ADDED gc_lang/fr/
Index: gc_lang/fr/
--- /dev/null
+++ gc_lang/fr/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Builder for French language
+import os
+import zipfile
+from distutils import dir_util, file_util
+import helpers
+def build (sLang, dVars, spLangPack):
+ "complementary build launched from"
+ createFirefoxExtension(sLang, dVars)
+ createThunderbirdExtension(sLang, dVars, spLangPack)
+def createFirefoxExtension (sLang, dVars):
+ "create extension for Firefox"
+ print("Building extension for Firefox")
+ helpers.createCleanFolder("_build/xpi/"+sLang)
+ dir_util.copy_tree("gc_lang/"+sLang+"/xpi/", "_build/xpi/"+sLang)
+ dir_util.copy_tree("grammalecte-js", "_build/xpi/"+sLang+"/grammalecte")
+ sHTML, dProperties = _createOptionsForFirefox(dVars)
+ dVars['optionsHTML'] = sHTML
+ helpers.copyAndFileTemplate("_build/xpi/"+sLang+"/data/about_panel.html", "_build/xpi/"+sLang+"/data/about_panel.html", dVars)
+ for sLocale in dProperties.keys():
+ spfLocale = "_build/xpi/"+sLang+"/locale/"+sLocale+".properties"
+ if os.path.exists(spfLocale):
+ helpers.copyAndFileTemplate(spfLocale, spfLocale, dProperties)
+ else:
+ print("Locale file not found: " + spfLocale)
+ with"_build/xpi/"+sLang):
+ os.system("jpm xpi")
+def _createOptionsForFirefox (dVars):
+ sHTML = ""
+ for sSection, lOpt in dVars['lStructOpt']:
+ sHTML += '\n
+ for lLineOpt in lOpt:
+ for sOpt in lLineOpt:
+ sHTML += '
+ sHTML += '
+ # Creating translation data
+ dProperties = {}
+ for sLang in dVars['dOptLabel'].keys():
+ dProperties[sLang] = "\n".join( [ "option_" + sOpt + " = " + dVars['dOptLabel'][sLang][sOpt][0].replace(" [!]", " [!]") for sOpt in dVars['dOptLabel'][sLang] ] )
+ return sHTML, dProperties
+def createThunderbirdExtension (sLang, dVars, spLangPack):
+ "create extension for Thunderbird"
+ print("Building extension for Thunderbird")
+ sExtensionName = dVars['tb_identifier'] + "-v" + dVars['version'] + '.xpi'
+ spfZip = "_build/" + sExtensionName
+ hZip = zipfile.ZipFile(spfZip, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+ _copyGrammalecteJSPackageInZipFile(hZip, spLangPack, dVars['js_binary_dic'])
+ for spf in ["LICENSE.txt", ""]:
+ hZip.write(spf)
+ dVars = _createOptionsForThunderbird(dVars)
+ helpers.addFolderToZipAndFileFile(hZip, "gc_lang/"+sLang+"/tb", "", dVars, True)
+ hZip.write("gc_lang/"+sLang+"/xpi/gce_worker.js", "worker/gce_worker.js")
+ spDict = "gc_lang/"+sLang+"/xpi/data/dictionaries"
+ for sp in os.listdir(spDict):
+ if os.path.isdir(spDict+"/"+sp):
+ hZip.write(spDict+"/"+sp+"/"+sp+".dic", "content/dictionaries/"+sp+"/"+sp+".dic")
+ hZip.write(spDict+"/"+sp+"/"+sp+".aff", "content/dictionaries/"+sp+"/"+sp+".aff")
+ hZip.close()
+ helpers.unzip(spfZip, dVars['tb_debug_extension_path'])
+def _createOptionsForThunderbird (dVars):
+ dVars['sXULTabs'] = ""
+ dVars['sXULTabPanels'] = ""
+ # dialog options
+ for sSection, lOpt in dVars['lStructOpt']:
+ dVars['sXULTabs'] += ' \n'
+ dVars['sXULTabPanels'] += ' \n \n'
+ for lLineOpt in lOpt:
+ for sOpt in lLineOpt:
+ dVars['sXULTabPanels'] += ' \n'
+ dVars['sXULTabPanels'] += ' \n'
+ # translation data
+ for sLang in dVars['dOptLabel'].keys():
+ dVars['gc_options_labels_'+sLang] = "\n".join( [ "' for sOpt in dVars['dOptLabel'][sLang] ] )
+ return dVars
+def _copyGrammalecteJSPackageInZipFile (hZip, spLangPack, sDicName, sAddPath=""):
+ for sf in os.listdir("grammalecte-js"):
+ if not os.path.isdir("grammalecte-js/"+sf):
+ hZip.write("grammalecte-js/"+sf, sAddPath+"grammalecte-js/"+sf)
+ for sf in os.listdir(spLangPack):
