),
("add_space_around_hyphens", True),
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
--- gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
@@ -124,29 +124,31 @@
self.space1_res = self._addWidget('space1_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+15, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
self.space2_res = self._addWidget('space2_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+25, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
# group box // non-breaking spaces
x = 10; y = 145
- gbm3 = self._addWidget('groupbox3', 'GroupBox', x-5, y, nGroupBoxWith, 70, Label = " " * len(self.dUI.get('nbsp', "#err")), FontDescriptor = xFD1)
+ gbm3 = self._addWidget('groupbox3', 'GroupBox', x-5, y, nGroupBoxWith, 80, Label = " " * len(self.dUI.get('nbsp', "#err")), FontDescriptor = xFD1)
self.nbsp = self._addWidget('nbsp', 'CheckBox', x, y+2, nWidth, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nbsp', "#err"), FontDescriptor = xFD1, \
FontRelief = 1, TextColor = nColor, State = True)
self.nbsp1 = self._addWidget('nbsp1', 'CheckBox', x, y+15, 85, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nbsp1', "#err"), State = True)
self.nbsp2 = self._addWidget('nbsp2', 'CheckBox', x, y+25, 85, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nbsp2', "#err"), State = True)
self.nbsp3 = self._addWidget('nbsp3', 'CheckBox', x, y+35, nWidth, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nbsp3', "#err"), State = True)
self.nbsp4 = self._addWidget('nbsp4', 'CheckBox', x, y+45, 85, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nbsp4', "#err"), State = True)
self.nbsp5 = self._addWidget('nbsp5', 'CheckBox', x, y+55, 85, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nbsp5', "#err"), State = True)
+ self.nbsp6 = self._addWidget('nbsp6', 'CheckBox', x, y+65, 85, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nbsp6', "#err"), State = True)
self.nnbsp1 = self._addWidget('nnbsp1', 'CheckBox', x+85, y+15, 30, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nnbsp', "#err"), HelpText = self.dUI.get('nnbsp_help', "#err"), State = False)
self.nnbsp2 = self._addWidget('nnbsp2', 'CheckBox', x+85, y+25, 30, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nnbsp', "#err"), State = False)
self.nnbsp4 = self._addWidget('nnbsp4', 'CheckBox', x+85, y+45, 30, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('nnbsp', "#err"), State = False)
self.nbsp1_res = self._addWidget('nbsp1_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+15, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
self.nbsp2_res = self._addWidget('nbsp2_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+25, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
self.nbsp3_res = self._addWidget('nbsp3_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+35, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
self.nbsp4_res = self._addWidget('nbsp4_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+45, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
self.nbsp5_res = self._addWidget('nbsp5_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+55, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
+ self.nbsp6_res = self._addWidget('nbsp6_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+65, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
# group box // deletion
- x = 10; y = 220
+ x = 10; y = 230
gbm7 = self._addWidget('groupbox7', 'GroupBox', x-5, y, nGroupBoxWith, 50, Label = " " * len(self.dUI.get('delete', "#err")), FontDescriptor = xFD1)
self.delete = self._addWidget('delete', 'CheckBox', x, y+2, nWidth, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('delete', "#err"), FontDescriptor = xFD1, \