+ if not os.path.isdir(spLangPack+"/"+sf):
+ hZip.write(spLangPack+"/"+sf, sAddPath+spLangPack+"/"+sf)
+ hZip.write("grammalecte-js/_dictionaries/"+sDicName, sAddPath+"grammalecte-js/_dictionaries/"+sDicName)
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Useful tools
+import os
+import zipfile
+from distutils import dir_util, file_util
+from string import Template
+class cd:
+ "Context manager for changing the current working directory"
+ def __init__ (self, newPath):
+ self.newPath = os.path.expanduser(newPath)
+ def __enter__ (self):
+ self.savedPath = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.newPath)
+ def __exit__ (self, etype, value, traceback):
+ os.chdir(self.savedPath)
+def unzip (spfZip, spDest, bCreatePath=False):
+ "unzip file at "
+ if spDest:
+ if bCreatePath and not os.path.exists(spDest):
+ dir_util.mkpath(spDest)
+ print("> unzip in: "+ spDest)
+ spInstall = os.path.abspath(spDest)
+ if os.path.isdir(spInstall):
+ eraseFolder(spInstall)
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(spfZip) as hZip:
+ hZip.extractall(spDest)
+ else:
+ print("# folder not found")
+ else:
+ print("path destination is empty")
+def eraseFolder (sp):
+ "erase content of a folder"
+ # recursive!!!
+ for sf in os.listdir(sp):
+ spf = sp + "/" + sf
+ if os.path.isdir(spf):
+ eraseFolder(spf)
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.remove(spf)
+ except:
+ print("%s not removed" % spf)
+def createCleanFolder (sp):
+ "make an empty folder or erase its content if not empty"
+ if not os.path.exists(sp):
+ dir_util.mkpath(sp)
+ else:
+ eraseFolder(sp)
+def fileFile (spf, dVars):
+ "return file as a text filed with variables from "
+ return Template(open(spf, "r", encoding="utf-8").read()).safe_substitute(dVars)
+def copyAndFileTemplate (spfSrc, spfDst, dVars):
+ "write file as with variables filed with "
+ s = Template(open(spfSrc, "r", encoding="utf-8").read()).safe_substitute(dVars)
+ open(spfDst, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n").write(s)
+def addFolderToZipAndFileFile (hZip, spSrc, spDst, dVars, bRecursive):
+ # recursive function
+ spSrc = spSrc.strip("/ ")
+ spDst = spDst.strip("/ ")
+ for sf in os.listdir(spSrc):
+ spfSrc = (spSrc + "/" + sf).strip("/ ")
+ spfDst = (spDst + "/" + sf).strip("/ ")
+ if os.path.isdir(spfSrc):
+ if bRecursive:
+ addFolderToZipAndFileFile(hZip, spfSrc, spfDst, dVars, bRecursive)
+ else:
+ if spfSrc.endswith((".css", ".js", ".xcu", ".xul", ".rdf", ".dtd", ".properties")):
+ #print(spfSrc + " > " + spfDst)
+ hZip.writestr(spfDst, fileFile(spfSrc, dVars))
+ else:
+ #print(spfSrc + " > " + spfDst)
+ hZip.write(spfSrc, spfDst)
@@ -12,96 +12,19 @@
import argparse
import importlib
import unittest
import json
-from string import Template
from distutils import dir_util, file_util
import dialog_bundled
import compile_rules
+import helpers
sWarningMessage = "The content of this folder is generated by code and replaced at each build.\n"
-class cd:
- """Context manager for changing the current working directory"""
- def __init__ (self, newPath):
- self.newPath = os.path.expanduser(newPath)
- def __enter__ (self):
- self.savedPath = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(self.newPath)
- def __exit__ (self, etype, value, traceback):
- os.chdir(self.savedPath)
-def fileFile (spf, dVars):
- return Template(open(spf, "r", encoding="utf-8").read()).safe_substitute(dVars)
-def copyAndFileTemplate (spfSrc, spfDst, dVars):
- s = Template(open(spfSrc, "r", encoding="utf-8").read()).safe_substitute(dVars)
- open(spfDst, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n").write(s)
-def addFolderToZipAndFileFile (hZip, spSrc, spDst, dVars, bRecursive):
- # recursive function
- spSrc = spSrc.strip("/ ")
- spDst = spDst.strip("/ ")
- for sf in os.listdir(spSrc):
- spfSrc = (spSrc + "/" + sf).strip("/ ")
- spfDst = (spDst + "/" + sf).strip("/ ")
- if os.path.isdir(spfSrc):
- if bRecursive:
- addFolderToZipAndFileFile(hZip, spfSrc, spfDst, dVars, bRecursive)
- else:
- if spfSrc.endswith((".css", ".js", ".xcu", ".xul", ".rdf", ".dtd", ".properties")):
- #print(spfSrc + " > " + spfDst)
- hZip.writestr(spfDst, fileFile(spfSrc, dVars))
- else:
- #print(spfSrc + " > " + spfDst)
- hZip.write(spfSrc, spfDst)
-def unzip (spfZip, spDest, bCreatePath=False):
- if spDest:
- if bCreatePath and not os.path.exists(spDest):
- dir_util.mkpath(spDest)
- print("> unzip in: "+ spDest)
- spInstall = os.path.abspath(spDest)
- if os.path.isdir(spInstall):
- eraseFolder(spInstall)
- with zipfile.ZipFile(spfZip) as hZip:
- hZip.extractall(spDest)
- else:
- print("# folder not found")
- else:
- print("path destination is empty")
-def eraseFolder (sp):
- # recursive!!!
- for sf in os.listdir(sp):
- spf = sp + "/" + sf
- if os.path.isdir(spf):
- eraseFolder(spf)
- else:
- try:
- os.remove(spf)
- except:
- print("%s not removed" % spf)
-def createCleanFolder (sp):
- if not os.path.exists(sp):
- dir_util.mkpath(sp)
- else:
- eraseFolder(sp)
def getConfig (sLang):
xConfig = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
xConfig.optionxform = str
@@ -155,37 +78,37 @@
# Package and parser
copyGrammalectePyPackageInZipFile(hZip, spLangPack, dVars['py_binary_dic'], "pythonpath/")
hZip.write("", "pythonpath/")
# Extension files
- hZip.writestr("META-INF/manifest.xml", fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/manifest.xml", dVars))
- hZip.writestr("description.xml", fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/description.xml", dVars))
- hZip.writestr("Linguistic.xcu", fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/Linguistic.xcu", dVars))
- hZip.writestr("", fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("META-INF/manifest.xml", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/manifest.xml", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("description.xml", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/description.xml", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("Linguistic.xcu", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/Linguistic.xcu", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/", dVars))
for sf in dVars["extras"].split(","):
- hZip.writestr(sf.strip(), fileFile(spLang + '/' + sf.strip(), dVars))
+ hZip.writestr(sf.strip(), helpers.fileFile(spLang + '/' + sf.strip(), dVars))
if "logo" in dVars.keys() and dVars["logo"].strip():
hZip.write(spLang + '/' + dVars["logo"].strip(), dVars["logo"].strip())
# options dialog within LO/OO options panel (legacy)
- #hZip.writestr("pythonpath/", fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/", dVars))
+ #hZip.writestr("pythonpath/", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/", dVars))
#lLineOptions = open(spLang + "/options.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8").readlines()
#dialog_bundled.c(dVars["implname"], lLineOptions, hZip, dVars["lang"])
# options dialog
- hZip.writestr("pythonpath/", fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("pythonpath/", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/", dVars))
hZip.write("gc_core/py/oxt/", "pythonpath/")