FontRelief = 1, TextColor = nColor, State = True)
self.delete1 = self._addWidget('delete1', 'CheckBox', x, y+15, nWidth, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('delete1', "#err"), State = True)
self.delete2 = self._addWidget('delete2', 'CheckBox', x, y+25, nWidth, nHeight, Label = self.dUI.get('delete2', "#err"), State = True)
@@ -225,20 +227,20 @@
self.struct1_res = self._addWidget('struct1_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+15, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
self.struct2_res = self._addWidget('struct2_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+25, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
self.struct3_res = self._addWidget('struct3_res', 'FixedText', nPosRes, y+35, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
# dialog height
- self.xDialog.Height = 292
+ self.xDialog.Height = 302
xWindowSize = helpers.getWindowSize()
self.xDialog.PositionX = int((xWindowSize.Width / 2) - (self.xDialog.Width / 2))
self.xDialog.PositionY = int((xWindowSize.Height / 2) - (self.xDialog.Height / 2))
# lists of checkbox widgets
self.dCheckboxWidgets = {
"ssp": [self.ssp1, self.ssp2, self.ssp3, self.ssp4, self.ssp5, self.ssp6, self.ssp7],
"space": [self.space1, self.space2],
- "nbsp": [self.nbsp1, self.nbsp2, self.nbsp3, self.nbsp4, self.nbsp5, self.nnbsp1, self.nnbsp2, self.nnbsp4],
+ "nbsp": [self.nbsp1, self.nbsp2, self.nbsp3, self.nbsp4, self.nbsp5, self.nbsp6, self.nnbsp1, self.nnbsp2, self.nnbsp4],
"delete": [self.delete1, self.delete2, self.delete2a, self.delete2b, self.delete2c],
"typo": [self.typo1, self.typo2, self.typo3, self.typo3a, self.typo3b, self.typo4, self.typo4a, self.typo4b, self.typo5, self.typo6, \
self.typo7, self.typo8, self.typo8a, self.typo8b, self.typo_ff, self.typo_fi, self.typo_ffi, self.typo_fl, self.typo_ffl, \
self.typo_ft, self.typo_st],
"misc": [self.misc1, self.misc2, self.misc3, self.misc5, self.misc1a, self.misc5b, self.misc5c], #self.misc4,
@@ -246,11 +248,11 @@
# progress bar
self.pbar = self._addWidget('pbar', 'ProgressBar', 22, self.xDialog.Height-16, 210, 10)
self.pbar.ProgressValueMin = 0
- self.pbar.ProgressValueMax = 31
+ self.pbar.ProgressValueMax = 32
# time counter
self.time_res = self._addWidget('time_res', 'FixedText', self.xDialog.Width-80, self.xDialog.Height-15, 20, nHeight, Label = "", Align = 2)
# buttons
self.bdefault = self._addWidget('default', 'Button', 5, self.xDialog.Height-19, 15, 15, Label = self.dUI.get('default', "#err"), \
@@ -514,17 +516,17 @@
self.pbar.ProgressValue += 1
if self.nbsp5.State:
n = self._replaceList(xElem, "nbsp5")
self.nbsp5_res.Label = str(n)
self.pbar.ProgressValue += 1
- if False:
+ if self.nbsp6.State:
n = self._replaceList(xElem, "nbsp6")
- self.nbsp3_res.Label = str(n)
+ self.nbsp6_res.Label = str(n)
self.pbar.ProgressValue += 1
self.nbsp.State = False
- self.pbar.ProgressValue = 15
+ self.pbar.ProgressValue = 16
# points médians
if self.typo.State:
if self.typo6.State:
n = self._replaceList(xElem, "typo6")
self.typo6_res.Label = str(n)
@@ -541,11 +543,11 @@
n = self._replaceList(xElem, "space2")
self.space2_res.Label = str(n)
self.pbar.ProgressValue += 1 = False
- self.pbar.ProgressValue = 17
+ self.pbar.ProgressValue = 18
# Suppression
if self.delete.State:
if self.delete1.State:
n = self._replaceList(xElem, "delete1")
self.delete1_res.Label = str(n)
@@ -554,11 +556,11 @@
n = self._replaceBulletsByEmDash(xElem)
self.delete2_res.Label = str(n)
self.pbar.ProgressValue += 1
self.delete.State = False
- self.pbar.ProgressValue = 20
+ self.pbar.ProgressValue = 21
# signes typographiques
if self.typo.State:
if self.typo1.State:
n = self._replaceList(xElem, "typo1")
self.typo1_res.Label = str(n)
@@ -628,11 +630,11 @@
n += self._replaceText(xElem, "st", "st", False, True)
self.typo8_res.Label = str(n)
self.pbar.ProgressValue += 1
self.typo.State = False
- self.pbar.ProgressValue = 28
+ self.pbar.ProgressValue = 29
# divers
if self.misc.State:
if self.misc1.State:
if self.misc1a.State:
n = self._replaceList(xElem, "misc1a")
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
--- gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
dDefaultOpt = {
'ssp': 1, 'ssp1': 1, 'ssp2': 1, 'ssp3': 1, 'ssp4': 1, 'ssp5': 1, 'ssp6': 1, 'ssp7': 1,
- 'nbsp': 1, 'nbsp1': 1, 'nbsp2': 1, 'nbsp3': 1, 'nbsp4': 1, 'nbsp5': 1, 'nnbsp1': 0, 'nnbsp2': 0, 'nnbsp4': 0,
+ 'nbsp': 1, 'nbsp1': 1, 'nbsp2': 1, 'nbsp3': 1, 'nbsp4': 1, 'nbsp5': 1, 'nbsp6': 1, 'nnbsp1': 0, 'nnbsp2': 0, 'nnbsp4': 0,
'space': 1, 'space1': 1, 'space2': 1,
'delete': 0, 'delete1': 1, 'delete2': 1, 'delete2a': 0, 'delete2b': 1, 'delete2c': 0,
'typo': 1, 'typo1': 1, 'typo2': 1, 'typo3': 1, 'typo4': 1, 'typo5': 1, 'typo6': 1, 'typo7': 1, 'typo8': 0, 'typo3a': 0, 'typo3b': 1, 'typo4a': 1, 'typo4b': 0, 'typo8a': 0, 'typo8b': 1, 'typo_ff': 1, 'typo_fi':1, 'typo_ffi':1, 'typo_fl':1, 'typo_ffl':1, 'typo_ft':1, 'typo_st': 1,
'misc': 1, 'misc1': 1, 'misc2': 1, 'misc3': 1, 'misc5': 1, 'misc1a': 0, 'misc5b': 0, 'misc5c': 0,
'struct': 0, 'struct1': 1, 'struct2': 1, 'struct3': 0,
dOpt = {
'ssp': 1, 'ssp1': 1, 'ssp2': 1, 'ssp3': 1, 'ssp4': 1, 'ssp5': 1, 'ssp6': 1, 'ssp7': 1,
- 'nbsp': 1, 'nbsp1': 1, 'nbsp2': 1, 'nbsp3': 1, 'nbsp4': 1, 'nbsp5': 1, 'nnbsp1': 0, 'nnbsp2': 0, 'nnbsp4': 0,
+ 'nbsp': 1, 'nbsp1': 1, 'nbsp2': 1, 'nbsp3': 1, 'nbsp4': 1, 'nbsp5': 1, 'nbsp6': 1, 'nnbsp1': 0, 'nnbsp2': 0, 'nnbsp4': 0,
'space': 1, 'space1': 1, 'space2': 1,
'delete': 0, 'delete1': 1, 'delete2': 1, 'delete2a': 0, 'delete2b': 1, 'delete2c': 0,
'typo': 1, 'typo1': 1, 'typo2': 1, 'typo3': 1, 'typo4': 1, 'typo5': 1, 'typo6': 1, 'typo7': 1, 'typo8': 0, 'typo3a': 0, 'typo3b': 1, 'typo4a': 1, 'typo4b': 0, 'typo8a': 0, 'typo8b': 1, 'typo_ff': 1, 'typo_fi':1, 'typo_ffi':1, 'typo_fl':1, 'typo_ffl':1, 'typo_ft':1, 'typo_st': 1,
'misc': 1, 'misc1': 1, 'misc2': 1, 'misc3': 1, 'misc5': 1, 'misc1a': 0, 'misc5b': 0, 'misc5c': 0,
'struct': 0, 'struct1': 1, 'struct2': 1, 'struct3': 0,
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
--- gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
"nbsp1": "Avant : ; ? et !",
"nbsp2": "Avec les guillemets « et »",
"nbsp3": "Avant % ‰ € $ £ ¥ ˚C",
"nbsp4": "À l’intérieur des nombres",
"nbsp5": "Avant les unités de mesure",
+ "nbsp6": "Après les titres de civilité",
"nnbsp": "fins",
"nnbsp_help": "sauf avec “:”",
"delete": "Su~ppressions",
"delete1": "Tirets conditionnels",
@@ -108,10 +109,11 @@
"nbsp1": "Before : ; ? and !",
"nbsp2": "With quoting marks « and »",
"nbsp3": "Before % ‰ € $ £ ¥ ˚C",
"nbsp4": "Within numbers",
"nbsp5": "Before units of measurement",
+ "nbsp6": "After titles",
"nnbsp": "narrow",
"nnbsp_help": "except with “:”",
"delete": "~Deletions",
"delete1": "Soft hyphens",
Index: gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
--- gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
+++ gc_lang/fr/oxt/TextFormatter/
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@
"nbsp5": [
("(?<=[0-9⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹]) ?([kcmµnd]?(?:[slgJKΩΩℓ]|m[²³]?|Wh?|Hz|dB)|[%‰]|°C)\\b", " $1", True, True)
"nbsp6": [
- ("\\b(MM?\\.|Mlle|Mgr) ", "$1 ", True, True)
+ ("\\bM(mes?|ᵐᵉˢ?|grs?|ᵍʳˢ?|lles?|ˡˡᵉˢ?|rs?|ʳˢ?|M\\.) ", "M$1 ", True, True)
# espaces manquants
"space1": [
(";(?=[:alnum:])", "; ", True, True),
Index: gc_lang/fr/tb/content/overlay.js