# options dialog within Writer options panel
dVars["xdl_dialog_options"] = createDialogOptionsXDL(dVars)
dVars["xcs_options"] = "\n".join([ '' for sOpt in dVars["dOptPython"] ])
dVars["xcu_label_values"] = "\n".join([ '' + dVars["dOptLabel"][sLang]["__optiontitle__"] + '' for sLang in dVars["dOptLabel"] ])
- hZip.writestr("dialog/options_page.xdl", fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/options_page.xdl", dVars))
- hZip.writestr("dialog/OptionsDialog.xcs", fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/OptionsDialog.xcs", dVars))
- hZip.writestr("dialog/OptionsDialog.xcu", fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/OptionsDialog.xcu", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("dialog/options_page.xdl", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/options_page.xdl", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("dialog/OptionsDialog.xcs", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/OptionsDialog.xcs", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("dialog/OptionsDialog.xcu", helpers.fileFile("gc_core/py/oxt/OptionsDialog.xcu", dVars))
hZip.writestr("dialog/" + dVars['lang'] + "_en.default", "")
for sLangLbl, dOptLbl in dVars['dOptLabel'].items():
hZip.writestr("dialog/" + dVars['lang'] + "_" + sLangLbl + ".properties", createOptionsLabelProperties(dOptLbl))
@@ -195,11 +118,11 @@
if os.path.isdir(spLang+'/'+spfSrc):
for sf in os.listdir(spLang+'/'+spfSrc):
hZip.write(spLang+'/'+spfSrc+"/"+sf, spfDst+"/"+sf)
if spfSrc.endswith(('.txt', '.py')):
- hZip.writestr(spfDst, fileFile(spLang+'/'+spfSrc, dVars))
+ hZip.writestr(spfDst, helpers.fileFile(spLang+'/'+spfSrc, dVars))
hZip.write(spLang+'/'+spfSrc, spfDst)
@@ -212,82 +135,10 @@
print("# Error: path and filename of unopkg not set in config.ini")
-def createOptionsForFirefox (dVars):
- sHTML = ""
- for sSection, lOpt in dVars['lStructOpt']:
- sHTML += '\n\n
- for lLineOpt in lOpt:
- for sOpt in lLineOpt:
- sHTML += '
- sHTML += '
- # Creating translation data
- dProperties = {}
- for sLang in dVars['dOptLabel'].keys():
- dProperties[sLang] = "\n".join( [ "option_" + sOpt + " = " + dVars['dOptLabel'][sLang][sOpt][0].replace(" [!]", " [!]") for sOpt in dVars['dOptLabel'][sLang] ] )
- return sHTML, dProperties
-def createFirefoxExtension (sLang, dVars):
- "create extension for Firefox"
- print("Building extension for Firefox")
- createCleanFolder("_build/xpi/"+sLang)
- dir_util.copy_tree("gc_lang/"+sLang+"/xpi/", "_build/xpi/"+sLang)
- dir_util.copy_tree("grammalecte-js", "_build/xpi/"+sLang+"/grammalecte")
- sHTML, dProperties = createOptionsForFirefox(dVars)
- dVars['optionsHTML'] = sHTML
- copyAndFileTemplate("_build/xpi/"+sLang+"/data/about_panel.html", "_build/xpi/"+sLang+"/data/about_panel.html", dVars)
- for sLocale in dProperties.keys():
- spfLocale = "_build/xpi/"+sLang+"/locale/"+sLocale+".properties"
- if os.path.exists(spfLocale):
- copyAndFileTemplate(spfLocale, spfLocale, dProperties)
- else:
- print("Locale file not found: " + spfLocale)
- with cd("_build/xpi/"+sLang):
- os.system("jpm xpi")
-def createOptionsForThunderbird (dVars):
- dVars['sXULTabs'] = ""
- dVars['sXULTabPanels'] = ""
- # dialog options
- for sSection, lOpt in dVars['lStructOpt']:
- dVars['sXULTabs'] += ' \n'
- dVars['sXULTabPanels'] += ' \n \n'
- for lLineOpt in lOpt:
- for sOpt in lLineOpt:
- dVars['sXULTabPanels'] += ' \n'
- dVars['sXULTabPanels'] += ' \n'
- # translation data
- for sLang in dVars['dOptLabel'].keys():
- dVars['gc_options_labels_'+sLang] = "\n".join( [ "' for sOpt in dVars['dOptLabel'][sLang] ] )
- return dVars
-def createThunderbirdExtension (sLang, dVars, spLangPack):
- "create extension for Thunderbird"
- print("Building extension for Thunderbird")
- sExtensionName = dVars['tb_identifier'] + "-v" + dVars['version'] + '.xpi'
- spfZip = "_build/" + sExtensionName
- hZip = zipfile.ZipFile(spfZip, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
- copyGrammalecteJSPackageInZipFile(hZip, spLangPack, dVars['js_binary_dic'])
- for spf in ["LICENSE.txt", ""]:
- hZip.write(spf)
- dVars = createOptionsForThunderbird(dVars)
- addFolderToZipAndFileFile(hZip, "gc_lang/"+sLang+"/tb", "", dVars, True)
- hZip.write("gc_lang/"+sLang+"/xpi/gce_worker.js", "worker/gce_worker.js")
- spDict = "gc_lang/"+sLang+"/xpi/data/dictionaries"
- for sp in os.listdir(spDict):
- if os.path.isdir(spDict+"/"+sp):
- hZip.write(spDict+"/"+sp+"/"+sp+".dic", "content/dictionaries/"+sp+"/"+sp+".dic")
- hZip.write(spDict+"/"+sp+"/"+sp+".aff", "content/dictionaries/"+sp+"/"+sp+".aff")
- hZip.close()
- unzip(spfZip, dVars['tb_debug_extension_path'])
def createServerOptions (sLang, dOptData):
with open("server_options."+sLang+".ini", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as hDst:
hDst.write("# Server options. Lang: " + sLang + "\n\n[gc_options]\n")
for sSection, lOpt in dOptData["lStructOpt"]:
@@ -305,11 +156,11 @@
hZip = zipfile.ZipFile(spfZip, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
copyGrammalectePyPackageInZipFile(hZip, spLangPack, dVars['py_binary_dic'])
for spf in ["", "", "", "server_options._global.ini", "server_options."+sLang+".ini", \
"README.txt", "LICENSE.txt", ""]:
- hZip.writestr("", fileFile("gc_lang/fr/", dVars))
+ hZip.writestr("", helpers.fileFile("gc_lang/fr/", dVars))
def copyGrammalectePyPackageInZipFile (hZip, spLangPack, sDicName, sAddPath=""):
for sf in os.listdir("grammalecte"):
if not os.path.isdir("grammalecte/"+sf):
@@ -317,20 +168,10 @@
for sf in os.listdir(spLangPack):
if not os.path.isdir(spLangPack+"/"+sf):
hZip.write(spLangPack+"/"+sf, sAddPath+spLangPack+"/"+sf)
hZip.write("grammalecte/_dictionaries/"+sDicName, sAddPath+"grammalecte/_dictionaries/"+sDicName)
-def copyGrammalecteJSPackageInZipFile (hZip, spLangPack, sDicName, sAddPath=""):
- for sf in os.listdir("grammalecte-js"):
- if not os.path.isdir("grammalecte-js/"+sf):
- hZip.write("grammalecte-js/"+sf, sAddPath+"grammalecte-js/"+sf)
- for sf in os.listdir(spLangPack):
- if not os.path.isdir(spLangPack+"/"+sf):
- hZip.write(spLangPack+"/"+sf, sAddPath+spLangPack+"/"+sf)
- hZip.write("grammalecte-js/_dictionaries/"+sDicName, sAddPath+"grammalecte-js/_dictionaries/"+sDicName)
def create (sLang, xConfig, bInstallOXT, bJavaScript):
oNow =
print("============== MAKE GRAMMALECTE [{0}] at {1.hour:>2} h {1.minute:>2} min {1.second:>2} s ==============".format(sLang, oNow))
@@ -362,14 +203,14 @@
dVars["plugins"] = sCodePlugins
spLangPack = "grammalecte/"+sLang
- createCleanFolder(spLangPack)
+ helpers.createCleanFolder(spLangPack)
for sf in os.listdir("gc_core/py/lang_core"):
if not os.path.isdir("gc_core/py/lang_core/"+sf):
- copyAndFileTemplate("gc_core/py/lang_core/"+sf, spLangPack+"/"+sf, dVars)
+ helpers.copyAndFileTemplate("gc_core/py/lang_core/"+sf, spLangPack+"/"+sf, dVars)
print("+ Modules: ", end="")
for sf in os.listdir(spLang+"/modules"):
if not sf.startswith("gce_"):
file_util.copy_file(spLang+"/modules/"+sf, spLangPack)
print(sf, end=", ")
@@ -400,32 +241,37 @@
# options data struct
dVars["dOptJavaScript"] = json.dumps(list(dVars["dOptJavaScript"].items()))