--- gc_lang/fr/tb/content/overlay.js
+++ gc_lang/fr/tb/content/overlay.js
@@ -692,11 +692,11 @@
document.getElementById("o_group_ssp").checked = false;
document.getElementById('progressbar').value = 1;
- // espaces typographiques
+ // espaces insécables
if (document.getElementById("o_group_nbsp").checked) {
if (document.getElementById("o_nbsp_before_punctuation").checked) {
[sText, n1] = this.formatText(sText, "nbsp_before_punctuation");
[sText, n2] = this.formatText(sText, "nbsp_repair");
document.getElementById('res_o_nbsp_before_punctuation').textContent = n1 - n2;
@@ -715,10 +715,14 @@
if (document.getElementById("o_nbsp_before_units").checked) {
[sText, n1] = this.formatText(sText, "nbsp_before_units");
document.getElementById('res_o_nbsp_before_units').textContent = n1;
+ if (document.getElementById("o_nbsp_titles").checked) {
+ [sText, n1] = this.formatText(sText, "nbsp_titles");
+ document.getElementById('res_o_nbsp_titles').textContent = n1;
+ }
document.getElementById("o_group_nbsp").checked = false;
document.getElementById('progressbar').value = 2;
Index: gc_lang/fr/tb/content/overlay.xul
--- gc_lang/fr/tb/content/overlay.xul
+++ gc_lang/fr/tb/content/overlay.xul
@@ -169,10 +169,15 @@
Index: gc_lang/fr/tb/locale/en/overlay.dtd
--- gc_lang/fr/tb/locale/en/overlay.dtd
+++ gc_lang/fr/tb/locale/en/overlay.dtd
@@ -35,10 +35,11 @@
Index: gc_lang/fr/tb/locale/fr/overlay.dtd
--- gc_lang/fr/tb/locale/fr/overlay.dtd
+++ gc_lang/fr/tb/locale/fr/overlay.dtd
@@ -35,10 +35,11 @@
Index: gc_lang/fr/webext/content_scripts/panel_tf.js
--- gc_lang/fr/webext/content_scripts/panel_tf.js
+++ gc_lang/fr/webext/content_scripts/panel_tf.js
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@
xNBSP.appendChild(this._createBlockOption("o_nbsp_before_punctuation", true, "Avant : ; ? et !"));
xNBSP.appendChild(this._createBlockOption("o_nbsp_within_quotation_marks", true, "Avec les guillemets « et »"));
xNBSP.appendChild(this._createBlockOption("o_nbsp_before_symbol", true, "Avant % ‰ € $ £ ¥ ˚C"));
xNBSP.appendChild(this._createBlockOption("o_nbsp_within_numbers", true, "À l’intérieur des nombres"));
xNBSP.appendChild(this._createBlockOption("o_nbsp_before_units", true, "Avant les unités de mesure"));
+ xNBSP.appendChild(this._createBlockOption("o_nbsp_titles", true, "Après les titres de civilité"));
let xDelete = this._createFieldset("group_delete", true, "Suppressions");
xDelete.appendChild(this._createBlockOption("o_erase_non_breaking_hyphens", true, "Tirets conditionnels"));
let xColumn2 = oGrammalecte.createNode("div", {className: "grammalecte_tf_column"});
let xTypo = this._createFieldset("group_typo", true, "Signes typographiques");
xTypo.appendChild(this._createBlockOption("o_ts_apostrophe", true, "Apostrophe (’)"));
@@ -308,11 +309,11 @@
this.setOption("o_group_ssp", false);
document.getElementById('grammalecte_tf_progressbar').value = 2;
- // espaces typographiques
+ // espaces insécables
if (this.isSelected("o_group_nbsp")) {
if (this.isSelected("o_nbsp_before_punctuation")) {
[sText, n1] = this.formatText(sText, "nbsp_before_punctuation");
[sText, n2] = this.formatText(sText, "nbsp_repair");
document.getElementById('res_o_nbsp_before_punctuation').textContent = n1 - n2;
@@ -331,10 +332,14 @@
if (this.isSelected("o_nbsp_before_units")) {
[sText, n1] = this.formatText(sText, "nbsp_before_units");
document.getElementById('res_o_nbsp_before_units').textContent = n1;
+ if (this.isSelected("o_nbsp_titles")) {
+ [sText, n1] = this.formatText(sText, "nbsp_titles");
+ document.getElementById('res_o_nbsp_titles').textContent = n1;
+ }
this.setOption("o_group_nbsp", false);
document.getElementById('grammalecte_tf_progressbar').value = 3;