# create folder
spLangPack = "grammalecte-js/"+sLang
- createCleanFolder(spLangPack)
+ helpers.createCleanFolder(spLangPack)
# create files
for sf in os.listdir("gc_core/js"):
if not os.path.isdir("gc_core/js/"+sf) and sf.startswith("jsex_"):
dVars[sf[5:-3]] = open("gc_core/js/"+sf, "r", encoding="utf-8").read()
for sf in os.listdir("gc_core/js"):
if not os.path.isdir("gc_core/js/"+sf) and not sf.startswith("jsex_"):
- copyAndFileTemplate("gc_core/js/"+sf, "grammalecte-js/"+sf, dVars)
+ helpers.copyAndFileTemplate("gc_core/js/"+sf, "grammalecte-js/"+sf, dVars)
open("grammalecte-js/WARNING.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n").write(sWarningMessage)
for sf in os.listdir("gc_core/js/lang_core"):
if not os.path.isdir("gc_core/js/lang_core/"+sf) and sf.startswith("gc_"):
- copyAndFileTemplate("gc_core/js/lang_core/"+sf, spLangPack+"/"+sf, dVars)
+ helpers.copyAndFileTemplate("gc_core/js/lang_core/"+sf, spLangPack+"/"+sf, dVars)
print("+ Modules: ", end="")
for sf in os.listdir(spLang+"/modules-js"):
if not sf.startswith("gce_"):
- copyAndFileTemplate(spLang+"/modules-js/"+sf, spLangPack+"/"+sf, dVars)
+ helpers.copyAndFileTemplate(spLang+"/modules-js/"+sf, spLangPack+"/"+sf, dVars)
print(sf, end=", ")
- createFirefoxExtension(sLang, dVars)
- createThunderbirdExtension(sLang, dVars, spLangPack)
+ build_module = None
+ try:
+ build_module = importlib.import_module("gc_lang."+sLang+".build")
+ except ImportError:
+ print("# No complementary builder in folder gc_lang/"+sLang)
+ if build_module:
+, dVars, spLangPack)
return dVars['version']
def main ():
@@ -453,23 +299,23 @@
dVars = xConfig._sections['args']
# copy gc_core common file in Python now to be able to compile dictionary if required
for sf in os.listdir("gc_core/py"):
if not os.path.isdir("gc_core/py/"+sf):
- copyAndFileTemplate("gc_core/py/"+sf, "grammalecte/"+sf, dVars)
+ helpers.copyAndFileTemplate("gc_core/py/"+sf, "grammalecte/"+sf, dVars)
open("grammalecte/WARNING.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n").write(sWarningMessage)
# build data
- build_module = None
+ build_data_module = None
if xArgs.build_data:
# lang data
- build_module = importlib.import_module("gc_lang."+sLang+".build_data")
+ build_data_module = importlib.import_module("gc_lang."+sLang+".build_data")
except ImportError:
print("# Error. Couldn’t import file in folder gc_lang/"+sLang)
- if build_module:
- build_module.before('gc_lang/'+sLang, dVars, xArgs.javascript)
+ if build_data_module:
+ build_data_module.before('gc_lang/'+sLang, dVars, xArgs.javascript)
if xArgs.dict or not os.path.exists("grammalecte/_dictionaries"):
import grammalecte.dawg as fsa
from grammalecte.ibdawg import IBDAWG
# fsa builder
oDAWG = fsa.DAWG(dVars['lexicon_src'], dVars['lang_name'], dVars['stemming_method'])
@@ -479,12 +325,12 @@
if xArgs.javascript:
oDic = IBDAWG(dVars['py_binary_dic'])
- if build_module:
- build_module.after('gc_lang/'+sLang, dVars, xArgs.javascript)
+ if build_data_module:
+ build_data_module.after('gc_lang/'+sLang, dVars, xArgs.javascript)
# make
sVersion = create(sLang, xConfig, xArgs.install, xArgs.javascript, )
# tests
@@ -503,11 +349,11 @@
hDst = open("./gc_lang/"+sLang+"/perf_memo.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") if xArgs.perf_memo else None
tests.perf(sVersion, hDst)
# Firefox
if xArgs.firefox:
- with cd("_build/xpi/"+sLang):
+ with"_build/xpi/"+sLang):
os.system("jpm run -b nightly")
# Thunderbird
if xArgs.thunderbird:
os.system("thunderbird -jsconsole -P debug")